392 research outputs found

    Blackfriars Dance Concert 2016 Poster

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    Providence College Department of Theatre, Dance & Film Angell Blackfriars Theatre Blackfriars Dance Concert 2016 November 18th & 19th Poster by Laura Rostkowskihttps://digitalcommons.providence.edu/bdc_2016_pubs/1000/thumbnail.jp

    « Cultures premiÚres » : apports et tendances

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    Health Care Problems and Ensuring Sustainable Development among Employees

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    The article offers a synthetic presentation of the results of analyses of diverse data resources and other scientific information concerning the healthcare in Poland. These studies were conducted in order to put forward positive changes that are not only to prevent the fall of the system, which is highly probable, but also to improve the availability of medical services and increase their quality. These studies are of major importance because the availability of medical (healthcare) services is largely determined by whether it is possible to implement the idea of sustainable development among employees, which indirectly determines the possibility of implementing sustainable development principles incorporated into legal circulation under one of the first articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The concept of sustainable development is not only one of the important reasons which call for modernisation of the functioning of the healthcare system, but also an idea which, once applied, may be helpful in solving healthcare problems. Considering the fact that the largest problem of this system in Poland lies in the shortage of employees, it becomes clear that by trying to ensure sustainable development of employees working in other industries, first, it is necessary to take care of their health, which must lead through sustainable development of healthcare workers. The aim of the article is to present the comprehensive nature of the idea of sustainable development of employees, the role of health protection in achieving a balance by employees, and to show the way to build integrated programmes to maintain the health of employees and their families against the background of the limitations of the Polish healthcare system

    The Concepts of Sustainable Organisation, Sustainable Human Capital Management and Organisational Resilience as Guidelines for Modernisation of Healthcare Units in Poland

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    A multitude of attempts to reform the Polish healthcare system cannot be treated as fully successful. Therefore, there is a need to determine new possible methods that can solve financial, social, and environmental problems burdening the system. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present necessary steps that have to be taken in order to conduct a successful reform. Moreover, the article presents an overview of the current state of the theory of sustainable organisation, sustainable human capital management and resilience. Proper implementation of the key elements of the above-mentioned theories may turn out helpful in the process of modernisation of human capital management in the Polish healthcare system

    Uncertainty quantification of vista charring ablator material database using Bayesian inference

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    During hypersonic trajectory through a planetary atmosphere a high heat flux environment is generated due to the friction between gas particles and the vehicle. To protect it from the excessive heat energy that is transferred to it, Thermal Protection Systems are implemented in the spacecraft’s design. Current modeling tools used for the design of heat shields, however, have been shown to be unable to fully replicate material response data recorded during flight. Collaborative efforts aimed at improving current models are also difficult to establish due to restrictions placed on the access to material response data. In response, a material model free of access restrictions dubbed VISTA was devised by a research group at University of Kentucky upon which synergistic projects aimed at studying performance of charring ablators can be readily organized. In the present thesis a sensitivity study of the VISTA material model is performed with both Pearson correlation coefficients and the method of Sobol; Sobol indices are shown to be a much more robust sensitivity metric in the context of charring ablators. Uncertain parameters of the material database are then calibrated through the use of Bayesian inference rather than basic deterministic methods often used throughout scientific works. The calibrated parameters, as well as quantified uncertainty due to model structure errors and data inaccuracy, are finally propagated through onto the output where uncertainty is seen to be reduced by a large margin. An in-house developed tool named SMUQ is used to perform analyses contained in this thesis which features a PID controller modified version of the Delayed Rejection–Adaptive Method sampling algorithm

    Bishop Franciszek Jaczewski’s Life and Pastoral Work (1832-1914)

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    Ks. Zbigniew RostkowskiBishop Franciszek Jaczewski (1832-1914) is one of outstanding figures associated with the present Drohiczyn diocese. He was born in the village of GĂłrki Grubaki (the parish of Korytnica). The fact the local school has been named after him, inspired the author of the article to recount his life against the historical background. Bishop Jaczewski lived and worked in the conditions that were extremely difficult for Poland and Polish Catholic Church. The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was the period of post-Uprising persecutions, repressions of the Uniates, introducing Russian language in schools, developing Mariavite ideas, revolutionary movements and a ban of church building. The above was the background of Bishop Jaczewski’s life, education and career which is discussed in the first part of the article. Chapter Two is dedicated to his work as a bishop (especially his pastoral and administrative activities). The final part focuses on the Bishop’s scientific research. Bishop Jaczewski is seen as a good shepherd, teacher, defender of the Church and human dignity and a man of honour. The results of his work (establishing new parishes, building a seminar, scientific works) are still seen today. It seems necessary to recall them to learn how to live our everyday lives.WyĆŒsze Seminarium Duchowne w Drohiczynie813414

    Mikael Kurkiala, « Building the Nation Back up ». The Politics of Identity on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

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    Le discours identitaire des Sioux Oglala de Pine Ridge (Dakota du Sud), tel est le sujet de cet ouvrage issu d’une thĂšse d’anthropologie prĂ©sentĂ©e Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Uppsala. L’auteur apporte un regard neuf sur les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de la perception de l’indianitĂ© au sein de cette rĂ©serve qui est aussi, depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, un foyer du militantisme. La rĂ©serve lakota de Pine Ridge est l’une des plus tristement cĂ©lĂšbres. DeuxiĂšme rĂ©serve des États-Unis par sa superficie, c’est aussi l’une de ce..

    Charle Matthieu, CƓur d’Alene. Ethnohistoire d’une communautĂ© indienne d’AmĂ©rique du Nord

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    La genĂšse de cet ouvrage, sorti au dĂ©but du mois de juin 2019, mĂ©rite une attention particuliĂšre. FondĂ© sur la thĂšse de Matthieu Charle, dont il reprend la presque intĂ©gralitĂ©, il est publiĂ© par DĂ©paysage, nouvelle maison d’édition fondĂ©e par Amaury Levillayer. Auteur et Ă©diteur ont conjuguĂ© leurs efforts pour aboutir Ă  un ouvrage dense et bien structurĂ©, qui se distingue par sa qualitĂ© formelle : couverture originale, mise en page Ă©lĂ©gante avec alternance de textes en colonnes et en pleine p..
