1,546 research outputs found

    Stabilized tetragonal zirconium oxide as a support for catalysts: evolution of the texture and structure on calcination in static air

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    Single-phase tetragonal zirconium oxides have been made by the incorporation of 5.4 mol-% of Y3+ or La3+ in ZrO2 to form solid solutions. The samples were prepared by controlled coprecipitation from aqueous solutions of the respective metal chlorides at room temperature and at a constant pH of 10, followed by calcination at 500°C (in the case of the Y3+ -doped sample) or 600°C (in the case of the La3+ -doped sample) to effectuate the crystallization into the tetragonal phase. The process of crystallization of the hydrous zirconia precursor was found to be retarded by the incorporation of Y3+ or La3+, the latter giving the greater effect. Upon crystallization, stabilized tetragonal samples were obtained with high specific surface areas (SBET ca. 88 m2 g¿1 for both the samples) and well-developed mesoporous textures but without any microporosity. Both the Y3+ - and the La3+ -alloyed ZrO2 samples were found to fully retain the tetragonal phase upon calcination over the entire range of temperatures studied (up to 900°C). The thermal stability of the texture of zirconia was found to be considerably improved, in comparison with the undoped monoclinic material, by the stabilization of the crystal structure in the defect tetragonal form. In particular, incorporation of 5.4 mol-% of La3+ resulted in a support material which had a remarkable thermal stability. It is shown that the improvements in the thermal stability are derived from a strong inhibition of the processes of crystallite growth and the accompanying intercrystallite sintering and thus of the process of mass transport; the mass transport probably occurs by a mechanism of surface diffusion

    Zirconia as a support for catalysts: Evolution of the texture and structure on calcination in air

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    Zirconia samples, prepared by precipitation from a solution of zirconyl chloride at a constant pH of 10, were calcined in flowing air at temperatures up to 850°C in order to study the development and stability of the porous texture in conjunction with the development of the structure of the resulting materials as a function of calcination temperature. The gel precipitation technique employed yields a high surface area zirconia (SBET of 111 m2g−1 after calcination at 450°C) with a well-developed mesoporous texture. The porous texture is, however, unstable under the experimental conditions employed, the initial high specific surface area being lost quite rapidly with increase in calcination temperature; calcination at 850°C brings about a reduction of the (BET) specific surface area by approximately 97%. Two process were identified as being responsible for the changes in pore structure and surface area: (i) crystallite growth and an accompanying phase transformation; and (ii) inter-crystallite sintering (neck-formation and growth); both these phenomena probably occur via a mechanism of surface diffusion. The inter-crystallite sintering process becomes more pronounced at higher calcination temperatures

    Zirconia as a support for catalysts: influence of additives on the thermal stability of the porous texture of monoclinic zirconia

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    A single-phase monoclinic zirconia (the thermodynamically stable modification up to a temperature of 1170°C), having a specific surface area of 67 m2g¿1 and a well-developed mesoporous texture, has been prepared by gel-precipitation followed by calcination at 450°C. A commercially available high-surface area monoclinic zirconia powder (SBET=71 m2g¿1) has also been studied. It was found that the specific surface area and pore volume of monoclinic zirconia both decreased markedly on increasing the calcination temperature; despite the fact that the crystal structure was that of the stable modification, this did not seem to impart any substantial resistance to thermal sintering. The thermal stability of monoclinic zirconia could however be improved significantly by addition (by an impregnation technique) of various oxides: CaO, Y2O3, La2O3 all led to an improvement in the thermal stability up to 900°C while MgO exhibited stabilizing properties only up to 700°C; the best results were obtained with La2O3. All the additives investigated other than MgO were found to bring about a partial transition of the monoclinic to a fluorite-like phase of zirconia upon heat treatment; this phase has been shown in the case of the CaO-doped sample to be cubic zirconia and in the cases of the Y2O3- and La2O3-doped samples to be tetragonal zirconia. As little as 20¿50% of a theoretical monolayer quantity of La2O3 was sufficient to give satisfactory thermal stability. The results can be explained by a model involving mass transport by a surface diffusion mechanism

    Petrography and Geochemistry of Metals in Almahata Sitta Ureilites

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    Ureilites are ultramafic achondrites, predominantly composed of olivine and pyroxenes with accessory carbon, metal and sulfide. The majority of ureilites are believed to represent the mantle of the ureilite parent body (UPB) [1]. Although ureilites have lost much of their original metal [2], the metal that remains retains a record of the formative processes. Almahata Sitta is predominantly composed of unbrecciated ureilites with a wide range of silicate compositions [3,4]. As a fall it presents a rare opportunity to examine fresh ureilite metal in-situ, and analyzing their highly siderophile element (HSE) ratios gives clues to their formation. Bulk siderophile element analyses of Almahata Sitta fall within the range observed in other ureilites [5]. We have examined the metals in seven ureilitic samples of Almahata Sitta (AS) and one associated chondrite fragment (AS#25)

    Evaluating multisite multiprofessional simulation training for a hyperacute stroke service using the behaviour change wheel

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    Background Stroke is a clinical priority requiring early specialist assessment and treatment. A London (UK) stroke strategy was introduced in 2010, with Hyper Acute Stroke Units (HASUs) providing specialist and high dependency care. To support increased numbers of specialist staff, innovative multisite multiprofessional simulation training under a standard protocol-based curriculum took place across London. This paper reports on an independent evaluation of the HASU training programme. The main aim was to evaluate mechanisms for behaviour change within the training design and delivery, and impact upon learners including potential transferability to the clinical environment. Methods The evaluation utilised the Behaviour Change Wheel framework. Procedures included: mapping training via the framework; examination of course material; direct and video-recorded observations of courses; pre-post course survey sheet; and follow up in-depth interviews with candidates and faculty. Results Patient management skills and trainee confidence were reportedly increased post-course (post-course median 6 [IQ range 5–6.33]; pre-course median 5 [IQ range 4.67–5.83]; z = 6.42, P <.001). Thematic analysis showed that facilitated ‘debrief’ was the key agent in supporting both clinical and non-clinical skills. Follow up interviews in practice showed some sustained effects such as enthusiasm for role, and a focus on situational awareness, prioritization and verbalising thoughts. Challenges in standardising a multi-centre course included provision for local context/identity. Conclusions Pan-London simulation training under the London Stroke Model had positive outcomes in terms of self-reported skills and motivation. These effects persisted to an extent in practice, where staff could recount applications of learning. The evaluation demonstrated that a multiple centre simulation programme congruent with clinical practice can provide valuable standard training opportunities that support patient care

    Resilience engineering as a quality improvement method in healthcare

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    Current approaches to quality improvement rely on the identification of past problems through incident reporting and audits or the use of Lean principles to eliminate waste, to identify how to improve quality. In contrast, Resilience Engineering (RE) is based on insights from complexity science, and quality results from clinicians’ ability to adapt safely to difficult situations, such as a surge in patient numbers, missing equipment or difficult unforeseen physiological problems. Progress in applying these insights to improve quality has been slow, despite the theoretical developments. In this chapter we describe a study in the Emergency Department of a large hospital in which we used RE principles to identify opportunities for quality improvement interventions. In depth observational fieldwork and interviews with clinicians were used to gather data about the key challenges faced, the misalignments between demand and capacity, adaptations that were required, and the four resilience abilities: responding, monitoring, anticipating and learning. Data were transcribed and used to write extended resilience narratives describing the work system. The narratives were analysed thematically using a combined deductive/inductive approach. A structured process was then used to identify potential interventions to improve quality. We describe one intervention to improve monitoring of patient flow and organisational learning about patient flow interventions. The approach we describe is challenging and requires close collaboration with clinicians to ensure accurate results. We found that using RE principles to improve quality is feasible and results in a focus on strengthening processes and supporting the challenges that clinicians face in their daily work

    The Quark Propagator from the Dyson-Schwinger Equations: I. the Chiral Solution

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    Within the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger equations in the axial gauge, we study the effect that non-perturbative glue has on the quark propagator. We show that Ward-Takahashi identities, combined with the requirement of matching perturbative QCD at high momentum transfer, guarantee the multiplicative renormalisability of the answer. Technically, the matching with perturbation theory is accomplished by the introduction of a transverse part to the quark-gluon vertex. We show that this transverse vertex is crucial for chiral symmetry breaking, and that massless solutions exist below a critical value of the strong coupling constant. Using the gluon propagator that we previously calculated, we obtain small corrections to the quark propagator, which keeps a pole at the origin in the chiral phase.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures; McGill/94-24, SHEP 93/94-26 We generalise our results by showing that they are not sensitive to the specific choice that we make for the transverse vertex. We illustrate that fact in two new figure

    Indications of coherence-incoherence crossover in layered transport

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    For many layered metals the temperature dependence of the interlayer resistance has a different behavior than the intralayer resistance. In order to better understand interlayer transport we consider a concrete model which exhibits this behavior. A small polaron model is used to illustrate how the interlayer transport is related to the coherence of quasi-particles within the layers. Explicit results are given for the electron spectral function, interlayer optical conductivity and the interlayer magnetoresistance. All these quantities have two contributions: one coherent (dominant at low temperatures) and one incoherent (dominant at high temperatures).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, REVTEX

    Entanglement between a qubit and the environment in the spin-boson model

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    The quantitative description of the quantum entanglement between a qubit and its environment is considered. Specifically, for the ground state of the spin-boson model, the entropy of entanglement of the spin is calculated as a function of α\alpha, the strength of the ohmic coupling to the environment, and ϵ\epsilon, the level asymmetry. This is done by a numerical renormalization group treatment of the related anisotropic Kondo model. For ϵ=0\epsilon=0, the entanglement increases monotonically with α\alpha, until it becomes maximal for αlim1\alpha \lim 1^-. For fixed ϵ>0\epsilon>0, the entanglement is a maximum as a function of α\alpha for a value, α=αM<1\alpha = \alpha_M < 1.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Shortened version restricted to groundstate entanglemen