63 research outputs found

    Lemiesz tłumacza. Tłumaczenie jako sposób wewnętrznej imigracji

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    The theme of the article is translation as a mode of internal immigration. Paul Celan, who chose German as the language of his work, (it was the language of his mother and of murderers), found a sanctuary also as translator. In translator’s profession, he found ways of distilling the German language, which never ceased to be his “internal landscape” in spite of the wound inflicted to the language by Nazism. Most of the discussion focuses on Celan’s motivations when he translated Osip Mandelstam’s poetry

    Kein Mensch ist ein Ich-Land [No man is an island]. The metaphorof an island in reflections on friendship

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    In her essay, the author recalls literary contexts (including John Donne, Michel Houellebecq and Ernest Hemingway) and philosophical and anthropological contexts (including Aristotle, Thomas Merton, Maurice Blanchot, Jean-Paul Sartre and Gilles Deleuze) presenting the poetic “I’s” various ways of approaching friendship. The quotation from a German translation of John Donne’s poem used in the title of the article is in itself a meaningful phonetic wordplay: “Kein Mensch ist ein Ich-Land” (no man is an “I” land, no man is an island). The main part of the essay includes an interpretation of the television series Lost — Joanna Roszak investigates philosophical references in the series and indicates biblical contexts (“Am I my brother’s keeper?”). A very apt comment to many episodes in the series is, according to the author, the formula told by Z. Herbert’s Fortinbras: Ani nam witać się ani żegnać żyjemy na archipelagach/ A ta woda te słowa cóż mogą cóż mogą” [It is not for us to greet each other or bid farewell we live on archipelagos/ and that water these words what can they do what can they do prince]. It is a similar defencelessness in which the main characters of Lost try to struggle the reality, even if they live together, and die all alone. Collective memory has become a safeguard for the community in the world, which is to be destined for homelessness and forlornness. The other person though becomes a reference point — it is him or her that makes it possible to find the way home

    Refugees’ Refrains in the Poetry by Nelly Sachs

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    W artykule badam, jaki zespół przesłanek konstytuuje się w twórczości niemieckojęzycznej noblistki oraz w jaki sposób autorka sprowadza do wiersza zraniony świat. Interpretuję jej utwory związane z wątkiem uchodźczym. Czytam jej neurotyczną poezję także w obrębie współczesnego dyskursu nomadologicznego i postrzegam jako drogowskaz ku językowi solidarności. W twórczości noblistki z 1966 roku można dostrzec zapowiedź stylistyki współczesnych wierszy uchodźców (m.in. Breyten Breytenbach czy Ashur Etwebi), buduje się wspólnota artystyczna osób pozbawionych domu. Artykuł zamykam konkluzją związaną z wykorzystaniem poezji w edukacji na rzecz pokoju.In the article I have been studying what premises constitute in the work of this German-speaking Nobel Prize winner and how the author brings the wounded world to the poem. I am aiming at interpreting her works in the relation to the refugees theme. I read her neurotic poetry also in the context of the contemporary nomadological discourse and I perceive it as a signpost to the language of solidarity. In the works of the Nobel Prize winner from 1966 one can see a preview of the style of the poems written by contemporary refuges (Breyten Breytenbach or Ashur Etwebi), and the artistic community of people deprived of their homes. I close the article with the conclusion related to the use of poetry in education for peace

    Pacyfizm jako bestseller. Na Zachodzie bez zmian i Józef Rotblat – dwa przypadki

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    The analysis of the most famous anti-war novel of all times, All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, a representative of a lost generation, becomes a pretext to compare the German author with Joseph Rotblat, a physicist born in Warsaw. They both found their own way to deal with the consequences of war. The first one, as a veteran of World War I and the author of the anti-war novels was nominated in 1931 for the Nobel Peace Prize, the second one was its laureate in 1995. While All Quiet on the Western Front is the novel most strongly related to the World War I, Rotblat, associated in Western Europe with calling for world peace and nuclear disarmament, is in Poland almost unknown and there is no information about him in the official teaching programs. This article is devoted to Remarque and Rotblat separate paths in practicing „militant pacifism”.Omówienie najsłynniejszej powieści antywojennej wszechczasów, Na Zachodzie bez zmian Ericha Marii Remarque’a, przedstawiciela lost generation, staje się pretekstem, by zestawić niemieckiego pisarza z urodzonym w Warszawie fizykiem, Józefem Rotblatem. Obaj znaleźli własną drogę, by walczyć z powikłaniami wojennymi. Pierwszego z nich, jako weterana wojny światowej z lat 1914-1918 i autora antywojennej powieści, nominowano w roku 1931 do Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, drugi w 1995 został jej laureatem. O ile jednak Na Zachodzie bez zmian to powieść najsilniej powiązana asocjacyjnie z I wojną światową, o tyle Rotblat, kojarzony na zachodzie Europy z wieloletnimi działaniami nawołującymi do światowego pokoju i rozbrojenia nuklearnego, w Polsce jest niemal nieznany, a w szkolnych programach nauczania nie znaleziono dla niego miejsca. Artykuł poświęcony jest ich odrębnym drogom uprawiania „wojującego pacyfizmu”

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    Mur palestyński – dwie perspektywy. W stronę Jehudy Amichaja i Mahmuda Darwisza

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    The article is a reflection on the wall being built since 2002 between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The paper presents this structure, its history and how it is reflected in poetry (Yehuda Amichai and Mahmud Darwish), reportage (Raja Shehadeh) and film. Artists’ initiatives once focussed on the Berlin Wall and more recently on the initiatives related to the Palestinian wall prompt the question how the media report on the present situation of the excluded. It is worth bearing in mind that memory or post-memory of our European wall and ghettos does not shape the discourse about the Middle-East. The preferred method of talking about walls has become geocritics (based more broadly on cultural and postcolonial studies; it is significant that the foundations of the theory of postcolonialism were put forward by a Palestinian – Edward Said)

    Words and Herbs: Julian Tuwim and the Poetry of Mindfulness

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    In this article, the author discusses the subject of pro-peace education with the use of poetry, and its influence on the mental well-being of children. She indicates Julian Tuwim as one of the Polish trailblazers of the 20th-century trend of mindfulness, which instructs how to establish a harmonious relationship with oneself and the environment. She discusses studies which focus on the methods used when working during school lessons of the Polish language; methods which employ mindful poetry. The author argues that there exists a relationship between internal equanimity and global peace

    Cztery minuty. Hannah Arendt lekcja o zaimku

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    The article attempts to analyse Hannah Arendt’s short essay “We Refugees” published in 1943 in a Jewish magazine The Menorah Journal in the context of the current humanitarian crisis (a crisis of reception policies) and peace studies. It also reconstructs refugee themes in the life trajectory of the author of Eichmann in Jerusalem. The author is confident that the essay “We Refugees” from seventy-seven years ago allows one to speak up repeating the questions concerning one of the key problems of contemporary world – the condition of the outcasts.The article attempts to analyse Hannah Arendt’s short essay “We Refugees” published in 1943 in a Jewish magazine The Menorah Journal in the context of the current humanitarian crisis (a crisis of reception policies) and peace studies. It also reconstructs refugee themes in the life trajectory of the author of Eichmann in Jerusalem. The author is confident that the essay “We Refugees” from seventy-seven years ago allows one to speak up repeating the questions concerning one of the key problems of contemporary world – the condition of the outcasts

    Oświetlające się plany. Ciche i dalekie w „Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” Jonathana Safrana Foera

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    Mutually illuminating planes: the silent and the distant in J.S. Foer’s 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'The paper offers an analysis of sub-renting relations in J. S. Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which are put in the context of the author’s debut novel Everything Is Illuminated. I suggest that the two novels shed light on, or “illuminate”, each other. The writer, a descendant of Polish Jews, precisely stratifies the novels and intertwines two planes: the explicit and the implicit (encoding signs of the Jewish plight), which are also the two planes of the protagonists’ identities. Oświetlające się plany. Ciche i dalekie w „Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” Jonathana Safrana FoeraArtykuł koncentruje się wokół zagadnienia sublokatorstwa w powieści Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (polski przekład: Strasznie głośno, niesamowicie blisko) Jonathana Safrana Foera. W refleksji o żydowskiej kondycji sublokatora (w oryginale: the renter) autorka nie pomija debiutanckiej powieści Amerykanina, Wszystko jest iluminacją. Stawia tezę, że oba dzieła wzajemnie się oświetlają. Pisarz, będący potomkiem polskich Żydów, precyzyjnie stratyfikuje powieść i nakłada na siebie dwa plany, będące także planami tożsamości głównych bohaterów: wyrażony i domyślany (szyfrujący znaki żydowskiego losu)

    Oświetlające się plany. Ciche i dalekie w „Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” Jonathana Safrana Foera

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    Mutually illuminating planes: the silent and the distant in J.S. Foer’s 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' The paper offers an analysis of sub-renting relations in J. S. Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which are put in the context of the author’s debut novel Everything Is Illuminated. I suggest that the two novels shed light on, or “illuminate”, each other. The writer, a descendant of Polish Jews, precisely stratifies the novels and intertwines two planes: the explicit and the implicit (encoding signs of the Jewish plight), which are also the two planes of the protagonists’ identities.   Oświetlające się plany. Ciche i dalekie w „Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” Jonathana Safrana Foera Artykuł koncentruje się wokół zagadnienia sublokatorstwa w powieści Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (polski przekład: Strasznie głośno, niesamowicie blisko) Jonathana Safrana Foera. W refleksji o żydowskiej kondycji sublokatora (w oryginale: the renter) autorka nie pomija debiutanckiej powieści Amerykanina, Wszystko jest iluminacją. Stawia tezę, że oba dzieła wzajemnie się oświetlają. Pisarz, będący potomkiem polskich Żydów, precyzyjnie stratyfikuje powieść i nakłada na siebie dwa plany, będące także planami tożsamości głównych bohaterów: wyrażony i domyślany (szyfrujący znaki żydowskiego losu)