38 research outputs found

    Klinische Epidemiologie maligner gynäkologischer Tumoren

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    Die systematische Erfassung aller Patientinnen und Patienten im Einzugsgebiet des Tumorregisters München ermöglicht die bevölkerungsbezogene Aufarbeitung von Fragestellungen zur klinischen Epidemiologie von Krebserkrankungen. Neben der routinemäßigen Berechnung von Inzidenz- und Mortalitätsraten, der Aufbereitung von Ergebnissen zu Prognosefaktoren und Therapien sowie der Auswertung von Progressions- und Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten, ergeben sich aus dem aktuellen Forschungsstand heraus je nach Tumordiagnose verschiedene Fragestellungen. Dies führte zur Veröffentlichung zweier Publikationen aus dem Bereich der klinischen Epidemiologie gynäkologischer Tumoren. 1. Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: a populations-based comparison of the prognostic factors and outcome. 2. Trends in surgery and outcomes of squamous cell vulvar cancer patients over a 16-year period (1998–2013): a population-based analysis.The systematic recording of all cancer patients in the area of the Munich Cancer Registry (MCR) offers the possibility to analyse population-based data in clinical cancer epidemiology. In addition to the routine calculation of incidence and mortality rates, the analysis of prognostic factors and therapies, as well as the evaluation of progression and survival probabilities, current scientific questions evolve from research depending on the tumour site. This led to two publications in clinical epidemiology of gynaecologic tumours. 1. Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: a populations-based comparison of the prognostic factors and outcome. 2. Trends in surgery and outcomes of squamous cell vulvar cancer patients over a 16-year period (1998–2013): a population-based analysis

    Klinische Epidemiologie maligner gynäkologischer Tumoren

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    Die systematische Erfassung aller Patientinnen und Patienten im Einzugsgebiet des Tumorregisters München ermöglicht die bevölkerungsbezogene Aufarbeitung von Fragestellungen zur klinischen Epidemiologie von Krebserkrankungen. Neben der routinemäßigen Berechnung von Inzidenz- und Mortalitätsraten, der Aufbereitung von Ergebnissen zu Prognosefaktoren und Therapien sowie der Auswertung von Progressions- und Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten, ergeben sich aus dem aktuellen Forschungsstand heraus je nach Tumordiagnose verschiedene Fragestellungen. Dies führte zur Veröffentlichung zweier Publikationen aus dem Bereich der klinischen Epidemiologie gynäkologischer Tumoren. 1. Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: a populations-based comparison of the prognostic factors and outcome. 2. Trends in surgery and outcomes of squamous cell vulvar cancer patients over a 16-year period (1998–2013): a population-based analysis.The systematic recording of all cancer patients in the area of the Munich Cancer Registry (MCR) offers the possibility to analyse population-based data in clinical cancer epidemiology. In addition to the routine calculation of incidence and mortality rates, the analysis of prognostic factors and therapies, as well as the evaluation of progression and survival probabilities, current scientific questions evolve from research depending on the tumour site. This led to two publications in clinical epidemiology of gynaecologic tumours. 1. Cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum: a populations-based comparison of the prognostic factors and outcome. 2. Trends in surgery and outcomes of squamous cell vulvar cancer patients over a 16-year period (1998–2013): a population-based analysis

    Diagnose mathematischer Kompetenzen als Gegenstand Forschenden Lernens im Praxissemester

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    Diagnostische Kompetenzen stellen ein zentrales Element professioneller Lehrerkompetenzen dar. Diese umfassen sowohl die Auswahl und DurchfĂĽhrung geeigneter Diagnoseinstrumente, als auch die Entwicklung neuer inhaltsspezifischer Aufgaben mit diagnostischem Potenzial sowie die gezielte Beobachtung mathematischer Lernprozesse. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich auf theoretischer Ebene mit den Aspekten Diagnostische Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften sowie Diagnose mathematischer Kompetenzen von SchĂĽlerinnen und SchĂĽlern auseinander. Ferner wird im Beitrag dargelegt, wie das Fach Mathematische Grundbildung Studierende bei der Entwicklung einer forschenden Grundhaltung sowie bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von geeigneten Projektideen zur mathematischen Diagnostik im Praxissemester unterstĂĽtzt. Ergänzend werden ausgewählte Beispiele zu bereits durchgefĂĽhrten Studienprojekten in diesem Bereich vorgestellt, um unterschiedliche Facetten von mathematischer Diagnostik zu illustrieren.Diagnostic competencies are a central element of teacher’s professional competencies. They comprise the selection and administration of appropriate assessment instruments, the development of new content-specific tasks which have  diagnostic  potential  as  well  as  the observation of  mathematical  processes. This article theoretically looks into  approaches for the assessment of children’s mathematical  competencies  and  into  teachers’  diagnostic  competencies.  Furthermore, this article aims at demonstrating how the preservice teachers’ development towards a research-oriented tenor as well as the development and implementation  of  diagnostic-based  project  ideas  are  fostered  in  mathematics education.  Additionally,  we  present  two  examples  of  study  projects  in  this  domain in order to illustrate the various facets of mathematical assessment

    H3K4me3 Is a Potential Mediator for Antiproliferative Effects of Calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3) in Ovarian Cancer Biology

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    Abstract Posttranslational histone modification plays an important role in tumorigenesis. Histone modification is a dynamic response of chromatin to various signals, such as the exposure to calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3). Recent studies suggested that histone modification levels could be used to predict patient outcomes in various cancers. Our study evaluated the expression level of histone 3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) in a cohort of 156 epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cases by immunohistochemical staining and analyzed its correlation to patient prognosis. The influence of 1α,25(OH)2D3 on the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells was measured by BrdU proliferation assay in vitro. We could show that higher levels of H3K4me3 were correlated with improved overall survival (median overall survival (OS) not reached vs. 37.0 months, p = 0.047) and identified H3K4me3 as a potential prognostic factor for the present cohort. Ovarian cancer cell 1α,25(OH)2D3 treatment induced H3K4me3 protein expression and exhibited antiproliferative effects. By this, the study suggests a possible impact of H3K4me3 expression on EOC progression as well as its relation to calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3) treatment. These results may serve as an explanation on how 1α,25(OH)2D3 mediates its known antiproliferative effects. In addition, they further underline the potential benefit of 1α,25(OH)2D3 supplementation in context of ovarian cancer care

    The ARID1A, p53 and Ăź-Catenin statuses are strong prognosticators in clear cell and endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary and the endometrium

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    AIM The objective of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of ARID1A, p53, p21, p16 and Ăź-Catenin in endometrioid and clear cell ovarian and endometrial carcinomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS 97 tumors were available for analysis of ARID1A, p53, p21, p16 and Ăź-Catenin with the techniques of tissue microarray and immunohistochemistry. 32 were ovarian carcinomas and 65 were endometrial carcinomas. RESULTS Endometrioid ovarian carcinomas showed negative staining for ARID1A (a) and p21 (b), aberrant expression of p53 (c) and p16 (d) and Ăź-Catenin positive nuclear expression (e) respectively in 19% (a), 100% (b), 28.6% (c), 52.4% (d) and 4.8% (e) of all cases. In the group of clear cell ovarian carcinomas it was 63.6% (a), 100% (b), 81.8% (c), 54.5% (d) and 0% (e). For endometrioid uterine carcinomas it was 75.7% (a), 94.9% (b), 30.5% (c), 52.1% (d) and 6.8% (e) and for clear cell uterine carcinomas it was 8.6% (a), 100% (b), 50% (c), 100% (d) and 0% (e). Survival analysis showed that negative expression of ARID1A, p53 aberrant expression and Ăź-Catenin nuclear positive staining are independent negative prognosticators in both, clear cell and endometrioid carcinoma, regardless of ovarian or uterine origin. Cox-Regression analysis showed them again as negative prognostic factors. Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between ARID1A and Ăź-Catenin expression in endometrioid uterine tumors. CONCLUSION The analyzed gynaecological carcinoma showed a distinct expression scheme of proteins that are associated with tumor suppression. We may conclude that ARID1A, p53 and Ăź-Catenin are the strongest prognostic factors by analyzing a subgroup of tumor suppressor genes in clear cell and endometrioid subtypes of ovarian and endometrial cancer and may be used along with traditional morphological and clinical characteristics for prognosis

    The G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER) Regulates Trimethylation of Histone H3 at Lysine 4 and Represses Migration and Proliferation of Ovarian Cancer Cells In Vitro

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    Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) is one of the most recognized epigenetic regulators of transcriptional activity representing, an epigenetic modification of Histone H3. Previous reports have suggested that the broad H3K4me3 domain can be considered as an epigenetic signature for tumor-suppressor genes in human cells. G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), a new membrane-bound estrogen receptor, acts as an inhibitor on cell growth via epigenetic regulation in breast and ovarian cancer cells. This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship of GPER and H3K4me3 in ovarian cancer tissue samples as well as in two different cell lines (Caov3 and Caov4). Silencing of GPER by a specific siRNA and two selective regulators with agonistic (G1) and antagonistic (G15) activity were applied for consecutive in vitro studies to investigate their impacts on tumor cell growth and the changes in phosphorylated ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2) and H3K4me3. We found a positive correlation between GPER and H3K4me3 expression in ovarian cancer patients. Patients overexpressing GPER as well as H3K4me3 had significantly improved overall survival. Increased H3K4me3 and p-ERK1/2 levels and attenuated cell proliferation and migration were observed in Caov3 and Caov4 cells via activation of GPER by G1. Conversely, antagonizing GPER activity by G15 resulted in opposite effects in the Caov4 cell line. In conclusion, interaction of GPER and H3K4me3 appears to be of prognostic significance for ovarian cancer patients. The results of the in vitro analyses confirm the biological rationale for their interplay and identify GPER agonists, such as G1, as a potential therapeutic approach for future investigations

    Aufbau von Grundvorstellungen im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht-Erfahrungen aus der Bielefelder Beratungsstelle für Kinder mit Rechenstörungen

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    Rottmann T. Aufbau von Grundvorstellungen im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht-Erfahrungen aus der Bielefelder Beratungsstelle für Kinder mit Rechenstörungen. In: Peter-Koop A, Rottmann T, Lüken M, eds. Inklusiver Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule . Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2015: 75-89

    Diagnose mathematischer Kompetenzen als Gegenstand Forschenden Lernens im Praxissemester

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    Diagnostische Kompetenzen stellen ein zentrales Element professioneller Lehrerkompetenzen dar. Diese umfassen sowohl die Auswahl und Durchführung geeigneter Diagnoseinstrumente, als auch die Entwicklung neuer inhaltsspezifischer Aufgaben mit diagnostischem Potenzial sowie die gezielte Beobachtung mathematischer Lernprozesse. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich auf theoretischer Ebene mit den Aspekten Diagnostische Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften sowie Diagnose mathematischer Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern auseinander. Ferner wird im Beitrag dargelegt, wie das Fach Mathematische Grundbildung Studierende bei der Entwicklung einer forschenden Grundhaltung sowie bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von geeigneten Projektideen zur mathematischen Diagnostik im Praxissemester unterstützt. Ergänzend werden ausgewählte Beispiele zu bereits durchgeführten Studienprojekten in diesem Bereich vorgestellt, um unterschiedliche Facetten von mathematischer Diagnostik zu illustrieren

    Empirical analysis of the text structure of original research articles in medical journals.

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    Successful publishing of an article depends on several factors, including the structure of the main text, the so-called introduction, methods, results and discussion structure (IMRAD). The first objective of our work is to provide recent results on the number of paragraphs (pars.) per section used in articles published in major medical journals. Our second objective is the investigation of other structural elements, i.e., number of tables, figures and references and the availability of supplementary material. We analyzed data from randomly selected original articles published in years 2005, 2010 and 2015 from the journals The BMJ, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine and PLOS Medicine. Per journal and year 30 articles were investigated. Random effect meta-analyses were performed to provide pooled estimates. The effect of time was analyzed by linear mixed models. All articles followed the IMRAD structure. The number of pars. per section increased for all journals over time with 1.08 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.70-1.46) pars. per every two years. The largest increase was observed for the methods section (0.29 pars. per year; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.19-0.39). PLOS Medicine had the highest number of pars. The number of tables did not change, but number of figures and references increased slightly. Not only the standard IMRAD structure should be used to increase the likelihood for publication of an article but also the general layout of the target journal. Supplementary material has become standard. If no journal-specific information is available, authors should use 3/10/9/8 pars. for the introduction/methods/results/discussion sections

    Gemeinsames Lernen am gemeinsamen Gegenstand als Ziel inklusiven Mathematikunterrichts

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    Rottmann T, Peter-Koop A. Gemeinsames Lernen am gemeinsamen Gegenstand als Ziel inklusiven Mathematikunterrichts. In: Peter-Koop A, Rottmann T, LĂĽken M, eds. Inklusiver Mathematikunterricht in der Grundschule . Offenburg: Mildenberger; 2015: 5-9