108 research outputs found

    Comparative dermoscopy assessment of nevus-associated versus de novo in situ melanoma

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    Background: Dermoscopic features differentiating in situ nevus-associated melanoma (NAM) versus in situ de novo melanoma (DNM) are inconclusive. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the dermoscopic features associated with in situ NAM versus DNM. Materials & methods: This was a retrospective observational study. All consecutive in situ melanomas diagnosed in adult patients were retrieved and stratified as NAM vs DNM, and clinical and dermoscopic data were compared between the two. Results: A total of 183 patients with in situ melanoma were collected, of whom 98 (54%) were male with a mean age of 64±14 years. For 129 patients, standardized dermoscopic images were collected (51 for NAM and 78 for de novo MM). The most common dermoscopic features were an atypical pigment network (85%), atypical globules (63%) and regression (42%). No significant differences were found except for regression, which was detected in 54.9% NAM vs 33.3% DNM (p=0.016). Multivariate logistic regression confirmed the association between dermoscopic regression and NAM (OR=2.34, 95% CI: 1.15-4.91). Conclusion: Currently, the use of dermoscopy to determine whether a melanoma is associated with a nevus is unreliable, however, the presence of regression adjacent to atypical lesions may raise suspicion of in situ NAM

    Dermoscopic features of nevoid melanoma: a retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Nevoid melanoma (NeM) is a rare variant of melanoma resembling melanocytic nevus. The aim of the study was to systemati- cally review the dermoscopic features of NeM. METHODS: A hospital-based retrospective study was conducted. Dermoscopic features of NeMs diagnosed through excisional biopsy between January 2015 1, and March 1, 2021, were compared to superficial spreading melanomas (SSMs) matched by Breslow’s thickness. Then, a litera- ture search was performed. Electronic searches on PubMed database via Medline were conducted to retrieve any manuscript reporting detailed dermoscopic features of histopathologically confirmed NeM. RESULTS: A total of 60 malignant melanomas (MM) comprising 20 NeM and 40 SSM were collected. Twelve out of 20 (60%) NeM showed a nevus-like appearance, including reticular and globular patterns, and in 35% of these cases it was detected because of dermoscopic changes. Then, a total of seven original manuscripts were retrieved from the literature review, comprising 56 cases overall. NeM showed nevus-like pat- tern in 53% of the cases, multicomponent pattern in 21% and amelanotic in 9%. Enlargement, irregularly distributed dots/globules, irregular pigmentation, and atypical vascular pattern were found in NeM with nevus-like appearance. NeM with multicomponent pattern were character- ized by irregular pigmentation, blue-white veil, irregular dots and atypical vascular pattern. Amelanotic NeM is rare and show atypical vascular pattern and milia-like cysts. CONCLUSIONS: Dermoscopy of NeM is challenging as it frequently shows a nevus-like pattern, but clues and detection of dermoscopic changes may help to identify it

    A Case of Superficial Granulomatous Pyoderma Mimicking a Basal Cell Carcinoma

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    Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare neutrophilic dermatosis of unknown etiology with distinct clinical manifestations, frequently associated with systemic diseases. Four clinical and histological variants have been described: ulcerative, pustular, bullous and vegetative. We report a case of Superficial Granulomatous Pyoderma (SGP), a vegetative form of PG, in a 40-year-old woman. Physical examination revealed an erythematous crusted plaque, measuring 2 cm in diameter, located on her left hip, presented 18 months ago. Dermoscopy showed lack of pigment network, large gray-blue ovoid nests, irregular peripheral vessels and ulceration. Laboratory examinations were normal; smears and cultures for bacteria and fungi were negative. Clinical and dermatoscopical presentation suggested diagnosis of a basal cell carcinoma. The lesion had been totally removed: histological examination showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia with intraepidermal micro-abscesses and prominent dermal inflammatory infiltrate with typical three-layered granulomas consisting of palisading suppurative granulomas surrounded by plasma cell and eosinophils (diffuse neutrophilic infiltration with dermal inflammatory infiltrates consisting of epithelioid histiocytes, lymphocytes and multinucleated giant cells). Based on clinical and histological correlation, SPG was definitively diagnosed.</p

    Ricostruzione retrospettiva della dose interna in una coorte lavorativa esposta a PFOA

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    Introduzione La ditta MITENI di Trissino (VI), già attiva fin dal 1960 con il nome RIMAR, è stata la maggiore produttrice di perfluorurati (PF) in Europa. I dipendenti sono stati esposti a sostanze perfluorurate, in particolare a PFOA (acido perfluorottanoico) e le misurazioni delle concentrazioni ematiche cominciate dal 2000 hanno rilevato alti livelli di PFOA tra i lavoratori analizzati (n=123). Sulla base di questi valori, l’obiettivo è di stimare una dose cumulativa sierica di PFOA per tutti circa i 700 soggetti che sono stati dipendenti della ditta RIMAR-MITENI. Metodi Dal 2000 sono disponibili i livelli sierici di PFOA (in ng/mL) dei lavoratori inclusi nella sorveglianza aziendale annuale. Un totale di 693 campioni di sangue sono stati prelevati dal 2000 al 2013 da 123 lavoratori (Media Geometrica (MG): 4003 ng/mL; min-max: 19-91900 ng/mL); i livelli più elevati riguardano gli addetti ai PFOA (MG: 8826 ng/mL), i manutentori (MG: 1970 ng/mL), i magazzinieri (MG: 1107 ng/mL) e i tecnici di laboratorio (MG: 1084 ng/mL). Ogni dipendente è stato classificato in tre categorie mutuamente esclusive: “Ever PF” con 497 misure su 55 lavoratori, “Never PF” con 177 misure e 60 lavoratori ed infine "Uffici" con 19 misure tra 8 lavoratori. Per ogni categoria è stato stimato un modello di regressione lineare robusto ad effetti misti modellando il logaritmo dei valori sierici di PFOA del periodo 2000-2013 ed includendo le covariate più significative. La robustezza è stata ottenuta con uno stimatore di Huber con parametri k=1.345 e s=10 che garantiscono un'efficienza del 95%. Risultati A seconda del modello sono state incluse le covariate risultate significative: l’anno di rilevazione, la durata lavorativa nei PF, in altri dipartimenti o in ufficio; la produzione media annuale di PFOA dell’azienda nel periodo 2000-2013; il tempo dall’ultimo lavoro ai PF; l'assunzione dopo il 2005; lavori occasionali presso il reparto PF ed il lavoro come addetto alla manutenzione. I fattori fissi spiegano una discreta quota di variabilità (R² marginale "Ever PF": 42,1%; "Never PF": 47,6%; "Uffici": 59,1%). Attraverso il calcolo iterativo delle covariate tempo dipendenti è stato possibile stimare la concentrazione sierica di PFOA nel periodo 1970-2013 per tutti i lavoratori. Conclusioni L’attività di ricostruzione retrospettiva della dose di PFOA ha permesso di attribuire ad ogni dipendente RIMAR/MITENI una concentrazione sierica di PFOA permettendo il calcolo di una dose cumulativa. Come conseguenza della presenza di valori anomali, l’utilizzo di modelli robusti porta a minor adattamento del modello ai dati rispetto ai modelli classici, tuttavia le stime sono influenzate in maniera minore dalla presenza di valori anomali

    Exceptional Response in BRAF p.V600E-Mutant Enteric-Type Adenocarcinoma of the Lung With Cutaneous Spread: A Case Report

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    Background: Enteric-type adenocarcinoma of the lung (lung-ETAC) is a rare form of lung cancer with histologic similarities to colorectal cancer, with aggressive behavior and unfavorable prognosis. Case presentation: An 81-year-old man presented with discolored skin lesions on the chest and abdomen. After comprehensive evaluation, including skin biopsy and molecular profiling, the patient was diagnosed with having lung-ETAC with a BRAF p.V600E mutation. Treatment with dabrafenib and trametinib initially resulted in positive results, with improvement in skin lesions and overall clinical condition. Nevertheless, approximately 6 months after, the disease had progression with new skin lesions reappearing. Conclusions: We reported a unique case of a patient with BRAF p.V600E-mutant lung-ETAC with metastatic skin lesions achieving complete cutaneous response after targeted treatment with dabrafenib and trametinib, highlighting the potential for targeted therapy in patients with lung-ETAC harboring a BRAF p.V600E mutation

    Com millorar la motivació dels estudiants en assignatures de perfil economètric? una mesura pràctica amb avaluació empírica de la seva efectivitat

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    Projecte: 2015PID-UB/013El projecte s’ha aplicat als alumnes de les assignatures obligatòries d’Econometria I i II del Grau d’Economia de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa al curs 2015-2016. Atesos els problemes de motivació habituals que presenten els alumnes del nostre Grau, especialment en matèries de perfil quantitatiu, el projecte ha perseguit l’objectiu general de fomentar la motivació del estudiants i l’aprenentatge actiu dels mateixos. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho vam pensar que seria possible incrementar aquesta motivació si els propis alumnes fossin la mostra estadística per l’anàlisi i aplicació de les tècniques economètriques ensenyades a classe. Així, es va pretendre motivar la participació dels alumnes mitjançant la reflexió sobre els factors determinants teòrics del seu propi rendiment acadèmic. Per fer-ho, s’ha recollit en primer lloc una base de dades dels propis alumnes sobre el seu rendiment acadèmic i les seves característiques sociodemogràfiques i familiars. Posteriorment, els alumnes han emprat aquesta base de dades per tal de construir un model economètric a partir del qual han aplicat les eines estadístic-economètriques estudiades a classe per tal d’aconseguir explicar el seu rendiment acadèmic. Atès que ells mateixos han estat la mostra d’anàlisi i el tema a analitzar era del seu interès, la participació ha estat molt elevada. Els resultats finals han sigut positius ja que ha incrementat la participació a classe i la reflexió conjunta del tema analitzat tant des d’un punt de vista teòric com aplicat. Alhora, han millorat els rendiment acadèmic general

    Por qué el desconfinamiento asimétrico es una buena idea

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    A lo largo del mes de marzo y principios del mes de abril de este año la epidemia de COVID-19 se transmitió de manera exponencial entre la población de Cataluña, con una ralentización en días posteriores posiblemente asociada a la implantación del confinamiento de la población


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    Abstract Temferon is a macrophage-based treatment relying on ex-vivo transduction of autologous HSPCs to express immune-payloads within the TME. Temferon targets the immune-modulatory molecule IFN-a, to a subset of tumor infiltrating macrophages known as Tie-2 expressing macrophages (TEMs) due to the Tie2 promoter and a post-transcriptional regulation layer represented by miRNA-126 target sequences. As of 31st May 2021, 15-patients received Temferon (D+0) with follow-up of 3 – 693 days. After conditioning neutrophil and platelet engraftment occurred at D+13 and D+13.5, respectively. Temferon-derived differentiated cells, as determined be the number of vector copy per genome, were found within 14 days post treatment and persisted albeit at lower levels up to 18-months. Very low concentrations of IFN-a in the plasma (8.7 pg/ml-D+30) and in the CSF (1.6 pg/ml-D+30) were detected, suggesting tight regulation of transgene expression. Five-deaths occurred at D+322, +340, +402, +478 and +646 due to PD, and one at D+60 due to complications following the conditioning regimen. Eight-patients had progressive disease (range: D-11 to +239) as expected for this tumor type. SAEs include GGT elevation (possibly related to Temferon) and infections, venous thromboembolism, brain abscess, hemiparesis, seizures, anemia and general physical condition deterioration, compatible with ASCT, concomitant medications and PD. Four-patients underwent 2ndsurgery. Recurrent tumors had gene-marked cells and increased expression of ISGs compared to first surgery, indicative of local IFNa release by TEMs. In one patient, a stable lesion had a higher proportion of T cells and TEMs within the myeloid infiltrate and an increased ISGs than in the progressing lesion, detected in the same patient. Tumor-associated clones expanded in the periphery. TME characterization by scRNA and TCR-sequencing is ongoing. To date, Temferon is well tolerated, with no DLTs identified. The results provide initial evidence of Temferon potential to activate the immune system of GBM patients, as predicted by preclinical studies