24 research outputs found

    Paraoxonase 1 activity in the sperm-rich portion of boar ejaculates is positively associated with sperm quality

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    Associations of the activity of the paraoxonase 1 (PON1) enzyme with boar sperm quality still needs to be characterized, since boar ejaculates present distinct portions with differences in sperm concentration and quality. This study evaluated PON1 activity in the serum, in the distinct portions of boar ejaculates and estimated correlations with sperm quality parameters. Ejaculates and blood samples were collected from six boars for three weeks (two per week per boar; n = 36). Serum and post-spermatic portion PON1 activities were positively correlated (P = 0.01) but were both uncorrelated with the PON1 activity in the sperm-rich portion and in the whole ejaculate (P > 0.05). Differences in PON1 activity among boars were only observed in the sperm-rich portion of the ejaculate (P < 0.05). The PON1 activity in the serum and in the post-spermatic portion was generally negatively correlated with parameters of spermatozoa kinetics (P < 0.05). In the sperm-rich portion, PON1 activity was positively correlated with sperm concentration (P < 0.0001), curvilinear distance and velocity (both P < 0.05) and DNA integrity (P < 0.05), but negatively correlated with straightness and linearity (P < 0.05). Thus, boar ejaculates with increased PON1 activity in the sperm-rich portion may present increased concentration and spermatozoa with acceptable curvilinear velocity and distance and DNA integrity, which suggests that PON1 activity may be a biomarker for potential fertility

    Equações não lineares para determinar a curva de crescimento de suínos imunocastrados

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    The objective of this work was to compare the performance of the nonlinear Gompertz, logistic, and von Bertalanffy equations, to describe the growth curve of immunocastrated male pigs from birth until reaching 140 kg body weight. Standard error, number of iterations, mean square of the error, and coefficient of determination were compared between the models. The logistic and von Bertalanffy equations do not accurately estimate the initial and slaughter weights. The Gompertz equation shows the highest reliability and is, therefore, the most suitable one to describe the growth curve of immunocastrated pigs from birth until 140 kg body weight is reached.O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho das equações não lineares de Gompertz, logística e a de von Bertalanffy, para descrever a curva de crescimento de suínos machos imunocastrados, desde o nascimento até atingirem 140 kg de massa corporal. O erro-padrão, o número de iterações, o quadrado médio do erro e o coeficiente de determinação foram comparados entre os modelos. A equação logística e a de von Bertalanffy não estimam com precisão as massas inicial e de abate. A equação de Gompertz apresenta maior confiabilidade e é, portanto, a mais adequada para descrever a curva de crescimento de suínos imunocastrados, desde o nascimento até a obtenção de140 kg de massa corporal

    Intervals of Semen Collection from Boars during Early Reproductive Life: Evaluation of Seminal Fluid Parameters

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    Background: In swine production, good reproduction rates can be achieved through genetic selection and reproductive biotechnologies. One of these biotechnologies is artificial insemination, which contributes to disseminate genes and optimize breeding boars, thus improving the quality of insemination doses. This study focused on evaluating the intervals between semen collection from boars at the beginning of their reproductive maturity vis-à-vis the viability of insemination doses. Materials, Methods &amp; Results: Twenty 9-month-old boars of the genetic lineage AGPIC 337 (Agroceres PIC) were used in this study. The experimental design used here was completely randomized, and the randomly selected males were divided into four treatment groups, which were named according to the interval between semen sample collections: T1: 2 days; T2: 3 days; T3: 4 days and T4: 7 days. Each treatment comprised 5 animals, and at the end of the 90 days of this study, a total of 150 ejaculates were obtained in T1, 110 in T2, 90 in T3 and 60 in T4. The values of total motility, volume and sperm concentration of the ejaculates were evaluated, as was oxidative stress by means of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), the latter after 0, 72, 120 and 168 h of the study. Membrane integrity was evaluated at 0, 72, 120 and 168 h using the eosin-nigrosin staining procedure. Sperm heat resistance was tested after 120 h, and sperm morphology after 72, 120 and 168 h. Sperm concentrations differed, with T3 showing 27.04% and 29.65% higher concentrations (P &lt; 0.05) than groups T2 and T1, respectively. Total motility in group T4 was 0.56%, 1.98% and 3.28% higher (P &lt; 0.05) than in T3, T2 and T1, respectively, indicating that the 7-day interval produced the best result. The heat resistance test showed the expected results, i.e., T2 and T4 did not differ in terms of total motility, but that of T4 was 4.96% higher (P &lt; 0.05) than T3 and 7.71% higher than T1. As for plasma membrane integrity, T4 had 6.45%, 8.09% and 12.72% more cells with intact membranes (P &lt; 0.05) than T3, T2 and T1, respectively. With regard to TBARS, group T1 showed higher concentrations (P &lt; 0.05) than T2 (6.18%), T3 (11.13%) and T4 (9.12%), i.e., the sperm cells in the animals of T1 showed greater changes. As for sperm morphology, the number of intact cells in T4 was 6.08%, 7.53% and 12.44% higher (P &lt; 0.05) than in T3, T2 and T1, respectively. Discussion: With respect to total motility, other authors have reported similar results, i.e., the motility of sperm was highest when collected at 7-day intervals and lower when collected at shorter intervals. Despite the statistical differences between treatments, these results were found to be similar to those recommended in the literature for use in the preparation of insemination doses. Thus, we suggest that all the intervals between collections can be used in the routine of semen production centers, since the minimum requirement for an ejaculate to be accepted in an artificial insemination program is to have a total motility of no less than 70 percent. At the beginning of their reproductive maturity, boars may be subjected to intervals between collections of at least 2 days, without impairing the total motility of insemination doses. However, the best results are obtained when semen is collected at 7-day intervals, which ensures higher total motility, morphologically healthy cells with intact membranes, and less oxidative damage caused by lipid peroxidation

    Índices produtivos de fêmeas suínas alimentadas com dietas de gestação e lactação suplementadas com óleos essenciais de orégano e alecrim: avaliação de leitegadas

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    Este estudo avaliou os índices produtivos de matrizes suínas alimentadas com dietas contendo uma mescla líquida de óleos essenciais. Foram utilizadas 250 matrizes de ordens de parto (OP) entre um a oito, com duas dietas experimentais na gestação e duas na lactação (dietas controle e com 200ppm de óleos essenciais). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em um arranjo fatorial 2x2 (tratamentos na gestação e na lactação) com as matrizes e leitegadas como unidade experimental. O peso vivo médio da leitegada ao desmame e o número de desmamados foram 8,0% e 3,8% superiores (P<0,05), respectivamente, para os leitões filhos de matrizes suplementadas com óleos essenciais. A temperatura corporal das fêmeas do controle e OP cinco, avaliadas no período pré-parto e durante o parto, foi 4,4% e 3,5% superiores (P<0,05) aos óleos essenciais, respectivamente. A adição de óleos essenciais na dieta de matrizes no final de gestação e no início da lactação aumentou o número de leitões desmamados e o peso de leitegada. As fêmeas suplementadas com óleos essenciais não apresentaram temperatura e sinais clínicos condizentes com disgalactia

    Meta-análise do uso de ácido linoleico conjugado na alimentação de suínos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma meta-análise da associação do ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) com o desempenho e a qualidade de carcaça e de carne em suínos (Sus scrofa domesticus). A base de dados utilizada contemplou 15 artigos publicados entre 1999 e 2006, e totalizou 216 dietas e 5.223 animais. A meta-análise foi realizada por meio de análises gráficas (para observar coerência biológica dos dados), de correlação (para identificar variáveis correlacionadas) e de variância-covariância. O modelo da análise de variância incluiu apenas as variáveis de carne e carcaça mais correlacionadas com o consumo de CLA pelos animais, além das codificações para os efeitos inter e intra-experimentos. A inclusão do ácido linoleico apresentou correlação negativa com a eficiência alimentar e positiva com o consumo de ração e o ganho de peso dos animais. Não houve alteração do consumo de ração, do ganho de peso e da eficiência alimentar dos suínos. O ácido linoleico conjugado aumentou em 9% o conteúdo de carne magra na carcaça, e seu consumo variou a espessura média de toucinho. O ácido linoleico conjugado aumenta o conteúdo de carne magra e reduz a espessura de toucinho na carcaça, sem influenciar o desempenho e a qualidade da carne em suínos