555 research outputs found

    Chiara Lubich’s Paradise ’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians: Jesus Crucified and Forsaken, the Church, and Agape-Love

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    This article is the fourth and last in a series we have published in which the author explores the relationship between the Letter to the Ephesians and the writings of Chiara Lubich. In this final article, the author explores three themes. First is the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for the church, humanity, history, and the cosmos in the Letter to the Ephesians. The author turns to the mystical writings of Chiara Lubich about Jesus Forsaken’s role in the life of the Christian, the church, and the destiny of humanity and creation. Second, the author reflects on the letter’s understanding of church as the Body of Christ brought about by the cross, by which new human persons are transformed and fulfilled in Christ. The author explores Chiara Lubich’s collective experience of being a cell in the church, of being both Mary and Jesus, to further the mission of Christ in the church and the world. Finally, the author explores the role of love—agape—both in the letter and in Chiara Lubich’s spirituality of unity

    Revisiting Chiara Lubich’s Paradise ’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians

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    This article is the first in a four-part study. It begins with the idea that genuine Christian mysticism and the thought it produces is never separated from faith. Rather, it produces a faith lived with greater clarity and intensity. This forms the basis for a study comparing the Letter to the Ephesians with some of Chiara Lubich’s notes on her contemplative experience in 1949. Her experience, the author emphasizes, was born from an experience of communion, of church. Chiara lived in a personal way the reality of the church in its profound identity with the Body of Christ. This reality can be described as participation in the Trinitarian life of God, by being inserted into the Son’s relationship with the Father. This study appears even more appropriate when we consider that the principal concern of the Letter to the Ephesians is the identity of the church and its vocation to unity. Focus will be on themes of faith and, specifically, God, the Logos, ecclesiology, and ethics

    Revisiting Chiara Lubich’s Paradise’49 in Light of the Letter to the Ephesians: Divine Adoption and Divine Design

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    This article is the second in a four-part study comparing the Letter to the Ephesians with some of Chiara Lubich’s notes on her contemplative experience in 1949. The author first explores the initial blessing of divine adoption as children of God in Christ as expressed in the letter and in Chiara’s Trinitarian experience of adoption in the design of God. Then he discusses how the divine design is fulfilled according to a Trinitarian dynamic in both the letter and Chiara’s experience. Finally, he looks more deeply into the source of this design, namely, the glory of God from which everything irradiates and to which everything converges as it is expressed in the letter, and in Chiara’s Trinitarian-ecclesial- cosmic vision of the light and splendor of Divine Love. The author concludes that it is in this glory or splendor within the heart of the Trinity itself that divine adoption is fulfilled

    Multidimensional Calibration of the EXOGAM Segmented Clover

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    Matiere NucleaireThe EXOGAM clover detector consists of four high-purity germanium (HPGe) crystals in a common cryostat. Each individual crystal is electrically segmented into four regions. We propose a method based on a multidimensional fitting procedure to calibrate the energy from the segments. This method could be used for any kind of segmented germanium detector. Its application to the EXOGAM clover is discussed in details

    Les codes de l'obligations : méta-analyses pragmatologiques de l'application de méthodes en sciences sociales

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    Cette thèse rassemble une série de méta-analyses, c'est-à-dire d'analyses ayant pour objet des analyses produites par des sociologues (notamment celles résultant de l'application de méthodes de traitement des entretiens). Il s'agit d'une démarche réflexive visant les pratiques concrètes des sociologues. Celles-ci sont envisagées comme des activités gouvernées par des règles. Une part importante de cette thèse sera donc consacrée au développement d'un outil d'analyse « pragmatologique » (E. Durkheim), c'est-à-dire permettant l'étude des pratiques et des règles en rapport avec elles. Pour aborder les règles, la philosophie analytique d'inspiration wittgensteinienne apporte plusieurs propositions importantes. Les règles sont ainsi considérées comme des concepts d'air de famille : il n'y a pas de définitions communes recouvrant l'ensemble des règles. Pour étudier les règles, il convient alors de faire des distinctions à partir de leurs usages. Une de ces distinctions concerne la différence entre règles constitutives et règles régulatives : une règle constitutive crée une pratique (e.g. le mariage), alors qu'une règle régulative s'applique à des activités qui peuvent exister sans elle (e.g. les règles du savoir-vivre). L'activité méthodologique des sociologues repose et est contrainte par ces types de règles, qui sont pour l'essentiel implicites. Cette thèse vise donc à rendre compte, par la description et la codification des règles, du caractère normatif des méthodes dans les pratiques d'analyse de la sociologie. Elle insiste en particulier sur les limites logiques qu'instituent les règles constitutives, celles-ci rendant impossibles (et non pas interdites) certaines actions des sociologues. This thesis brings together a series of meta-analyzes, that is, analyzes that tackle analyzes produced by sociologists (notably those resulting from the application of methods in treating interviews). The approach is reflexive and aimed at the concrete practices of sociologists, considered as activities governed by rules. An important part of this thesis is therefore devoted to the development of a "pragmatological" analytical tool (Durkheim) to conduct a study of such practices and of the rules that govern them. To approach these rules, Wittgenstein-inspired analytic philosophy offers several important proposals. The rules are, at first, seen as concepts of family resemblance, assuming that there is no common definition accounting for all rules. In order to conduct the study of such rules, it is therefore necessary to discern how they are respectively used. One of these distinctions concerns the difference between constitutive rules and regulative rules: a constitutive rule creates a practice (for example marriage), while a regulative rule applies to activities that can exist outside of the rule (for example, the rules of etiquette). The methodological activity of sociologists relies on, and is constrained by these types of rules, which are essentially implicit. Through the description and codification of rules, this thesis aims to account for the normative character of methods governing analytical practices in sociology. Particular emphasis is on the logical limits established by constitutive rules, limits that render several of the sociologist's actions impossible (rather than forbidden)

    Konferenz Fachdidaktiken Schweiz: Eine Dachorganisation als ein Motor für professionelle Fachdidaktik

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    Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (SGL) bietet aktuell zwanzig Arbeitsgruppen eine Plattform für fachliche Vertiefungen und Vernetzungen zwischen (pädagogischen) Hochschulen. Diese Arbeitsgruppen sind zwar sehr unterschiedlich organisiert, zielen aber alle auf Weiterbildungseffekte durch Austausch und Vergleich. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden zuerst die Bestrebungen der SGL zur Förderung der Arbeit dieser Fachgruppen vorgestellt und anschliessend wird exemplarisch das Forum Deutschdidaktik präsentiert.The Konferenz Fachdidaktiken Schweiz (KOFADIS) was founded in 2014, and encompasses all major organizations that deal with subject pedagogy and all education-related working groups in Switzerland. In this paper, the background and the reasons for the development of this umbrella organization are described, followed by an outline of the goals and the key objectives of KOFADIS

    Les quiz hebdomadaires: quel impact sur l'anxiété et la motivation des élèves du secondaire I en biologie ?

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    Pour de nombreux élèves, évaluation rime souvent avec anxiété. Or, trop d’anxiété est contre-productive au niveau des apprentissages. D’après la littérature, l’utilisation de quiz serait un moyen adéquat pour réduire l’anxiété des élèves. Dans la présente étude, l’utilisation hebdomadaire de quiz en cours de biologie a donc été testée durant un semestre et son impact sur l’anxiété et la motivation des élèves a été examiné. Cette question a été investiguée au travers de questionnaires basés sur le test QASAM, au sein de trois classes de 9H. Les résultats montrent que les quiz permettent d’aboutir à une légère baisse de l’anxiété mais également à une amélioration de la motivation, de manière plus limitée. En revanche, une baisse de la perception de la contrôlabilité est également observée et cette conséquence indésirable mérite d’être étudiée à travers d’autres recherches afin de trouver la raison de ce changement. La leçon de biologie se déroulant uniquement à raison de deux périodes par semaine, il se peut que cette discipline soit moins anxiogène que d’autres branches prenant plus de place dans le planning des élèves. Il serait donc intéressant de tester la même méthode mais durant des leçons de français, mathématiques ou allemand

    Inteligencia emocional y el desempeño laboral en el Centro Regulador de Urgencias y Emergencias Nacional – EsSalud 2017

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la inteligencia emocional y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del Centro Regulador de Urgencias y Emergencias Nacional – EsSalud 2017; la muestra estuvo constituida por 50 profesionales (26 enfermeras y 24 médicos) del Centro Regulador De Urgencias Y Emergencias Nacional (CRUEN), siendo un muestreo no probabilístico censal puesto que se tomó a toda la población. El método empleado en la investigación fue el hipotético deductivo, esta investigación utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental de tipo básica descriptivo y correlacional, que recogió la información en un período específico, que se desarrolló al aplicar el instrumento cuestionario para ambas variables con una escala de Likert, que brindaron información acerca de la las variables de estudio y sus dimensiones, cuyos resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente. A través de los resultados obtenidos se observó que en la tabla 8 y figura 1 el 24.00% de los entrevistados presentan una inteligencia emocional en un nivel bueno, el 48.00% presentan un nivel regular y un 28.00% un nivel malo, también se evidencia en la tabla 14 y figura 7 que el 32.00% de los entrevistados presentan un desempeño laboral en un nivel eficiente, el 46.00% presentan un nivel regular y un 22.00% un nivel deficiente. Con respecto a la correlación de las variables se obtuvo en la tabla 19 la variable inteligencia emocional está relacionada directa y positivamente con la variable desempeño laboral, según la correlación de Spearman de 0. 527 representado este resultado como moderado con una significancia estadística de p=0.001 siendo menor que el 0.01. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis general y se rechaza la hipótesis nula

    Acute Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Contralateral Plantar Flexor Neuromuscular Function

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    Contralateral facilitation, i.e., the increase in contralateral maximal voluntary strength that is observed when neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is applied to the ipsilateral homonymous muscle, has previously been reported for the knee extensors but the neurophysiological mechanisms remain to be investigated. The aim of this study was to compare plantar flexor contralateral facilitation between a submaximal voluntary contraction (~10% MVC torque) and two evoked contractions (conventional and wide-pulse high-frequency NMES) of the ipsilateral plantar flexors, with respect to a resting condition. Contralateral MVC torque and voluntary activation level were measured in 22 healthy participants while the ipsilateral plantar flexors were at rest, voluntarily contracted or stimulated for 15 s. Additional neurophysiological parameters (soleus H-reflex and V-wave amplitude and tibialis anterior coactivation level) were quantified in a subgroup of 12 participants. Conventional and wide-pulse high-frequency NMES of the ipsilateral plantar flexors did not induce any contralateral facilitation of maximal voluntary strength and activation with respect to the resting condition. Similarly, no alteration of neurophysiological parameters was observed in the different conditions. This absence of contralateral facilitation contrasts with some results previously obtained on the knee extensors but is consistent with the absence of neurophysiological changes on the contralateral soleus