440 research outputs found

    Estudo da cadeia produtiva do pescado no entorno do Lago de Sobradinho.

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    Situação atual da piscicultura no entorno do lago de Sobradinho; Pontos fortes e fracos, oportunidades e ameaças da cadeia produtiva da piscicultura; Levantamento junto à cadeia produtiva da piscicultura.bitstream/item/200118/1/Cadeia-Produtiva-Piscicultura-2014.pd

    Tipos de Serviços Farmacêuticos Clínicos: O que dizem as Revisões Sistemáticas?

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    Muito vem sendo publicado nos últimos anos em termos de desenhos de novos serviços farmacêuticos clínicos. Predomina hoje incerteza sobre que serviços farmacêuticos apresentam melhores resultados ou são promissores em termos de implementação e adoção pelos profissionais. Além disso, a diversidade de denominações dificulta a padronização de práticas entre farmacêuticos e organizações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os serviços farmacêuticos clínicos avaliados em revisões sistemáticas publicadas e identificar de forma qualitativa os seus componentes principais. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática de revisões sistemáticas, seguindo as recomendações da colaboração Cochrane, na base de dados Medline via Pubmed no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2010. Foram encontrados 343 artigos potencialmente relevantes, dos quais 49 foram incluídos após o processo de seleção. Foram identificadas oito categorias de serviços clínicos, agrupadas segundo o seu objetivo principal: aconselhamento do doente, controlo de fatores de risco, adesão ao tratamento, revisão da farmacoterapia, acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico, elaboração ou aprimoramento da história farmacoterapêutica, informações ao médico e equipa de saúde e prescrição de novos tratamentos. De um modo geral, estes serviços têm como foco a melhoria da qualidade do uso dos medicamentos e dos resultados terapêuticos sob o ponto de vista clínico, humanístico e económico. In the last years, much has been published on the development of new clinical pharmacist services. However, uncertainty persists as to which services show better results or can be successfully implemented by pharmacists. Furthermore, the diversity of designations available hinders practice standardization among practitioners and professional organizations. The aim of this study was to describe clinical pharmacist services assessed by systematic reviews and to qualitatively identify the main categories of the pharmacist intervention. We searched Medline for systematic reviews compiling evidence of the impact of clinical services on patient health outcomes published between 2000 and 2010, following the recommendations of the Cochrane collaboration. The search returned a total of 343 potentially relevant citations, of which 49 studies were included after the selection process. We identified eight categories of clinical services, which were grouped according to their main goals: patient counselling, risk factors prevention and control, adherence/compliance, medication review, pharmacotherapy follow-up, medication reconciliation, information to physicians or the health care team and prescription of new treatments. In general, all services focus on the improvement of the process of use of medicines as well as clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes.

    The temporal relationship between local school closure and increased incidence of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis

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    IMPORTANCE: The incidence of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) increased early in the COVID-19 pandemic, but the relative contribution of behavioral changes and viral-related pathophysiology are unknown. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between school closure date and onset of increased DKA to help clarify the etiology of the increased incidence. DESIGN: A multi-center, quality-controlled Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) database was used to identify the number of admissions to a participating PICU with DKA on each calendar day from 60 days before local school closure to 90 days after, and compared to baseline data from the same periods in 2018-2019. Interrupted time series and multiple linear regression analyses were used to identify admission rates that differed significantly between 2020 and baseline. SETTING: Eighty-one PICUs in the United StatesParticipants: Children ages 29 days to 17 years admitted to a PICU with DKAExposures: Statewide school closureMain outcome/measure: Rate of admission to the PICU for DKA. RESULTS: There were 1936 admissions for children with DKA in 2020 and 1795 admissions/year to those same PICUs in 2018-2019. Demographics and clinical outcomes did not differ before school closure, but pandemic-era patients were less often white and had longer hospital length of stay in the post-school closure period. The difference between 2020 admissions and 2018-2019 admissions was not different than zero before school closure, and significantly higher than zero after school closure, but was significantly increased in 2020 at \u3e30 days after school closure ( CONCLUSIONS/RELEVANCE: An increase in pediatric DKA admissions began one month after school closures. Given that behavioral changes started near school closure dates and viral activity peaked weeks after, this suggests that behavioral factors may not be the primary etiology and it is possible that SARS-CoV-2 infection may have direct effects on pediatric DKA

    Joint PDF modelling of turbulent flow and dispersion in an urban street canyon

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    The joint probability density function (PDF) of turbulent velocity and concentration of a passive scalar in an urban street canyon is computed using a newly developed particle-in-cell Monte Carlo method. Compared to moment closures, the PDF methodology provides the full one-point one-time PDF of the underlying fields containing all higher moments and correlations. The small-scale mixing of the scalar released from a concentrated source at the street level is modelled by the interaction by exchange with the conditional mean (IECM) model, with a micro-mixing time scale designed for geometrically complex settings. The boundary layer along no-slip walls (building sides and tops) is fully resolved using an elliptic relaxation technique, which captures the high anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the Reynolds stress tensor in these regions. A less computationally intensive technique based on wall functions to represent boundary layers and its effect on the solution are also explored. The calculated statistics are compared to experimental data and large-eddy simulation. The present work can be considered as the first example of computation of the full joint PDF of velocity and a transported passive scalar in an urban setting. The methodology proves successful in providing high level statistical information on the turbulence and pollutant concentration fields in complex urban scenarios.Comment: Accepted in Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Feb. 19, 200

    Aspectos tecnológicos para la producción de maíz en Colombia.

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    Se describe de manera general la situación del cultivo de maiz para el año 1988. La superficie cultivada para cada uno de los últimos 10 años, los rendimientos y la producción por departamentos. Igualmente la utilización de insumos y los materiales mejorados disponibles para el semestre A de 1988. Se indican las limitantes tecnológicas y la oferta tecnológica del cultivo. Se relacionan los materiales mejorados disponibles de maiz por regiones y su rendimiento. Se describen los fundamentos tecnológicos del plan de producción de maiz, señalando los Centros de investigación donde se llevará a cabo y los proyectos de investigación que en ellos se adelantarán en el cultivo. Adicionalmente se hace referencia a las acciones de transferencia de tecnología, ajuste tecnológico, divulgación y capacitación y otros servicios técnicos de apoyo disponibles para el plan, así como los recursos y la cooperación internacional requeridaMaíz-Zea may

    Banco clonal de Pinus elliottii var. elliottii.

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    Searching for network modules

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    When analyzing complex networks a key target is to uncover their modular structure, which means searching for a family of modules, namely node subsets spanning each a subnetwork more densely connected than the average. This work proposes a novel type of objective function for graph clustering, in the form of a multilinear polynomial whose coefficients are determined by network topology. It may be thought of as a potential function, to be maximized, taking its values on fuzzy clusterings or families of fuzzy subsets of nodes over which every node distributes a unit membership. When suitably parametrized, this potential is shown to attain its maximum when every node concentrates its all unit membership on some module. The output thus is a partition, while the original discrete optimization problem is turned into a continuous version allowing to conceive alternative search strategies. The instance of the problem being a pseudo-Boolean function assigning real-valued cluster scores to node subsets, modularity maximization is employed to exemplify a so-called quadratic form, in that the scores of singletons and pairs also fully determine the scores of larger clusters, while the resulting multilinear polynomial potential function has degree 2. After considering further quadratic instances, different from modularity and obtained by interpreting network topology in alternative manners, a greedy local-search strategy for the continuous framework is analytically compared with an existing greedy agglomerative procedure for the discrete case. Overlapping is finally discussed in terms of multiple runs, i.e. several local searches with different initializations.Comment: 10 page

    Banco clonal de Pinus taeda Linneu.

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    Bancos clonais de Eucalyptus dunnii MAIDEN.

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