526 research outputs found

    Anatomic Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia

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    Background: The thoracoscopic approach to repair esophageal atresia (EA) with tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) provides excellent view, allowing the most skillful surgeons to spare the azygos vein by performing the esophageal anastomosis over (on the right side) the azygos vein. Seeking the most anatomic repair, we started to perform the esophageal anastomosis underneath (on the left side) the azygos vein: anatomic thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia (ATREA). We aim to compare results of ATREA with the classic thoracoscopic repair. Methods: During the last 4 years, in our center, all infants with EA with distal TEF were operated by thoracoscopy sparing the azygos vein. According to the surgical technique, two groups were created: Group A-treated with ATREA and Group B-treated with classic thoracoscopic repair over (on the right side) the azygos vein. We retrospectively collected data regarding features of the newborn (gestational age, gender, karyotype changes, associated anomalies, birth weight), surgery (operative technique, operative time, and surgical complications), hospitalization (duration of mechanical ventilation, thoracic drainage, time for the first feeding, time of admission, and early complications) and follow-up [tracheomalacia, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), anastomotic stricture, recurrence of fistula]. results: Group A had seven newborns and Group B had four newborns. There were no statistically significant differences between both groups concerning the evaluated variables on surgery, hospitalization, and follow-up. Nevertheless, in Group A, there was an infant with a right aortic arch where ATREA was particularly useful as it avoided that the azygos vein and the aortic arch were left compressed in between the esophagus and trachea. Postoperatively, one patient of Group B had a major anastomotic leak with empyema requiring surgical re-intervention. During follow-up, anastomotic stricture requiring esophageal dilation occurred with similar rates in both groups. In Group B, one patient had severe and symptomatic tracheomalacia requiring aortopexy and severe GERD requiring fundoplication. No patients developed recurrent fistula. conclusion: The ATREA is feasible in the great majority of patients with EA with TEF without compromising long-term results and might be particularly useful for those infants with malformations of the cardiac venous return vessels and/or major aortic malformations.projects NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000012, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creativity and Autonomy in Swarm Intelligence Systems

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    This work introduces two swarm intelligence algorithms -- one mimicking the behaviour of one species of ants (\emph{Leptothorax acervorum}) foraging (a `Stochastic Diffusion Search', SDS) and the other algorithm mimicking the behaviour of birds flocking (a `Particle Swarm Optimiser', PSO) -- and outlines a novel integration strategy exploiting the local search properties of the PSO with global SDS behaviour. The resulting hybrid algorithm is used to sketch novel drawings of an input image, exploliting an artistic tension between the local behaviour of the `birds flocking' - as they seek to follow the input sketch - and the global behaviour of the `ants foraging' - as they seek to encourage the flock to explore novel regions of the canvas. The paper concludes by exploring the putative `creativity' of this hybrid swarm system in the philosophical light of the `rhizome' and Deleuze's well known `Orchid and Wasp' metaphor

    Evaluating Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programs

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been implicated as the primary etiologic agent of cervical cancer. Potential vaccines against high-risk HPV types are in clinical trials. We evaluated vaccination programs with a vaccine against HPV-16 and HPV-18. We developed disease transmission models that estimated HPV prevalence and infection rates for the population overall, by age group, by level of sexual activity within each age group, and by sex. Data were based on clinical trials and published and unpublished sources. An HPV-16/18 vaccine for 12-year-old girls would reduce cohort cervical cancer cases by 61.8%, with a cost-effectiveness ratio of 14,583perqualityadjustedlifeyear(QALY).Includingmaleparticipantsinavaccinerolloutwouldfurtherreducecervicalcancercasesby2.214,583 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Including male participants in a vaccine rollout would further reduce cervical cancer cases by 2.2% at an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of 442,039/QALY compared to female-only vaccination. Vaccination against HPV-16 and HPV-18 can be cost-effective, although including male participants in a vaccination program is generally not cost-effective, compared to female-only vaccination

    Bidirectional Relations Between Parenting and Behavior Problems From Age 8 to 13 in Nine Countries

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    This study used data from 12 cultural groups in nine countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States; N = 1,298) to understand the cross‐cultural generalizability of how parental warmth and control are bidirectionally related to externalizing and internalizing behaviors from childhood to early adolescence. Mothers, fathers, and children completed measures when children were ages 8–13. Multiple‐group autoregressive, cross‐lagged structural equation models revealed that child effects rather than parent effects may better characterize how warmth and control are related to child externalizing and internalizing behaviors over time, and that parent effects may be more characteristic of relations between parental warmth and control and child externalizing and internalizing behavior during childhood than early adolescence

    Focal adhesion kinase contributes to proliferative potential of ErbB2 mammary tumour cells but is dispensable for ErbB2 mammary tumour induction in vivo

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    INTRODUCTION: Activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is hypothesized to play an important role in the pathogenesis of human breast cancer. METHODS: To directly evaluate the role of FAK in mammary tumour progression, we have used a conditional FAK mouse model and mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV)-driven Cre recombinase strain to inactivate FAK in the mammary epithelium of a transgenic mouse model of ErbB2 breast cancer. RESULTS: Although mammary epithelial disruption of FAK in this model resulted in both a delay in onset and a decrease in the number of neoplastic lesions, mammary tumours occurred in 100% of virgin female mice. All of the tumours and derived metastases that developed were proficient for FAK due to the absence of Cre recombinase expression. The hyperplastic epithelia where Cre-mediated recombination of FAK could be detected exhibited a profound proliferative defect. Consistent with these observations, disruption of FAK in established tumour cells resulted in reduced tumour growth that was associated with impaired proliferation. To avoid the selection for FAK-proficient ErbB2 tumour epithelia through escape of Cre-mediated recombination, we next intercrossed the FAK conditional mice with a separate MMTV-driven ErbB2 strain that co-expressed ErbB2 and Cre recombinase on the same transcriptional unit. CONCLUSIONS: While a delay in tumour induction was noted, FAK-deficient tumours arose in 100% of female animals indicating that FAK is dispensable for ErbB2 tumour initiation. In addition, the FAK-null ErbB2 tumours retained their metastatic potential. We further demonstrated that the FAK-related Pyk2 kinase is still expressed in these tumours and is associated with its downstream regulator p130Cas. These observations indicate that Pyk2 can functionally substitute for FAK in ErbB2 mammary tumour progression