439 research outputs found

    Le acque sotterranee del Cansiglio

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    Il Cansiglio è un altipiano carsico, con un’estensione di circa 100 km2 e un’altitudine media di circa 1000 m; esso è situato al confine tra due regioni (Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia) e tre provincie (Treviso, Belluno e Pordenone). Questo importante sistema carsico non è mai stato oggetto di approfonditi studi idrogeologici, nonostante la presenza di rilevanti sorgenti alla sua base (Meschio, Molinetto, Santissima e Gorgazzo). L’occasione si è presentata con l’esplorazione, da parte del Gruppo Speleologico Ferrarese in collaborazione con altri gruppi speleologici, di quella che è tuttora la grotta più profonda della zona: l’Abisso Col de la Rizza (904/FR410) (circa 800 m di profondità per 4 km di sviluppo). Con la collaborazione del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Ferrara, è stato, quindi, progettato e realizzato un multi- tracciamento delle acque sotterranee, con due iniezioni in parallelo: fluoresceina sodica all’Abisso Col de la Rizza e tinopal CBS-X al Bus de la Genziana (V-TV1000) (la cavità più sviluppata della zona, con circa 5 km di sviluppo per 600 m di profondità). Il monitoraggio è stato eseguito alle sorgenti del Molinetto, Santissima e Gorgazzo, mediante campionatori di acqua automatici (alle sorgenti Molinetto e Gorgazzo) e con un impegnativo programma di prelievi manuali di campioni d’acqua e di fluocaptori (carboni attivi e garze di cotone) in 3-4 punti di ogni sorgente monitorata. Al termine del tracciamento risultavano positive alla fluoresceina sodica le sorgenti Molinetto e Santissima, mentre nessuna delle sorgenti monitorate era positiva al tinopal CBS-X. Le curve di arrivo del tracciante, permettevano il calcolo delle velocità medie di transito in entrambe le sorgenti positive alla fluoresceina sodica, pari a circa: 250 m giorno-1, in fase di magra, e 1100 m giorno-1, in fase di piena.Cansiglio is a limestone plateau with an extent of about 100 km2 and a mean altitude of 1000 m; it is located on the border between two regions (Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia) and three provinces (Treviso, Belluno and Pordenone). The hydrogeology of this important karst system is poorly known, despite it probably feeds three important springs located at its south-eastern border (Molinetto, Santissima and Gorgazzo) that form Livenza River. Gruppo Speleologico Ferrarese, in collaboration with other speleological team, explored the deepest cave of Cansiglio: Abisso Col de la Rizza (904/FR410) (about 800 m deep and with 4 km of extent), which provided the opportunity to perform a tracer test. In collaboration with the Earth Sciences Department of Ferrara University, a multi-tracer test was made with two contemporary injections of fluorescent dyes in groundwaters: uranine in Abisso Col de la Rizza and tinopal CBS-X in Bus de la Genziana (V-TV1000) (600 m deep and 5 km of extent). The monitoring at Molinetto, Santissima and Gorgazzo springs was performed by means of automated samplers (at Gorgazzo and Molinetto springs) and an intense discrete sampling survey, which included water samples, charcoal bags and cotton lints collection. Molinetto and Santissima springs resulted positive to uranine, while any springs was positive to tinopal CBS-X. The breakthrough curves make possible the determination of the mean velocity of uranine: about 250 m day-1, during low flow conditions, and 1100 m day-1, after an intense rainfall event

    Biogas Engine Emissions: Standards and On-Site Measurements

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    Abstract The European Union, with 60% of the total global production of biogas, is the world leader. In 2012, the percentage of electrical energy produced by biogas was 6% of the EU-28 electricity generated through renewable sources while, in 2013, the almost 830 biogas units produced 7448 GWh which corresponds to 14% of EU-28 gross electricity production. Germany, U.K. and Italy are the main EU biogas producers with over 78% of the 2013 primary energy production. Electricity production is the main biogas energy recovery form because the engine cooling water is used to maintain the digester required temperature while energy crops and manure are the most used organic matters. Spark-ignition engines with a rated power of 1MWel in which the filtered biogas is burned to produce work is the widely-adopted technology. With the aim of analyzing the emissions of a real biogas engine, in the present work, the authors firstly present an overview of the Italian biogas sector and the most used conversion technologies. Then, the standards which regulate the biogas plant emissions and the emissions data acquired during a one-year monitoring activity on 10 biogas plants are presented and discussed with the aim of assessing the biogas units' real emissions

    Towards a better knowledge of Cansiglio karst system (Italy): results of the first successful groundwater tracer test

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    Cansiglio is a limestone plateau located on the border between the regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, northeastern Italy. The eastern area is characterized by a thick succession of Cretaceous peritidal carbonates, while the central western part is characterized by slope breccia deposits. Even thoughPian Cansiglio is an important karst system, its hydrogeology is poorly known. Three important springs that form the Livenza River are located at its southeastern border and are thought to represent the majority of karst aquifer discharge, but no experimental data are available in the literature. Gruppo Speleologico Ferrarese explored an 800 m deep cave (Abisso Col de la Rizza) on Pian Cansiglio, whichprovided the opportunity to conduct tracer tests. Fluorescent dyes were injected in September 2008 in Abisso Col de la Rizza (uranine) and in Bus della Genziana (tinopal CBS-X). Over a period of three months, local cavers conducted an intense sampling programme, whichincluded collecting water samples, charcoal bags and cotton lints. Automated samplers were used for highfrequency monitoring at two of the springs. Tinopal was not detected, so the connection between Bus della Genziana and the springs was not demonstrated. The connection between Abisso Col de la Rizza and two of the springs was demonstrated by uranine. A mean velocity of 248 m/day results from the tracer concentration peaks; intense rainfall events increased the flow velocities four to five times. Different hypotheses are considered in order to explain the low mass recovery rate (32-40% of the injected mass). The uranine tracer test demonstrated that Pian Cansiglio aquifer contributes to the two Livenza springs; it also opens a question about the third spring, whichprobably originates from the Mount Cavallo area (another limestone massif close to Pian Cansiglio). The rapid response to rainfall recharge suggests a vulnerability of the spring system, further supporting the importance of conducting a detailed hydrogeological study. 

    Blocco RUMM nel cane: valutazione comparativa tra tre differenti approcci ecografici

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    SOMMARIO SCOPO DEL LAVORO: Identificare una o più tecniche di anestesia locoregionale (ALR) ecoguidata per i nervi radiale (R), ulnare (U), muscolo cutaneo (Mc) e mediale (M) e valutarne l’efficacia clinica in corso di chirurgie dell’arto toracico nel cane MATERIALI E METODI: Lo studio è stato diviso in due fasi. Fase 1 studio anatomico: 8 cadaveri di cane sono stati impiegati per l’individuazione dei nervi e il tipo di approccio di ALR ecoguidata. Con un volume di 0,1 ml/kg di blu di metilene iniettato intorno ai 4 nervi e successiva dissezione si è proceduto alla valutazione della efficacia della tecnica mediante la valutazione colorazione dei nervi. Fase 2 studio clinico: Sono stati arruolati 18 cani (ASA I –II) sottoposti a chirurgia dell’arto toracico.. Tutti i soggetti sono stati premedicati con acepromazina 10µg/kg EV e dopo 20 minuti è stato somministrato fentanyl a 5 µg/kg EV. L’induzione è stata ottenuta con propofol ed il mantenimento con isoflurano in miscela di aria e ossigeno .L’analgesia è stata fornita eseguendo ALR ecoguidata dell’arto anteriore. I soggetti sono stati divisi in 3 gruppi secondo la tecnica ALR impiegata : Nel primo gruppo (GL) è stato eseguito un approccio laterale, nel secondo gruppo (GM) un approccio mediale e nel terzo (GP)un approccio parascellare. Il blocco nervoso è stato eseguito con ropivacaina a 0,2 ml/kg allo 0,5%. Durante la procedura sono stati monitorati frequenza cardiaca (FC), frequenza respiratoria(FR), pressione arteriosa con metodo invasivo, frazione espirata di isoflurano e di CO2 ogni 5 minuti fino al termine della chirurgia. Il monitoraggio del dolore postoperatorio è stato eseguito ogni ora usando la Glasgow short form. In caso di punteggio superiore 6 si procedeva alla somministrazione di metadone 0,2 mg/kg IM come rescue analgesia. RISULTATI: I soggetti arruolati di età compresa tra 6 e 102 mesi e di peso tra i 2 e i 39 kgFase 1: Il GM in 2/5 casi si è riscontrata una colorazione parziale del nervo radiale, per gli altri nervi; la copertura del colorante era totale nel GL i nn. radiale, ulnare e mediano risultavano omogeneamente colorati, risultava parzialmente colorato il nervo muscolocutaneo 2/5su quanti casi. Nel GP 6/6 arti studiati hanno riportato colorazioni uniformi e totali su tutti e 4 i nervi. Fase 2: durante la chirurgia 3/5 GM hanno avuto bisogno di fentanyl per un totale di 5 boli da 1µg/kg; nel GL 6/7 pazienti hanno avuto bisogno di ulteriore copertura analgesica intraoperatoria sia sottoforma di boli che di infusione; nel GP 4/6suhanno avuto bisogno di boli di fentanyl per un totale di 4 boli da 1 µg/kg. Nel periodo postoperatorio il trattamento di rescue analgesia è stato somministrato nel GP con un anticipo di 100 min. rispetto a GM e 120min. rispetto a GL. CONCLUSIONI: è stato notato che il blocco parascellare permette una visione ecografica migliore dei nervi radiale, ulnare, muscolocutaneo e mediano risentendo meno delle caratteristiche individuali dei pazienti. Questa tecnica eseguita con ropivacaina 0,2 ml/kg allo 0.5% fornisce un’adeguata copertura analgesica nel periodo intra e postoperatorio. PAROLE CHIAVE: cane, anestesia loco-regionale, RUMM, ropivacaina, blocco eco-guidato. ABSTRACT PURPOSE OF JOB: To identify one or more techniques of regional anesthesia ( ALR ) for ultrasound-guided nerve radial (R), ulnar (U), skin muscle (Mc) and medial (M) and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the surgeries being' thoracic limb in dogs MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was divided into two phases . Step 1 anatomic study: 8 corpses of dog have been used for the identification of nerves and the kind of approach of ALR echoguided . With a volume of 0.1 ml / kg of methylene blue injected around the nerves 4 and subsequent dissection it has proceeded to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the technique by evaluating coloring of nerves. Phase 2 clinical study : We enrolled 18 dogs ( ASA I -II ) undergoing surgery thoracic limb. All subjects were premedicated with acepromazine 10μg / kg IV and after 20 minutes was administered fentanyl to 5 mg / kg EV . The induction was achieved with propofol and maintained with isoflurane in a mixture of air and oxygen was supplied by running .L'analgesia ALR echoguided the forelimb . The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to the technique used ALR : In the first group ( GL ) was performed in a lateral approach , in the second group (GM ) a medial approach and in the third (GP) an approach parascellare . The nerve block was performed with ropivacaine at 0.2 ml / kg of 0.5 % During the procedure were monitored heart rate (HR ) , respiratory rate (RR ) , blood pressure with invasive method , fraction of exhaled isoflurane and CO2 every 5 minutes until the end of the surgery. Monitoring of postoperative pain was performed every hour using the Glasgow short form . If you score above 6 he proceeded to methadone 0.2 mg / kg IM as rescue analgesia . RESULTS: The subjects enrolled between the ages of 6 and 102 months and weighing between 2 and 39 kg. Fase 1: GM in 2/5 cases there has been a partial coloring of the radial nerve , for others nerves ; coverage of the dye was in total GL nos. radial, ulnar and median were evenly colored, resulted partially colored the nerve musculocutaneous 2 / 5SU many cases . In GP 6/6 limbs studied reported uniform colors and total on all 4 nerves . Step 2: during surgery 3/5 GM needed fentanyl for a total of 5 boluses from 1μg / kg ; GL in 6/7 patients required additional analgesic cover is in the form of boluses that intraoperative infusion ; in the GP 4/6suhanno needed boluses of fentanyl for a total of 4 bolus 1 mg / kg . Postoperative treatment of rescue analgesia was administered in the GP with an advance of 100 min . compared with GM and 120min compared to GL. CONCLUSIONS: it was noted that the bloc parascellare allows a better vision ultrasound nerve radial , ulnar , musculocutaneous and median reflecting less of the individual characteristics of the patients . This technique performed with ropivacaine 0.2 ml/kg 0.5% provides adequate coverage analgesic in the intra and postoperative period. KEYWORDS: dog , regional anesthesia , Rumm , ropivacaine , blocking eco-driven

    study and simulation of a hydraulic hybrid powertrain

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    Abstract In the agricultural and work machine sectors, the hydro-mechanical transmission competes with traditional mechanical transmission; a tool to improve its competitiveness is the hybridization. The hydraulic branch of the transmission may be integrated with two accumulators which allow the storage of energy derived from braking; the presence of the two hydraulic units facilitates this solution: the hydraulic motor acts as a pump during the braking and as a motor during the starts of the vehicle. This solution appears to be interesting also from the costs point of view, because it does not require a high-level technology. For this reason, in the present work, the hybrid hydro-mechanical transmission is studied with the aim of pointing out its potential for the urban passenger transport sector. At first, a hydro-mechanical transmission for an urban bus is designed; then, the same transmission is modified adding the components for the hydraulic hybridization. After that, the two vehicles is modelled and simulated using the AMESim code, and, finally, compared to each other in terms of energy savings

    Host and pathogen transcriptional profiles of acute Brucella melitensis infection

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    The parallel gene expression profiles of Brucella melitensis and the host have not been elaborated. In this study, I analyze and discuss the transcriptional profiles of B. melitensis invasive-associated genes, the expression profile of intracellular B. melitensis and B. melitensis-infected non-phagocytic cells in the first 12 h post-infection (PI), and the in vivo temporal global transcriptome of both B. melitensis and the infected bovine host in the first 4 h PI. The initial study found that B. melitensis at late-log phase of growth were more invasive in non-phagocytic cells than at early-log or stationary growth phase. Microarray-based studies identified 454 Brucella genes differentially expressed between the most and the least invasive growth phases. Additionally, B. melitensis strains with transposon interrupted in loci BMEII0380 (acrA) and BMEI1538 (hypothetical protein) were found to be deficient in internalization compare with the wild-type strain. A second experiment was designed with the goal of characterizing host and pathogen transcriptome in parallel. For detecting intracellular Brucella gene expression, a combined protocol consisting of a linear amplification of sense-stranded RNA biased to pathogen transcripts to the previously enriched host:pathogen RNA mixed sample, was developed. RNA samples were hybridized on human and Brucella cDNA microarrays, which analysis revealed a common down-regulation transcriptional profile at 4 h PI that was reverse at 12 h PI. The integrity of B. melitensis virB operon and the expression of host MAPK1 were confirmed as critical for early B. melitensis intracellular survival and replication in non-phagocytic cells. Finally, a temporal morphological and molecular characterization of the initial B. melitensis:bovine host interaction using a calf ileal loop model was performed. B. melitensis was isolated from intestinal Peyer’s patches as soon as 15 min and from systemic blood after 30 min postintra luminal inoculation. Microarray results revealed a common transcriptional profile in Brucella, but two different transcriptional profiles were identified in the host in the first 4 h PI. The importance of differentially expressed biological processes, pathways and individual genes in the initial Brucella pathogenesis is discussed

    A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: III. Impact of the magnetospheric environment

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    A detailed characterization of the particle induced background is fundamental for many of the scientific objectives of the Athena X-ray telescope, thus an adequate knowledge of the background that will be encountered by Athena is desirable. Current X-ray telescopes have shown that the intensity of the particle induced background can be highly variable. Different regions of the magnetosphere can have very different environmental conditions, which can, in principle, differently affect the particle induced background detected by the instruments. We present results concerning the influence of the magnetospheric environment on the background detected by EPIC instrument onboard XMM-Newton through the estimate of the variation of the in-Field-of-View background excess along the XMM-Newton orbit. An important contribution to the XMM background, which may affect the Athena background as well, comes from soft proton flares. Along with the flaring component a low-intensity component is also present. We find that both show modest variations in the different magnetozones and that the soft proton component shows a strong trend with the distance from Earth.Comment: To appear in Experimental Astronomy. Presented at AHEAD Background Workshop, 28-30 November 2016. Rome, Ital

    Caprine brucellosis : a historically neglected disease with significant impact on public health

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    Caprine brucellosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the gram-negative cocci-bacillus Brucella melitensis. Middle- to late-term abortion, stillbirths, and the delivery of weak offspring are the characteristic clinical signs of the disease that is associated with an extensive negative impact in a flock's productivity. B. melitensis is also the most virulent Brucella species for humans, responsible for a severely debilitating and disabling illness that results in high morbidity with intermittent fever, chills, sweats, weakness, myalgia, abortion, osteoarticular complications, endocarditis, depression, anorexia, and low mortality. Historical observations indicate that goats have been the hosts of B. melitensis for centuries; but around 1905, the Greek physician Themistokles Zammit was able to build the epidemiological link between ÂŞMalta feverÂş and the consumption of goat milk. While the disease has been successfully managed in most industrialized countries, it remains a significant burden on goat and human health in the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia (including India and China), sub-Saharan Africa, and certain areas in Latin America, where approximately 3.5 billion people live at risk. In this review, we describe a historical evolution of the disease, highlight the current worldwide distribution, and estimate (by simple formula) the approximate costs of brucellosis outbreaks to meat- and milk-producing farms and the economic losses associated with the disease in humans. Successful control leading to eradication of caprine brucellosis in the developing world will require a coordinated Global One Health approach involving active involvement of human and animal health efforts to enhance public health and improve livestock productivity.Inst. de PatobiologĂ­aFil: Rossetti, Carlos Alberto. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de PatobiologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Arenas-Gamboa, Angela M. Texas A&M University. College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Department of Veterinary Pathobiology; Estados UnidosFil: Maurizio, Estefania. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de PatobiologĂ­a; Argentin

    A Systematic Analysis of the XMM-Newton Background: I. Dataset and Extraction Procedures

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    XMM-Newton is the direct precursor of the future ESA ATHENA mission. A study of its particle-induced background provides therefore significant insight for the ATHENA mission design. We make use of about 12 years of data, products from the third XMM-Newton catalog as well as FP7 EXTraS project to avoid celestial sources contamination and to disentangle the different components of the XMM-Newton particle-induced background. Within the ESA R&D AREMBES collaboration, we built new analysis pipelines to study the different components of this background: this covers time behavior as well as spectral and spatial characteristics.Comment: To appear in Experimental Astronomy, presented at AHEAD Background Workshop, 28-30 November 2016, Rome, Italy. 12 pages, 6 figure

    Metabolic and cardiovascular response to exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Physical activity is an effective therapeutic tool for cardiovascular risk prevention. However, exercise aerobic capacity of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) has not been thoroughly investigated. Aim of the present study is to evaluate exercise aerobic capacity in patients with T1DM compared to a normal control population
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