14 research outputs found

    An effective serum- and xeno-free chemically defined freezing procedure for human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells

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    BACKGROUND Both human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) bear a great potential in regenerative medicine. In addition to optimized clinical grade culture conditions, efficient clinical grade cryopreservation methods for these cells are needed. Obtaining good survival after thawing has been problematic. METHODS We used a novel, chemically defined effective xeno-free cryopreservation system for cryostorage and banking of hESCs and iPSCs. The earlier established slow freezing protocols have, even after recent improvements, resulted in low viability and thawed cells had a high tendency to differentiate. The medium is a completely serum and animal substance free product containing dimethylsulfoxide, anhydrous dextrose and a polymer as cryoprotectants. The cells were directly frozen at −70°C, without a programmed freezer. RESULTS The number of frozen colonies versus the number of surviving colonies differed significantly for both HS293 (χ2 = 9.616 with one degree of freedom and two-tailed P = 0.0019) and HS306 (χ2 = 8.801 with one degree of freedom and two-tailed P = 0.0030). After thawing, the cells had a high viability (90-96%) without any impact on proliferation and differentiation, compared with the standard freezing procedure where viability was much lower (49%). The frozen-thawed hESCs and iPSCs had normal karyotype and maintained properties of pluripotent cells with corresponding morphological characteristics, and expressed pluripotency markers after 10 passages in culture. They formed teratomas containing tissue components of the three germ layers. CONCLUSION The defined freezing-thawing system described here offers an excellent simple option for banking of hESCs and iPSC

    Derivation of 30 human embryonic stem cell lines—improving the quality

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    We have derived 30 human embryonic stem cell lines from supernumerary blastocysts in our laboratory. During the derivation process, we have studied new and safe method to establish good quality lines. All our human embryonic stem cell lines have been derived using human foreskin fibroblasts as feeder cells. The 26 more recent lines were derived in a medium containing serum replacement instead of fetal calf serum. Mechanical isolation of the inner cell mass using flexible metal needles was used in deriving the 10 latest lines. The lines are karyotypically normal, but culture adaptation in two lines has been observed. Our human embryonic stem cell lines are banked, and they are available for researchers

    Human germ cell differentiation from fetal- and adult-derived induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Historically, our understanding of molecular genetic aspects of human germ cell development has been limited, at least in part due to inaccessibility of early stages of human development to experimentation. However, the derivation of pluripotent stem cells may provide the necessary human genetic system to study germ cell development. In this study, we compared the potential of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), derived from adult and fetal somatic cells to form primordial and meiotic germ cells, relative to human embryonic stem cells. We found that ∼5% of human iPSCs differentiated to primordial germ cells (PGCs) following induction with bone morphogenetic proteins. Furthermore, we observed that PGCs expressed green fluorescent protein from a germ cell-specific reporter and were enriched for the expression of endogenous germ cell-specific proteins and mRNAs. In response to the overexpression of intrinsic regulators, we also observed that iPSCs formed meiotic cells with extensive synaptonemal complexes and post-meiotic haploid cells with a similar pattern of ACROSIN staining as observed in human spermatids. These results indicate that human iPSCs derived from reprogramming of adult somatic cells can form germline cells. This system may provide a useful model for molecular genetic studies of human germline formation and pathology and a novel platform for clinical studies and potential therapeutical applications

    Epigenetic Regulation of Replication Timing and Signal Transduction

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    Upon fertilization the paternal and maternal genomes unite, giving rise to the embryo, with its unique genetic code. All cells in the human body are derived from the fertilized ovum: hence they all contain (with a few exceptions) the same genetic composition. However, by selective processes, genes are turned on and off in an adaptable, and cell type-specific, manner. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how signals coming from outside the cell and epigenetic factors residing in the cell nucleus, cooperate to control gene expression. The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily consists of around 30 cytokines, which are essential for accurate gene regulation during embryonic development and adult life. Among these are the ligands TGF-β1 and bone morphogenetic (BMP) -7, which interact with diverse plasma membrane receptors, but signal via partly the same Smad proteins. Smad4 is essential to achieve TGF-β-dependent responses. We observed that by regulating transcription factors such as Id2 and Id3 in a specific manner, TGF-β1 and BMP-7 achieve distinct physiological responses. Moreover, we demonstrate that CTCF, an insulator protein regulating higher order chromatin conformation, is able to direct transcription by recruiting RNA polymerase II to its target sites. This is the first mechanistic explanation of how an insulator protein can direct transcription, and reveals a link between epigenetic modifications and classical regulators of transcription. We also detected that DNA loci occupied by CTCF replicate late. The timing of replication is a crucial determinant of gene activity. Genes replicating early tend to be active, whereas genes replicating late often are silenced. Thus, CTCF can regulate transcription at several levels. Finally, we detected a substantial cross-talk between CTCF and TGF-β signaling. This is the first time that a direct interplay between a signal transduction pathway and the chromatin insulator CTCF is demonstrated

    Differentiation of stem cells upon deprivation of exogenous FGF2:a general approach to study spontaneous differentiation of hESCs in vitro

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    Establishing a model for in vitro differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) towards the germ cell lineage could be used to identify molecular mechanisms behind germ cell differentiation that may help in understanding human infertility. Here, we evaluate whether a lack of exogenous fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is supporting spontaneous differentiation of hESCs cultured on human foreskin fibroblast (hFF) monolayers towards germ cell lineage. Additionally to depriving the hESCs of exogenous FGF2, cells were stimulated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). To get a more comprehensive impression on effects of removal of FGF2 and stimulation with ATRA, we combined the results of three cell lines for each experimental setting. When combining gene expression profiles of three cell lines for 96 genes, only 6 genes showed a significant up-regulation in all cell lines, when no FGF2 was added to the media for 12 weeks. None of these genes are related to the germ lineage, whereas genes for neuronal cells (PAX6 and NR6A1) and endothelial cells (FLT-1 and PTF1A) were up-regulated. To induce and support the differentiation towards the germ lineage we stimulated hESCs with different concentrations of ATRA for 7 and 14 days. We observed no significant difference in gene expression on RNA level when combining all cell lines. Whereas, the overall outcome was negative, one of these cell lines demonstrated an up-regulation of DDX4 on RNA and protein level after 7 days of ATRA stimulation. In summary, our data showed that the lack of exogenous FGF2 results in up-regulation of genes crucial for neuronal and endothelial cell differentiation of hESCs, but not in the up-regulation of genes related to germ cell differentiation when cultured on hFFs. Additionally, we demonstrated that ATRA supplementation did not result in a general specific direction of hESCs towards the germ lineage