19 research outputs found

    Gaining insight into the Clinical Practice Guideline development processes: qualitative study in a workshop to implement the GRADE proposal in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: The GRADE method represents a new approach to grading the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations in the preparation of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). In the context of a pilot study to assess the implementability of the system in Spain, we considered it relevant to gain an insight into the significance of the perceptions and attitudes expressed by the actual experts participating in the system try-out. METHODS: Qualitative research with an ethnographic approach, through non-participant observation and focus groups within the context of a consensus workshop in which 19 CPG experts participated to evaluate the GRADE proposal using 12 evidence tables taken from hypertension, asthma and arthritis CPGs. The interventions were recorded, under a guarantee of confidentiality. The transcriptions and field notes were analyzed, based on a sociological discourse analysis model, and the provisional findings were re-sent to participants in order to improve their validity. RESULTS: 1) Certain problems over procedure and terminology hindered the acceptance of this new method as a common reference system for the preparation of CPGs. 2). A greater closeness to clinical practice was accompanied by concerns over value judgments and subjectivity, with a demand for greater explicitness in the consensus process. 3). The type of "evidence" on which the guidelines are based, how and by whom the evidence is prepared, and what the role of the different actors should be, all constitute unresolved concerns in the CPG preparation and implementation processes. 4). The grading process is not neutral: professional background, prior experience and the degree of leadership all condition the participants' input and interactions. CONCLUSION: The findings obtained allow the quantitative evaluation to be better interpreted and, in turn, go beyond the particularities of the GRADE method. Adaptation to the complexities of clinical practice, the need for carefully designed multi-disciplinary work and the reflexivity present in the CPG preparation process, all represent lines of debate that are necessary to improve the CPG quality in the Spanish health care sector

    Idoneidad de la prescripción antibiótica en atención primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca

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    ObjetivoEstudiar la variabilidad e idoneidad de la prescripción antibiótica en atención primaria en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (CAV).DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, prospectivo.EmplazamientoCentros de atención primaria de la red reformada y no reformada de la CAV.Mediciones y resultados principalesSe estudiaron 3.182 infecciones obtenidas de consultas sobre enfermedad infecciosa mediante muestreo estratificado por área sanitaria durante febrero, marzo y abril de 1998. La idoneidad de la prescripción de antibióticos (ATB) se comparó con unos patrones elaborados tras una extensa revisión bibliográfica. Un 68,6% de las consultas son infecciones que no requieren ATB (catarro de vías altas [IRA], bronquitis aguda, gripe y gastroenteritis). Se utilizan ATB en un 28,5% de estos casos (IC, 26,6-30,5). Destaca la bronquitis aguda, con un 90,7% (IC, 87,3-93,4). La prescripción innecesaria supone un 39,7% de la prescripción total antibiótica (IC, 37,2-42,1%), suponiendo un gasto anual innecesario de 1.155 millones de pesetas.En el 31,4% de las infecciones que requieren tratamiento con ATB, se opta por uno no adecuado en un 23,7% (IC, 21-26,7%).En total, la idoneidad del tratamiento global fue del 72,2% (IC, 70,6-73,8). El hecho de trabajar en la red reformada se asoció a una mejor prescripción en todos los casos. Los pediatras prescriben mejor en el caso de las infecciones no susceptibles de tratamiento con ATB.ConclusionesLa prescripción de ATB no se realiza conforme a la evidencia científica disponible. Los tratamientos incorrectos tienen lugar sobre todo en procesos benignos y autolimitados. Es necesaria una política local de uso de ATB que incluya colaboración multidisciplinaria y formación continuada efectiva.ObjectiveTo study the variability and suitability of antibiotic prescription in primary care in the Basque Country.DesignProspective, descriptive study.SettingBasque Country health care centres both within and not in the reformed network.Measurements and main results3182 infections from consultations for infectious disease were studied through sampling stratified by health area during February, March and April 1998. The appropriateness of antibiotics (ATB) prescription was compared with some standards after an extensive bibliographic review. 68.6% of consultations were infections not needing ATB (infections of respiratory airways, acute bronchitis, flu and gastro-enteritis). ATB were used in 28.5% of these cases (CI: 26.6-30.5), especially in acute bronchitis (90.7%) (CI: 87.3-93.4). Unnecessary prescription supposes 39.7% of total antibiotic prescription (CI: 37.2-42.1%), which means unnecessary annual expenditure of 1155 million pesetas. In 31.4% of the infections that require ATB treatment, in 23.7% inappropriate treatment was chosen (CI: 21-26.7%). Overall appropriateness of treatment was 72.2% (CI: 70.6-73.8). Working in the reformed system was linked to better prescription in all cases. Paediatricians prescribed better in the case of infections not susceptible to ATB treatment.ConclusionsATB prescription is not consistent with the available scientific evidence. Incorrect treatments occur especially in benign and self-limiting processes. A local policy of ATB use that includes multi-disciplinary collaboration and effective ongoing training is necessary

    A Spanish version for the new ERA-EDTA coding system for primary renal disease

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    Background: The European Renal Association and the European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) have issued an English-language new coding system for primary kidney disease (PKD) aimed at solving the problems that were identified in the list of "Primary renal diagnoses" that has been in use for over 40 years. Purpose: In the context of Registro Español de Enfermos Renales (Spanish Registry of Renal Patients, REER]), the need for a translation and adaptation of terms, definitions and notes for the new ERA-EDTA codes was perceived in order to help those who have Spanish as their working language when using such codes. Methods: Bilingual nephrologists contributed a professional translation and were involved in a terminological adaptation process, which included a number of phases to contrast translation outputs. Codes, paragraphs, definitions and diagnostic criteria were reviewed and agreements and disagreements aroused for each term were labelled. Finally, the version that was accepted by a majority of reviewers was agreed. Results: A wide agreement was reached in the first review phase, with only 5 points of discrepancy remaining, which were agreed on in the final phase. Conclusions: Translation and adaptation into Spanish represent an improvement that will help to introduce and use the new coding system for PKD, as it can help reducing the time devoted to coding and also the period of adaptation of health workers to the new codes

    Perceptions and attitudes of clinicians in Spain toward clinical practice guidelines and grading systems : A protocol for a qualitative study and a national survey

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    FADQThis project has been funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (PI08 90647). The publication of this document has been funded within the framework of collaboration designed for the Quality Plan of the Spanish National Health System, under the agreement signed by the Carlos III Health Institute and the Aragon Health Science Institute as GuiaSalud secretariat. Pablo Alonso-Coello is funded by a Miguel Servet contract by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP09/00137).Background: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have become a very popular tool for decision making in healthcare. While there is some evidence that CPGs improve outcomes, there are numerous factors that influence their acceptability and use by healthcare providers. While evidence of clinicians' knowledge, perceptions and attitudes toward CPGs is extensive, results are still disperse and not conclusive. Our study will evaluate these issues in a large and representative sample of clinicians in Spain. Methods/Design. A mixed-method design combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques will evaluate general practitioners (GPs) and hospital-based specialists in Spain with the objective of exploring attitudes and perceptions about CPGs and evidence grading systems. The project will consist of two phases: during the first phase, group discussions will be carried out to gain insight into perceptions and attitudes of the participants, and during the second phase, this information will be completed by means of a survey, reaching a greater number of clinicians. We will explore these issues in GPs and hospital-based practitioners, with or without previous experience in guideline development. Discussion. Our study will identify and gain insight into the perceived problems and barriers of Spanish practitioners in relation to guideline knowledge and use. The study will also explore beliefs and attitudes of clinicians towards CPGs and evidence grading systems used to rate the quality of the evidence and the strength of recommendations. Our results will provide guidance to healthcare researchers and healthcare decision makers to improve the use of guidelines in Spain and elsewhere. © 2010 Kotzeva et al; licensee BioMed Central Lt

    Perceptions and attitudes of clinicians in Spain toward clinical practice guidelines and grading systems: a protocol for a qualitative study and a national survey

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have become a very popular tool for decision making in healthcare. While there is some evidence that CPGs improve outcomes, there are numerous factors that influence their acceptability and use by healthcare providers. While evidence of clinicians' knowledge, perceptions and attitudes toward CPGs is extensive, results are still disperse and not conclusive. Our study will evaluate these issues in a large and representative sample of clinicians in Spain. METHODS/DESIGN: A mixed-method design combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques will evaluate general practitioners (GPs) and hospital-based specialists in Spain with the objective of exploring attitudes and perceptions about CPGs and evidence grading systems. The project will consist of two phases: during the first phase, group discussions will be carried out to gain insight into perceptions and attitudes of the participants, and during the second phase, this information will be completed by means of a survey, reaching a greater number of clinicians. We will explore these issues in GPs and hospital-based practitioners, with or without previous experience in guideline development. DISCUSSION: Our study will identify and gain insight into the perceived problems and barriers of Spanish practitioners in relation to guideline knowledge and use. The study will also explore beliefs and attitudes of clinicians towards CPGs and evidence grading systems used to rate the quality of the evidence and the strength of recommendations. Our results will provide guidance to healthcare researchers and healthcare decision makers to improve the use of guidelines in Spain and elsewhere

    A Spanish version for the new ERA-EDTA coding system for primary renal disease

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    Background: The European Renal Association and the European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) have issued an English-language new coding system for primary kidney disease (PKD) aimed at solving the problems that were identified in the list of "Primary renal diagnoses" that has been in use for over 40 years. Purpose: In the context of Registro Español de Enfermos Renales (Spanish Registry of Renal Patients, REER]), the need for a translation and adaptation of terms, definitions and notes for the new ERA-EDTA codes was perceived in order to help those who have Spanish as their working language when using such codes. Methods: Bilingual nephrologists contributed a professional translation and were involved in a terminological adaptation process, which included a number of phases to contrast translation outputs. Codes, paragraphs, definitions and diagnostic criteria were reviewed and agreements and disagreements aroused for each term were labelled. Finally, the version that was accepted by a majority of reviewers was agreed. Results: A wide agreement was reached in the first review phase, with only 5 points of discrepancy remaining, which were agreed on in the final phase. Conclusions: Translation and adaptation into Spanish represent an improvement that will help to introduce and use the new coding system for PKD, as it can help reducing the time devoted to coding and also the period of adaptation of health workers to the new codes

    La Construcción del Concepto de Ángulo en Estudiantes de Secundaria.

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    The scholar notion of angle has played an ambiguous role in the school, its definitions, characterizations and applications can be found in subjects like mathematics, physics and technical drawing. The school tradition assumes that when it is defined, characterized, its typology is exposed and the concept is manipulated in the class of mathematics, its use, application or interpretation in other subjects must not represent a difficulty for the students. Contrary to what is assumed, it is in this other subjects where the most common conflicts can be located in the managing of this notion. The nature of the angle concept has been a topic of debate for more than 2000 years and the discussion still does not end (Matos, 1990). Probably for it there is no only one accepted definition in the mathematical community and its didactic transposition by no means turns into a trivial process. On the base of an a priori analysis, guided by the didactic engineering on the setting of the Theory of didactic situations framework, we have designed a didactic sequence that contemplate on the cognitive component the Mitchelmore & White (2000) abstraction model and on the epistemological component the qualitative nature (for its form), quantitative (for its measurement) and as a relation (for how it is defined) nature of the angle notion that is managed on the basic-secondary level from the Mexican educative system. The didactic component recovers some possible effects of the school speech on the meanings related with the angular measurement versus length measurement, in the same way as the construction and meanings of notions such as portion/proportion, basic figures like the square, the equilateral triangle, the isosceles straight triangle, the scalene straight triangle, the use of the protractor as a measurement scholar instrument, etc, but basically the design breaks with the scholar planning that guides on the work of this notion. This work presents on its different parts, how the concept of angle is approach in the school speech, some of the previous investigations where the misconceptions of the concept are presented, the theory that supports our project research, the proposal with the design of the didactic sequence and the results analyzed on the base of the setting of the theory of reference

    Desarrollo de guías de práctica clínica en pacientes con comorbilidad y pluripatología

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    La atención a pacientes con comorbilidad y pluripatología supone un reto para cualquier sistema sanitario. Las guías de práctica clínica (GPC) presentan limitaciones cuando se aplican a esta población. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una propuesta terminológica y metodológica sobre el abordaje de la comorbilidad y la pluripatología en las GPC. De acuerdo a la revisión bibliográfica efectuada, se sugieren algunas propuestas para su abordaje en las diferentes fases de elaboración de las GPC, con especial atención a la inclusión de los clusters de comorbilidad en las preguntas clínicas iniciales, la incorporación de la evidencia indirecta, el peso de la carga de gestionar la enfermedad para el paciente y su entorno en la formulación de recomendaciones, así como las estrategias de difusión e implementación. Estas propuestas deben desarrollarse en mayor profundidad con la participación de más agentes para disponer de herramientas válidas y útiles en esta población