28 research outputs found

    The relationship between export and import towards economic growth in Malaysia / Nurul Athirah Rosli

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    This study is to analyze the relationship between export and import towards economic growth in Malaysia. The variable used to measure the economic growth in Malaysia is Gross Domestic Products. Malaysia is a developing country. Export and import are actively influenced the movement of the economic growth in Malaysia since their role as the driver in achieving the optimal growth of the country. Economic growth in Malaysia can increase by exporting more goods in order to gain foreign exchange reserves that can be used to import items that needed by country. Data on the economic growth, export and import from the year 1963 to 2012 were collected for the study purpose. The relationship between these variables is shown by using Econometric Views statistical package and the source of data used is Department Statistic of Malaysia

    Can auditory icons induce food intake mimicry?

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    This research hypothesized that auditory icons that represent eating can be used to induce mimicry in food intake behavior.Numerous studies show that, when two people are eating together, they mimic each other’s eating behavior.To test this hypothesis, participants were asked to eat diced apples.While eating, they can hear auditory icons that represent other people’s eating sound.In reality, the auditory icons used were a sound loop.Their food intake was monitored. If eating occurred within 5 seconds after the participants heard the auditory icons, they were considered to mimic the sound.It was found that, auditory icons that represent eating cause food intake mimicry in human.In the future, results gained from this research may be applied in the design and development of persuasive technology to persuade people to eat slowly since it is beneficial to health

    Activated Carbon-Limestone-Alginate (Ala) Beads For The Removal Of Colour And Turbidity From Kerian River Water

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    This study focused on the usage of activated carbon (AC), limestone (LS) and alginates in treating the Kerian river water. Therefore, the best mix ratio (AC: LS) 3:7 has been adapted based on the previous study to produced composite adsorbent for removal of colour and turbidity and followed by regeneration of the used composite adsorbent. Factor of adsorbent dosage, contact time and shaking speed were considered for optimization processes to get maximum value for the removal of colour and turbidity of the river water. As a result, the composite adsorbent manages to remove 94.15% colour and 90.92% turbidity by using optimum adsorbent dosage settings of 23.14 g, shaking speed of 114rpm and contact time of 71min. Kinetic and isotherm adsorption model for composite adsorbent were also determined. The result shows that the maximum adsorption capacity of one layer composite adsorbent for colour and turbidity are 17.857 PtCo/g and 8.078 NTU/g, respectively. Meanwhile, the kinetic adsorption model describes the suitability of the use of pseudo-second order. Freundlich isotherm is suitable for equilibrium adsorption data. Regeneration of adsorbent is done by solvent wash method by using methanol but unfortunately the removal of colour and turbidity of river water was not successful which it brings negative value

    Flexural crack propagation in steel fibre concrete beam / Nur Anisa Athirah Rosli

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    The inclusion of steel fibres in the concrete matrix is the best alternative to control crack propagation along the failure plane. For decades, some of the studies carried out on steel fibre reinforced concrete beam (SFRC) had highlighted the effect of fibre dosage, fibre type and fibre size towards the mechanical behaviour of concrete, however, there are still uncertainties as to what extent does hooked end fibres with size of 35 mm and 60 mm at 40 kg/m3 and 80 kg/m3 respectively affected the flexural strength and crack produced in concrete. Thus, this study intends to investigate both effect of fibre dosage and fibre length of hooked end steel fibre towards flexural strength and crack propagation in 75 mm x 75 mm x 300 mm fibred concrete beam. In the study, hooked end steel fibres were incorporated into 12 beams having specified strength of 30 MPa. Meanwhile, the flexural strength of concrete was tested using Universal Testing Machine (UTM) under three point bending test. The incorporation of fibre at higher dosage with longer length has resulted in better results in terms of flexural strength and the crack produced as compared to the usage of short fibre at lower dosag

    Optometric Analysis of Color Space and Contrast of Electronic Message Signs

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    This study aimed to perform optometric analysis of the color space and contrast of electronic message. Four electronic messages with different color spaces and contrast were constructed. Color space was measured by “RGB Sliders” from the menu “Transparency” in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011. The luminance was measured by the luminance meter. The reading speed was recorded as words per minute. Reading speed varies significantly in four different electronic messages with different color space and contrast ratio. The mean reading speed increased significantly from L4 to L3. The highest reading speed was found at the intermediate color space. Keywords: Legibility; color space; luminance; contrast.                      eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5i15.2494

    Enhanced risk assessment equation for IPV6 deployment

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    Deploying IPv6 concomitant with the emerging technologies exposes the enterprise networks to the unforeseen threats as well as the existing threats.In mitigating the threats, calculating the risks value for each of the identified threats is vital. However, the existing equation for risk assessment is inappropriate to be applied in assessing the risks in IPv6 because of their limitation in asset determination.Therefore, this paper highlights the modification made in the existing risk assessment equation.The enhanced risk assessment equation is used to calculate the risk value for IPv6 deployment.The enhanced equation adapts three elements: confidentiality, integrity and availability in achieving security goals. The importance of having the enhanced equation is it enables the network administrator to calculate the potential risks for each of the potential IPv6 attack.Securing the enterprise networks is an iterative process that has no ended points. Hence, it is crucial to modify and adapt a proper equation when performing the risk assessment.In the future, more experiments will be conducted to test for feasibility of the equation

    A secondary research on human endocrine physiology in Al- Qur’an and Hadith

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    Understanding physiology, its purpose and function has a great impact on human understanding of themselves. Despite positive progression on the scientific findings in physiology, it is not reflected with the worldview of Islam, and such system produces individuals with little concern towards remembrance of Allah. Thus, this paper aims to review the relevant scientific knowledge in endocrine physiology and relate with Qur’anic verses and Hadith. The view from Islamic perspective has been elaborated with the role of melatonin and cortisol with the change of the day and night. Moreover, the role touch and the release of oxytocin has been described based on Sunnah by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is suggested that the view of more integration of Islamic perspective with other ‘key’ systems in human physiology such as cardiovascular and digestive system should be elaborated. It is hoped that in future serious effort will be done to integrate the scientific knowledge with Islamic perspective therefore the next generation will be able to feel the oneness and greatness of Allah

    The development of a remote restart services system in production line using PowerShell script

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    The production line is an important part of most manufacturing industries. However, the services in the devices may experience some issues that disrupt the production line, requiring the assistance of an IT technician to resolve the problem. Therefore, this study seeks to bridge the gap through the design and development of a PowerShell Script to allow the user to remote control the services in a device such as computers and servers. Using this program, the production operator can solve the issue immediately rather than wait for an IT technician, thus increasing productivity and performance. The program design and development followed the Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology. First, the functional requirements were collected through interviews and content analysis. Later, a prototype called Remote Restart Services System (RRS) is developed using PowerShell programming language on the Windows PowerShell ISE platform. An evaluation was later conducted to assess its usability. The findings suggested that RRS is practical and easy-to-use. The respondents were also pleased with its functions. The field study helps developers to refine the framework by providing direct input from the target audience. It can be a guide to identify areas for improvement and eventually help realise the goals

    The construction of a valid and reliable instrument to measure virtual learning environment success

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    The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) technology has become an essential element to support 21st-century teaching and learning approaches. To ensure that this technology can be employed effectively by the teachers, the assessment of VLE success is necessary. However, few measures of VLE success amongst teachers exist. Therefore, this article describes the process of the development and validation of a questionnaire to measure the VLE success from the teacher’s point of view. The construction of this questionnaire has been done through a series of procedures, starting by generating the items, conducting face validation and content validation, translating, as well as piloting the questionnaire to a number of selected respondents. As a result, 45 robust items to evaluate VLE success among teachers have been yielded