1,342 research outputs found

    Stage-specific action of matrix metalloproteinases influences progressive hereditary kidney disease.

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    BackgroundGlomerular basement membrane (GBM), a key component of the blood-filtration apparatus in the in the kidney, is formed through assembly of type IV collagen with laminins, nidogen, and sulfated proteoglycans. Mutations or deletions involving alpha3(IV), alpha4(IV), or alpha5(IV) chains of type IV collagen in the GBM have been identified as the cause for Alport syndrome in humans, a progressive hereditary kidney disease associated with deafness. The pathological mechanisms by which such mutations lead to eventual kidney failure are not completely understood.Methods and findingsWe showed that increased susceptibility of defective human Alport GBM to proteolytic degradation is mediated by three different matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)--MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9--which influence the progression of renal dysfunction in alpha3(IV)-/- mice, a model for human Alport syndrome. Genetic ablation of either MMP-2 or MMP-9, or both MMP-2 and MMP-9, led to compensatory up-regulation of other MMPs in the kidney glomerulus. Pharmacological ablation of enzymatic activity associated with multiple GBM-degrading MMPs, before the onset of proteinuria or GBM structural defects in the alpha3(IV)-/- mice, led to significant attenuation in disease progression associated with delayed proteinuria and marked extension in survival. In contrast, inhibition of MMPs after induction of proteinuria led to acceleration of disease associated with extensive interstitial fibrosis and early death of alpha3(IV)-/- mice.ConclusionsThese results suggest that preserving GBM/extracellular matrix integrity before the onset of proteinuria leads to significant disease protection, but if this window of opportunity is lost, MMP-inhibition at the later stages of Alport disease leads to accelerated glomerular and interstitial fibrosis. Our findings identify a crucial dual role for MMPs in the progression of Alport disease in alpha3(IV)-/- mice, with an early pathogenic function and a later protective action. Hence, we propose possible use of MMP-inhibitors as disease-preventive drugs for patients with Alport syndrome with identified genetic defects, before the onset of proteinuria

    Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) stimulates the growth of human bone marrow stromal cells

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    This study reports that TNF-α is a potent mitogen for human bone marrow sternal cells in vitro (assessed by [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA and cell counts). In contrast, cytokines such as IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, LIF, SCF, M-CSF, G-CSF and GM-CSF had no effect. The effect of TNF-α on the growth of human bone marrow stromal cells could be of importance during inflammatory processes which take place in the marrow, for example marrow fibrosis

    Carcinoma of the oesophagus

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    Estudio Experimental de Probetas de Hormigón Confinadas con Materiales Compuestos

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    There are a number of situations where it may become necessary to enhance the load-carrying capacity of elements subjected to compression loads like columns and bridge piles. External reinforcement with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) appeared with very good results and its use has increased in the last years. The behaviour of simple and reinforced concrete cylinders confined with FRP and subjected to axial load is assessed experimentally in this paper. Axial stress and strain diagram and failure modes for both kind of specimens, simple and reinforced concrete are analyzed. In both cases FRP external reinforcement increases cylinders resistance and induces ductility, confining and containing the concrete after its failure. Comparisons between experimental maximum compression strength values and predictions using empirical models by different authors are also presentedExisten numerosas situaciones en las que es necesario mejorar la capacidad portante de elementos sometidos a solicitaciones de compresión, como columnas y pilas de puentes. El refuerzo externo con polímeros reforzados con fibras (PRF) surgió como una solución que ha dado muy buenos resultados y cuya aplicación se ha incrementado en los últimos años. En este trabajo se evalúa experimentalmente el comportamiento de probetas cilíndricas de hormigón simple y hormigón armado confinadas externamente con PRF y sometidas a carga axial. Se analiza la respuesta tensióndeformación axial y modos de falla, para ambos tipos de especímenes, hormigón simple y armado. En ambos casos el refuerzo externo de PRF incrementa la resistencia y confiere ductilidad a las probetas, confinando al hormigón y conteniéndolo luego de su falla. Se presentan también comparaciones entre valores experimentales de resistencia máxima a compresión y estimaciones realizadas a partir de modelos empíricos de diferentes autores

    Colorectal neuroendocrine carcinomas and adenocarcinomas share oncogenic pathways. A clinico-pathologic study of 12 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: Neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) are rare neoplasms with an increasing incidence. Oncogenetic pathways of colorectal NEC are still poorly understood, and no treatment standards are available for these rare tumors. METHODS: We analyzed retrospectively the clinical records and histology of 12 patients with colorectal NEC. KRAS and BRAF mutations were investigated after the dissection of exoendocrine and neuroendocrine components. ALK alterations and EML4-ALK transcripts were detected by in-situ hybridization and determination of fusion transcripts, respectively. RESULTS: At the time of diagnosis, the mean age of the patients was 60 years (40-79) and 10 patients had synchronous metastases. A transient response occurred in two patients and one patient treated with cisplatin-etoposide or fluoropyrimidine-oxaliplatin, respectively. Tumor progression-related death occurred in 11 of 12 patients. Ten tumors contained an exocrine component, accounting for 5-70% of the tumor, and the other two contained an amphicrine component. BRAF/KRAS mutations were found in six of 10 tumors, corresponding to BRAF(V600E) (n=2) or KRAS(G12D) (n=2), KRAS(G12V) or KRAS(G13D). DNA was obtained from both exocrine and endocrine components in seven cases, and the BRAF/KRAS status was identical in all cases. Split of the ALK locus was detected in a minority of tumor cells in two of eight cases, but EML4-ALK transcripts were absent. CONCLUSION: The association of an exocrine component in all cases and the similar profile of BRAF/KRAS mutations indicate that colorectal NEC may correspond to a high-grade transformation of colorectal carcinoma. New chemotherapy regimens using targeted therapies should be assessed in these tumors