181 research outputs found

    Does perennials recommended for a certain plant habitat have similar morfological characters?

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    Det hĂ€r kandidatarbetet handlar om perenner och fokuserar pĂ„ deras morfologi och stĂ„ndort. Vad Ă€r det som gör att en vĂ€xt klarare en skuggig stĂ„ndort, och vad Ă€r det som gör att en annan vĂ€xt klarar en soligare stĂ„ndort? Vad har vĂ€xterna för strategier för att klara av den stĂ„ndorten som de föredrar? Perenner kan ha olika vĂ€xtsĂ€tt, olika stĂ„ndortskrav, och olikheter gĂ€llande morfologi. I det hĂ€r arbetet har morfologiska egenskaper undersökts hos 28 slumpmĂ€ssigt utvalda perenner rekommenderade för odling i fyra olika stĂ„ndorter. Data har analyserats och visualiserats i en klusteranalys och ett dendrogram för att tydliggöra eventuella samband baserat pĂ„ morfologiska likheter och skillnader mellan vĂ€xterna. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna som besvaras i det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r: Vilka morfologiska anpassningar har perenner för olika stĂ„ndorter? Finns gemensamma morfologiska anpassningar hos perenner som rekommenderas för en viss stĂ„ndort? Hypotes: Perenner som rekommenderas för odling pĂ„ en viss stĂ„ndort har gemensamma morfologiska karaktĂ€rer. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka om de vĂ€xter som valts ut har morfologiska anpassningar för en viss stĂ„ndort som Ă€r optimal för dem och i sĂ„ fall vilka anpassningar de har. Resultatet visade genom klusteranalys visualiserat i ett dendrogram, inget tydligt samband mellan nĂ„gon av de morfologiska egenskaper som undersökts och en specifik stĂ„ndort. En del morfologiska egenskaper kan kopplas till olika teorier och styrka dessa, men vissa egenskaper kan inte kopplas till de olika teorierna. Dock visar dendrogramet att det fanns gemensamma faktorer mellan en del av perennerna. De olika morfologiska egenskaper som undersökts finns inte i endast en stĂ„ndort, utan de strĂ€cker sig över minst en stĂ„ndort till, ibland fler. Slutligen sĂ„ fanns inget tydligt samband mellan en morfologisk karaktĂ€r och en viss stĂ„ndort. Det tyder pĂ„ att de specifika morfologiska egenskaper som undersökts inte har nĂ„gon koppling till en viss vĂ€xtmiljö.This bachelor thesis is a literature study about perennials and focuses on their morphology and habitat. What is it that makes a plant prefer a habitat with more shade, and what is it that makes a plant prefer a sunnier habitat? What strategies does the plants have for a certain habitat that they prefer? Perennials can have different ways of growing, different demands on their habitat, and differences in their morphology. In this thesis, morphological characters of 28, randomly picked out, perennials recommended for cultivation have been investigated divided into four different habitats. The data has been analyzed and visualized in a cluster analysis and a dendrogram to clarify possible connections based on morphological similarities and differences between the plants. The questions that will be answered in this thesis is: What morphological adaptions does perennials have for different habitats? Are there mutual morphological adaptions in perennials recommended for a certain habitat? Hypothesis: Perennials recommended for cultivation in a particular habitat have mutual morphological characters. The purpose with this thesis is to investigate if the plants picked out have morphological adaptions for a certain habitat which is optimal for them and if that’s the case, what are those adaptions. The results showed through the cluster analysis visualized in a dendrogram, no clear connection between any of the morphological characters that were investigated and a specific habitat. A few morphological characters can be connected to certain theories and verify them, but some characters cannot verify these theories. However, the dendrogram show mutual characters between some of the perennials. The different morphological characters that were investigated does not only apply to one habitat, it reaches to at least one more habitat, or all of them. Finally, there were no clear connection between a morphological character and a specific habitat. It suggests that the specific morphological characters investigated have no connection to a specific habitat

    Null Referential Subjects in Germanic Languages – an Overview

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    GIC immune transformers - An evaluation of their GIC elimination and fault behaviour

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    Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) arise from fluctuations in Earths magnetic field and can reach alarmingly high levels and cause malfunctions or blackouts in the power grids in which they occur. AF Klercker AlakĂŒla and Lindahl invented a patented GIC immune transformer which eliminates the effects of GICs, though it is not known how this implementation will affect the transformers behavior during un-symmetrical faults. This project aims to clarify the impact of the patented implementation, with regard to fault current and voltage rise at single-line-to-ground faults, as well as verify the beneficial effects on GICs. Experiments on lab transformers corresponding to the specifications in the mentioned patent and simulations of a full scale equivalent were performed. Both the experiment and simulation results show that the GIC immune transformer eliminates the effects of GIC. The simulations also indicate that the fault current, of a bolted single-line-to-ground fault, is increased, and the voltages decreased, by replacing a regular transformer with the patented implementation. For unaltered current and voltages a grounding reactance can be used. The work shows that such a reactance should be the sum of the uncompensated grounding reactance and one third of the transformers uncompensated zero-sequence reactance

    Personlig integritet för arbetstagare

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    As technology progress the right to personal integrity has been discussed in several areas. One of those areas is labour law and specifically the employee’s right to personal integrity. As communication becomes more and more digital it has become more practical for employers to monitor their employees. The question regarding employees’ right to protection for their personal integrity is, despite its relevance, unregulated in Swedish law and is therefore regulated through legal principles such as the right to manage and organize work. The purpose of this essay is to examine what protection the employees have regarding personal integrity. The purpose is answered first and foremost by identifying applicable law in regard to international commitments, legal rules and principles. The most significant international commitment regarding personal integrity is article 8 of the European convention on human rights. Article 8 consists of, among others, the right to privacy and family life, which includes protection against some of the infringements of personal integrity. By being incorporated in Swedish law and through the European court, the ECHR is of importance not only in international law but also in national Swedish law. The most important legal ground in national law, in regards to the personal integrity of employees, is the right to manage and organize work. The right to manage and organize work must not be exercised in contravention of the law or good labour market practice. To examine what defines good labour market practice one must balance the interests of the employer and the employees. To further examine which interests that needs to be considered, and to examine the significance of these interests, it is necessary to work through and present cases from the Labour Court. These case reports also serve to define relevant applicable law. Some of the important interests for the employer are identified as safety, economy and public relations. In almost all the cases, the interests of the employer where considered more important than personal integrity, as long as the methods for surveillance were suitable. The final purpose of the essay is to examine if the identified protection for personal integrity can be considered sufficient. I do not consider the protection to be sufficient since the legal situation is uncertain, despite the cases presented in the essay. There lies a danger in not having a law targeted on the issue specifically, since the legal situation risks being hard to access and thus lack legal certainty. As the technology progresses the need for protection for the employees’ right to personal integrity increases. My suggestion is therefore that a new law, which codifies the legal position and gather the relevant laws, is introduced. Not just for clarity but also to advance the position of the employees.Skyddet för den personliga integriteten har i takt med tekniska framsteg diskuterats inom en rad omrĂ„den. Ett sĂ„dant omrĂ„de Ă€r arbetsrĂ€tten och specifikt arbetstagarens rĂ€tt till sin personliga integritet. Att dokument överförs till digital form samt att kommunikation flyttas frĂ„n telefon och brev till e-mail gör det mer praktiskt möjligt för arbetsgivare att kontrollera sina arbetstagare Ă€n nĂ„gonsin tidigare. FrĂ„gan om arbetstagares rĂ€tt till skydd för sin personliga integritet Ă€r trots det, till större delen, oreglerad i svensk lag och lĂ€mnas dĂ€rför över till rĂ€ttsliga principer sĂ„som arbetsledningsrĂ€tten. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att utreda vilket skydd som finns för arbetstagares personliga integritet. Syftet uppfylls först och frĂ€mst genom att identifiera vad som utgör gĂ€llande rĂ€tt i form av internationella Ă„taganden, lagar och principer. Av de internationella Ă„taganden som hanteras i arbetet visar sig Europakonventionens artikel 8 ha störst betydelse. Artikel 8 behandlar bland annat rĂ€tten till privat- och familjeliv, varav skydd mot en del ingrepp i den personliga integriteten ingĂ„r. Genom ett utvecklat sanktionssystem i form av Europadomstolen och genom att vara inkorporerad som svensk lag fĂ„r Europakonventionen stor betydelse Ă€ven för den nationella rĂ€tten. Inom den nationella rĂ€tten visar sig arbetsledningsrĂ€tten vara det juridiska instrument som har störst betydelse för frĂ„gan. ArbetsledningsrĂ€tten ger arbetsgivaren rĂ€tt att leda och fördela arbetet, sĂ„ lĂ€nge den utförs i enlighet med lag och god sed pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden. För att utreda vad som utgör god sed pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden fordras en avvĂ€gning mellan parternas intressen. För att vidare utreda vilka intressen som beaktas och för att undersöka hur dessa vĂ€rderas var det för uppsatsen nödvĂ€ndigt att behandla och presentera rĂ€ttsfall frĂ„n Arbetsdomstolen. Dessa rĂ€ttsfallsreferat bidrar samtidigt till att beskriva gĂ€llande rĂ€tt för frĂ„gan. Viktiga intressen för arbetsgivaren identifieras som bland annat sĂ€kerhet, ekonomi och goda relationer med allmĂ€nheten. Dessa olika intressen visade sig i nĂ€stan samtliga fall trumfa arbetstagarens intresse av personlig integritet, sĂ„ lĂ€nge metoderna för övervakningen var Ă€ndamĂ„lsenliga. Uppsatsens avslutande syfte Ă€r att utreda om skyddet som identifierats var tillrĂ€ckligt. Jag anser inte att skyddet Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt eftersom rĂ€ttslĂ€get, trots de rĂ€ttsfall som presenterats, Ă€r oklart. Det finns en fara i att inte ha en direkt riktad lag, dĂ„ rĂ€ttslĂ€get riskerar att bli svĂ„rtillgĂ€ngligt och dĂ€rmed rĂ€ttsosĂ€kert. I takt med tekniska framsteg ökar dessutom behovet av att skydda arbetstagare frĂ„n ingrepp i den personliga integriteten. Mitt förslag Ă€r dĂ€rför att det införs en ny lag som kodifierar rĂ€ttslĂ€get och samlar de olika lagar som pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt Ă€r relevanta för frĂ„gan. BĂ„de för tydlighetens skull, men ocksĂ„ för att flytta fram arbetstagarnas positioner

    Perspektiv pÄ kompetensutveckling i praktiken: en intervjustudie av HR-arbete i ett globalt företag.

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    During the last decade working with competence has emerged as a more strategically important area. Today the human resources in a company are considered a competitive advance and the HR-units play a significant role when it comes to HR-management. Different motives for investing in strategies that promote competence development and learning also exist. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the process of competence development was managed at a large global company. The empirical material consisted of four persons who were interviewed and the analysis of the material was inspired by grounded theory. From the analysis four major themes or core factors emerged as central to the interviewed persons' understanding of the competence development process; solid preparatory work in relation to competence development, communication, awareness of responsibilities and finally the taking action and evaluation of the action. These themes are discussed in relation to the literature on competence development and we find parallelling major themes


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    Detta NLT-nummer innehĂ„ller sju artiklar som bygger pĂ„ presentationer vid den första Grammatik i Norden-konferensen (GRAMINO), som hölls i Göteborg den 10–11 maj 2016. Konferensen Ă€r en fortsĂ€ttning pĂ„ ScanDiaSyn/NORMS-samarbetet (se nedan), och den Ă€r tĂ€nkt att fungera som ett forum för grammatikforskare som studerar de nordiska sprĂ„ken och dialekterna. I denna inledning ger vi först en bakgrund till GRAMINO-konferensen, och dĂ€refter presenterar vi de sju bidragen i korthet

    Elektrifiering av vÀgtrafik - Tre fallstudier i Malmö

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    Sweden’s road traffic is responsible for a great part of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the country. Conventional vehicles, driven by fossil fuels, have low efficiency and emits environmentally destructive particles. Electric vehicles can be the solution! Electric vehicles have no local emissions while driving and the electric motors of today have an efficiency of above 90 %. But there are some disadvantages. This master’s thesis investigates the electric car market in Sweden and the different charging techniques that exists today. An examination of where Malmö stands regarding a future transition towards electric road traffic is also made. Electric roads are a possible charging technique for the future. An electric road is modelled between Malmö and Lund, this constitutes case study 1. Dimensions and cost analysis of the distribution grid for the electric road is performed. Case study 2 and 3 examines the impact on substations, in form of transformer load, due to a growing electric car fleet. The electric road study shows that the total investment cost for a distribution grid is relatively low and the combined energy consumption from the traffic is manageable. The result from case study 2, which looks at uncontrolled static charging in households, shows that overload in substations can occur in areas with high shares of electric heating systems. Case study 3 investigates static charging at workplaces. The result from this study shows that a high and concentrated load can occur in substations, due to fixed working hours. The conclusions from this master’s thesis are that the electric car market is very good and that static charging dominates today. Electric roads have a great potential, the electric cars can go down in battery size and time can be saved due to charging while driving. To decrease the load in substations, from static charging, companies have to invest in intelligent measurement and control systems.Elbilars utveckling gĂ„r fort framĂ„t och fler vĂ€ljer att investera i en. Vilka olika laddningstekniker finns det? Hur kommer laddningen av elbilar pĂ„verka vĂ„ra elnĂ€t? Kraftdistribution till en elvĂ€gsstrĂ€cka modelleras för att pĂ„visa kapacitetskrav och kostnader. Studien visar Ă€ven hur hemmaladdning och arbetsplatsladdning kan pĂ„verka belastningen i elnĂ€tet om reglering uteblir

    Utbrytningsliknande konstruktioner i skÄnska

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    intet resum
