390 research outputs found

    O utjecaju pojedinih parametara ložišta izvedenih iz Rothermelovog modela ravnoteže toplinske energije na stopu širenja požara

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    We analysed the role of some fuel bed properties on forest fire-spread rate based on the thermal energy balance upon which the well-known fire-spread rate model of Rothermel (1972) was developed, showing that neither fuel bed height, load or density directly influence the thermal energy balance. The influence of such parameters, often inferred from empirical descriptions of spread rate, must result from indirect effects on heat transfer mechanisms. The fraction of heat transferred from the flame to the unburned fuel depends mostly on fuel moisture content and is independent of spread rate and flame geometry. Because empirical models usually implicitly assume the underlying mechanisms of fire spread for describing fire behaviour, this study results can assist at idealizing and delineating future experiments and approaches.Analizirana je uloga pojedinih svojstava ložišta u stopi širenja šumskog požara, na temelju ravnoteže toplinske energije, iz koje je razvijen poznati Rothermelov model širenja požara (1972), pokazujući da niti visina ložišta, jednako kao ni količina i gustoća ne utječu izravno na ravnotežu toplinske energije. Utjecaj tih parametara, često izvedenih iz empirijskih opisa stope širenja, nužno proizlazi iz neizravnih utjecaja na mehanizme prijenosa topline. Udio topline prenesen iz plamena na nesagorijelo gorivo, pretežno ovisi o sadržaju vlage u gorivu te je neovisan od stope širenja te oblika plamena. S obzirom na to da empirijski modeli uglavnom impliciraju mehanizme širenja požara u opisivanju njegovog ponašanja, rezultati ove studije mogu biti od pomoći u osmišljavanju i ocrtavanju budućih eksperimenata i pristupa

    Multi-sensor analysis of extreme events in North-Eastern Italy

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    International audienceThe North-eastern part of Italy is known to be one of the most rainy regions in Europe. In this paper three extreme events are analysed, using a multi-sensor observing system including a weather radar and a dense telemetric network of surface stations, recording precipitation, wind, temperature and relative humidity. The cases examined comprise two long lasting rainfall events impacting two distinct areas, and a vigorous hail-producing thunderstorm event over the plains. In all cases, inter-comparison between remotely sensed and surface observations, including estimates and measures of precipitation and wind, helps to better understand the behaviour of the atmosphere, thus supporting operational fore- and now-casting. In the case of widespread precipitation, a relation is suggested between the wind speed and direction at medium/low levels with the location of the maximum precipitation relative to the mountains. This reflects the dynamical interaction between the mountain barrier and the atmospheric flux impinging upon it. This flux can be estimated by the automatic weather station of Mt. Cesen, a focal point for a now-casting of the rain in the Veneto Region. Analysis of strong thunderstorm activity makes extensive use of radar data. In the examined case the interaction of a sea breeze-like circulation with a mesoscale trough gave rise to a distinct convergence line that triggered a severe and long-lived hail-producing multi-cell thunderstorm. The hail was successfully detected by the radar's hail detection algorithm

    The Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper Northern Sky Survey

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    The Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) has surveyed the distribution and kinematics of ionized gas in the Galaxy above declination -30 degrees. The WHAM Northern Sky Survey (WHAM-NSS) has an angular resolution of one degree and provides the first absolutely-calibrated, kinematically-resolved map of the H-Alpha emission from the Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) within ~ +/-100 km/s of the Local Standard of Rest. Leveraging WHAM's 12 km/s spectral resolution, we have modeled and removed atmospheric emission and zodiacal absorption features from each of the 37,565 spectra. The resulting H-Alpha profiles reveal ionized gas detected in nearly every direction on the sky with a sensitivity of 0.15 R (3 sigma). Complex distributions of ionized gas are revealed in the nearby spiral arms up to 1-2 kpc away from the Galactic plane. Toward the inner Galaxy, the WHAM-NSS provides information about the WIM out to the tangent point down to a few degrees from the plane. Ionized gas is also detected toward many intermediate velocity clouds at high latitudes. Several new H II regions are revealed around early B-stars and evolved stellar cores (sdB/O). This work presents the details of the instrument, the survey, and the data reduction techniques. The WHAM-NSS is also presented and analyzed for its gross properties. Finally, some general conclusions are presented about the nature of the WIM as revealed by the WHAM-NSS.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures (Fig 6-9 & 14 are full color); accepted for publication in 2003, ApJ, 149; Original quality figures (as well as data for the survey) are available at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/wham

    Real time display of the vertical beam sizes in LEP using the BEXE X-ray detector and fast VME based computers

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    Fast X-ray detectors based on CdTe photoconductors have been installed in LEP since the beginning of its operation in 1989. The angular divergence of the high energy photons from the synchrotron radiation (x-rays) and the narrow spacing of the 64 photoconductors of the detector allow a good measurement of vertical beam profiles down to an rms beam size of 300 mm. This paper presents some specific parameters and experimental results of an upgrade program in which the local processing power of the front-end electronics has been increased by a factor 50. Such a powerful tool has allowed a real time display of the time evolution of the vertical beam sizes. An online correlation plot between the electron and positron beam sizes (turn by turn) is also displayed. These online video images are available in the LEP control room and are used in daily operation for luminosity optimisation

    Interactions between carnivore species: limited spatiotemporal partitioning between apex predator and smaller carnivores in a Mediterranean protected area

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    Background: There is need of information on ecological interactions that keystone species such as apex predators establish in ecosystems recently recolonised. Interactions among carnivore species have the potential to influence community-level processes, with consequences for ecosystem dynamics. Although avoidance of apex predators by smaller carnivores has been reported, there is increasing evidence that the potential for competitive-to-facilitative interactions is context-dependent. In a protected area recently recolonised by the wolf Canis lupus and hosting abundant wild prey (3 ungulate species, 20–30 individuals/km2, together), we used 5-year food habit analyses and 3-year camera trapping to (i) investigate the role of mesocarnivores (4 species) in the wolf diet; (ii) test for temporal, spatial, and fine-scale spatiotemporal association between mesocarnivores and the wolf. Results: Wolf diet was dominated by large herbivores (86% occurrences, N = 2201 scats), with mesocarnivores occurring in 2% scats. We collected 12,808 carnivore detections over > 19,000 camera trapping days. We found substantial (i.e., generally ≥ 0.75, 0–1 scale) temporal overlap between mesocarnivores—in particular red fox—and the wolf, with no support for negative temporal or spatial associations between mesocarnivore and wolf detection rates. All the species were nocturnal/crepuscular and results suggested a minor role of human activity in modifying interspecific spatiotemporal partitioning. Conclusions: Results suggest that the local great availability of large prey to wolves limited negative interactions towards smaller carnivores, thus reducing the potential for spatiotemporal avoidance. Our study emphasises that avoidance patterns leading to substantial spatiotemporal partitioning are not ubiquitous in carnivore guilds

    A Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Investigation of the Disk-Halo Interface in NGC891

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    We present deep narrowband observations with high spatial resolution of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas in the halo of NGC891, obtained with the WFPC2 on-board the HST. Our H-alpha observations, centered on the northern part of NGC891, reveal an extended gaseous halo, which fills almost the entire field of view of our WFPC2 observation. The majority of the H-alpha emission is diffuse. Several discrete features (e.g., filaments) are visible as well. Some of the filaments reach distances of up to 2.2 kpc above the galactic plane, and are extremely collimated, even at high galactic latitudes. We compare the morphology of these filaments with theoretical models, which describe possible transport mechanisms in a general way. We also investigate extraplanar dust features, which are best visible in unsharp-masked images of our broadband F675W image, and we compare them to the spatial distribution of DIG filaments. Individual dust features, however, are not spatially correlated with diffuse ionized gas counterparts, such as individual filaments. Quite interestingly, the orientation of the dust features changes from being mostly aligned perpendicular to the disk at low galactic latitudes, to a parallel alignment at high |z|. We compare the diffuse ionized gas distribution to the hot ionized medium, traced by X-ray observations performed by Chandra. There exists a good correlation of the presence of the warm and hot ionized gas, in particular, an X-ray bright region at |z| ~ 1-1.5 kpc fills the entire northern halo region, whereas the intensity in the midplane is considerably depressed. We also compare the sizes of individual H-alpha emission line features in the midplane of NGC891 with similar structures that are known in our Milky Way and in the LMC.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, paper with high resolution figures can be accessed at http://www.astro.rub.de/jrossa/ngc891

    Towards implementing climate services in Peru – The project CLIMANDES

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    AbstractCLIMANDES is a pilot twinning project between the National Weather Services of Peru and Switzerland (SENAMHI and MeteoSwiss), developed within the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Split in two modules, CLIMANDES aims at improving education in meteorology and climatology in support of the WMO Regional Training Center in Peru, and introducing user-tailored climate services in two pilot regions in the Peruvian Andes.Four areas were prioritized in the first phase of CLIMANDES lasting from 2012 to 2015 to introduce climate services in Peru. A demand study identified the user needs of climate services and showed that climate information must be reliable, of high-quality, and precise. The information should be accessible and timely, understandable and applicable for the users’ specific needs. Second, the quality of climate data was enhanced through the establishment of quality control and homogenization procedures at SENAMHI. Specific training and application of the implemented methods at stations in the pilot regions was promoted to ensure the sustainability of the work. Third, the specific work on climate data enabled the creation of a webpage to disseminate climate indicators among users. The forth priority of the project enhanced the broad communication strategy of SENAMHI through creation of a specialized network of journalists, diverse climate forums, and the establishment of a user database.The efforts accomplished within CLIMANDES improved the quality of the climate services provided by SENAMHI. The project hence contributed successfully to higher awareness and higher confidence in the climate information by SENAMHI

    A network model of Italy shows that intermittent regional strategies can alleviate the COVID-19 epidemic

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    The COVID-19 epidemic hit Italy particularly hard, yielding the implementation of strict national lockdown rules. Previous modelling studies at the national level overlooked the fact that Italy is divided into administrative regions which can independently oversee their own share of the Italian National Health Service. Here, we show that heterogeneity between regions is essential to understand the spread of the epidemic and to design effective strategies to control the disease. We model Italy as a network of regions and parameterize the model of each region on real data spanning over two months from the initial outbreak. We confirm the effectiveness at the regional level of the national lockdown strategy and propose coordinated regional interventions to prevent future national lockdowns, while avoiding saturation of the regional health systems and mitigating impact on costs. Our study and methodology can be easily extended to other levels of granularity to support policy- and decision-makers

    The nucleus of the Sagittarius dSph galaxy and M54: a window on the process of galaxy nucleation

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    We present the results of a thorough study of the nucleus of the Sgr dwarf spheroidal galaxy and of the bright globular cluster M54 that resides within the same nucleus (Sgr,N). We have obtained accurate radial velocities and metallicity estimates for 1152 candidate Red Giant Branch stars of Sgr and M54 lying within ~ 9 arcmin from the center of the galaxy, from Keck/DEIMOS and VLT/FLAMES spectra of the infrared Calcium II triplet. Using both velocity and metallicity information we selected two samples of 425 and 321 very-likely members of M54 and of Sgr,N, respectively. The two considered systems display significantly different velocity dispersion profiles: M54 has a steeply decreasing profile from r=0, where sigma= 14.2 km/s, to r=3.5 arcmin where it reaches sigma=5.3 km/s, then it appears to rise again to sigma= 10 km/s at r=7 arcmin. In contrast Sgr,N has a uniformly flat profile at sigma=9.6 km/s over the whole 0 < r < 9 arcmin range. Using data from the literature we show that the velocity dispersion of Sgr remains constant at least out to r ~ 100 arcmin and there is no sign of the transition between the outer flat-luminosity-profile core and the inner nucleus in the velocity profile. These results - together with a re-analysis of the surface brightness profile of Sgr,N and a suite of dedicated N-body simulations - provide very strong support for the hypothesis that the nucleus of Sgr formed independently of M54, which probably plunged to its present position, coincident with Sgr,N, because of significant decay of the original orbit due to dynamical friction.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. emulateapj.cls, 26 pag., 21 low resolution figures. A full-resolution color version of the paper can be retrieved from http://www.bo.astro.it/SGR/Sgr_nucleus.ps.g