99 research outputs found

    Spirituality and Education: A Spiritual Wellness Approach

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    Sex-specific effects of DDT resistance in flies

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    In D. melanogaster, resistance to DDT is conferred by the upregulation of a cytochrome P450 enzyme, CYP6G1. Resistant flies have tandemly duplicated Cyp6g1 alleles that possess the LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) of an Accord retrotransposon inserted in the cis-regulatory region, 291bp upstream of the transcription start site. This DDT resistance allele (DDT-R) has been shown to have pleiotropic fitness benefits for female flies in at least one genetic background and with evidence of sexually antagonistic selection at this locus. In this thesis, I first review the role of transposable elements in conferring insecticide resistance and the evidence to date regarding the pleiotropic effects of DDT-R in D. melanogaster. By conducting life history and behavioural tests on flies of two genetic backgrounds I examine the sex-specific effects of expressing DDT-R in the absence of DDT. Finally I develop a single locus population genetics model based on these sex-specific effects and test the model using replicate laboratory populations. The first main finding is that DDT-R incurred a male mating cost that depended on the genetic background in which DDT-R was found and that this cost coincided with strong epistasis between genetic background and DDT-R that influenced male size (Chapter 3). Following on from this result, it was confirmed that the effect of DDT-R on male size does contribute to lowered mating success but does not fully explain this fitness cost (Chapter4). Additionally, resistant males were found to have a lowered rate of courtship behaviour driven by aborted chasing of females and lower male-male aggression than susceptible males (Chapter 4). Fitness assays in wild caught strain females revealed that DDT-R confers a fecundity increase but unlike previous work, no offspring viability increases were detected (Chapter 5). Thus as with male costs, specific pleiotropic female fitness benefits to resistance depend on genetic background. Modelling of DDT-R using a simple single-locus approach (Chapter 6) provides, for the first time, a unifying explanation for past and present DDT-R frequencies in nature and in old laboratory populations. The model is consistent with an old origin for the original DDT-R mutation held at low equilibrium frequency through balancing selection of a sexually antagonistic nature. It is also consistent with continued near fixation of DDT-R long after discontinued use and matches empirical observations in laboratory populations of the Canton-S background

    Resource limitation and responses to rivals in males of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

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    Diet has a profound direct and indirect effect on reproductive success in both sexes. Variation in diet quality and quantity can significantly alter the capacity of females to lay eggs and of males to deliver courtship. Here we tested the effect of dietary resource limitation on the ability of male D. melanogaster to respond adaptively to rivals by extending their mating duration. Previous work done under ad libitum diet conditions showed that males exposed to rivals prior to mating significantly extend mating duration, transfer more ejaculate proteins and achieve higher reproductive success. Such adaptive responses are predicted to occur because male ejaculate production may be limited and hence ejaculate resources require allocation across different reproductive bouts, to balance current versus future reproductive success. However, when males suffer dietary limitation, and potentially have fewer reproductive resources to apportion, we expect adaptive allocation of responses to rivals to be minimised. We tested this prediction and found that males held on agar-only diets for 5-7 days lost the ability to extend mating following exposure to rivals. Interestingly, extended mating was retained in males held on low yeast/sugar: no sugar/yeast diet treatments, but was mostly lost when males were maintained on ‘imbalanced’ diets in which there was high yeast: no sugar and vice versa. Overall, the results show that males exhibit adaptive responses to rivals according to the degree of dietary resource limitation and to the ratio of individual diet components

    Resource-dependent evolution of female resistance responses to sexual conflict

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    Sexual conflict can promote the evolution of dramatic reproductive adaptations as well as resistance to its potentially costly effects. Theory predicts that responses to sexual conflict will vary significantly with resource levels-when scant, responses should be constrained by trade-offs, when abundant, they should not. However, this can be difficult to test because the evolutionary interests of the sexes align upon short-term exposure to novel environments, swamping any selection due to sexual conflict. What is needed are investigations of populations that are well adapted to both differing levels of sexual conflict and resources. Here, we used this approach in a long-term experimental evolution study to track the evolution of female resistance to sexual conflict in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. In resource-rich regimes, high-conflict females evolved resistance to continual exposure to males. There was no difference in baseline survival, consistent with the idea that responses evolving under nutritional abundance experienced no trade-offs with resistance. In the poor resource regimes, the ability of high-conflict females to evolve resistance to males was severely compromised and they also showed lower baseline survival than low-conflict females. This suggested high-conflict females traded off somatic maintenance against any limited resistance they had evolved in response to sexual conflict. Overall, these findings provide experimental support for the hypothesis that evolutionary responses to sexual conflict are critically dependent upon resource levels

    ‘All About That Bass’? Is non-ideal-weight discrimination unlawful in the UK?

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    People of non-ideal-weight (overweight or severely underweight) are subjected to discrimination, in the workplace and elsewhere, based on attitudinal assumptions and negative inferences from their membership of a group, such as that they are insufficiently self-motivated to make good employees. But is that discrimination unlawful in the UK? The Equality Act 2010 offers only a very tenuous route for protection, because the Act is based largely on a ‘medical model’ of disability. EU law, which embraces a ‘social model’ of disability, drawing from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, offers more, at least in theory. But the mechanisms for enforcing individual EU law rights mean that entitlements in EU law are likely to be enforceable in practice only against state employers. This situation leaves a gap in the law which is remediable only by legislative reform
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