27 research outputs found

    Effects of PCB 126 and Ammonia, Alone and in Combination, on Green Frog (Rana clamitans) and Leopard Frog (R. pipiens) Hatching Success, Development, and Metamorphosis

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    The Green Bay watershed in Wisconsin is polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin, heavy metals, ammonia, and over 100 organic contaminants. In this study we exposed embryos and larvae of two ranid species commonly occurring in the Green Bay ecosystem, the green frog (Rana clamitans) and the leopard frog (R. pipiens), to PCB 126 (3,3\u27, 4,4\u27, 5-Pentachlorobyphenil, nominal concentrations 0-50 ÎĽg/l, two control treatments: water plus 0.08% acetone as carrier for the PCB, water alone), unionized ammonia (0-2 mg/I), and mixtures of both contaminants. Exposure to PCB 126 did not cause significant mortality of embryos before hatching. However, exposure to unionized ammonia (NH3) concentrations in excess of 0.6 mg/I (green frogs) or 1.5 mg/I (leopard frogs) caused a decline in hatching success and an increase in prevalence of deformities. PCB 126 and NH3 in combination had a significant negative effect on hatching success. Survival of larvae was significantly reduced at the highest PCB concentration (50 mg/I) for both species. Few skeletal deformities were observed in tadpoles at this concentration, but the incidence of edema was significantly increased. A slowing of growth was also observed in anuran tadpoles exposed to PCB 126. NH3 exposure caused a decrease in the survival and growth of green frog tadpoles. When exposed to mixtures of both chemicals, green frog tadpoles showed a decrease in survival. However, growth was not affected. Fewer tadpoles metamorphosed with increasing PCB 126 and NH3 concentrations. In tadpoles exposed to PCB 126, tissue concentrations of PCB 126 at the end of the experiment increased with increasing nominal concentrations, ranging from 1.2-9600 ng/g wet weight. Our data indicate that anurans may not be particularly sensitive to NH3 as compared to many fish species, and that water quality criteria determined using data collected on fish species will be protective for many anuran amphibians. At high concentrations, PCB 126 and unionized NH3 affected both ranid species. However, no sublethal effects were apparent at water concentrations that occur in the Green Bay ecosystem

    Amy D. Ronner, Dostoevsky and the Law

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    Amy D. Ronner, Dostoevsky and the Law, Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2015.(Gary Rosenshield

    Crime e castigo: as técnicas do narrador onisciente (excertos)

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    Gary Rosenshield is a PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was a professor at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature at the same university. He is the author of Western Law, Russian Justice: Dostoevsky, the Jury Trial, and the Law and Pushkin and the Genres of Madness: The Masterpieces of 1833. He has also published Crime and Punishment: The Techniques of the Omniscient Author (Lisse: The Peter Ridder Press, 1978) from which we present the translation of the introduction and two chapters (“The Narrator, Raskolnikov, and the Epilogue” and “The Higher Point of View”). Joseph Frank, while discussing the creation process of Crime and Punishment, mentions Rosenshield’s study and recommend it as a “careful and perceptive analysis” and “one of the best studies devoted to the novel” (Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years – 1865-1871, Princeton University Press, 1995). Victor Terras adds to the complimentary tone by saying that it is an excellent analysisGary Rosenshield é PhD pela Universidade de Wisconsin-Madison e foi professor emérito do departamento de Língua e Literatura Eslavas na mesma universidade. Autor de Western Law, Russian Justice: Dostoesvky, the Jury Trial, and the Law e Pushkin and the Genres of Madness: The Masterpieces of 1833. Publicou também o estudo Crime and Punishment: The Techniques of the Omniscient Author (Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1978), do qual foram traduzidos a introdução e dois capítulos: “O narrador, Raskólnikov e o epílogo” e “O ponto de vista elevado”. Joseph Frank, no capítulo em que aborda o processo de criação de Crime e castigo, cita, em nota, esse estudo, recomendando-o como uma “análise cuidadosa e perspicaz” e “um dos melhores estudos dedicados ao romance” (FRANK, Joseph. Dostoiévski: Os anos milagrosos, 1865-1871. São Paulo: Edusp, 2003, p. 125). Victor Terras engrossa o coro elogioso ao afirmar tratar-se de uma “excelente análise