671 research outputs found

    A note on Roma mental health and the statement by Géza Jeszenszky

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    The following note provides an overview of the debate centred on a 2005 course textbook which was written by Géza Jeszenszky for courses he taught at the Corvinus University of Budapest. In the text book a claim was made that many Roma are mentally ill on account of Roma culture sanctioning incestuous relations. The note refutes this claim and can find no scientific evidence to support such assertions

    Current Operative Management of Breast Cancer: An Age of Smaller Resections and Bigger Cures

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    Surgical resection was the first effective treatment for breast cancer and remains the most important treatment modality for curative intent. Refinements in operative techniques along with the use of adjuvant radiotherapy and advanced chemotherapeutic agents have facilitated increasingly focused breast cancer operations. Surgical management of breast cancer has shifted from extensive and highly morbid procedures, to the modern concept obtaining the best possible cosmetic result in tandem with the appropriate oncological resection. An ever-growing comprehension of breast cancer biology has led to substantial advances in molecular diagnosis and targeted therapies. An emerging frontier involves the breast cancer microenvironment, as a thorough understanding, while currently lacking, represents a critical opportunity for diagnosis and treatment. Collectively, these improvements will continue to push all therapeutic interventions, including operative, toward the goal of becoming more focused, targeted, and less morbid

    Combating Institutional Anti-Gypsyism: Responses and promising practices in the EU and selected Member States. CEPS Research Report No 2017/08, May 2017 Friday, 19 May 2017

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    The notion of ‘anti-Gypsyism’ aims to refocus public policies addressing Roma discrimination in order to place responsibility for combating structural, historically-embedded and systemic forms of racism, discrimination and exclusion towards Roma squarely on state institutions and actors. This report examines the ways in which policies and funding combat ‘anti-Gypsyism’ in the European Union and selected Member States and assesses the added value of the ‘anti-Gypsyism’ concept, with particular reference to its institutional forms. It explores ways in which these institutional forms could be combated by identifying some ‘promising practices or experiences’ found in five selected EU Member States (Germany, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the UK). These ‘promising practices’ include reactive and proactive measures organised around four main themes: i) national, regional and local institutional responses; ii) training and education activities; iii) access to justice and effective remedies; and iv) media, public attitudes and political discourse. The report further draws conclusions and provides a set of policy recommendations for EU and national policy-makers to effectively combat anti-Gypsyism. The authors highlight that discussions on antiGypsyism should focus not only on its definition, but on the actual outputs of current national and EU policies and a more robust application of EU rule of law and fundamental rights monitoring and reporting mechanisms. A key proposal put forward is to expand the scope of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies to become the EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion and Combating Anti-Gypsyism and to equip it with the necessary authority and means to tackle systematic and institutional manifestations of anti-Gypsyism

    A Literatura Infantil na Escola: : Uma Análise de Classe, Gênero e Raça

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    The present study aims at analyzing children’s literature based on categories of class, gender and race. For this purpose, a qualitative bibliographic review was carried out having the following as the main references: Almeida (1998), Davis (2016 and 2018), Dos Santos (2019), Engels (2019), Guareschi (2014), Hooks (2018), Jovino (2006) and Zilberman (2003). It has been noticed that the book aimed at children was used as an instrument of propagation of dominant ideologies in each historical moment. The figure of the woman was linked to breeding and male subalternity. When considering the black woman, she was represented by the national children’s literature in three distinct moments, according to the social context of a given period of time. From the black woman doing household work to the brown-colored woman with white traces and characteristics, to the present configuration, which is slowly breaking the derogatory stereotypes of the black population.O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a literatura infantil com base nas categorias de classe, gênero e raça. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica, de cunho qualitativo, tendo como principais referenciais: Almeida (1998), Davis (2016 e 2018), Dos Santos (2019), Engels (2019), Guareschi (2014), hooks (2018), Jovino (2006) e Zilberman (2003). Verificou-se que o livro destinado à criança, foi utilizado como um instrumento de propagação de ideologias dominantes em cada momento histórico. A figura da mulher esteve atrelada ao trabalho reprodutivo e a subalternidade masculina. Quando se considera a mulher negra, esta foi representada pela a literatura infantil nacional em três momentos distintos, de acordo com o contexto social de cada época. Da mulher preta trabalhadora doméstica, para a mulher parda com traços e atributos brancos, até chegar na configuração atual, que está aos poucos rompendo com os estereótipos depreciativos da população negra

    Scaling up Roma Inclusion Strategies Truth, reconciliation and justice for addressing antigypsyism. Study. Study requested by the LIBE committee. CEPS Special Report, February 2019

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    This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, aims to promote a better understanding of the Roma minority and communities’ situation in the EU. The study explores concrete proposals to upscale the post-2020 Roma framework strategy via a Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights (DRF) Periodic Review/Mechanism and a Truth and Reconciliation Process at the EU level. It proposes ways to strengthen the role of the European Parliament in ensuring democratic accountability and the right to truth and effective justice for past and current human rights violations

    Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para educação escolar quilombola: caminhos para uma educação decolonial no Brasil

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    In this article we point out the effects on the social construction of colonized peoples, especially in education. Coloniality is the result of the long period of exploration of the colonies, which became visceral in the social configurations of the countries of the American continent. We perceive that Brazilian education still reproduces a hegemonic European thought, and constitutes a space for the reproduction of the principles of coloniality. But, we understand the construction of the National Curricular Guidelines for Quilombola School Education (Brazil, 2012) as a decolonization exercise. In this sense, we point out how these guidelines dialogue with the decolonial movement, providing a new educational configuration.En este artículo señalamos los efectos en la construcción social de los pueblos colonizados, especialmente en la educación. La colonialidad es el resultado del largo período de exploración de las colonias, que se tornó visceral en las configuraciones sociales de los países del continente americano. Percibimos que la educación brasileña todavía reproduce un pensamiento europeo hegemónico, y constituye un espacio para la reproducción de los principios de la colonialidad. Pero, entendemos la construcción de las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para la Educación Escolar Quilombola (Brasil, 2012) como un ejercicio de decolonización. En ese sentido, señalamos cómo estos lineamientos dialogan con el movimiento decolonial, brindando una nueva configuración educativa.Neste artigo apontamos os efeitos na construção social dos povos colonizados, especialmente na educação. A colonialidade é resultado do longo período de exploração das colônias, que se tornou visceral nas configurações sociais dos países do continente americano. Percebemos que a educação brasileira ainda reproduz um pensamento europeu hegemônico e constitui um espaço de reprodução dos princípios da colonialidade. No entanto, entendemos a construção das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Escolar Quilombola (Brasil, 2012) como um exercício de descolonização. Nesse sentido, apontamos como essas diretrizes dialogam com o movimento decolonial, proporcionando uma nova configuração educacional


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