75 research outputs found

    The occurring of Oenothera species in Scandinavia

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    This paper presents results of a taxonomic revision of the specimens of Oenothera L. stored in the major herbaria of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The examination of about 3000 specimens revealed that in Scandinavia a total of 45 Oenothera species were collected, and 22 of them were cultivated in gardens (especially in botanical gardens) but the remaining 23 were growing wild. The list of Oenothera species found in Scandinavia is compared with similar lists from the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and with the list of all Oenothera species identified by me all over Europe (99 species)

    Morphological variability of Cardaminopsis halleri (L.) Hayek from selected habitats in the Silesian Upland (Southern Poland)

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    Cardaminopsis halleri, a known hyperaccumulator, shows considerable morphological variability in the territories with a high level of heavy metal (Zn, Cd, Pb) pollution. Therefore, the presented studies were designed as an attempt to explain the scope and causes of observed variability. Plants from Cardaminopsis halleri populations was collected in the vegetation seasons of 2003 and 2004 in the vicinity of two sources of zinc and lead pollution and from two control localities. For each individual, 15 quantitative variables (traits) and 12 qualitative ones were analysed. Statistically significant differences were shown for qualitative and quantitative traits, attesting to high morphological variability between the investigated populations of Cardaminopsis halleri. Populations exposed to strong heavy metal pollution were characterised by significantly smaller size of rosette and stem leaves in comparison to control populations. Chromosome numbers of all individuals in the studied populations is the same (2n = 16), which proves that the observed differences are not a result of polyploidy. The populations from Bieszczady (control localities) differ significantly from the populations from Silesia with regard to a number of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. High heavy metal pollution is one of important factors which influence the morphological variability of investigated Cardaminopsis halleri populations

    New localities of species of genus Oenothera (Onagraceae) in central Poland

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    As a result of research conducted in central Poland between 1999 and 2000 localities of Oenothera flaemingina Hudziok were noted, a new species for central Poland, and new localities of previously noted 14 species and permanent hybrids of the genus Oenothera L.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The use of quantitative characters in determination of frequently misdiagnosed species within Lepidium L. Sect. Dileptium (Brassicaceae)

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    A morphometric study of the three species of Lepidium L. sect. Dileptium DC. is presented. Multivariate methods (cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis) were employed to investigate phenetic relations between examined individuals. As a result a set of quantitative characters useful in species determination was proposed and discussed

    Typification of Blechnum spicant var. fallax Lange (Blechnaceae)

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    Blechnum spicant var. fallax Lange is a fern taxon endemic to Iceland where it occurs in the vicinity of hot springs on geothermally heated soils. Te taxon was first described by a Danish botanist Johan Martin Christian Lange in 1880 on the basis of plant material collected by Christian Grønlund in Iceland. Because its holotype was not designated in the protologue, we examined the extant original material including illustrations from Flora Danica and a single plant on sheet C10021769 (deposited in C) that was the basis for the respective plate. We select this specimen as the lectotype of Blechnum spicant var. fallax.This research was funded by the Icelandic Institute of Natural History and the University of Silesia in Katowice

    My master - some memories of Professor Dr. Stanisław Kulczyński's (1895-1975) didactic activily in years 1952--1954

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    Mój pierwszy kontakt z Profesorem Stanisławem Kulczyńskim nastąpił w początku października 1952 roku, kiedy to - mając ukończony pierwszy stopień studiów biologicznych na Wydziale Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu - zostałem skierowany przez ówczesnego Kierownika Katedry Systematyki i Geografii Roślin tegoż Uni­wersytetu, prof. dr Jana Wiilasa, na dalsze studia II-go stopnia do Wrocławia[...

    Silnie skażone tereny poprzemysłowe jako potencjalne miejsca rekreacji

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    Industrial areas, especially highly urbanized ones, show a shortage of investment areas. In such a context, green areas are sometimes established in the heavily contaminated areas by the mining, chemical and waste management industries. Contaminated areas are not the best places for recreation. The prevalence of such places is increasing, so the pressure to use them is also becoming more common. they are places of constant competition between spontaneous nature and unwanted traces of human activity. Hence the subject of the work is the analysis of the possibility of adapting the PAR (Prediction, Adaptation, Resilience) method in adapting contaminated areas to social use, while maintaining safety conditions and Nature-Based Solutions related to Ecosystem Services. The safe use of contaminated areas must be graded. A completely safe area is not attractive. It is important for the designer to control land use in such a way that people naturally avoid problematic places. Less save places should be devoted to nature. Man is only one element of the natural system and there is no reason to subordinate the entire system to his comfort. The results of the analyzes create a phenomenological description of features whose meaning for the object can be adapted by the designer to his vision (following the method of Nature modelled scientific doctrine). Knowing the conditions and having an idea, we still need a list of goals to compare and check the rightness of the decisions we make. Recognition of human needs and goals as one of many components of the system provides significant synergies at the end of the transformation process. It is possible that such coexistence determines our survival.Rejony przemysłowe, szczególnie te silnie zurbanizowane, wykazują niedostatek terenów inwestycyjnych, w tym również takich, które można przeznaczyć na tereny zieleni. Parki i  zieleńce bywają zakładane nawet na gruntach silnie skażonych. Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza możliwości adaptacji metody PAR (Prediction, Adaptation, Resilience) w dostosowaniu terenów skażonych do użytku społecznego z zachowaniem warunków bezpieczeństwa i rozwiązań opartych na naturze (Nature-Based Solutions) w relacji do usług ekosystemowych. Celem pracy jest wskazanie przy tym drogi do zachowania lokalnych wartości przyrodniczo-kulturowych przy remediacji i rekonstrukcji lokalnych warunków środowiskowych i przy różnym stopniu zainwestowania. Bezpieczeństwo użytkowników jest najważniejsze, ale stopień tego bezpieczeństwa nie w każdym miejscu musi być taki sam. Trzeba umiejętnie równoważyć izolację, remediację, fitostabilizację i sukcesję. Efekty analiz tworzą fenomenologiczny opis cech, których znaczenie dla obiektu projektant może dostosować do swojej wizji. Znając uwarunkowania i mając ideę, należy jeszcze sporządzić listę celów dla porównania i sprawdzenia słuszności podejmowanych decyzji

    Intentional introduction of Biscutella laevigata L. on the post-flotation lead-zinc ore spoil heap in Piekary Śląskie (Upper Silesia, Southern Poland)

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    The paper presents an account of the successful intentional introduction of the mountain species Biscutella laevigata to a lowland locality, as a result of field experiment - biological management at the toxic "Dołki" washery spoil heap (Lead and Zinc Ore Main and Factory) ZGH “Orzeł Biały” (Upper Silesia – Southern Poland). The aim of the presented study was to test the effectiveness possibilities of using the blend of seeds including a metallophyte – Biscutella laevigata seeds. The introduction of Biscutella laevigata was a part of an experiment which began in 2009-2010 with plots on the "Dolki" washery spoil heap. The tested seeds of Biscutella laevigata were examined for germination, growth and development in sites highly polluted with heavy metals. Biscutella laevigata appeared on two experimental plots. After 4 years there were numerous individuals of Biscutella – dozens of plants in various stages of development and phenology. Development of a Biscutella population from year to year (2 plants in 2010 – 58 plants in 2014) is larger and tends to increase. Biscutella individuals are spreading outside the designated test plots. The obtained results indicate that on sites highly polluted with heavy metals it is possible to perform a successful introduction of Biscutella laevgata population (increase from 2 individuals in 2010 to 58 individuals in 2014) from seeds. These results are also promising in terms of application as a new reclamation method

    The influence of abiotic factors on local biodiversity on the remnants of iron ore excavations

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    tekst w j. pol. i ang.Głównym założeniem niniejszej pracy było określenie w jakim stopniu różne parametry, związane z właściwościami fizykochemicznymi gleby (zmienne abiotyczne) mogą wpłynąć na bogactwo gatunkowe i różnorodność biologiczną na 15 kopcach, stanowiących pozostałość po wydobyciu rud darniowych żelaza