363 research outputs found

    Affect and action : contrasting conscious and nonconscious processes

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    (Pro)renin receptor and V-ATPase: from Drosophila to humans

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    A decade ago, the (P)RR [(pro)renin receptor] was discovered and depicted as a potential activator of the tissue renin-angiotensin system. For this reason, the role of the (P)RR in cardiovascular diseases and diabetes has been particularly studied. However, the discovery of embryonic lethality after (P)RR gene deletion in mouse and zebrafish paved the way for additional roles of (P)RR in cell homoeostasis. Indeed, the (P)RR has been shown to associate with vacuolar H+-ATPase, hence its other name ATP6ap2. Developmental studies in Xenopus and Drosophila have revealed an essential role of this association to promote the canonical and non-canonical Wnt signalling pathways, whereas studies with tissue-specific gene deletion have pointed out a role in autophagy. The present review aims to summarize recent findings on the cellular functions of (P)RR emerging from various mutated and transgenic animal models

    Інформативні можливості церковної періодики щодо вивчення групи "Малоросійських козаків" ХІХ ст. (на матеріалах "Черниговских епархиальных известий" та "Полтавских епархиальных ведомостей"

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    В статье рассматривается вопрос об информативных возможностях исследования социальной и бытовой истории, экономики, воспитания и образования группы “малороссийских казаков” в ХІХ ст., изучения их особенностей в сравнении с другими категориями населения Левобережной Украины по материалам “Черниговских епархиальных известий” и “Полтавских епархиальных ведомостей”.This article at the fi st time in historiography recognized information possibilities of Chernigiv’s and Poltava’s “Eparhialnye Vedomosti” in the theme of history, ethnography of the social group named “malorosian cosacks” in XIX century

    Approach, avoidance, and affect:A meta-analysis of approach-avoidance tendencies in manual reaction time tasks

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    Approach action tendencies toward positive stimuli and avoidance tendencies from negative stimuli are widely seen to foster survival. Many studies have shown that approach and avoidance arm movements are facilitated by positive and negative affect, respectively. There is considerable debate whether positively and negatively valenced stimuli prime approach and avoidance movements directly (i.e., immediate, unintentional, implicit, automatic, and stimulus-based), or indirectly (i.e., after conscious or non-conscious interpretation of the situation). The direction and size of these effects were often found to depend on the instructions referring to the stimulus object or the self, and on explicit vs. implicit stimulus evaluation. We present a meta-analysis of 29 studies included for their use of strongly positive and negative stimuli, with 81 effect sizes derived solely from the means and standard deviations (combined N = 1538), to examine the automaticity of the link between affective information processing and approach and avoidance, and to test whether it depends on instruction, type of approach-avoidance task, and stimulus type. Results show a significant small to medium-sized effect after correction for publication bias. The strongest arguments for an indirect link between affect and approach-avoidance were the absence of evidence for an effect with implicit evaluation, and the opposite directions of the effect with self and object-related interpretations. The link appears to be influenced by conscious or non-conscious intentions to deal with affective stimuli

    Healthcare expenditure prediction with neighbourhood variables:A random forest model

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    We investigated the additional predictive value of an individual’s neighbourhood (quality and location), and of changes therein on his/her healthcare costs. To this end, we combined several Dutch nationwide data sources from 2003 to 2014, and selected inhabitants who moved in 2010. We used random forest models to predict the area under the curve of the regular healthcare costs of individuals in the years 2011–2014. In our analyses, the quality of the neighbourhood before the move appeared to be quite important in predicting healthcare costs (i.e. importance rank 11 out of 126 socio-demographic and neighbourhood variables; rank 73 out of 261 in the full model with prior expenditure and medication). The predictive performance of the models was evaluated in terms of R2 (or proportion of explained variance) and MAE (mean absolute (prediction) error). The model containing only socio-demographic information improved marginally when neighbourhood was added (R2 +0.8%, MAE −€5). The full model remained the same for the study population (R2 = 48.8%, MAE of €1556) and for subpopulations. These results indicate that only in prediction models in which prior expenditure and utilization cannot or ought not to be used neighbourhood might be an interesting source of information to improve predictive performance