32 research outputs found

    O skuteczności zarządzania za pomocą Strategicznej Karty Wyników

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    Książka zaproponowana przez Jabłońskich ma dwa wyrażone we wstępie cele, wokół których zbudowano kolejne rozdziały. Po pierwsze, próbuje odwrócić uwagę czytelnika (menedżera) od jednowymiarowego, wyłącznie finansowego spojrzenia na ocenę wyników przedsiębiorstwa. Po drugie autorzy dowodzą, że Strategiczna Karta Wyników może być bardzo efektywnym narzędziem zarządzania, a stopień jej wykorzystania w dużej mierze zależy od siły zorientowania podmiotu gospodarczego na osiąganie wyników (performance management)

    Organizational factors in the individual ethical behaviour. The notion of the “organizational moral structure”

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    Various organizational factors reported in the hitherto literature affect individual (mis)behaviour within a company. In this paper, we conduct a literature review thereof, and propose a notion of the “Organizational Moral Structure” defined as a comprehensive framework of interrelated organizational factors that condition, incite or influence good or bad moral behaviour of individuals within the organization. Drawing from a wide bibliographical review and our own reflection on recent business scandals, we identify seven constituents of the “Organizational Moral Structure”: 1) leader’s values and character, 2) vision and exercise of power, 3) corporate control systems, 4) internal network of influence, 5) organizational culture, 6) internal and competitive pressures, and 7) external influences. The “Organizational Moral Structure” is proposed as a reflective framework for humanistic management and as an invitation to further research in this field. We provide recommendations on how a manager oriented towards humanistic management can use the OMS to secure and promote well-being and dignity of company’s employees

    Interesariusze w procesie upadłości przedsiębiorcy

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    Efektywność prawa upadłościowego i naprawczego powinna być mierzona minimalizacją marnotrawstwa zasobów przedsiębiorstwa oraz maksymalizacją zaspokojenia interesariuszy. Dlatego też prawidłowa identyfikacja interesariuszy może przyczynić się do lepszego zrozumienia potencjalnych źródeł konfliktów pomiędzy nimi, a tym samym zwiększyć skuteczność i efektywność procesu upadłości. W artykule zostały omówione grupy interesów i ich rola w przedsiębiorstwie. Analiza badania akt postępowań upadłościowych wskazuje, że w postępowaniu o ogłoszenie upadłości kluczowym interesariuszem jest menedżer, a po ogłoszeniu upadłości obejmującej likwidację majątku dłużnika – syndyk

    Issuing Bonds, Shares or Staying Private? Determinants of Going Public in an Emerging Economy

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    The Warsaw Stock Exchange is one of Europe’s largest exchanges by the number of IPOs, although it retains features of a market in post-transition countries, including a relatively small size, shallowness and a weak institutional framework. In this study, we use a large dataset to explore firms’ decisions to issue equity on the main or alternative market and debt on the bond market. We observe that in general, larger, more profitable firms are more likely to go public, although in contrast to developed economies, these firms tend to be younger. Moreover, we find that current market valuation positively affects the decision to go public on the main market, and we establish that highly leveraged companies are more likely to issue either shares on the alternative market or bonds. At the same time, however, we observe that firms issuing shares on the alternative market are most likely to manipulate their profitability prior to going public

    Issuing Bonds, Shares or Staying Private? Determinants of Going Public in an Emerging Economy

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    The Warsaw Stock Exchange is one of Europe’s largest exchanges by the number of IPOs, although it retains features of a market in post-transition countries, including a relatively small size, shallowness and a weak institutional framework. In this study, we use a large dataset to explore firms’ decisions to issue equity on the main or alternative market and debt on the bond market. We observe that in general, larger, more profitable firms are more likely to go public, although in contrast to developed economies, these firms tend to be younger. Moreover, we find that current market valuation positively affects the decision to go public on the main market, and we establish that highly leveraged companies are more likely to issue either shares on the alternative market or bonds. At the same time, however, we observe that firms issuing shares on the alternative market are most likely to manipulate their profitability prior to going public

    Higher perfusion pressure and pump flow during cardiopulmonary bypass are beneficial for kidney function–a single-centre prospective study

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    Background: Kidneys play an essential role in the circulatory system, regulating blood pressure and intravascular volume. They are also set on maintaining an adequate filtration pressure in the glomerulus. During the CPB, a decrease in systemic blood pressure and hemoglobin concentration may lead to renal ischemia and subsequent acute kidney injury.Methods: One hundred nine adult patients were prospectively enrolled in this study. The intervention in this study was increasing the flow of the CPB pump to reach the target MAP of > 90 mmHg during the procedure. The control group had a standard pump flow of 2.4 L/min/m2.Results: Standard pump flow of 2.4 L/min/m2 resulted in mean MAP < 90 mmHg during the CPB in most patients in the control group. Maintaining a higher MAP during CPB in this study population did not affect CSA-AKI incidence. However, it increased the intraoperative and postoperative diuresis and decreased renin release associated with CPB. Higher MAP during the CPB did not increase the incidence of cerebrovascular complications after the operation; patients in the highest MAP group had the lowest incidence of postoperative delirium, but the result did not obtain statistical significance.Conclusion: Maintaining MAP > 90 mmHg during the CPB positively impacts intraoperative and postoperative kidney function. It significantly reduces renal hypoperfusion during the procedure compared to MAP < 70 mmHg. MAP > 90 mmHg is safe for the central nervous system, and preliminary results suggest that it may have a beneficial impact on the incidence of postoperative delirium

    O skuteczności zarządzania za pomocą Strategicznej Karty Wyników

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    Książka zaproponowana przez Jabłońskich ma dwa wyrażone we wstępie cele, wokół których zbudowano kolejne rozdziały. Po pierwsze, próbuje odwrócić uwagę czytelnika (menedżera) od jednowymiarowego, wyłącznie finansowego spojrzenia na ocenę wyników przedsiębiorstwa. Po drugie autorzy dowodzą, że Strategiczna Karta Wyników może być bardzo efektywnym narzędziem zarządzania, a stopień jej wykorzystania w dużej mierze zależy od siły zorientowania podmiotu gospodarczego na osiąganie wyników (performance management)

    Study-related determinants of university graduates’ entrepreneurship

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    Objective: The study undertook an assessment – unique in Polish conditions – of the factors related to higher education differentiating the group of graduates of the Jagiellonian University (JU) in terms of their professional activity in the context of taking up employment or starting self-employment. Research Design & Methods: Lazear’s theory was applied to find study-related entrepreneurship determinants. The study attempted to determine the factors influencing the employment of Jagiellonian University graduates or their self-employment. The following explanatory variables were used during the study: scientific discipline and students’ faculty, professional activity or possibly running a business by the student, mode of study (full-time versus part-time), and scientific and non-scientific activities such as volunteering, undertaking studies abroad, and internships. The analyzes were based on data collected during the alumni career paths research of more than 6000 graduates who completed their studies between 2015 and 2019. Findings: The Mann-Whitney test and parametric t-Student tests showed that graduates of the JU who started a business, as opposed to those who work as employed persons, already set up a business during their studies and then continued it or started other types of business activity. Regarding the two analysed groups of students, there were significant differences in the completed faculty, study mode (full-time versus part-time), student internships, studies, internships abroad, and volunteering. Implications & Recommendations: The results of the analyses can be used by several groups of beneficiaries. Firstly, they can be useful for high school graduates intending to start higher education, as they indicate such disciplines and fields of study, after which the chances of professional success are the highest. The second group interested in the results of this work might be university students, who, based on its results, may undertake additional academic and non-academic activities that could increase their chances of professional success. Thirdly, the management of universities can use the results of research when preparing an educational offer that would be best suited to the needs of the labour market. Contribution & Value Added: The subject of factors differentiating the professional attitudes of university graduates, especially in countries undergoing systemic transformation, is insufficiently explored. Deficiencies in quantitative research based on large sets of data are particularly visible. This article fills this gap by pointing to the factors that significantly affect self-employment or hired work by graduates of the oldest and one of the most renowned universities in Poland

    Interesariusze w procesie upadłości przedsiębiorcy

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    Efektywność prawa upadłościowego i naprawczego powinna być mierzona minimalizacją marnotrawstwa zasobów przedsiębiorstwa oraz maksymalizacją zaspokojenia interesariuszy. Dlatego też prawidłowa identyfikacja interesariuszy może przyczynić się do lepszego zrozumienia potencjalnych źródeł konfliktów pomiędzy nimi, a tym samym zwiększyć skuteczność i efektywność procesu upadłości. W artykule zostały omówione grupy interesów i ich rola w przedsiębiorstwie. Analiza badania akt postępowań upadłościowych wskazuje, że w postępowaniu o ogłoszenie upadłości kluczowym interesariuszem jest menedżer, a po ogłoszeniu upadłości obejmującej likwidację majątku dłużnika – syndyk