69 research outputs found

    Arti dan fungsi upacara tradisional daur hidup pada masyarakat Betawi

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    kebudayaan masyarakat Betawi yang merupakan inti penelitian dan pembahasan dalam tulisan ini, memiliki tahap-tahap kebudayaan yang dipandang penting dan kritis mulai dari masa kehamilan, khususnya pada usia kehamilan 7 bulan, masa kanak-kanak yang ditandai dengan upara khitanan dan Khatam Al Quran, serta masa memasuki jenjang kehidupan baru yang ditandai dengan upacara perkawinan. Pandangan mengenai adanya tahap-tahap kehidupan masyarakat seperti ini, tercermin dalam pola tingkah sehari-hari berupa kebiasaan atau adat istiadat yang diturun-temurunkan sampai sekarang oleh masyarakat pendukungnya. Oleh karena itu naskah hasil penelitian ini mencoba menggali dan mengkaji beberapa jenis upacara daur hidup pada masyarakat Betawi yang pembahasannya tidak hanya dibatasi pada bentuk aktivitas upacaranya, melainkan mencoba menelaah keterkaitan upacara itu sendiri dengan kehidupan keagamaan serta keterkaitannya dengan aspek aspek sosial lainnya. Selain itu pada bagian tertentu tulisan ini juga mencoba mengungkapkan latar belakang kebudayaan masyarakat Betawi yang ditekankan pada nilai-nilai budaya yang terkan­dung dalam upacara-upacara tersebut

    Serat siksa kanda karesian

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    Nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam naskah kuno Serat siksa kanda karesian ini adalah nilai Pitutur (nasehat) yang harus dipahami baik ayah, ibu, anak maupun anggota keluarga lainnya yang dapat menunjang pembangunan, baik fisik maupun spiritual

    Nilai-nilai budaya dalam kehidupan pesantren di daerah Situbondo Jawa Timur

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    Lembaga pesantren yang dipilih sebagai obyek penelitian adalah Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah, atau juga dikenal dengan sebutan Pondok Pesantren Sukorajo Asembagus yang berlokasi di Dusun Sukorejo, Kelurahan Sumberejo, Kecamatan Banyuputih , Kabupaten Situbodo, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian pengkajian ini diharapkan dapat mengungkapkan potensi-potensi positif yang dimiliki oleh lembaga pesantren dalam membina dan mendidik para santrinya. Potensi-potensi ini diharapkan dapat menunjang peningkatan kualitas manusia Indonesia , yang tidak hanya handal dalam penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, melainkan juga memiliki sikap dan kepribadian serta mentalitas yang luhur, sesuai dengan ajaran agama Islam. Selain itu, dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan bagi pihak-pihak atau instansi yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terkait dalam upaya pengembangkan pendidikan formal maupun nonformal. Adapun tujuan kuusus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pokok-pomok permasalahan yang telah diuraikan di atas, dalam rangka menyebarluaskan informal mengenai nilai-nilai budaya yang terdepat di dawlam masyarakat, khususnya di lingkungan pesantren


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    This research discusses the management of the Quran learning curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Elementary School of Luqman Al-Hakim Yogyakarta. This research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The research data was taken from various scientific writings, school curriculum documents, field observation notes, and interviewees determined by non-probability sampling and purposive sampling. The data were tested by data triangulation and analyzed using the Miles & Huberman technique: (a) data reduction, (b) data presentation, (c) conclusion and verification. The results: The Quran learning curriculum is a set of educational program plans, target achievements, and learning strategies that are carried out so that students read the Quran Tartil and have three juz of memorization. The curriculum management process includes planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating

    Median Filter For Transition Region Refinement In Image Segmentation

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    Transition region based image segmentation is one of the simple and effective image segmentation methods. This method is capable to segment image contains single or multiple objects. However, this method depends on the background. It may produce a bad segmentation result if the gray level variance is high or the background is textured. So a method to repair the transition region is needed. In this study, a new method to repair the transition region with median filter based on the percentage of the adjacent transitional pixels is proposed. Transition region is extracted from the grayscale image. Transition region refinement is conducted based on the percentage of the adjacent transitional pixels. Then, several morphological operations and the edge linking process are conducted to the transition region. Afterward, region filling is used to get the foreground area. Finally, image of segmentation result is obtained by showing the pixels of grayscale image that are located in the foreground area. The value of misclassification error (ME), false negative rate (FNR), and false positive rate (FPR) of the segmentation result are calculated to measure the proposed method performance. Performance of the proposed method is compared with the other method. The experimental results show that the proposed method has average value of ME, FPR, and FNR: 0.0297, 0.0209, and 0.0828 respectively. It defines that the proposed method has better performance than the other methods. Furthermore, the proposed method works well on the image with a variety of background, especially on image with textured background

    Upaya Menumbuhkan Budaya Baca Warga SD No 57/ IV Sei Benteng

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah  untuk menumbuhkan budaya baca warga sekolah SD No 57/ IV Sei Benteng, Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan  adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan, Jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 26 orang guru.Hasil  dicapai melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini yaitu : 1). Warga sekolah  mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pentingnya membaca 2) kesadaran warga sekolah dalam budaya baca meningkat 3) Implementasi budaya baca akan dilakukan dalam bentuk keteladanan, Pembiasaan dan ketersediaan buku. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan dapat disimpulan bahwa pengetahuan dan kesadaran guru akan pentingnya membaca menujukkan hasil yang baik, kepala sekolah akan  membuat peraturan tentang kegiatan membaca disekolah, memperbanyak adanya pojok baca.Warga sekolah sudah memahami betapa pentingnya memabaca untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri dalam melihat perkembangan jaman. Kata Kunci : menumbuhkan ,budaya baca, warga sekola

    Chinese Muslim Nationalism: Measuring the Love of Land for the Chinese Ethnic Community in Jember

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    In Indonesia, nationalist consciousness has recently been facing many problems, threats, and concerns about daily life security. The threat has shifted from armed threats to threats of poverty, ignorance, backwardness, hunger, diseases for which no cure has been found, scarcity of employment opportunities, unemployment everywhere, arbitrary actions of those in power, crime, SARA, national disintegration, anti-nationalist terrorism, narcotics trafficking. Illegal drugs are troubling the future of the younger generation. One of those who got the effect was ethnic Chinese residents. This research was conducted with the ethnic Chinese locus in the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association of Jember, focusing on how the Jember ethnic Chinese Muslim community views nationalism. What is the process of instilling nationalist values among the ethnic Chinese Muslim community of Jember? This research aims to trace the nationalism of the ethnic Chinese Muslim community in Jember towards Indonesia and the process of instilling nationalist values among them so far. This research uses a qualitative paradigm with a narrative research approach. The results of this research show that the nationalist values of Jember's ethnic Chinese Muslim community have been ingrained since birth because the Jember Chinese Muslim community was born in Indonesia, not in China. Ethnic Chinese who were born in Indonesia to Chinese citizens in China are called overseas, which is why they are considered not to be genuine Chinese citizens because they were not born and distributed in the land of their ancestors. Nationalism is not just a saying; nationalism is a necessity that Jember's ethnic Chinese Muslims firmly hold. His nationalist experience was formed by practising the values of Pancasila. Forms of instilling and strengthening nationalism among member ethnic Chinese Muslims by holding regular discussions, mutual respect, tolerance, participating in state activities, cooperation and defending the country

    Collaboration Challenges in Helping the Rural Creative Tourism Sector to Recover During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research aimed to determine the challenges faced by the rural creative tourism sector in recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic, this sector was well-developed and provided many contributions to the local economy. However, the pandemic has badly inhibited the development of the rural creative tourism sector. This study used a post-positivist qualitative approach in which the researchers collected the data based on the formulated cross-sector collaboration theory or conceptual framework, which was then reconfirmed. Interviews with several informants consisting of creative tourism actors and regional tourism officials were conducted to identify the challenges in cross-sector collaboration. The research findings showed that cross-sectoral collaboration was required to figure out the impacts of activity restrictions on the local economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the limited government budget and the absence of appropriate empowerment strategies for rural creative tourism were obstacles faced by the creative tourism sector in trying to recover from the impacts of this pandemic. We can conclude that an effective collaborative strategy model should build on the assets of local village communities and other strategic sectors, such as education, media, technology and business. This could be adaptively performed through local government support and village government policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, by maintaining opportunities to help the creative tourism sector in rural areas to recover. Keywords: rural creative tourism, COVID-19, cross-sector collaboration, pandemi


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    This research aims to know the effect of the difference in percentage increase of silkworm by larvae age on the survival and growth of larvae (Hemibagrus nemurus). The method used is experimental method using Completely Random Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 3 replications namely, P1 (Improvement Percentage 3%, 5% and 7%), P2 (3%, 6% and 9% Percentage increase), P3 (3%, 7% and 11%) P4 (3%, 8% and 13% ). The test fish used were bamboo larvae that were 7 days old with an average weight of 0.0004 gr and an average length of 0.8 cm. Larva fish obtained from the spawning in the Seed Fish Hall (BBI) Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru. The container used is 10 liters or 12 liters water capacity. The result of the research showed the best survival percentage was on P4 treatment, which is 96,00%, followed by P3 treatment that is 94,67%, P2 treatment is 90,67% and lowest is P1, that is 86,67 %. The absolute weight growth and the highest absolute length were at treatment (P4) with weighing 0.30 gr and length 3.35 cm, followed by treatment (P3) that is 0.32 gr and length 3.02 cm, (P2) weighing 0.31 gr and length of 2.84 cm, (P1) weighing 0.30 gr and length 2.77 cm. The highest growth rate of daily weight was also found in treatment (P4), ie 11%, (P3) 10,46%, (P2) 10,24%, and the lowest in treatment (P1) 10,12%

    The Cross-Sector Collaboration for Development Policy of Rural Creative Economy: The Case of Bengkoang Creative Hub

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    This paper examines a cross-sector collaborative model for development policy in a creative economy in a rural area setting. The creative economy based on the village’s creative potential is considered capable of contributing to the national economy, but it should be supported by public policies that are adaptive to the potential and needs of creative economy actors. The paper used a qualitative approach with case studies in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This village represents one of the leading creative economy subsectors in Indonesia, which is culinary. The study found that collaboration among Penta Helix forces played multiple roles in driving rural creative actors and building rural creative ecosystems. The stages of collaboration were identified in strengthening organizational structure, program implementation, and organizational consolidation.  Organizational capability and innovation have been growing in rural creative economy actors during cross-sector collaboration implementation. This study provides insights into how Penta Helix collaborates with rural creative actors to promote the rural creative economy. From a public policy perspective, this study fills a significant gap in the literature regarding rural development models that are not covered much in the creative economy policy