59 research outputs found

    Leveraging Hispanic-serving institutions within physics education research

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    Hispanic serving institutions (HSIs) are an increasingly large set of higher education institutions in the United States. From 2010-2020 the number of HSIs increased from 311 to 569. Within the physics education research (PER) community, research perspectives from HSIs have provided critical insights into how to support racially and ethnically diverse students. Within the last decade, research from HSIs made up approximately 20% of publications from US higher education institutions in common PER journals. These publications do not always fully name and leverage their HSI context, though the work done at HSIs still more consistently centers students’ identities as compared to research from non-HSIs. As our research community looks forward, elevating and appropriately valuing research at HSIs will be critical to build a more robust understanding of physics education in multiple institutional contexts

    Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter on Cytokine Production in Mouse Macrophages and Epithelial Cells

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    The objective of the Multi-Site Ambient Particle Study (MAPS) was to collect ambient particles from different geographical regions, examine their health effects using various in vitro and in vivo experimental approaches, and ultimately relate the health effects to particle components and pollution sources. Size fractionated airborne particles were collected in six different locations in the United States and made available to investigators in several different laboratories. The objective of this study is to compare the effects of these ambient particles on cytokine production in different lung cell types using in vitro models of mouse macrophages and lung epithelial cells. Briefly, MH-S cells, a mouse lung macrophage cell line, and LA-4 cells, a mouse lung epithelial cell line, were exposed to 10 or lOO ÎĽg/ml of either the coarse or fine particle fraction and examined for IL-6 expression 24 hours post-exposure. Both coarse and fine particle fractions dose-dependently up regulated IL-6 production in MH-S cells and these responses varied moderately with geographical location. Interestingly, the coarse fraction induced significantly greater IL-6 production in MH-S cells than the fine fraction, independently of geographical location. In contrast, both fine and coarse particle fractions up regulated IL-6 production in LA-4 cells and the magnitude of these responses varied with collection site. Taken together, these results indicate that regardless of geographic location, coarse and fine particle fractions exert different effects in lung macrophages and epithelial cells, with epithelial cells being more susceptible to health effects induced by fine particle fractions. In addition, our analysis suggests that geographical collection site may affect the health effects in different lung cell types, but the sources for this and their interactions are complex. Data obtained from this study will help distinguish the role of different lung cell types in particle-induced health effects seen in vivo.Master of Science in Public Healt

    Digital Address Book for the Baby Boomer Generation

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    We intend to recycle LCD monitors coupled with overhead projectors to project movies for communities of developing countries and their schools.Ope

    A Previously Healthy Adolescent With Acute Psychosis and Severe Hyperhidrosis

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    A previously healthy 15-year-old boy presented with 3 months of progressive psychosis, insomnia, back and groin pain, and hyperhidrosis. On examination, the patient was disheveled, agitated, and soaked with sweat, with systolic blood pressure in the 160s and heart rate in the 130s. Aside from occasional auditory and visual hallucinations, his neurologic examination was normal. The patient was admitted for an extensive workup, including MRI of the brain and spine and lumbar puncture, which were normal. Through collaboration with various pediatric specialists, including psychiatry and neurology, a rare diagnosis was ultimately unveiled

    MUC1-C drives myeloid leukaemogenesis and resistance to treatment by a survivin-mediated mechanism

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    Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an aggressive haematological malignancy with an unmet need for improved therapies. Responses to standard cytotoxic therapy in AML are often transient because of the emergence of chemotherapy-resistant disease. The MUC1-C oncoprotein governs critical pathways of tumorigenesis, including self-renewal and survival, and is aberrantly expressed in AML blasts and leukaemia stem cells (LSCs). However, a role for MUC1-C in linking leukaemogenesis and resistance to treatment has not been described. In this study, we demonstrate that MUC1-C overexpression is associated with increased leukaemia initiating capacity in an NSG mouse model. In concert with those results, MUC1-C silencing in multiple AML cell lines significantly reduced the establishment of AML in vivo. In addition, targeting MUC1-C with silencing or pharmacologic inhibition with GO-203 led to a decrease in active β-catenin levels and, in-turn, down-regulation of survivin, a critical mediator of leukaemia cell survival. Targeting MUC1-C was also associated with increased sensitivity of AML cells to Cytarabine (Ara-C) treatment by a survivin-dependent mechanism. Notably, low MUC1 and survivin gene expression were associated with better clinical outcomes in patients with AML. These findings emphasize the importance of MUC1-C to myeloid leukaemogenesis and resistance to treatment by driving survivin expression. Our findings also highlight the potential translational relevance of combining GO-203 with Ara-C for the treatment of patients with AML


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    Systematic study of student understanding of the relationships between the directions of force, velocity, and acceleration in one dimension

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    We developed an instrument to systematically investigate student conceptual understanding of the relationships between the directions of net force, velocity, and acceleration in one dimension and report on data collected on the final version of the instrument from over 650 students. Unlike previous work, we simultaneously studied all six possible conditional relations between force, velocity, and acceleration in order to obtain a coherent picture of student understanding of the relations between all three concepts. We present a variety of evidence demonstrating the validity and reliability of the instrument. An analysis of student responses from three different course levels revealed three main findings. First, a significant fraction of students chose “partially correct” responses, and from pre- to post-test, many students moved from “misconception” to partially correct responses, or from partially correct to fully correct responses. Second, there were asymmetries in responding to conditional relations. For example, students answered questions of the form “Given the velocity, what can be inferred about the net force?” differently than converse questions “Given the net force, what can be inferred about the velocity?” Third, there was evidence of hierarchies in student responses, suggesting, for example, that understanding the relation between velocity and acceleration is necessary for understanding the relation between velocity and force, but the converse is not true. Finally, we briefly discuss how these findings might be applied to instruction

    Chapter XV. Transformative Works: Young Women’s Voices on Fandom and Fair Use

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    Introduction Media fandom is a worldwide cross-cultural phenomenon. Although fandom as a concept has far-reaching and diverse historical roots, this chapter focuses on a particular variety of media fandom that includes as a significant focus the creation of “fanworks,” new creative works based on existing media. These works include fanfiction, fanart, and “vids,” which are montages of images from media sources, often set to music, that tell a story or highlight particular themes or characters..
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