74 research outputs found

    Building Hope in the Heartland: a training program

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    Funding was used to help sponsor a workshop, Building Hope in the Heartland , on March 14, 2000, in Dubuque, Iowa. Attendees included parish nurses, social workers, and pastoral counselors

    Stochastic modeling of hydrometeorological extremes and their possible relation with global change

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    "En un primer intento de modelar estocásticamente los regimenes de los eventos extremos observados en series de tiempo hidroclimatológicas, se creó un modelo matemático basado en la ecuación de Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov teniendo en cuenta la relación precipitaciónevaporación- escorrentía. En un primer paso, se realizó un análisis de tendencias para probar la existencia de un cambio en series de tiempo hidrometeorológicas alrededor del mundo. Después se describío detalladamente el modelo matemático, su teoría y la implementación con el lenguaje científico de programación, Python. Finalmente, se aplica el modelo en cuatro cuencas de estudio para entender cuáles son los posibles mecanismos de alteración de la estructura de las series de tiempo, y de que manera influyen sobre el comportamiento de los eventos extremos.""In a first attempt to stochastically model the regimes of extreme events observed in hydrometeorological time series, a mathematical model was created that was based on the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation, having in mind the relationship of precipitation, evaporation and runoff. In a first step, a trend analysis was conducted to prove the existence of a change in hydrometeorological time series around the world. Following, a detailed description of the mathematical model is given, its theory and implementation with the scientific programming language Python. Lastly, the model is applied to four test basins to better understand, which are the mechanisms of alteration to the structure of the time series, and in which way they incluence on the behaviour of the extreme events."Magíster en HidrosistemasMaestrí

    Evaluation of an Organic No-Till System for Organic Corn, Soybean, and Tomato Production

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    Cover crops for the Organic No–till Plus experiment were planted on September 12, 2005, and consisted of three treatments: 1) a control (no cover crop/tillage used after planting); 2) a cover crop combination of winter wheat (56.25 lb/acre) and Austrian winter pea (18.75 lb/acre), and 3) a cover crop combination of rye (64 lb/acre) and hairy vetch (32 lb/acre). The cover crops were rolled with a roller/crimper mounted, rear-mounted on a tractor on May 25, 2006. The roller consists of a large steel cylinder(10.5 ft wide × 16 in. diameter) filled with water to provide 2,000 lb of weight. Plots planted to the wheat and pea mix were rolled two times, while those in the rye and hairy vetch mix were rolled 2 to 3 times. The corn and soybeans for the experiment were drilled on the same day as rolling (May 25), the soybeans(BR 3F43) at 160,000 seeds/acre and the corn (BR 67M07) at 32,000 seeds/acre. Nine 6-in. Roma tomato seedlings were planted in three replications of each treatment on June 15. Transplants were side-dressed with 0.5 lb/plant of hoop-house compost at the time of transplanting

    Evaluation of Organic Soybean Rust Treatments for Organic Production - Neely-Kinyon Trial, 2005

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    Asian soybean rust, which arrived in the United States in 2004, has the potential to be the single most important impediment to economical organic soybean production in the United States. The economic impact of ASR in organic systems could range from 30to30 to 120 million in yield loss, upon its arrival in organic soybean areas. The fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) survives year-round in warm areas, such as the southern United States. During a growing season, the pathogen is disseminated by northward seasonal wind

    Frustração e o risco de recaída no uso de álcool e outras drogas : uma revisão integrativa de literatura

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    O presente estudo visou apresentar uma revisão integrativa de literatura, baseada em Cooper, acerca da relação entre frustração e o risco de recaída no uso de álcool e outras drogas. A busca bibliográfica ocorreu em fevereiro de 2022, foram consultadas as bases de dados Periódicos Capes, Embase, Scopus, Pubmed e SciELO. Não foi estabelecido um período de tempo. Foram incluídos artigos resultantes de pesquisas qualitativas, quantitativas e estudos teóricos, todos com acesso online na íntegra e com conteúdo gratuito. Foram localizadas 411 publicações, as quais, após processo de seleção via critérios de inclusão e exclusão, selecionaram-se 8 artigos. As publicações selecionadas para a amostra desta revisão, em geral, tiveram como objetivo compreender os motivos que levaram à recaída no uso de drogas. Os artigos indicaram que dentre as principais razões para a recaída no uso de drogas está a incapacidade percebida pelos sujeitos de lidar com as frustrações, com destaque para as frustrações decorrentes de problemas de relacionamento interpessoal.This study aims to present an Integrative Review (IR) research study based on Cooper, about the associations between frustration and relapse in drug and alcohol addiction. The bibliographic review took place in February 2022, a search was carried out in the Capes, Embase, Scopus, Pubmed and SciELO indexers. A time period for the review has not been set. Articles resulting from qualitative and quantitative research and theoretical studies were included, all with full online access and free content. A total of 411 publications were located, which, after a selection process using inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 articles were selected. The selected publications, in general, sought to understand the reasons that lead to relapse in drug use. The articles indicate that among the main reasons for relapse in drug use is the perceived inability by individuals to deal with frustrations, with emphasis on frustrations resulting from interpersonal relationship problems

    Evaluation of Previous Rotation on Flax Performance in Certified Organic Production - Crawfordsville Trial, 2005

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    Flax (Linum usitatissimum [Linaceae] – linen family) is an ancient crop that had been grown in Iowa for many years, but it has been displaced by the emphasis on commodity corn and soybeans. Flax has many uses, including industrial oils from oilseed flax; food-quality flaxseed oil; and linen products, fiberboard and paper products from the straw. Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with lowered risk of heart disease and lowered blood cholesterol levels. Flax has a 50-day vegetative period, a 25-day flowering period, and a 35-day period to maturity. Seeds are produced in bolls that contain 6–10 seeds. Seed color can be brown, golden, or yellow. The seed is covered with a mucilaginous coating. The flax crop responds to up to 50 lb/acre nitrogen, similar to organic small grains. Mycorrhizal association may increase the ability of flax to take up phosphorus from the soil, so growing flax after mycorrhizal wheat rather than after nonmycorrhizal canola may improve its phosphorus uptake by flax. Early-seeded flax generally produces the highest yields, when using the same planting dates as small grains. Frost seldom kills flax seedlings. Nonuniform maturity and ripening are problems in late-seeded fields