62 research outputs found

    The population of ULXs in the spiral galaxy NGC 2276

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    We present results for X-ray point sources in the Sc galaxy NGC 2276, obtained by analyzing Chandra data. The galaxy is known to be very active in many wavelengths, possibly due to gravitational interaction with the central elliptical of the group, NGC 2300. However, previous XMM-Newton observations resulted in the detection of only one bright ULX and extended hot gas emission. We present here the X-ray population in NGC 2276 which comprises 17 sources. We found that 6 of them are new ULX sources in this spiral galaxy resolved for the first time by Chandra. We constructed the Luminosity Function that can be interpreted as mainly due of High Mass X-ray binaries, and estimate the Star Formation rate (SFR) to be SFR ~ 5-10 M_sun/yr.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the meeting 'Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources and Middle Weight Black Holes', ESAC, Madrid, Spain, May 201

    Verso un museo sostenibile. Criteri, strumenti ed indicatori

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    Il fine del progetto di ricerca è quello di studiare le condizioni e le procedure e definire gli obiettivi per intraprendere un percorso verso un museo sostenibile nel contesto italiano. Tale approccio può essere esteso anche ad alcuni beni culturali assimilabili ai musei. E' stato introdotto il tema dello sviluppo sostenibile, con i domini che ne vengono influenzati (società, ambiente, economia, cultura) e mettendo in evidenza alcune caratteristiche, tra cui i denominatori comuni tra le varie definizioni e l'ambiguità a seguito delle differenti interpretazioni, la dimensione multidisciplinare del tema, la questione della dimensione dei contesti di riferimento e l'orizzonte temporale. Di conseguenza, tali osservazioni valide per uno scenario più ampio, sono state ricondotte al rapporto tra sostenibilità e musei, analizzando le principali esperienze effettuate nel panorama nazionale ed internazionale, con un approfondimento legato al contesto statunitense (oggetto di un viaggio studio). Sono stati proposti dei principi per l'interpretazione e definite le principali tematiche che devono essere affrontate. Una parte centrale della testi riguarda la proposta per l'aggiornamento sulla base dei principi per la sostenibilità dei criteri tecnico-scientifici e degli standard a livello nazionale, tramite l'integrazione degli Ambiti dell'Atto d'Indirizzo (10.5.2001). In particolare, seguendo l'impostazione originale del documento sono stati integrati per tutti gli Ambiti la "Premessa" e la "Norma Tecnica"; solo per alcuni di essi si propone l'integrazione di "Linee Guida". Nella seconda parte della testi, l'Autore propone degli strumenti per l'analisi qualitativa e quantitativa del livello di sostenibilità per un museo. A valle di una estesa ricerca sullo stato dell'arte sui principali strumenti disponibili, utilizzati dai musei e da alcune istituzioni culturali per l'analisi dell'esistente, sono stati elaborati differenti outputs: due schede di indagine sotto forma di checklist e alcuni indicatori, che prevedono diversi livelli di approfondimento e che possono essere applicate con scalarità differente sul singolo museo o su un campione più ampio. In merito alle checklist, la prima è stata pensata per un'indagine preliminare per indagare l'interesse del museo ad intraprendere il percorso e su quali argomenti; la secondo è invece volta ad approfondire aspetti energetico ambientali ed aspetti connessi ai temi del facility management applicabili all'edificio museo. Per ciascun Ambito e per le diverse tematiche è stato proposto un elenco sufficientemente esteso di indicatori ed indicatori chiave di performance (KPIs). I precedenti strumenti sono stati pensati per stakeholders differenti: singolo museo; enti amministrativi (Comune, Regione, Aree Metropolitane), enti che operano a livello nazionale (MIBACT, ICOM, ...) o società esternalizzate di servizi. L’esito del progetto di ricerca è costituito da una piattaforma multiscala e multilivello, denominata “Sustainable Museum Model”, al momento ancora concettuale, che combina i criteri con gli indicatori e gli indicatori sintetici ed utile per condurre le istituzioni museali italiane ad operare in un’ottica di sostenibilità

    The evolution of dam-litter microbial flora from birth to 60 days of age

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    BACKGROUND: Early bacterial colonization in puppies is still a poorly understood phenomenon. Although the topic is of considerable interest, a big gap in knowledge still exists on the understanding of timing and features of neonatal gut colonization. Thence, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between dam and litter microbial flora, in vaginally delivered puppies, from birth to two months of age. Bacteria were identified using MALDI-TOF, an accurate and sensitive method, and cluster analysis of data provided a new insight on the investigated topic. METHODS: Six dam-litter units of two medium size breeds were enrolled in the study. Vaginal and colostrum/milk samples were collected from dams after delivery and 48h post-partum, while rectal samples were taken from dams and puppies after delivery and at day 2, 30 and 60 (T2, T30 and T60, respectively) post-partum. Bacterial isolation and identification were performed following standard techniques, then the data were analyzed using a new approach based on bacterial genus population composition obtained using a wide MALDI-TOF screening and cluster analysis. RESULTS: Forty-eight bacteriological samples were collected from the dams and 145 from their 42 puppies. Colostrum/milk samples (n = 12) showed a bacterial growth mainly limited to few colonies. Staphylococci, Enterococci, E. coli, Proteus spp. were most frequently isolated. All vaginal swabs (n = 12) resulted in bacteria isolation (medium to high growth). Streptococci, Enterococci, E. coli were the most frequently detected. E. coli, Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. were often obtained from dams’ and puppies’ rectal swabs. Clostridia, not isolated in any other sampling site, were rarely found (n = 3) in meconium while they were more frequently isolated at later times (T2: n = 30; T30: n = 17; T60: n = 27). Analysis of the bacterial genus pattern over time showed a statistically significant reduction (P < 0.01) in the heterogeneity of microbial composition in all time points if compared to birth for each dam-litter unit. These results were confirmed with cluster analysis and two-dimensional scaling. CONCLUSION: This novel data analysis suggests a fundamental role of the individual dam in seeding and shaping the microbiome of the litter. Thus, modulating the dam’s microbiota may positively impact the puppy microbiota and benefit their health. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12917-022-03199-3

    Genetically-Driven Enhancement of Dopaminergic Transmission Affects Moral Acceptability in Females but Not in Males: A Pilot Study

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    Moral behavior has been a key topic of debate for philosophy and psychology for a long time. In recent years, thanks to the development of novel methodologies in cognitive sciences, the question of how we make moral choices has expanded to the study of neurobiological correlates that subtend the mental processes involved in moral behavior. For instance, in vivo brain imaging studies have shown that distinct patterns of brain neural activity, associated with emotional response and cognitive processes, are involved in moral judgment. Moreover, while it is well-known that responses to the same moral dilemmas differ across individuals, to what extent this variability may be rooted in genetics still remains to be understood. As dopamine is a key modulator of neural processes underlying executive functions, we questioned whether genetic polymorphisms associated with decision-making and dopaminergic neurotransmission modulation would contribute to the observed variability in moral judgment. To this aim, we genotyped five genetic variants of the dopaminergic pathway [rs1800955 in the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene, DRD4 48 bp variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR), solute carrier family 6 member 3 (SLC6A3) 40 bp VNTR, rs4680 in the catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) gene, and rs1800497 in the ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1 (ANKK1) gene] in 200 subjects, who were requested to answer 56 moral dilemmas. As these variants are all located in genes belonging to the dopaminergic pathway, they were combined in multilocus genetic profiles for the association analysis. While no individual variant showed any significant effects on moral dilemma responses, the multilocus genetic profile analysis revealed a significant gender-specific influence on human moral acceptability. Specifically, those genotype combinations that improve dopaminergic signaling selectively increased moral acceptability in females, by making their responses to moral dilemmas more similar to those provided by males. As females usually give more emotionally-based answers and engage the “emotional brain” more than males, our results, though preliminary and therefore in need of replication in independent samples, suggest that this increase in dopamine availability enhances the cognitive and reduces the emotional components of moral decision-making in females, thus favoring a more rationally-driven decision process

    low molecular weight heparin in women with repeated implantation failure

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    Implantation failure is common in assisted reproduction techniques (ART). The role of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is a matter of debate as a potential factor to improve implantation. Aim: To evaluate the pregnancy rate in patients with or without heparin administration. Materials & methods: We performed a retrospective observational analysis of patients with at least two IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles with implantation failure, screened for inherited thrombophilia and submitted to further ART cycles with or without administration of LMWH. A total of 265 patients fulfilled the enrollment criteria. Of these 149 (56%) were primary infertile and 116 (44%) were secondary infertile. Their mean age was 36.3 ± 3.6 years. We analyzed basal FSH, smoking habit, gene variants for inherited thrombophilia (i.e., MTHFR C677T, prothrombin G202A10G and Factor V Leiden). The patients underwent 569 new ART cycles: 512 (90%) without and 57 (10%) with LMWH. Results: In total 105 clinical pregnancies were ..

    Hyperactive Akt1 Signaling Increases Tumor Progression and DNA Repair in Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma RD Line and Confers Susceptibility to Glycolysis and Mevalonate Pathway Inhibitors

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    In pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), elevated Akt signaling is associated with increased malignancy. Here, we report that expression of a constitutively active, myristoylated form of Akt1 (myrAkt1) in human RMS RD cells led to hyperactivation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) pathway, resulting in the loss of both MyoD and myogenic capacity, and an increase of Ki67 expression due to high cell mitosis. MyrAkt1 signaling increased migratory and invasive cell traits, as detected by wound healing, zymography, and xenograft zebrafish assays, and promoted repair of DNA damage after radiotherapy and doxorubicin treatments, as revealed by nuclear detection of phosphorylated H2A histone family member X (γH2AX) through activation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Treatment with synthetic inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt was sufficient to completely revert the aggressive cell phenotype, while the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin failed to block cell dissemination. Furthermore, we found that pronounced Akt1 signaling increased the susceptibility to cell apoptosis after treatments with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and lovastatin, enzymatic inhibitors of hexokinase, and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), especially in combination with radiotherapy and doxorubicin. In conclusion, these data suggest that restriction of glucose metabolism and the mevalonate pathway, in combination with standard therapy, may increase therapy success in RMS tumors characterized by a dysregulated Akt signaling

    Tea consumption and gastric cancer: a pooled analysis from the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project consortium

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    Background Evidence from epidemiological studies on the role of tea drinking in gastric cancer risk remains inconsistent. We aimed to investigate and quantify the relationship between tea consumption and gastric cancer in the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project consortium. Methods A total of 9438 cases and 20,451 controls from 22 studies worldwide were included. Odds ratios (ORs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of gastric cancer for regular versus non-regular tea drinkers were estimated by one and two-stage modelling analyses, including terms for sex, age and the main recognised risk factors for gastric cancer. Results Compared to non-regular drinkers, the estimated adjusted pooled OR for regular tea drinkers was 0.91 (95% CI: 0.85-0.97). When the amount of tea consumed was considered, the OR for consumption of 1-2 cups/day was 1.01 (95% CI: 0.94-1.09) and for &gt;3 cups/day was 0.91 (95% CI: 0.80-1.03). Stronger inverse associations emerged among regular drinkers in China and Japan (OR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.49-0.91) where green tea is consumed, in subjects with H. pylori infection (OR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.58-0.80), and for gastric cardia cancer (OR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.49-0.84). Conclusion Our results indicate a weak inverse association between tea consumption and gastric cancer

    Activation of Regulatory T Cells during Inflammatory Response Is Not an Exclusive Property of Stem Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Sepsis and systemic-inflammatory-response-syndrome (SIRS) remain major causes for fatalities on intensive care units despite up-to-date therapy. It is well accepted that stem cells have immunomodulatory properties during inflammation and sepsis, including the activation of regulatory T cells and the attenuation of distant organ damage. Evidence from recent work suggests that these properties may not be exclusively attributed to stem cells. This study was designed to evaluate the immunomodulatory potency of cellular treatment during acute inflammation in a model of sublethal endotoxemia and to investigate the hypothesis that immunomodulations by cellular treatment during inflammatory response is not stem cell specific. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Endotoxemia was induced via intra-peritoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in wild type mice (C3H/HeN). Mice were treated with either vital or homogenized amniotic fluid stem cells (AFS) and sacrificed for specimen collection 24 h after LPS injection. Endpoints were plasma cytokine levels (BD™ Cytometric Bead Arrays), T cell subpopulations (flow-cytometry) and pulmonary neutrophil influx (immunohistochemistry). To define stem cell specific effects, treatment with either vital or homogenized human-embryonic-kidney-cells (HEK) was investigated in a second subset of experiments. Mice treated with homogenized AFS cells showed significantly increased percentages of regulatory T cells and Interleukin-2 as well as decreased amounts of pulmonary neutrophils compared to saline-treated controls. These results could be reproduced in mice treated with vital HEK cells. No further differences were observed between plasma cytokine levels of endotoxemic mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results revealed that both AFS and HEK cells modulate cellular immune response and distant organ damage during sublethal endotoxemia. The observed effects support the hypothesis, that immunomodulations are not exclusive attributes of stem cells

    Intraspecific variability of leaf form and function across habitat types

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    : Trait-based ecology has already revealed main independent axes of trait variation defining trait spaces that summarize plant adaptive strategies, but often ignoring intraspecific trait variability (ITV). By using empirical ITV-level data for two independent dimensions of leaf form and function and 167 species across five habitat types (coastal dunes, forests, grasslands, heathlands, wetlands) in the Italian peninsula, we found that ITV: (i) rotated the axes of trait variation that define the trait space; (ii) increased the variance explained by these axes and (iii) affected the functional structure of the target trait space. However, the magnitude of these effects was rather small and depended on the trait and habitat type. Our results reinforce the idea that ITV is context-dependent, calling for careful extrapolations of ITV patterns across traits and spatial scales. Importantly, our study provides a framework that can be used to start integrating ITV into trait space analyses