BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
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    49 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kepuasan Pengguna SIMPUS di Puskesmas Singotrunan Banyuwangi

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    Singotrunan Banyuwangi Health Center started implementing the puskesmas management information system since 2010. There are still various obstacles in implementing SIMPUS, including incomplete and concise information content, no notification forms, system report Formats that are not up to date, the system still loads frequently at service, access to the report menu can only be done after 12 noon, there is no help menu in the system. The study aimed to assess user satisfaction using EUCS by descriptive study. The object was the SIMPUS application in all Singotrunan Banyuwangi Health Centers. The research subjects were all SIMPUS users at the puskesmas with a total of 21 respondents. The data analyze was performed by calculating the score and then collecting it into a criterion value. The study found that the criteria of good value with the proportion of the content aspect was 79.8%, the Accuracy aspect was 68.5%, the Format aspect was 73.7%, the timeliness aspect was 73.9%, the ease of use aspect was 75%. This states that SIMPUS is running well and necessary to be maintained, but there were still some deficiencies so it is suggested that it is necessary to improve the system through SIMPUS development by making the information content more concise and complete, adding warnings to forms, updating the report Format on SIMPUS, improving the system for minimize loading, provide flexible hours of access to process reports and add help menus or guides

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Google Sites pada Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Layanan Jaringan

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    The Government requires the classroom learning system to be replaced with learning at home through an online system. This research was conducted to develop learning media based on Google sites in the subject of network service technology. This research was conducted to see the feasibility of the developed Google sites-based learning media. The method used in this research is Research and Development with ADDIE development were Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development stage involved four validators as media experts and materials experts to assess the feasibility of media and materials. The implementation phase was limited to involving 34 students of class XII Computer Network Engineering. Collecting data using validation questionnaires, response questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques are descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results of this study are learning media products based on Google sites in the course of network service technology. One of the materials discussed is a firewall on a VoIP network. The results of the feasibility test show that the Google sites-based learning media is feasible to use. This is based on the validation of media experts who obtained an average result of 97,3% in the “strongly agree” category, material expert validation obtained an average result of 88,6% in the “strongly agree” and based on the results of the questionnaire students obtained an average result of 92,86% in the “strongly agree”. This indicates that all aspects assessed are in the very good category

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Menggunakan Software Accurate dalam Pengambilan Keputusan UMKM di Kota Mataram

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    Accurate is an accounting information system that is useful for facilitating the management of financial data for companies and MSMEs and producing information in the form of financial reports that can be used as a basis for decision making. So far there are still many MSMEs that have not implemented accounting information systems such as accurate software. This research is intended to find out how to implement an accounting information system using accurate software in decision making for MSMEs in Mataram City. The research method used was descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews and documentation with informants, namely each owner or manager and employees responsible for implementing Accurate Software from 4 MSMEs in Mataram City, including CV. Prabu Pande Perkasa, CV. Lancar Jaya Abadi, Geshuter Lombok, and Mahkota Lancar. The results of this research can be concluded that the application of Accurate Software to several MSMEs in Mataram City can be said to be quite effective according to TAM theory even though there is one drawback related to invoices which shows that there is an additional need for data processing. Then, in making decisions, MSMEs tend to take low risks, pay attention to basic information, and must have creative thinking

    Perancangan Model (Blue Print) Aplikasi Penghitung Sitasi dan ArticleHub Pada Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah

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    The number of scientific journals, especially in Indonesia, is not commensurate with their quality. This can be seen from the number of journals accredited by SINTA which is not comparable to the number of journals indexed by Garuda. One indicator of a quality journal that is highly useful is the number of citations (scientific impact). In the substantive elements of journal accreditation assessment in Arjuna, the number of citations includes points that have a high score (maximum 8) if those who have cited them over the last 3 years are high (>30 citations). However, to find out the number of citations, the journal must be indexed in dimensions which are crossref products. In accordance with the latest journal accreditation guidelines released in 2021, citations that are recognized only use dimensions. But the problem is that the dimensions calculation process is not real-time, where the citation calculation results will be displayed four times a year. This is certainly not effective considering that scientific articles in journals can be cited by other articles at any time. It is mandatory to use dimensions because currently the Garuda and Sinta portals do not accommodate the needs related to citation calculations. The next problem is that there is no platform in one application that can bring together writers and journal managers, so up to now writers have been looking for just any journal for publication, on the other hand, journal managers have been aggressively promoting through email broadcasts and calls for papers, but sometimes it doesn't feel optimal. So the solution to this problem is the need for a multifunctional platform in the form of a scientific journal citation calculation application and article hub. The results of the research are in the form of a blueprint for the application of citation calculations and articlehub in scientific journal publications. Where the blueprint shows that the citation process is real time or up to date so that the latest number of citations in scientific journals can be known.

    Sistem Pakar Pemilihan Serum Wajah Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor (Studi Kasus Produk Avoskin)

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    More and more people are aware of the importance of caring for facial skin, resulting in skincare production proliferating. Various kinds of skincare products are on the market, including facial serum. Facial serum is superior because it contains higher levels of active substances than other skincare products. The content and composition of a facial serum varies greatly and has different functions because the skin types and problems experienced are different. This means that users cannot use facial serum carelessly. Through this research, an expert system was created by applying the Certainty Factor method to identify facial serums, especially Avoskin products, which are expected to help the public determine facial serums that suit the type and skin problems they are experiencing. This study used 21 data on facial skin symptoms with eight types of Avoskin Your Skin Bae serum products. Based on the test results using the system accuracy percentage method, an accuracy of 85% was obtained so that the expert system created could run well

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Arsip Kerja Sama Pada PT. Kelola Teknologi Informasi

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    Currently, in the globalization era, sophisticated technology, and one of them is a website-based information system used as information management tools using the internet. Hence by using web-based information system, not only simplifies and speeds up the work but also saves time and cost. The one example of the problem that the authors take is the design of the cooperation archive management information system at PT. Kelola Teknologi Informasi which is still manual, that the company staff organizes archives and documentation in computer folders and recapitulates in the number processing application (Excel). This study was conducted to build a website-based archive management information system. The system development Model used is Waterfall. The tests carried out are website performance and security tests. Performance testing results show that the website performs the desired functions with fast response times. While the results of website security testing using Quttera found that there was no malicious content detected and declared clean. With this information system makes it easier for archive and documentation systems to be accessed online by anyone and anywhere who has access

    Analisis User Experience pada Website Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyrakat dan Desa Kabupaten Sumabawa dengan Heuristic Evaluation

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    This research is about software usability or what is often called a usability evaluation which analyzes or tests the ease of use of the PMD (Community and Village Empowerment Service) Sumbawa Regency website. Usability is a technique for testing or measuring software applications that are considered from five aspects, namely branding, usability, functionality, and content against the ten principles of Heuristic Evaluation (HE) and System Usability Scale (SUS). Data collection in this research used the interview method with 50 respondents with 34 questions in the questionnaire, then the data was processed using validation tests and reliability tests on SPSS tools. The usability aspects tested in this research are evaluation of user experience based on visibility of system status of 86%, level of match between system and reality (match between system and the real world) of 85%, level of user control and freedom (user control and freedom) of 80%, level of consistency and standards (consistency and standards) of 84%, level of error prevention (error prevention) of 80%, level of discovery (Recognition rather than recall) of 77%, level of flexibility and efficiency of use (flexibility and efficiency of use) of 82.5%, level of aesthetic and minimalist design (aesthetic and minimalist design) of 81%, level of help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors (help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors) of 85%, level of help and documentation (help and documentation) of 80%

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengarsipan Berkas Berbasis Android pada Kantor Notaris NJ

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    Archives is a collection of records or documents containing information on the activities and transactions of an organization, institution, and company. The Notary office NJ notary has been using conventional methods for archiving files, which requires a considerable amount of time when needing to retrieve such data in the future. Due to this conventional approach, human errors often occur. The purpose of this research is to develop an Android-based file archiving application for the Notary Office of NJ. The waterfall method is utilized for system development. The application is designed using Figma and built using android studio. Based on the results of black box testing, the developed application can be used without any errors or bugs. Additionally, Usability testing was conducted to measure the level of usefulness, with a learning aspect score of 96%, an efficiency aspect score of 0,024 goals/sec, an average overall relative efficiency of 82.1%, and an error aspect score of 0.04. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application is suitable according to the usability testing, and it is suitable for implementation in the notary office of N

    Penerapan Model Prototype Untuk Pembangunan Sistem Point of Sale (POS) Pada Toko Ritel

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    Point of Sale (POS) system in the business field, especially in the field of sales in retail stores is needed. This is because POS can replace business processes from conventional to systemized using electronic devices, namely computers. Toko Kafindra currently has not implemented a computerized business process. Therefore, this research implements a POS that can help Toko Kafindra in facilitating the management of business processes so that the retail store business can grow rapidly. This research uses a prototype model to facilitate the identification of user needs for the system to be built. The results showed that the Kafindra Store POS not only made it easier for the owner to know the outgoing goods but also could make it easier for the owner to know the incoming goods using the system of purchasing goods to suppliers. In addition, based on the results of the blackbox test on the system, the test results are valid and the system functions properl

    Analisa Usability Pada Aplikasi Identitas Kependudukan Digital Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing

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    The digital population application is an application managed by the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration under the Ministry of Home Affairs. This application serves to convert physical documents into digital format, making them accessible anywhere using smartphones. The existence of this digital population application is expected to facilitate the process of managing population documents. However, some users have expressed complaints about the digital population application, including interface issues and system problems. Based on these issues, a usability analysis is needed to assess effectiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. The method used for the analysis is Usability Testing, which employs two techniques: performance measurement to assess effectiveness and efficiency, and Retrospective Think Aloud technique to evaluate customer satisfaction. Through Usability Testing, it has been found that the digital population application scored below the minimum value for the effectiveness aspect, while the efficiency aspect obtained a score that meets the standard. As for customer satisfaction, the results from the questionnaire indicate an optimal outcome


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