28 research outputs found

    Zakah on shares: Theory and reality in Malaysia / Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele and Luqman Haji Abdullah

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    Zakah (Islamic almsgiving) on shares are generally mentioned indirectly in classical fiqh books. This is due to the fact that the practice of shares is relatively new in classical Islamic jurisprudence literature. However, the basis of the debate on shares can be traced to its establishment and development in the classical fiqh discourse. Muslim individual and Muslim-operated companies have been involved in investment and share-trading, thus creating the debate of zakah on shares in Malaysia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to highlight the discussion of zakah on shares based on the reality in Malaysia. The focus of the debate will touch the aspects of legal shares, fiqh of zakah and its method of calculation

    Religious Movements and the Adoption of New Media: The Internet Used by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia After Disbanded

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    This paper aims to examine the religious movement of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) when adopting new media in its movement activities in Indonesia. The research in this paper uses a qualitative method with data collection through online observation of the HTI website, Media Umat www.mediaumat.id. This research found that HTI as a religious movement also adopted the internet in its movement activities just like other religious movements, namely NU and Muhammadiyah. HTI's use of the internet also refutes the argument that the internet is incompatible with religion, which is based more on secularization arguments. The internet in fact provides new opportunities that are positively welcomed by the religious community, which makes it part of its culture according to its needs and interests. This religious response can be seen in HTI's use of the internet which can be categorized into three forms: ideological, polemical and contextual. All these forms of internet use show the positive impact of the internet for religion and the ability of religion to become part of modernity for its interests and needs by adapting the internet as a product of modernity

    Al-Qaradawi’s juristic perspectives on zakah of agricultural wealth as reflected in His Fiqh Al Zakah / Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele, Luqman Hj. Abdullah and Mohd Anuar Ramli.

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    This paper discusses al Qaradawi’s perspective on several issues in zakah of agricultural wealth. It analyzes his juristic views on the issues as reflected in his master piece Fiqh al Zakah. This paper focuses mainly on three issues, namely, nisab of agriculture, deduction of debts and expenses and zakah on rented land. It is found out that al Qaradawi’s perspectives on zakah of agricultural wealth based on the maqasid and he goes beyond the typical approaches of many Muslim scholars who only rely on the usul fiqh methods in deducing the rulings from the legal texts in Al Quran or Al Sunnah

    Zakat atas syarikat di Malaysia: analisis potensi / Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele, Luqman Hj. Abdullah and Mohd Farhan Md. Ariffin

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    Zakat merupakan salah satu penyumbang kepada pembangunan sosio-ekonomi umat Islam. Dengan kutipan dan pengagihan zakat yang efektif mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan umat islam terutamanya kemiskinan. Oleh itu, dengan mengenalpasti potensi zakat dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kadar kutipan zakat. Begitu juga halnya potensi zakat syarikat kerana pertumbuhan syarikat-syarikat di Malaysia begitu pesat. Justeru, kajian ini akan melakukan tinjauan terhadap potensi zakat syarikat di Malaysia. Potensi tersebut ditinjau daripada tiga aspek iaitu penerimaan untuk meluaskan harta zakat, hasil kutipan dan hukum. Kajian mendapati bahawa masih banyak ruang dan potensi kutipan zakat pada syarikat, kerana pertumbuhan syarikat dan meningkatnya kesedaran untuk membayar zakat. Selain itu, dari perspektif hukum tidak wujud halangan untuk melakukan kutipan zakat daripada syarikat

    The Role of Marriage Guardian of the Same Clan in the Traditional Marriage of Batak Toba Muslims in Samosir Regency in the Perspective of Islamic Law

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    A marriage guardian (wali) occupies a very important role in marrying the bride to the prospective groom. There is often a unique case found among the Batak Toba Muslims in Harian District, Samosir Regency in that the lineage of a marriage guardian is not clear (cannot be proven genetically). Thus, if a bride belongs to a Samosir clan, the leader of Samosir clan can be the marriage guardian for the bride as long as he is a Muslim. This study aims to see the implementation of traditional wedding ceremony in the Batak Toba Muslim community, to see some factors contributed to this phenomenon, and to see the role of a guardian in a traditional wedding ceremony of Batak Toba Muslim in the perspective of Islamic law. After analyzing the data, it was found that many cases of marriage involving guardian of the same clan but different lineage were triggered by little understanding of Islamic marriage. Therefore, the office of religious affairs is suggested to be more active in raising people’s awareness of the important roles of a marriage guardian. In addition, for people whose marriage guardian is not from the same lineage should register their marriage with a wali hakim as their marriage guardian

    Women’s Right of Inheritance in Islam: Between the Sharia Provision and Demand of Socio-cultural Changes

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    Women’s inheritance is a never-ending issue. This issue has been frequently debated amongst academician, especially involving distribution of women’s inheritance, which is half of what men received. This polemic arises due to the changes in social system of Muslim society, which is now different than the early time of wahy (revelation) conveyance. This is due to the distribution ratio of 2:1 is already seen unreasonable, though still to be seen in the context of Islamic law and the fundamentals in determining this law. Hence, this article will focus on the polemic of women inheritance from the perspective of Islamic law to determine whether the men to women ratio of 2:1 is rigid, or whether there are other areas that place women before men. This article also discusses how far this right can change and the alternative solution to the issue in the context of current Islamic society. A descriptive qualitative approach was adopted with the primary data obtained through several relevant sources. Data analysis was carried out using a legal approach, a sociological approach, and a philosophical approach. This study concluded that with better education, more women have career and they also contribute to the family economy. This scenario has changed the marriage landscape. In other words, women no longer involve in a narrow domestic space; they are even capable to be alongside men in the public sphere. In accordance with this phenomenon, demand exists for equal inheritance right between man (son) and woman (daughter). Nevertheless, not all Islamic law can be changed due to the changes in the society sociocultural

    Pendekatan Wasatiyyah Dalam Interaksi Inter-agama Di Malaysia Wasatiyyah Approach In Inter-religious Interaction In Malaysia

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that causes death if not treated early. Ensemble deep learning can aid early TB detection. Previous work trained the ensemble classifiers on images with similar features only. An ensemble requires a diversity of errors to perform well, which is achieved using either different classification techniques or feature sets. This paper focuses on the latter, where TB detection using deep learning and contrast-enhanced canny edge detected (CEED-Canny) x-ray images is presented. The CEED-Canny was utilized to produce edge detected images of the lung x-ray. Two types of features were generated; the first was extracted from the Enhanced x-ray images, while the second from the Edge detected images. The proposed variation of features increased the diversity of errors of the base classifiers and improved the TB detection. The proposed ensemble method produced a comparable accuracy of 93.59%, sensitivity of 92.31% and specificity of 94.87% with previous work

    Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk dan Nasionalisme Melayu-Islam

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    Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kearifan tempatan Melayu-Islam dalam menjalani kehidupan bernegara. Terkandung di dalamnya tentang bagaimana cara masyarakat Melayu menangani masalah negara dan berhadapan dengan cabaran penjajahan kuasa asing. Oleh kerana itulah artikel ini akan cuba menganalisis konsep nasionalisme Melayu-Islam yang difahami dalam Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk. Ia juga bakal menunjukkan keunggulan teori, world-view dan pemikiran sarjana Melayu sendiri berbanding dengan teori nasionalisme barat. Kajian mendapati bahawa perlembagaan Itqan Muluk memainkan peranan penting dalam penjagaan nasionalisme masyarakat Melayu tanpa mengabaikan ketinggian syariat Islam di Tanah Melayu

    [Contemporary Ijtihad Approach in Current Issues in Malaysia] Pendekatan Ijtihad Kontemporari Dalam Isu Semasa di Malaysia

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    Advancement in science and technology today has evoked many issues that need legal solution immediately. Determination of the law towards this issue requires a comprehensive ijtihad (opinion) approach that is comprehensive, according to the present context to ensure the benefit of humankind besides meeting urgent needs. This article intends to analyse best ijtihad approach that can be applied in analyzing a few current issues. This is to prove that contemporary ijtihad needs to be done in determining the current Islamic laws. Among the issues discussed is on the of alcohol level in food, agricultural sources which is subjected to zakat (tithe), the medical method of stem cell xenotransplantation and tawarruq (reverse Murabahah) in cash financing. This bibliography-form of study used qualitative approach in scrutinizing the classical and contemporary views of the ulama (Islamic scholars) to formulate the importance of developing contemporary ijtihad in determining the current Islamic laws. Results of the study discovers that most of the current issues which arises today, have no direct legal clarification whether in the quotation of the Qur'an and the Sunnah and are not addressed in past book of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Based on this statement, the contemporary ijtihad approach becomes a key requirement in providing the legal answers for the current issues that arise especially in the reality context of Malaysia.   Keywords; Ijtihad; new form of ijtihad; contemporary fiqh; maslahah   Kemajuan sains dan teknologi pada hari ini telah menimbulkan banyak isu yang berhajat kepada penyelesaian hukum dengan segera. Penentuan hukum terhadap isu ini memerlukan pendekatan ijtihad yang komprehensif sesuai dengan konteks semasa bagi menjamin kemaslahatan manusia di samping memenuhi keperluan yang mendesak. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis pendekatan ijtihad terbaik yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam menganalisis beberapa isu-isu semasa. Ini bagi membuktikan bahawa ijtihad kontemporari perlu dilakukan dalam penentuan hukum Islam semasa. Antara isu yang dibincangkan adalah kadar alkohol dalam makanan, sumber-sumber pertanian yang perlu dizakatkan, kaedah perubatan stem cell xenotransplantation dan tawarruq dalam pembiayaan tunai. Kajian berbentuk kepustakaan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam meneliti pandangan-pandangan ulama klasik dan kontemporari bagi merumuskan kepentingan membangunkan ijtihad kontemporari dalam penentuan hukum Islam semasa. Hasil kajian mendapati kebanyakan isu semasa yang timbul masa kini, tiada penjelasan hukum secara langsung sama ada di dalam nas al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah serta tidak dibincangkan dalam kitab fiqh silam. Bertitik tolak daripada kenyataan ini, pendekatan ijtihad kontemporari menjadi satu keperluan penting dalam memberikan jawapan hukum terhadap isu-isu semasa yang timbul terutamanya dalam konteks realiti Malaysia.   Kata kunci: Ijtihad, ijtihad baru, fiqh semasa, al-maslahah

    Muslim’s trust property issues in Malaysia: A preliminary study / Luqman Abdullah ... [et al.]

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    Wealth or property is an essential part of Muslim life whether it is related to religious affairs or life preservation. Therefore, the trust property management aspect should be emphasized in preserving the benefits of society, especially Muslims. For this reason, this study will review the management of Muslim property trusts in Malaysia and issues related to it. This study was conducted based on a qualitative approach in identifying issues that arose in the management of property trusts. The findings show that there are some issues especially in the management of zakat, waqf, bequeathal and inheritance have become polemic and debate in Malaysia. These issues need to be assessed and resolved from the perspective of Islamic law