5 research outputs found


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    Munculnya gangguan dari dalam maupun dari luar sistem informasi sebuah perguruan tinggi, akan menghambat proses layanan yang diberikan. Salahsatu proses yang akan terhambat adalah layanan didalam sistem informasi akademik yang meliputi informasi administrasi perkuliahan, data dosen dan mahasiswa, penjadwalan mata kuliah hingga masalah pembayaran. Butuh sebuah prosedur untuk memastikan keberlangsungan layanan yang diberikan untuk menjamin adanya availability/ketersediaan layanan. Dengan menurunkan proses dari tata kelola Cobit Quickstart 2nd edition domain DS4 (ensure continuity service), perguruan tinggi dapat memastikan keberlangsungan layanan yang diberikan di sistem informasi akademik pada saat muncul gangguan ataupun bencana secara maksimal

    Bussiness Continuity Management Sistem Informasi Akademik: Proses, Kendala, Risiko dan Rekomendasi

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    Munculnyagangguan dari dalam maupun dari luar sistem informasi sebuah perguruan tinggi, akan menghambat proses layanan yang diberikan. Salah satu proses yang akan terhambat adalah layanan didalam Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) yang meliputi informasi administrasi perkuliahan, data dosen dan mahasiswa, penjadwalan matakuliah hingga masalah pembayaran. Perguruan Tinggi membutuhkan sebuah prosedur untuk memastikan keberlangsungan layanan yang diberikan untuk menjamin adanya ketersediaan layanan (availability). Dengan menurunkan proses dari tata kelola COBIT Quickstart 2nd edition domain DS4 (ensure continuity service), Perguruan Tinggi dapat memastikan keberlangsungan layanan yang diberikan di SIA pada saat muncul gangguan ataupun bencana secara maksimal. Kata kunci: COBIT Quickstart 2nd Edition, DS4, SI

    Pelatihan Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Laporan Keuangan Study Kasus Dinas Koperasi Kabupaten Jember

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    Development of the Village Creative Economy Industry Based on Local Wisdom and Entrepreneurship is one of the flagship programs to be achieved from this service. The creative economy is an evolution of concepts based on creative assets that can generate economic growth and development. Minister of Cooperatives and UKM, Teten Masduki revealed that the creative economy community (Ekraf) is most likely in the national economy. In order to increase their productivity, the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, encourages the creative economy community to consolidate into a format. The Department of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises of Jember Regency in running one of the services encountered several obstacles, namely there were still many cooperatives that had not reported financial reports and RATs in accordance with standards. Financial Information System training and development is one of the efforts made to resolve these obstacles. This Financial Information System will be used by the Department of Cooperatives to carry out Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of the Financial Reports and RATs of each of the cooperatives under its guidance. The end result of this service is in the form of a Financial System Training Module that can be used to facilitate cooperatives in carrying out financial reporting in accordance with established standards

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Keuangan untuk Monitoring dan Evaluasi Koperasi

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    Cooperatives are business entities consisting of individuals or cooperative legal entities based on their activities based on cooperative principles as well as people's economic movements based on kinship. Based on data from the Department of Cooperatives and MSMEs, in 2020 there were around 32 cooperatives registered and scattered in several areas in Jember. The task of the Cooperative Service is to ensure the implementation of regional affairs tasks in the field of micro, small and medium enterprises cooperatives based on the principle of autonomy and assistance tasks. A Financial Information System is needed for the Jember Cooperative Office as an effort to improve better services by improving the monitoring and evaluation governance of each cooperative and business in Jember district.  in English with a distance between sentences of 1 space and the number of words between 150-250. The abstract should contain introductions, methods, results and discussions and conclusions (without citation). Avoid using citations in the abstract