2,431 research outputs found

    Band gaps in the relaxed linear micromorphic continuum

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    In this note we show that the relaxed linear micromorphic model recently proposed by the authors can be suitably used to describe the presence of band-gaps in metamaterials with microstructures in which strong contrasts of the mechanical properties are present (e.g. phononic crystals and lattice structures). This relaxed micromorphic model only has 6 constitutive parameters instead of 18 parameters needed in Mindlin- and Eringen-type classical micromorphic models. We show that the onset of band-gaps is related to a unique constitutive parameter, the Cosserat couple modulus ÎĽc\mu_{c} which starts to account for band-gaps when reaching a suitable threshold value. The limited number of parameters of our model, as well as the specific effect of some of them on wave propagation can be seen as an important step towards indirect measurement campaigns

    Endocrine and metabolic traits in goat kids around weaning

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    Eleven Saanen kids, three days after birth, were divided into two groups: WEAN and MILK. All kids were fed goat milk until the 5th week of age, when the WEAN group began a weaning protocol. MILK group continued to receive goat milk for the entire experimental period, while WEAN group was weaned at 47 days of age. Starting from the 3rd week of age, body weight was recorded and blood samples were taken weekly, before the first meal of the day. Plasma was analysed for glucose, total protein, free aminoacid, insulin, leptin and ghrelin.Weaning did not affect plasma levels of total protein and leptin, but decreased plasma glucose and free aminoacid, and increased ghrelin concentration. Moreover, weaning decreased plasma insulin level more than three times. This result was probably the consequence of the lower concentration of plasma glucose of the WEAN group, but the effect could be enforced by the milk-borne insulin ingested by the MILK kids with the diet. Goat milk contains peptides that can pass across the intestinal epithelium and enter the systemic circulation, suggesting a possible role in accomplishing the immature ability of suckling animals to produce hormones and growth factors

    The Influence of Leadership and Professionalism to the Performance of Teachers of SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan

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    In the face of stiff competition in the world education, SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan strive to improve the quality of school, including by improved performance of teachers with pay attention to the factors of leadership and professionalism. Being a teacher without good leadership and professionalism will make teacher performance is reduced and planning or target is not reached.Sampling in this study conducted a census in which all members of the population sampled then obtained 49 samples. Research done by giving questionnaires to be filled up to all the teachers at SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan, then the results were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively as well as partial and simultaneous (multiple regression analysis with SPSS).The analysis showed that there is a significant and positive effect between the variables of leadership and professionalism of the teacher's performance in SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan either partially or simultaneously. The most dominant variable in affecting the teacher's performance is professionalism. Of the conclusions that have been obtained, the researchers gave some suggestion in this research that teachers are expected to keep increasing the motivation and skills to advance education, always develop insight expertise and knowledge through a variety of media education. In addition, the principal of SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan to be more assertive in the discipline or teachers

    Peranan Guru dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Siswa di SMA Negeri 3 Tapung Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research is reviewed by teachers in adolescent development and in the implementation of globalization. Once the author took the title "The Role of Teacher In cope with Juvenile Delinquency in Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 3 Tapung Kampar District". The formulation of the problem in this research is How the role of teachers in tackling juvenile delinquency of students of SMA Negeri 3 Tapung? The purpose of this study is to determine the role of teachers in tackling juvenile delinquency of students of SMA Negeri 3 Tapung according to the perspective of teachers and to know the role of teachers in tackling juvenile delinquency of students of SMA Negeri 3 Tapung according to student perspective. The population of this study are all teachers of SMA Negeri 3 Tapung that require 31 people and 2nd grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Tapung with population 210 people, and taken 31 people as sample with propotional random sampling technique. Data collected through observation, questionnaires, documentation and literature study. In analyzing the data, using qualitative descriptive analysis. The formulation of the hypothesis formulated is "teacher learning in cope with juvenile delinquency in SMA Negeri 3 Tapung" is "Very Good".The results of this study indicate the role of teachers in tackling juvenile delinquency in SMA 3 Tapung according to the perspective of teachers, seen from the percentage of 31 respondents teachers stated 27.59% for the category very often, 57.26% for the category often, 14.64% for the category sometimes , And 0.48% for the category never. And according to the perspective of the 31 respondents stated 33.87% for the category very often, 54.03 for the frequent category, 6.4 for the occasional category, and 5.64 for the category never

    Microfiltration and ultra-high-pressure homogenization for extending the shelf-storage stability of UHT milk

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    Fat separation, gelation or sedimentation of UHT milk during shelf-storage represent instability phenomena causing the product rejection by consumers. Stability of UHT milk is of increasing concern because access to emerging markets currently implies for this product to be stable during shipping and prolonged storage, up to 12 months. The role of microfiltration prior to UHT process in avoiding or retarding the gelation or sediment formation was studied by comparing microfiltered UHT milk to conventional UHT milk. A second trial was set up to study the effects of double ultra-high pressure homogenization in delaying the cream rising and UHT milk homogenized once at lower pressure was taken as control. All milk samples were produced at industrial plant level. Milk packages were stored at 22 \ub0C, opened monthly for visually inspecting the presence of cream layer, gel or sediment and then analysed. Microfiltration markedly delayed the formation of both gel particles and sediment, with respect to the control, and slowed down the proteolysis in terms of accumulation of peptides although no correlation was observed between the two phenomena. The double homogenization, also evaluated at ultra-structural level, narrowed the fat globule distribution and the second one (400 MPa), performed downstream to the sterilization step, disrupted the fat-protein aggregates produced in the first one (250 MPa). The adopted conditions avoided the appearance of the cream layer in the UHT milk up to 18 months. This study contributes important knowledge for developing strategies to delay instability phenomena in UHT milk destined to extremely long shelf storage

    Changes in the soluble nitrogen fraction of milk throughout PDO Grana Padano cheese-making

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    The behaviour of soluble nitrogen compounds during Grana Padano cheese-making was studied at eight dairies. Raw milk, skimmed milk, sweet whey and the derived natural whey culture, collected from 24 processes, were analysed for soluble whey proteins (\u3b1-lactalbumin and \u3b2-lactoglobulin), proteose-peptones (PP), small peptides (SP), caseinomacropeptides (CMPs), and free amino acids (FAAs). The PP fraction increased during milk natural creaming, then part of it was selectively retained in the curd and the rest degraded in the first few hours of whey fermentation, together with \u3b1-lactalbumin, CMPs and part of SP. Features outlined for the whey culture were confirmed on 30 samples collected at six different dairies. A time course study of the whey fermentation showed that degradation of \u3b1-lactalbumin began when the pH dropped below 4, whereas \u3b2-lactoglobulin content did not change. Uptake of specific FAAs was shown to support the initial growth of lactic acid bacteria in whey

    COVID-19 Vaccination Status among Adults Admitted to Intensive Care Units in Veneto, Italy

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    : This cohort study examines admissions to intensive care units for COVID-19–associated acute respiratory distress syndrome by COVID-19 vaccination status among adults in the Veneto region of Italy from May to December 2021

    Health Belief Model on the Factors Associated with the Use of HPV Vaccine for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer Among Women in Kediri, East Java

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    Background: Cervical cancer is a deadly disease with high incidence rates in the world and in Indonesia. In Kediri, East Java, there were 33 women who had cervical cancer in 2016, 3 of them died. Cervical cancer is caused by type 16 and type 18 Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV). This disease can be prevented by the application of HPV vaccine. This study aimed to examine factors associated with the use of HPV vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Kediri, East Java, using health belief model (HBM).Subjects and Method: This study was an analytic observational with case control design. It was conducted in Kediri, East Java, from February 10 to March 10, 2017. A sample of 120 women consisting of 40 women who had used HPV vaccine and 80 women who had not used HPV vaccine, were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was use of HPV vaccine. The independent variables included perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived threat, perceived barrier, and cues to action. The data were collected by a set of pre-tested questionnaire. Logistic regression was employed for data analysis.Results: The use of HPV vaccine was associated with perceived susceptibility (OR= 0.79; 95% CI= 0.23 to 2.70; p= 0.710), perceived severity (OR= 5.19; 95% CI= 1.30 to 20.66; p= 0.019), perceived threat (OR= 1.04; 95% CI= 0.32 to 3.35; p= 0.942), perceived benefit (OR= 1.33; 95% CI= 0.40 to 4.38; p= 0.638), perceived barrier (OR= 0.42; 95% CI= 0.14 to 1.27; p= 0.126), and cues to action (OR= 5.90; 95% CI= 1.30 to 26.74; p = 0.021).Conclusion: The use of HPV vaccine is associated with perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived threat, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, and cues to action. Constructs in health belief model can be used to predict the use of HPV vaccine.Keywords: health belief model, use of HPV vaccineCorrespondence: Rosi Rizqi Nugrahani. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285735150606.Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2017), 2(1): 70-81https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2017.02.01.0

    Impact of Extending Hard-Cheese Ripening : A Multiparameter Characterization of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese Ripened up to 50 Months

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    Extending ripening of hard cheeses well beyond the traditional ripening period is becoming increasingly popular, although little is known about the actual evolution of their characteristics. The present work aimed at investigating selected traits of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese ripened for 12, 18, 24, 30, 40 and 50 months. Two cheeses per each ripening period were sampled. Although moisture constantly decreased and was close to 25% in 50-month cheeses, with a parallel increase in cheese hardness, several biochemical changes occurred involving the activity of both native and microbial enzymes. Capillary electrophoresis demonstrated degradation of \u3b1s1- and \u3b2-casein, indicating residual activity of both chymosin and plasmin. Similarly, continuous release of free amino acids supported the activity of peptidases deriving from lysed bacterial cells. Volatile flavor compounds, such as short-chain fatty acids and some derived ketones, alcohols and esters, evaluated by gas chromatography with solid-phase micro-extraction, accumulated as well. Cheese microstructure was characterized by free fat trapped in irregularly shaped areas within a protein network, with native fat globules being no longer visible. This study showed for the first time that numerous biochemical and structural variations still occur in a hard cheese at up to 50 months of aging, proving that the ripening extension deserves to be highlighted to the consumer and may justify a premium price
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