1,863 research outputs found

    A report of sugar beet research in southeast Missouri, 1969

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    "Special Report 126, 10/70/100"Cover title."Sugar beet research was conducted by the University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station at the Delta Center near Portageville in 1969. Experiments included varieties, weed control, soil fertility, fungicides for control of cercospora leaf spot, row spacing, water infiltration, irrigation, fumigants, insecticides, and rhizoctonia control. Selection in breeding stock was made in the field for resistance to the root knot nematode, after which it was screened in the greenhouse. Sugar be et experiments were conducted on three of the major soil types of southeast Missouri."--Page 1

    The Effects of Danofloxacin and Tilmicosin on Neutrophil Function and Lung Consolidation in Beef Heifer Calves with Induced Pasteurella (Mannheimia) haemolytica Pneumonia

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    Pneumonia caused by Pasteurella (Mannheimia) haemolytica was induced in weaned beef heifer calves, approximately 6 months of age. Calves were treated at 20 h after challenge with therapeutic doses of danofloxacin or tilmicosin. Peripheral blood neutrophils were collected at 3, 24 and 48 h after treatment. The ex vivo effects on neutrophil function, neutrophil apoptosis, and hematological parameters were examined, as was the effect on percentage lung consolidation. Neutrophil function assays included random migration under agarose, cytochrome C reduction, iodination, Staphylococcus aureus ingestion, chemotaxis, and antibody-dependent and antibody-independent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Apoptosis was determined using a cell death detection kit. Killing was performed at 72 h after treatment. Statistical comparisons were made among the three groups of challenged–treated animals: saline, danofloxacin, and tilmicosin. Comparisons were also made between nonchallenged nontreated animals (NCH) and challenged saline-treated animals. There were no significant differences for any of the neutrophil function assays or neutrophil apoptosis among the challenged–treated groups. This suggests that danofloxacin and tilmicosin have no clinically significant effects on neutrophil function or apoptosis. There were also no significant differences in percentage lung consolidation among the challenged–treated groups. Significant differences were found between the NCH calves and the challenged saline-treated calves in several neutrophil assays, which were attributed to effects of P. haemolyticainfectio

    Phase behavior of a confined nano-droplet in the grand-canonical ensemble: the reverse liquid-vapor transition

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    The equilibrium density distribution and thermodynamic properties of a Lennard-Jones fluid confined to nano-sized spherical cavities at constant chemical potential was determined using Monte Carlo simulations. The results describe both a single cavity with semipermeable walls as well as a collection of closed cavities formed at constant chemical potential. The results are compared to calculations using classical Density Functional Theory (DFT). It is found that the DFT calculations give a quantitatively accurate description of the pressure and structure of the fluid. Both theory and simulation show the presence of a ``reverse'' liquid-vapor transition whereby the equilibrium state is a liquid at large volumes but becomes a vapor at small volumes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to appear in J. Phys. : Cond. Mat

    Geographical gradients in diet affect population dynamics of Canada lynx

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    Geographical gradients in the stability of cyclic populations of herbivores and their predators may relate to the degree of specialization of predators. However, such changes are usually associated with transition from specialist to generalist predator species, rather than from geographical variation in dietary breadth of specialist predators. Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) populations undergo cyclic. fluctuations in northern parts of their range, but cycles are either greatly attenuated or lost altogether in the southern boreal forest where prey diversity is higher. We tested the influence of prey specialization on population cycles by measuring the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in lynx and their prey, estimating the contribution of hares to lynx diet across their range, and correlating this degree of specialization to the strength of their population cycles. Hares dominated the lynx diet across their range, but specialization on hares decreased in southern and western populations. The degree of specialization correlated with cyclic signal strength indicated by spectral analysis of lynx harvest data, but overall variability of lynx harvest (the standard deviation of natural-log-transformed harvest numbers) did not change significantly with dietary specialization. Thus, as alternative prey became more important in the lynx diet, the fluctuations became decoupled from a regular cycle but did not become less variable. Our results support the hypothesis that alternative prey decrease population cycle regularity but emphasize that such changes may be driven by dietary shifts among dominant specialist predators rather than exclusively through changes in the predator community

    Dune vegetation fertilization by nesting sea turtles

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    Sea turtle nesting presents a potential pathway to subsidize nutrient-poor dune ecosystems, which provide the nesting habitat for sea turtles. To assess whether this positive feedback between dune plants and turtle nests exists, we measured N concentration and delta N-15 values in dune soils, leaves from a common dune plant ( sea oats [Uniola paniculata]), and addled eggs of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green turtles ( Chelonia mydas) across a nesting gradient ( 200 - 1050 nests/km) along a 40.5-km stretch of beach in east central Florida, USA. The delta N-15 levels were higher in loggerhead than green turtle eggs, denoting the higher trophic level of loggerhead turtles. Soil N concentration and delta N-15 values were both positively correlated to turtle nest density. Sea oat leaf tissue delta N-15 was also positively correlated to nest density, indicating an increased use of augmented marine-based nutrient sources. Foliar N concentration was correlated with delta N-15, suggesting that increased nutrient availability from this biogenic vector may enhance the vigor of dune vegetation, promoting dune stabilization and preserving sea turtle nesting habitat

    Implications of intraguild predation for sea turtle nest protection.

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    Loggerhead Nest predation Ocypode quadrata Predator removal Procyon lotor Raccoon A B S T R A C T In the United States, raccoons Procyon lotor are often removed from sea turtle nesting beaches to decrease egg mortality. However, raccoons also consume ghost crabs Ocypode quadrata, another common egg predator. Reducing predator populations can benefit secondary predators, inflating total predation pressure and leading to a decline in prey species. We used track and burrow counts to compare raccoon and ghost crab abundance at four beaches in Florida, USA, that differ in management activity and determined predation rates on loggerhead Caretta caretta nests by each predator. Mean raccoon abundance (range 0.12-0.46 tracks plot À1 night À1 ) and ghost crab density (0.09-0.19 burrows m À2 ) were inversely correlated. Ghost crabs were largest at the site with the fewest raccoons. The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of ghost crabs (mean 9.8&) were positively correlated with body mass, indicating larger ghost crabs feed at a higher trophic level and suggesting large ghost crabs may consume more loggerhead eggs. The highest rates of egg predation by both predators (31%) occurred where raccoon abundance was lowest and ghost crab abundance was highest, suggesting ghost crab burrows may facilitate predation by raccoons. Our data suggest that predation by raccoons limits ghost crabs and that removing raccoons can increase ghost crab abundance and sea turtle egg mortality. Although predator removal can be effective when nest predation rates are quite high, maintaining moderate raccoon densities may be important for controlling ghost crabs. These results highlight the importance of understanding food web connectivity in developing management strategies to achieve conservation goals, especially when the species of concern are threatened or facing extinction

    Inferring Foraging Areas of Nesting Loggerhead Turtles Using Satellite Telemetry and Stable Isotopes

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    In recent years, the use of intrinsic markers such as stable isotopes to link breeding and foraging grounds of migratory species has increased. Nevertheless, several assumptions still must be tested to interpret isotopic patterns found in the marine realm. We used a combination of satellite telemetry and stable isotope analysis to (i) identify key foraging grounds used by female loggerheads nesting in Florida and (ii) examine the relationship between stable isotope ratios and post-nesting migration destinations. We collected tissue samples for stable isotope analysis from 14 females equipped with satellite tags and an additional 57 untracked nesting females. Telemetry identified three post-nesting migratory pathways and associated non-breeding foraging grounds: (1) a seasonal continental shelf-constrained migratory pattern along the northeast U. S. coastline, (2) a non-breeding residency in southern foraging areas and (3) a residency in the waters adjacent to the breeding area. Isotopic variability in both delta C-13 and delta N-15 among individuals allowed identification of three distinct foraging aggregations. We used discriminant function analysis to examine how well delta C-13 and delta N-15 predict female post-nesting migration destination. The discriminant analysis classified correctly the foraging ground used for all but one individual and was used to predict putative feeding areas of untracked turtles. We provide the first documentation that the continental shelf of the Mid-and South Atlantic Bights are prime foraging areas for a large number (61%) of adult female loggerheads from the largest loggerhead nesting population in the western hemisphere and the second largest in the world. Our findings offer insights for future management efforts and suggest that this technique can be used to infer foraging strategies and residence areas in lieu of more expensive satellite telemetry, enabling sample sizes that are more representative at the population level

    Oxidation Through Coating Cracks of SiC-Protected Carbon/Carbon

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    The oxidation of SiC-protected carbon/carbon through machined slots and naturally occurring craze cracks in the SiC was studied. The slot and crack geometries were characterized, and the subsurface oxidation of the carbon/carbon substrate at temperatures of 1000 to 1300 C in air was assessed using weight change, x-ray computed tomography, and optical microscopy of sections. Rate constants were derived from these measurements and compared with a two-step diffusion control model of carbon oxidation. Oxidation kinetic measurements on both the specimens with machined slots and with naturally occurring craze cracks showed good agreement with the model

    Quantitative Mapping of Pore Fraction Variations in Silicon Nitride Using an Ultrasonic Contact Scan Technique

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    An ultrasonic scan procedure using the pulse-echo contact configuration was employed to obtain maps of pore fraction variations in sintered silicon nitride samples in terms of ultrasonic material properties. Ultrasonic velocity, attenuation coefficient, and reflection coefficient images were obtained simultaneously over a broad band of frequencies (e.g., 30 to 110 MHz) by using spectroscopic analysis. Liquid and membrane (dry) coupling techniques and longitudinal and shear-wave energies were used. The major results include the following: Ultrasonic velocity (longitudinal and shear wave) images revealed and correlated with the extent of average through-thickness pore fraction variations in the silicon nitride disks. Attenuation coefficient images revealed pore fraction nonuniformity due to the scattering that occurred at boundaries between regions of high and low pore fraction. Velocity and attenuation coefficient images were each nearly identical for machined and polished disks, making the method readily applicable to machined materials. Velocity images were similar for wet and membrane coupling. Maps of apparent Poisson's ratio constructed from longitudinal and shear-wave velocities quantified Poisson's ratio variations across a silicon nitride disk. Thermal wave images of a disk indicated transient thermal behavior variations that correlated with observed variations in pore fraction and velocity and attenuation coefficients
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