560 research outputs found

    Immigració i escola: experiències d’integració a Hamburg

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    L’article tracta, en primer lloc, el sistema escolar a l’Estat Federal d’Hamburg (República Federal d’Alemanya) i les mesures adoptades per a la integració de l’alumnat immigrant. Tot seguit, s’explica fil per randa l’experiència de l’escola Wielandstraße i la seva organització de classes de transició al sistema escolar regular. Es detallen els procediments per aconseguir el màxim èxit en els processos d’integració i es fa una valoració crítica de l’experiència. Finalment es fa una anàlisi i es presenten propostes de la didàctica de la d’educació física des d’una perspectiva intercultural

    Inmigración y escuela: experiencias de integración en Hamburgo

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    El artículo trata, en primer lugar, el sistema escolar en el Estado Federal de Hamburgo (República Federal de Alemania) y las medidas adoptadas para la integración del alumnado inmigrante. A continuación, se explica en detalle la experiencia de la escuela Wielandstraße y su organización de clases de transición al sistema escolar regular. Se detallan los procedimientos para lograr el máximo éxito en los procesos de integración y se hace una valoración crítica de la experiencia. Por último, se analiza y se presentan propuestas de la didáctica de la de Educación Física desde una perspectiva intercultural

    Zur Bedeutung von Bodenprofilanalysen für die Interpretation der Bodenschätzungsdaten in Westfalen

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    Bodenprofildaten sind grundsätzlich geeignet, die Interpretation der Schätzungsdaten, hier der Klassenzeichen, z. B. für den Bodenschutz zu verbessern. Dies wird anhand von 934 analysierten Bodenprofilen in Westfalen belegt. Die Entstehung (Geogenese) wird von der Bodenschätzung schlüssig angesprochen. Trotz sehr heterogener Gebiete ließ sich dies auch beim Abgleich zwischen Punkt- daten (Bodenprofile) und Flächendaten (Klassenzeichen) nachweisen. Bis auf die Bodenart Sand („S“) im Ackerschätzungsrahmen und die Entstehung „Lö“ ist im Untersuchungsgebiet die bodenartliche Übersetzung mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet – für tonreiche Böden ist der Stichprobenumfang zu gering. Bezüglich nFK sind direkte Ableitungen einer bodenartlichen Übersetzung vorzuziehen (vgl. VORDERBRÜGGE et al. 2004). Nur wenige andere Parameter sind aus dem Klassenzeichen einigermaßen verlässlich ableitbar wie – bei Berücksichtigung von Geologie und Morphologie – die wegen dem Alter der Bodenschätzung z. T. historischen Grund- und Stauwasserverhältnisse

    Late-onset native valve endocarditis caused by Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii

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    Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii is an emerging cause of granulomatous mastitis and recurrent breast abscesses in women, but data on its clinical relevance in nongynecological disease conditions are limited. Here, we report the first case of a late-onset endocarditis of a native aortic valve in a 73-year-old male patient who presented with symptomatic aortic insufficiency. Echocardiography and cardiac computed tomography revealed the perforation of the noncoronary cusp and a large perivalvular abscess cavity. Hence, the surgical replacement of the aortic valve and aortic root were performed. Intraoperatively obtained tissue specimens grew C. kroppenstedtii and the patient made a full recovery after a 6-week course of antibiotic treatment. We briefly review the literature pertaining to antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of C. kroppenstedtii and available treatment recommendations. Our report calls for further studies to assess the role of this bacterium as a causative agent of infections other than granulomatous mastitis

    Cancer of the endometrium: current aspects of diagnostics and treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer represents a tumor entity with a great variation in its incidence throughout the world (range 1 to 25). This suggests enormous possibilities of cancer prevention due to the fact that the incidence is very much endocrine-related, chiefly with obesity, and thus most frequent in the developed world. As far as treatment is concerned, it is generally accepted that surgery represents the first choice of treatment. However, several recommendations seem reasonable especially with lymphadenectomy, even though they are not based on evidence. All high-risk cases are generally recommended for radiotherapy. METHODS: A literature search of the Medline was carried out for all articles on endometrial carcinoma related to diagnosis and treatment. The articles were systematically reviewed and were categorized into incidence, etiology, precancerosis, early diagnosis, classification, staging, prevention, and treatment. The article is organized into several similar subheadings. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the overall good prognosis during the early stages of the disease, the survival is poor in advanced stages or recurrences. Diagnostic measures are very well able to detect asymptomatic recurrences. These only seem justified if patients' chances are likely to improve, otherwise such measures increases costs as well as decrease the patients' quality of life. To date neither current nor improved concepts of endocrine treatment or chemotherapy have been able to substantially increase patients' chances of survival. Therefore, newer concepts into the use of antibodies e.g. trastuzumab in HER2-overexpressing tumors and the newer endocrine compounds will need to be investigated. Furthermore, it would seem highly desirable if future studies were to identify valid criteria for an individualized management, thereby maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks

    Durchgängige sprachliche Bildung vom Elementarbereich bis zur Sekundarstufe - roter Faden oder lose Enden?

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    Für die praktische Umsetzung einer vertikalen und horizontalen sprachlichen Bildung gibt es einige Klippen. So reiben sich die Positionen verschiedener Disziplinen und Bildungsetappen aneinander, was die Sicht auf das Kind als sich bildendes oder lernendes Individuum und was die Konnotation von Begriffen sowie grundlegende Auffassungen über Bildung, Entwicklung, Lernen, Förderung und Diagnostik angeht. Die Grundideen sind jedoch nicht so weit voneinander entfernt, wie Unterschiede in den Begrifflichkeiten, disziplinspezifischen Traditionen oder Methoden dies manchmal nahelegen mögen. Eine wechselseitig tolerante und nicht zu sehr auf Begrifflichkeiten und institutionelle Eigenheiten fokussierte Offenheit, die nicht nur auf die eigenen systemimmanenten Theorien vertraut, sondern auch Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus anderen Disziplinen zulässt, könnte helfen, zu einem gemeinsam[en] roten Faden durchgängiger Sprachbildung zu gelangen und Übergänge zu optimieren. (DIPF/Orig.

    On the way to the "best childrens´s university": The supply and demand relationship under the principle of partcipation. Opportunities and challenges raised by the children´s university

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    I know the children’s university is the best university in the world,” says Elisabeth, who is 9 years old and an attendee at the children’s university in Vienna. This charming compliment paid to the children’s university organizers raises an opportunity for further critical inquiries. The statement puts “real” universities on a par with children’s universities and therefore contains the implicit question of the status of children’s universities in the educational landscape: as a hybrid of formal and non-formal education. The specialist conference “On the way to the ‘best Children’s University’: The Supply and Demand Relationship under the Principle of Participation. Opportunities and Challenges”, took place from 8 to 10 May at the University of Cologne, addressed this intermediate position in all its facets. Further topics were possibilities for getting children involved as equal partners, and an international comparison of children’s university models. The conference was funded by the Ford Foundation and supported by KölnAlumni – Freunde und Förderer der Universität e.V. It was organized in partnership with the international children’s university network EUCUNET along with the multinational EU project “SiSCatalyst. Children as change agents for science and society”

    Association of Bevacizumab Plus Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy With Disease-Free Survival and Overall Survival in Patients With Stage II Colon Cancer A Secondary Analysis of the AVANT Trial

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    IMPORTANCE: In the pivotal Bevacizumab-Avastin Adjuvant (AVANT) trial, patients with high-risk stage II colon cancer (CC) had 5-year and 10-year overall survival (OS) rates of 88% and 75%, respectively, with adjuvant fluorouracil and oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy; however, the trial did not demonstrate a disease-free survival (DFS) benefit of adding bevacizumab to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in stage III CC and suggested a detrimental effect on OS. The Long-term Survival AVANT (S-AVANT) study was designed to collect extended follow-up for patients in the AVANT trial. OBJECTIVE: To explore the efficacy of adjuvant bevacizumab combined with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with high-risk, stage II CC. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This prespecified secondary end point analysis of the AVANT and S-AVANT studies included 573 patients with curatively resected high-risk stage II CC and at least 1 of the following criteria: stage T4, bowel obstruction or perforation, blood and/or lymphatic vascular invasion and/or perineural invasion, age younger than 50 years, or fewer than 12 nodes analyzed. The AVANT study was a multicenter randomized stage 3 clinical trial. Data were collected from December 2004 to February 2019, and data for this study were analyzed from March to September 2019. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned to receive 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4), FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab, or capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) with bevacizumab. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary end points of this secondary analysis were DFS and OS in patients with high-risk stage II CC. RESULTS The AVANT study included 3451 patients, of whom 573 (16.6%) had high-risk stage II CC (192 [33.5%] randomized to FOLFOX4 group; 194 [33.9%] randomized to FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab group; 187 [32.6%] randomized to XELOX with bevacizumab group). With a median (interquartile range) age of 57.0 (47.2-65.7) years, the study population comprised 325 men (56.7%) and 248 women (43.3%). After a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 6.9 (6.1-11.3) years, the 3-year DFS and 5-year OS rates were 88.2% (95% CI, 83.7%-93.0%) and 89.7% (95% CI, 85.4%-94.2%) in the FOLFOX4 group, 86.6% (95% CI, 81.8%-91.6%) and 89.7% (95% CI, 85.4%-94.2%) in the FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab group, and 86.7% (95% CI, 81.8%-91.8%) and 93.2% (95% CI, 89.6%-97.0%) in the XELOX with bevacizumab group, respectively. The DFS hazard ratio was 0.94 (95% CI, 0.59-1.48; P = .78) for FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4 and 1.07 (95% CI, 0.69-1.67; P = .76) for XELOX with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4. The OS hazard ratio was 0.92 (95% CI, 0.55-1.55; P = .76) for FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4 and 0.85 (95% CI, 0.50-1.44; P = .55) for XELOX with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this secondary analysis of data from the AVANT trial, adding bevacizumab to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy was not associated with longer DFS or OS in patients with high-risk stage II CC. The findings suggest that the definition of high-risk stage II CC needs to be revisited