942 research outputs found

    Dense gap-junction connections support dynamic Turing structures in the cortex

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    The recent report by Fukuda et al [1] provides convincing evidence for dense gap-junction connectivity between inhibitory neurons in the cat visual cortex, each neuron making 60 +/- 12 gap-junction dendritic connections with neurons in both the same and adjoining orientation columns. These resistive connections provide a source of diffusive current to the receiving neuron, supplementing the chemical-synaptic currents generated by incoming action-potential spike activity. Fukuda et al describe how the gap junctions form a dense and homogeneous electrical coupling of interneurons, and propose that this diffusion-coupled network provides the substrate for synchronization of neuronal populations. To date, large-scale population-based mathematical models of the cortex have ignored diffusive communication between neurons. Here we augment a well-established mean-field cortical model [2] by incorporating gap-junction-mediated diffusion currents, and we investigate the implications of strong diffusive coupling. The significant result is the model prediction that the 2D cortex can spontaneously generate centimetre-scale Turing structures (spatial patterns), in which regions of high-firing activity are intermixed with regions of low-firing activity (see Fig. 1). Since coupling strength decreases with increases in firing rate, these patterns are expected to exchange contrast on a slow time-scale, with low-firing patches increasing their activity at the expense of high-firing patches. These theoretical predictions are consistent with the slowly fluctuating large-scale brain-activity images detected from the BOLD (blood oxygen-level-dependent) signal [3]

    A modern day panopticon: using power and control theory to manage volunteer tourists in Bolivia

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    Volunteer tourism literature is yet to examine the impact of power and control practices on volunteer tourist compliancy. This paper contributes to closing this research gap by proposing and testing a new theoretical model of power and control practices. Drawing upon the previously un-synthesized theoretical contributions of Foucault (1979) and French & Raven (1959), the model presents power and control practices identified in the extant organizational literature. Using an auto-ethnographic approach, data was collected within a Bolivian volunteer-host community. Examination of results suggested mutually beneficial volunteer-host working relationships occur under ‘softer’ management practices. Our findings also offer insight into the salience of using reward-based management strategies as a control mechanism, as well as identifying two new control practices that emerged empirically. The research suggests several implications for the management of host communities towards creating more harmonious, efficient, and effective working relationships between volunteer tourists and hosts

    Historicizing Subjectivities: Antigone, Rosemarie Beck and a Lesbian New Yorker

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    Presentation examines Rosemarie Beck\u27s development, as a woman and artist as part of the larger social/body politic of the time. Her sense of self as an individual, her individual acts, whether or not she participated in consciousness raising sessions and equal rights marches, perhaps are not as important as her historicized experiences; the creation of her subjectivity

    What do Bras have to do with Puberty? Educating boys about girls bodies

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    Teaching puberty to 10-11 year olds and teaching sexuality to 13-18 year olds should be fun. Yet fun is not ordinarily associated with teaching puberty and sex in polite secular American society, let within religious arenas. It may not be polite and there are parental fears that formal sex education has a causal relationship with promiscuity. Yet, when I have asked over the years in my Sexualities class, in my most informal of polls, whether parents have taken a large and/or productive role in teaching sex to their children, the percentages are always very small. Many parents do not know good ways of teaching puberty let alone sexuality and yet oftentimes require permissions slips for it to be addressed in schools. In this paper, I more directly address the prejudicial perceptions of sex generally and boys’ desires. That is, when sexuality is taught from the point of view of the students and what they want to know, and not only taught from the point of view of adults and what they think students should know the relationships among boys and girls are more cooperative and empathetic

    Perspectives On Equitable Water Resource Allocation From A Decision Experiment

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    Awareness of the importance of policy regarding the equitable distribution of global water resources is increasing. The purpose of this research study was to investigate the effects of allocation rules and drought conditions on allocation decisions through a decision experiment based on an idealized river basin that simulated conditions in the Saskatchewan River Basin. Participants took on the roles of water managers responsible for allocating water resources to four competing sectors in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Three variations of allocation rules were tested: (a) status-quo allocation rules mimicking the current governance structure involving prearranged allocation rules across regions, (b) no predetermined rules, and (c) no predetermined rules but communication among participants. Each allocation rule was tested under two potential water levels: (a) drier-than-average conditions today reflecting 81% of historical flows, and (b) severe drought conditions with a 45% reduction from today’s flows. Results showed that policy had a significant effect on how participants allocated water resources, indicating that the absence of defined minimal flow rules and the lack of communication among riparian users resulted in less equitable distribution of water, with negative ramifications for downstream users. Additionally, results showed that drought-induced water scarcity significantly affected allocation patterns, with participants choosing to protect municipal water use at the expense of industry and agriculture in the face of water shortage conditions. For decision makers and water stakeholders in the Saskatchewan River Basin, these findings provide insight into the effectiveness of the 1969 Master Agreement on Apportionment to ensure the equitable distribution of water through defined minimum flows and the problem of fragmented governance, which prevents effective communication between upstream and downstream users. The findings also highlighted the importance of having a formal rule structure to oversee allocations or ongoing communication processes to facilitate problem solving in preparation for drought conditions

    The Domino Effect: Lessons from the Prison Walls

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    This presentation is designed to provide insight to those who serve at-risk populations. Participants will explore the risk factors and statistics around at-risk youth. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to hear first-hand from an incarcerated women who can testify to successful and unsuccessful interventions adults attempted to help her with. She is both a victim and success story that is the face of how education can indeed make a difference for kids. After successful completion of this course students will be able to: Build empathy for students who do not have support from parents. Understand why attendance is often poor for at-risk students. Identify strategies to effectively communicate with at-risk students. Identify effective interventions to support pre-identified at-risk students

    Investigating Sports Drinks. Are they worth the money?

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    Investigating Sports Drinks. Are they worth the money? The sports drinks industry is a huge global business which shows no signs of slowing down. The inspiration to conduct this investigation came from an observation that there is an increasing consumption of sports and energy drinks within our community, particularly amongst children. The message from the advertisers is clear- athletes should replace lost body fluid with drinks that contain electrolytes, such as sports drinks. However, there are conflicting suggestions from conducting literature reviews; that, not only are these drinks unhealthy in terms of the high sugar content, but instead water and milk are sufficient to hydrate children and adults before during and after exercise. Indeed it is claimed that there are no beneficial effects of sports drinks for non-elite athletes and children. This investigation compares the electrolyte composition of a range of drinks marketed as sports drinks, as well as other drinks including milk and tap water. This was done by measuring the conductance, which is proportional to the electrolyte concentration. In addition an assessment of the reducing sugar present in each drink was undertaken using colorimetry. A comparison was also made of the relative cost of each drink. Overall the results yield some interesting conclusions

    Investigating Sports Drinks. Are they worth the money?

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    Investigating Sports Drinks. Are they worth the money? The sports drinks industry is a huge global business which shows no signs of slowing down. The inspiration to conduct this investigation came from an observation that there is an increasing consumption of sports and energy drinks within our community, particularly amongst children. The message from the advertisers is clear- athletes should replace lost body fluid with drinks that contain electrolytes, such as sports drinks. However, there are conflicting suggestions from conducting literature reviews; that, not only are these drinks unhealthy in terms of the high sugar content, but instead water and milk are sufficient to hydrate children and adults before during and after exercise. Indeed it is claimed that there are no beneficial effects of sports drinks for non-elite athletes and children. This investigation compares the electrolyte composition of a range of drinks marketed as sports drinks, as well as other drinks including milk and tap water. This was done by measuring the conductance, which is proportional to the electrolyte concentration. In addition an assessment of the reducing sugar present in each drink was undertaken using colorimetry. A comparison was also made of the relative cost of each drink. Overall the results yield some interesting conclusions
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