340 research outputs found

    The Refractory-to-Ice Mass Ratio in Comets

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    We review the complex relationship between the dust-to-gas mass ratio usually estimated in the material lost by comets, and the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus, which constrains the origin of comets. Such a relationship is dominated by the mass transfer from the perihelion erosion to fallout over most of the nucleus surface. This makes the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus up to ten times larger than the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the lost material, because the lost material is missing most of the refractories which were inside the pristine nucleus before the erosion. We review the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratios available for the comet nuclei visited by space missions, and for the Kuiper Belt Objects with well defined bulk density, finding the 1-σ lower limit of 3. Therefore, comets and KBOs may have less water than CI-chondrites, as predicted by models of comet formation by the gravitational collapse of cm-sized pebbles driven by streaming instabilities in the protoplanetary disc

    Photometry of the Oort Cloud comet C/2009 P1(Garradd): pre-perihelion observations at 5.7 and 2.5 AU

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the characterization of the general properties of the Long Period Comets (LPCs) family, and in particular to report on the dust environment of comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd). The comet was observed at two epochs pre-perihelion, at ~6 AU and at ~2.5 AU: broad-band images have been used to investigate its coma morphology and properties and to model the dust production rate. Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) is one of the most active and “dust producing” LPCs ever observed, even at the large heliocentric distance rh~6 AU. Its coma presents a complex morphology, with subtle structures underlying the classical fan-shaped tail, and, at rh~2.5 AU, also jet-like structures and spiralling outflows. In the reference aperture of radius ρ=5°×104 km, the R-Afρ is 3693±156 cm and 6368±412 cm, in August 2010 (rh~6 AU) and July 2011 (rh~2.5 AU), respectively. The application of a first order photometric model, under realistic assumptions on grain geometric albedo, power-law dust size distribution, phase darkening function and grain dust outflow velocity, yielded a measure of the dust production rate for the two epochs of observation of Qd=7.27×102 kg/s and Qd=1.37×103 kg/s, respectively, for a reference outflow dust velocity of vsmall=25 m/s for small (0.1–10 µm) grains and vlarge=1 m/s for large (10 µm–1 cm) grains. These results suggest that comet Garradd is one of the most active minor bodies observed in recent years, highly contributing to the continuous replenishment of the Interplanetary Dust Complex also in the outer Solar System, and pose important constraints on the mechanism(s) driving the cometary activity at large heliocentric distances

    Ultraviolet Spectral Changes in Amorphous Carbon Grains Induced by Ion Irradiation

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    Small carbon grains, processed by UV radiation and cosmic rays, have been proposed as carriers of the 217.5 nm bump present in the interstellar extinction curves (Hecht 1986; Sorrell 1990). In this paper, we present the results of an experiment aimed at simulating, in a -rst approximation, the cosmic-ray irradiation active in space. We have studied the e†ects induced by 3 keV Heions on the UV spectrum of small cosmic analog carbon grains. Two di†erent kinds of grains have been analyzed. They were produced by vapor conden- sation in hydrogen and argon quenching atmospheres. Spectrophotometric measurements have been carried out on grains as they were produced and after ion irradiation in the spectral range 0.19E2 km. Relevant UV spectral changes are observed after ion irradiation: while the UV absorption band shifts from 203 to 215 nm in hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains, an opposite trend is observed for the samples produced in the argon atmosphere. In this case the UV band moves from 240 to 218 nm. These spectral changes are well correlated with the optical gap variations and are therefore interpreted in terms of grain microstructure changes induced by the interactions with ions. At the highest ion Nuence considered, the two carbons tend to have a similar microstructure, as testi-ed by the UV peak position and optical gap values because of a saturation e†ect of the two competitive processes, amorphization and graphitization, which occur in carbon samples during ion irradiation (Compagnini & Calcagno 1996). The results of the present experiment suggest that hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains cannot be transformed into graphite grains by cosmic-ray irradiation. Moreover, the efficiency of ion irradiation in destroying well-ordered aromatic structures poses the problem of the survival itself of polycrystalline or pure graphite particles in the interstellar medium. Subject headings: cosmic rays E dust, extinction E methods: laboratory E ultraviolet: IS

    A Kalman filter single point positioning for maritime applications using a smartphone

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    Different positioning techniques have been largely adopted for maritime applications that require high accuracy kinematic positioning. The main objective of the paper is the performance assessment of a Single Point Positioning algorithm (SPP), with a Kalman filter (KF) estimator, adapted for maritime applications. The KF has been chosen as estimation technique due to the ability to consider both the state vector dynamic and the measurements. Particularly, in order to compute an accurate vertical component of the position, suitable for maritime applications, the KF settings have been modified by tuning the covariance matrix of the process noise. The algorithm is developed in Matlab environment and tested using multi-GNSS single-frequency raw data, collected by a smartphone located on board a moving ship. The algorithm performance evaluation is carried out in position domain and the results show an enhancement of meter order on vertical component compared to the classical SPP based on Least Square estimation technique. In addition, different GNSSs configurations are considered to verify the benefits of their integration in terms of accuracy, solution availability and geometry

    On the similarity of dust flows in the inner coma of comets

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    The atmosphere of a comet is formed by the sublimation, due to solar illumination, of its volatile component and the dust particles ejected from its nucleus and entrained by the gas flow. Contemporary dusty-gas coma models take into account numerous physical processes occurring in the coma and a complex geometry of the nucleus. For the description of the dusty-gas flow in the coma, such models introduce a large number of governing parameters characterizing physical properties and processes. The relative role of these processes is not easy to ascribe therefore a relevant inter-comparison of model results becomes difficult. The present work introduces a set of universal, dimensionless parameters, which characterize the dust motion in the inner cometary coma. This approach allows one to: (i) reduce the number of parameters for analysis; (ii) reveal dust flows similarities; (iii) rescale the available numerical solutions. The present work demonstrates application of this approach to a realistic coma model. Description of dust motion with dimensionless parameters allows us to make a parametric study for a broad range of conditions and to find simple analytic approximations (via a polynomial function) of the numerical results suitable for rough estimations of dust density in the coma

    Sea state monitoring by ship motion measurements onboard a research ship in the antarctic waters

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    A parametric wave spectrum resembling procedure is applied to detect the sea state parameters, namely the wave peak period and significant wave height, based on the measurement and analysis of the heave and pitch motions of a vessel in a seaway, recorded by a smartphone located onboard the ship. The measurement system makes it possible to determine the heave and pitch acceleration spectra of the reference ship in the encounter frequency domain and, subsequently, the absolute sea spectra once the ship motion transfer functions are provided. The measurements have been carried out onboard the research ship “Laura Bassi”, during the oceanographic campaign in the Antarctic Ocean carried out in January and February 2020. The resembled sea spectra are compared with the weather forecast data, provided by the global-WAM (GWAM) model, in order to validate the sea spectrum resembling procedure