91 research outputs found

    T Cell Targeting by Anthrax Toxins: Two Faces of the Same Coin

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    Bacillus anthracis, similar to other bacterial pathogens, has evolved effective immune evasion strategies to prolong its survival in the host, thus ensuring the unchecked spread of the infection. This function is subserved by lethal (LT) and edema (ET) toxins, two exotoxins produced by vegetative anthrax bacilli following germination of the spores. The structure of these toxins and the mechanism of cell intoxication are topics covered by other reviews in this issue. Here we shall discuss how B. anthracis uses LT and ET to suppress the immune defenses of the host, focusing on T lymphocytes, the key players in adaptive immunity. We shall also summarize recent findings showing that, depending on its concentration, ET has the ability not only to suppress T cell activation but also to promote the polarization of CD4+ T cells to the Th2 and Th17 subsets, highlighting the potential use of this toxin as an immunomodulator

    The Adenylate Cyclase Toxins of Bacillus anthracis and Bordetella pertussis Promote Th2 Cell Development by Shaping T Cell Antigen Receptor Signaling

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    The adjuvanticity of bacterial adenylate cyclase toxins has been ascribed to their capacity, largely mediated by cAMP, to modulate APC activation, resulting in the expression of Th2–driving cytokines. On the other hand, cAMP has been demonstrated to induce a Th2 bias when present during T cell priming, suggesting that bacterial cAMP elevating toxins may directly affect the Th1/Th2 balance. Here we have investigated the effects on human CD4+ T cell differentiation of two adenylate cyclase toxins, Bacillus anthracis edema toxin (ET) and Bordetella pertussis CyaA, which differ in structure, mode of cell entry, and subcellular localization. We show that low concentrations of ET and CyaA, but not of their genetically detoxified adenylate cyclase defective counterparts, potently promote Th2 cell differentiation by inducing expression of the master Th2 transcription factors, c-maf and GATA-3. We also present evidence that the Th2–polarizing concentrations of ET and CyaA selectively inhibit TCR–dependent activation of Akt1, which is required for Th1 cell differentiation, while enhancing the activation of two TCR–signaling mediators, Vav1 and p38, implicated in Th2 cell differentiation. This is at variance from the immunosuppressive toxin concentrations, which interfere with the earliest step in TCR signaling, activation of the tyrosine kinase Lck, resulting in impaired CD3ζ phosphorylation and inhibition of TCR coupling to ZAP-70 and Erk activation. These results demonstrate that, notwithstanding their differences in their intracellular localization, which result in focalized cAMP production, both toxins directly affect the Th1/Th2 balance by interfering with the same steps in TCR signaling, and suggest that their adjuvanticity is likely to result from their combined effects on APC and CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, our results strongly support the key role of cAMP in the adjuvanticity of these toxins

    Anthrax toxins suppress T lymphocyte activation by disrupting antigen receptor signaling

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    Anthrax is an infection caused by pathogenic strains of Bacillus anthracis, which secretes a three-component toxic complex consisting of protective antigen (PA), edema factor (EF), and lethal factor (LF). PA forms binary complexes with either LF or EF and mediates their entry into host cells. Although the initial phases of bacterial growth occur in the lymph node, the host fails to mount an effective immune response. Here, we show that LT and ET are potent suppressors of human T cell activation and proliferation triggered through the antigen receptor. Both LT and ET inhibit the mitogen-activated protein and stress kinase pathways, and both toxins inhibit activation of NFAT and AP-1, two transcription factors essential for cytokine gene expression. These data identify a novel strategy of immune evasion by B. anthracis, based on both effector subunits of the toxic complex, and targeted to a key cellular component of adaptive immunity

    Identification and Characterization of a Novel Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells-1 Isoform Expressed in Mouse Brain

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    The nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) family transcription factors play a key role in the control of cytokine gene expression in T-cells. Although initially identified in T-cells, recent data have unveiled unanticipated roles for NFATs in the development, proliferation, and differentiation of other tissues. Here we report the identification, cDNA cloning, and functional characterization of a new isoform of NFAT1 highly expressed in mouse brain. This isoform, which we named NFAT1-D, is identical to NFAT1 throughout the N-terminal regulatory domain and the portion of the Rel domain which includes the minimal region required for specific binding to DNA and interaction with AP-1. The homology stops sharply upstream of the 3'-boundary of the Rel homology domain and is followed by a short unique C-terminal region. NFAT1-D was expressed at high levels in all brain districts and was found as a constitutively active transcription complex. Transfection of a NFAT/luciferase reporter in the neuronal cell line PC12, which also expresses NFAT1-D, showed that these cells expressed a constitutive NFAT activity that was enhanced after nerve growth factor-induced differentiation but was resistant to the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A. NFAT1-D was, however, inducibly activated in a cyclosporin A-sensitive manner when expressed in T-cells, suggesting that the activity of NFAT proteins might be controlled by their specific cellular context

    Modeling airway persistent infection of Moraxella catarrhalis and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae by using human in vitro models

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    Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) and Moraxella catarrhalis (Mcat) are two common respiratory tract pathogens often associated with acute exacerbations in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) as well as with otitis media (OM) in children. Although there is evidence that these pathogens can adopt persistence mechanisms such as biofilm formation, the precise means through which they contribute to disease severity and chronicity remains incompletely understood, posing challenges for their effective eradication. The identification of potential vaccine candidates frequently entails the characterization of the host-pathogen interplay in vitro even though this approach is limited by the fact that conventional models do not permit long term bacterial infections. In the present work, by using air-liquid-interface (ALI) human airway in vitro models, we aimed to recreate COPD-related persistent bacterial infections. In particular, we explored an alternative use of the ALI system consisting in the assembly of an inverted epithelium grown on the basal part of a transwell membrane with the aim to enable the functionality of natural defense mechanisms such as mucociliary clearance and cellular extrusion that are usually hampered during conventional ALI infection experiments. The inversion of the epithelium did not affect tissue differentiation and considerably delayed NTHi or Mcat infection progression, allowing one to monitor host-pathogen interactions for up to three weeks. Notably, the use of these models, coupled with confocal and transmission electron microscopy, revealed unique features associated with NTHi and Mcat infection, highlighting persistence strategies including the formation of intracellular bacterial communities (IBCs) and surface-associated biofilm-like structures. Overall, this study demonstrates the possibility to perform long term host-pathogen investigations in vitro with the aim to define persistence mechanisms adopted by respiratory pathogens and individuate potential new vaccine targets

    Adaptive Response of Group B Streptococcus to High Glucose Conditions: New Insights on the CovRS Regulation Network

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    Although the contribution of carbohydrate catabolism to bacterial colonization and infection is well recognized, the transcriptional changes during these processes are still unknown. In this study, we have performed comparative global gene expression analysis of GBS in sugar-free versus high glucose milieu. The analysis revealed a differential expression of genes involved in metabolism, transport and host-pathogen interaction. Many of them appeared to be among the genes previously reported to be controlled by the CovRS two-component system. Indeed, the transcription profile of a Delta covRS strain grown in high-glucose conditions was profoundly affected. In particular, of the total genes described to be regulated by glucose, similar to 27% were under CovRS control with a functional role in protein synthesis, transport, energy metabolism and regulation. Among the CovRS dependent genes, we found bibA, a recently characterized adhesin involved in bacterial serum resistance and here reported to be down-regulated by glucose. ChIP analysis revealed that in the presence of glucose, CovR binds bibA promoter in vivo, suggesting that CovR may act as a negative regulator or a repressor. We also demonstrated that, as for other target promoters, chemical phosphorylation of CovR in aspartic acid increases its affinity for the bibA promoter region. The data reported in this study contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms modulating the adaptation of GBS to glucose

    T cell targeting by the anthrax toxins: the two faces of the coin

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    Bacillus anthracis, similar to other bacterial pathogens, has evolved effective immune evasion strategies to prolong its survival in the host, thus ensuring the unchecked spread of the infection. This function is subserved by lethal (LT) and edema (ET) toxins, two exotoxins produced by vegetative anthrax bacilli following germination of the spores. The structure of these toxins and the mechanism of cell intoxication are topics covered by other reviews in this issue. Here we shall discuss how B. anthracis uses LT and ET to suppress the immune defenses of the host, focusing on T lymphocytes, the key players in adaptive immunity. We shall also summarize recent findings showing that, depending on its concentration, ET has the ability not only to suppress T cell activation but also to promote the polarization of CD4(+) T cells to the Th2 and Th17 subsets, highlighting the potential use of this toxin as an immunomodulator

    Anthrax toxins: a paradigm of bacterial immune suppression

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    Several species of microorganism have developed immune evasion and/or immunosuppression strategies. Bacillus anthracis secretes two toxins, edema toxin and lethal toxin, that enter the cytosol of almost every cell type, including the cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems, and subvert cell signaling. Edema toxin causes a consistent elevation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, whereas lethal toxin cleaves most isoforms of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases. In a concerted manner, these toxins alter major signaling pathways involved in the development of immune-cell effector functions, with the inhibition of bacterial clearance by phagocytes and of B. anthracis-specific responses. Thus, B. anthracis can invade the host, with ensuing massive bacteremia and toxemia. Here, we review the specific effects of B. anthracis on neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, T- and B-lymphocytes

    Anthax toxins: a weapon to systematically dismantle the host immune defenses.

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    Successful colonization of the host by bacterial pathogens relies on their capacity to evade the complex and powerful defenses opposed by the host immune system, at least in the initial phases of infection. The two toxins of Bacillus anthracis, lethal toxin and edema toxin, appear to have been shaped by evolution to assist the microorganism in this crucial function, in addition to act as general toxins acting on almost all cell types. Edema toxin causes a consistent elevation of cAMP, an important second messenger the production of which is normally strictly controlled in mammalian cells, whereas lethal toxin cleaves most isoforms of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases. By disrupting or subverting central modules common to all the principal signaling networks which control immune cell activation, effector function and migration, the anthrax toxins effectively and systematically dismantle both the innate and the adaptive immune defenses of the host. Here, we review the specific effects of the lethal and edema toxins of B. anthracis on the activation and function of phagocytes, dendritic cells and lymphocytes. We also discuss some open issues which should be addressed to gain a comprehensive insight into the complex relationship that B. anthracis establishes with the host
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