120 research outputs found

    A evolução da rua como reflexo da perda de identidade do local

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    As ruas demonstram a evolução social e económica de uma dada localidade. Pode-se observar a descaracterização e perda de identidade de uma localidade observando a transformação que as suas ruas sofreram. O presente trabalho mostra o panorama vivido numa vila portuguesa, que gradualmente passa da ruralidade que a identifica a uma urbanidade descaracterizadora, mas identificadora da evolução da sociedade. Para elaborar este artigo efectuou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e iconográfica e o levantamento dos dados no local

    A influência do morgadio no povoamento: o caso da freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim

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    Nas aldeias da Freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim, a maioria do povoamento nas zonas planas é disperso e está associado a propriedades agrícolas. Este tipo de povoamento não seria espectável numa zona onde se pratica maioritariamente agricultura de subsistência e onde, noutros tempos, as famílias eram tradicionalmente numerosas. Este território esteve sob a influência do Morgado de Cernache. A forma de distribuição das heranças era peculiar pois existiam alguns bens que não podiam ser vendidos, nem doados e eram herdados pelo primogénito, juntamente com o título. Este tinha a obrigação de sustentar, de dar uma profissão ou de efectuar um casamento que garantisse a subsistência dos seus irmãos. É provável que este ascendente cultural tenha limitado ou condicionado a forma de povoar esta região. Até que ponto isso influenciou o desenho urbano hoje verificado é o objectivo deste artigo

    Análise de vários factores que influenciam a definição das chaves do território: o caso da freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim

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    A Freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim é limitada a norte e a oeste pelo Rio Zêzere e a sul pela Ribeira da Sertã, que constituem uma fronteira natural com os Concelhos de Figueiró dos Vinhos e Ferreira do Zêzere e a Freguesia de Palhais; a este confina com a Freguesia do Castelo, Cabeçudo e Nesperal. Percebe-se claramente o factor condicionante que são as barragens da linha do Zêzere na vivência e desenvolvimento das aldeias. O património foi limitado pelos factores naturais e, obviamente, os factores humanos. Existe uma diferença no povoamento das aldeias situadas em zonas acidentada e em zonas planas. Isto apresenta ligações com o tipo de orografia, de geologia, de solo, com o tipo de utilização desse solo e com o espaço disponível para a aldeia crescer. O objectivo deste artigo é perceber de que forma todos estes factores influenciam as chaves do território

    Impacte das grandes obras de engenharia. A barragem do Castelo do Bode e a freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim

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    Uma barragem hidroeléctrica é sempre uma obra grandiosa de engenharia, tanto mais quando se trata de uma barragem de albufeira num rio que influenciava e influencia as populações que vivem nas suas margens. Pretende-se dar a conhecer a experiência de uma população e de um território que sofreu directamente os problemas que essa barragem trouxe para a vivência, economia e paisagens locais, para servir como informação para futuras obras do mesmo género. A construção da barragem do Castelo do Bode foi, por um lado, uma mais-valia na produção hidroeléctrica nacional, mas por outro teve um grande impacte na paisagem, fauna e população situadas a montante. Após o enchimento e o consequente nascimento da sua albufeira, houve uma transformação abrupta no modus vivendi da população que habitava nas suas margens e que dependia do “velho rio” para a sua subsistência. Muito do território ficou submerso, assim como parte do seu património e dos campos aráveis. Não obstante ter-se ganho a nível nacional, o ganho a nível local não foi o esperado

    Literature and the World

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    Literature and the World presents a broad and multifaceted introduction to world literature and globalization. The book provides a brief background and history of the field followed by a wide spectrum of exemplary readings and case studies from around the world. Amongst other aspects of World Literature, the authors look at: New approaches to digital humanities and world literature Ecologies of world literature Rethinking geography in a globalized world Translation Race and political economy Offering state of the art debates on world literature, this volume is a superb introduction to the field. Its critically thoughtful approach makes this the ideal guide for anyone approaching World Literature

    Georiddles, brainstorming and creativity in natural and cultural tourism

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    Many tourists don’t want to spend their holidays only at the beach and others arrive to their destination for cultural or natural reasons. Some are attracted by creative activities. An upcoming touristic branch which joins cultural and natural tourism is Geotourism. A “georiddle” may increase the visitor’s interest in geological and cultural themes and challenge his creativity. The following methodology is adopted to reach these objectives: The guide gives basic information in a geologically interesting site and asks the participants about details of what can be seen. By brainstorming and discussion, they may solve the problem or not; in any case the participants are encouraged to foster their creativity by interactive processes. Then, the guide explains his opinion about the solution of the “georiddle”, and the discussion can begin again. Enigmatic structures may be found in construction stones of built heritage, as well as in geological outcrops in the countryside. A “georiddle” can be posed in other fields, like vernacular cultural heritage. For instance, drystone constructions are interfaces between geological and cultural heritage. Here, the riddle’s aim may be to discuss about the reason of their spatial arrangement and purpose. As a result, it is expected to awaken the visitor’s curiosity and creativity and to increase and broaden his field of knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Joining geotourism with cultural tourism: a good blend

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    The Algarvian coast (Southern Portugal) is known for its beaches. However, many tourists don’t want to spend their whole holidays only at the beach, so cultural tourism can fill a gap together with natural tourism. Important branches of natural tourism of Algarve are birdwatching and guided tours, which may include visits to geologically interesting sites (Geotourism). These activities are aimed to people with sporting and scientific interests. Algarve has a big potential for Geotourism due to the large number of geologically interesting places and areas. Geotouristic activities joined with the observation or visit of cultural, mainly vernacular subjects (for instance: terraces and cultural landscapes, agricultural and ethnological traditions, villages) result in a more complete touristic offer than each part isolated and can be done all over the year. The creation of a Geopark by UNESCO, for instance, includes both natural and cultural heritage. Like the cultural heritage, the geological heritage should be valorized by tracking paths for hiking with information tables, guided visits, folders and so on, to be disseminated by the tourist information offices, apps, new technologies, hotels and other touristic installations. When touristic activities lead to a better knowledge of the natural and cultural sites, their conservation may be easier, because the local residents are getting conscious about their value. Regular visits of the sites are used to control their condition. Thus, Geotourism and cultural tourism contribute to the preservation of the geological heritage and the landscape, which is also an environmental and cultural heritage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building problems in architectonic heritage and geotourism: is there a connection?

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    Architectonic heritage buildings attract millions of tourists for many reasons: their beauty, history, style, art, location, and so on. Presently, this list is being supplemented by the touristic exploration of the construction material, with particular emphasis on the natural stones. This material is the aim of urban geotourism because it can give precious information about its age, origin, paleo-environment, as well as its provenience, way of exploitation, transport, treatment and finally degradation by weathering, among others. Therefore, the study of the construction stones of heritage buildings constitutes a complement to the “classical” cultural items which are shown and presented during a visit. A particular segment in geotouristic activities may be the presentation of building problems to the visitors. There are many examples in this field, like moisture or cracks in the walls, unusual solutions in construction, disintegration of stones, and so on. These problems can have various causes: the capillary rise of groundwater in a wall, the lack of construction material, the heterogeneous composition of the substrate, the seismic activity, the weathering of material, to name but a few. For a visitor interested in science and technology, the knowledge of the problems, their origin and their solution (or, at least, the attempt of their solution) may be an unforgettable experience. The purpose of the work is to open a new point of view to architectonic heritage and its building problems, which can be used and explained in touristic activities. For this, mainly qualitative non-interventionist and participatory methodologies are applied. As a result, there will be the situation that the damage in one part leads to a profit in the other. This ambiguity may be resolved by considering that better knowledge about the state of the heritage building, which is made accessible to a larger public, will contribute to its preservation. So, the main conclusion is that geotourism applied to architectonic heritage and its problems is an important support to its maintenance because of the dissemination of the knowledge of what may happen with the construction material. Likewise, the knowledge acquired during a geotouristic visit may help to avoid similar problems in other buildings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    When urban geology meets cultural tourism

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    The region of Algarve (Southern Portugal) has a rich geological history, whose testimonies are the different rock types, their structures and the fossils. These can be found not only in the countryside, in quarrels or in the cliffs, but also in the towns, in the building-stones of monuments, other edifices or pavements. The state and the way of weathering of the stones informs about their exposition and durability. By observing the stones, they can tell us about their origin and age. Joining this history with the history of the buildings and their art, and knowing (or presuming) the local of the provenience of the building material, it is possible to get a more complete image of the whole context, including, for instance, the transport possibilities. If there are any “exotic” stones, that is to say stones whose origin was far from the visited site, we may take conclusions about trading connections in the country or even overseas. The inclusion of Urban Geology in the usual paths of cultural tourism will enrich the touristic offer of a town. It is aimed to people with historical and scientific interest and can be participated by persons with reduced mobility. The stones and eventually the fossils can be observed in the town during the whole year, at any weather, without the need of pollutant cross-country vehicles or long and exhausting walking-tours. Therefore, Urban Geology is a very interesting complement of the Cultural Tourism in the Algarvian towns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Literature and the World

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    Literature and the World presents a broad and multifaceted introduction to world literature and globalization. The book provides a brief background and history of the field followed by a wide spectrum of exemplary readings and case studies from around the world. Amongst other aspects of World Literature, the authors look at: New approaches to digital humanities and world literature Ecologies of world literature Rethinking geography in a globalized world Translation Race and political economy Offering state of the art debates on world literature, this volume is a superb introduction to the field. Its critically thoughtful approach makes this the ideal guide for anyone approaching World Literature