614 research outputs found

    Conservation Issues in Fener-Balat region in the context of resilience

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    Fener – Balat represents the 19th century Ottoman social way of life with particular construction techniques and urban life in Istanbul. In the 20th century, conservation approaches influenced the area and the recently there has been intervention in disaster prevention concerning architectural heritage. In this paper, a brief history and values have been elucidated. Urban resilience was intended in the historical area starting with a rehabilitation programme; however, various stakeholders display inconsistent scenarios on the historical built environment. As a methodology, the paper analyses major urban interventions influencing the area; in addition, monitoring after the Rehabilitation Programme via direct investigation on the neighbourhoods was discussed in the context of resilience

    The First Amendment in the Public School Classroom: A Cognitive Theory Approach

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    The First Amendment in the Public School Classroom: A Cognitive Theory Approach

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    Cities Hosting Holy Shrines: the legacy of Pilgrimage and its impact on Urban Form

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    This paper explores pilgrimage in the context of historic holy cities which contain at least one religious complex through which the ritual of pilgrimage takes place. One controversial tension in urban development process of holy cities is the tension between urban growth, on the one hand, and adapting city structure to the needs of pilgrims on the other hand. This paper investigates this issue by referring to experiences of two major holy cities in of Mecca and Mashhad. Both cities are spiritual centers which host millions of pilgrims throughout year. The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of city center transformation in both cities and monitor different policies and interventions that shaped their morphologies up to now. Through historical analysis of urban form, flow of pilgrims has affected the morphology of both cities in similar ways. Accordingly policies and interventions by local officials have shaped the urban center in three similar ways: enlargement and expansion of shrine, vehicular access to shrine, and real-estate speculation. Ä°n the absence of protective and preventive codes and policies both Mecca and Mashhad have lost their historical urban fabric and their cultural patrimonies. Their traditional urban scape and prominence of shrine has been substituted by high rise mega projects. Ä°n a similar way their local crafts and small-scale retails have been replaced by global retail chain

    Il monitoraggio delle aree archeologiche per l'ottimizzazione del progetto delle coperture

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    The aim to keep the original architectures and decoration in their excavation site, that has been emerging in the last years, requires to protect them by temporary or definitive shelters. Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici of Cagliari and Oristano promoted and started monitoring four shelters already existing on the archaeological areas of these provinces, with the aim to check the effectiveness in the local environment, and to plan their improvement or/and new structures. Politecnico di Milano collaborated at the research by monitoring the environment and remains conditions, especially underneath the shelters, modelling the effects of the existing shelters and planning new solutions. In San Cromazio (Villaspeciosa), monitoring the new definitive shelter allowed the researchers to discover the critical points and to find out their improvement. In Su Monte (Sorradile), monitoring allowed the researchers to define the expected performances of the new shelter. In San Saturnino (Cagliari) monitoring and numerical analysis was applied to 2D and 3D models for improving the ventilation of the volume underneath the new shelter. In Nora (Pula) the results of monitoring and the innovative approach of design served to check the performances of the present temporary shelters. Nora approach shows how to overcome the limits of current protective systems, combining the requirements for preservation with new issues as feasibility of technical textiles, low maintenance and easy deconstruction to allow the reuse and adaptability of shelters in different locations and seasons. The ultimate goal was to renovate the design process by covering archaeological sites in a more environmentally conscious way and without the least destruction of the site

    Comparazione di metodi termovisivi per l’identificazione di aree umide su materiali dell’edilizia storica

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    Water content inside building materials (plaster, brick, stone) is usefull to evaluate their decay level. Passive and active termography are compared, in order to define the most reliable procedure, firstly to map the moisture diffusion and secondary to evaluate the moisture content in the surfaces. Laboratory researches carried out in the last decades and scientific literature permitted to determine that the superficial decay in porous materials is more related to the evaporative speed of the surfaces and the presence of soluble salts than to their absorption capability. Moreover, evaporative fluxes were studied at different environmental conditions and water content in order to find out a correlation between moisture content, evaporation and boundary conditions. The thermal characteristics of timber are highly different from the characteristics of porous materials such as brick and stone and mortar, particularly the thermal capacity of wood is lower. Nevertheless, because of the lower heat capacity of wood, the presence of water greatly affects the wood thermal capacity: the active procedure, guarantees the best results. Lab tests and study case permit to evaluate the sensitivity of the method

    Il Mortorino di San Fiorano. Un monumento da salvare

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    Con la finalità di studiare la migliore strategia per la conservazione dell’importante ciclo di decorazioni murarie del cimitero del Mortorino di San Fiorano, si è costituito un gruppo di studio che potesse raccogliere i dati relativi alle condizioni ambientali e i rischi connessi per il mantenimento e il restauro degli affreschi. I sopralluoghi e i rilievi effettuati in fase preliminare hanno messo in luce che sussistono problemi legati alla risalita di acqua alla base delle murature. Quindi si è impostato il progetto delle indagini con l’obiettivo di valutare la distribuzione di acqua all’interno delle murature, le eventuali variazioni, le cause di imbibizione, e le condizioni microclimatiche che si verificano. In particolare, si è scelto di effettuare la mappatura delle temperature superficiali (indicative della presenza di acqua) mediante prove non distruttive quali la termografia all’infrarosso termico. Una volta rilevate le zone che maggiormente erano interessate da possibili elevati contenuti di acqua, si è proceduto alla quantificazione dell’acqua contenuta in piccoli saggi prelevati nelle zone in cui le superfici fossero di minor pregio artistico e storico (malte di precedenti restauri). I risultati sono sintetizzati nel seguito, oltre a una descrizione dettagliata delle diverse prove effettuate durante il presente intervento

    Application of biological growth risk models to the management of built heritage

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    La qualità degli spazi interni è fortemente legata alle condizioni igrotermiche che influenzano il comfort degli utenti e i rischi di conservazione del patrimonio edilizio. Inoltre, una gestione incurante di spazi espositivi con numerosi accessi può causare carichi eccessivi di umidità, e conseguenti fenomeni di degrado. In questo lavoro, è stata considerata una sala espositiva rappresentativa del patrimonio costruito. Il rischio di proliferazione biologica è indagato nelle condizioni climatiche di Milano e Barcellona, con diversi ratei di ventilazione e numero di visitatori. I risultati delineano la necessità di politiche informate da analisi avanzate per prevenire il rischio igrotermico, in assenza di impianti, che non è sempre possibile integrare nel patrimonio edilizio storico.The quality of the interior spaces is strongly related to the hygro-thermal conditions which affect the users’ comfort, and may yield to preservation risk for the built heritage. Moreover, careless management of exposition spaces with excessive occupancy may result in moisture loads that promote degradation. In this paper, as a case study, an exposition hall representative of the built heritage is considered. The microbiological growth risk is investigated at two different climate conditions, namely Milan and Barcelona, considering varying ventilation rates and number of visitors. The results outline the need of policies informed by advanced analyses to prevent hygro-thermal risk in the absence of dedicated building services, that cannot always be integrated in built heritage

    Integration of infrared thermography and photogrammetric surveying of built landscape

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    The thermal analysis of buildings represents a key-step for reduction of energy consumption, also in the case of Cultural Heritage. Here the complexity of the constructions and the adopted materials might require special analysis and tailored solutions. Infrared Thermography (IRT) is an important non-destructive investigation technique that may aid in the thermal analysis of buildings. The paper reports the application of IRT on a listed building, belonging to the Cultural Heritage and to a residential one, as a demonstration that IRT is a suitable and convenient tool for analysing the existing buildings. The purposes of the analysis are the assessment of the damages and energy efficiency of the building envelope. Since in many cases the complex geometry of historic constructions may involve the thermal analysis, the integration of IRT and accurate 3D models were developed during the latest years. Here authors propose a solution based on the up-to-date photogrammetric solutions for purely image-based 3D modelling, including automatic image orientation/sensor calibration using Structure-from-Motion and dense matching. Thus, an almost fully automatic pipeline for the generation of accurate 3D models showing the temperatures on a building skin in a realistic manner is described, where the only manual task is given by the measurement of a few common points for co-registration of RGB and IR photogrammetric projects.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/079-
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