35,980 research outputs found

    Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flows with engineering applications

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    A numerical scheme has been developed to solve the incompressible, 3-D Navier-Stokes equations using velocity-vorticity variables. This report summarizes the development of the numerical approximation schemes for the divergence and curl of the velocity vector fields and the development of compact schemes for handling boundary and initial boundary value problems

    A three dimensional calculation of elastic equilibrium for composite materials

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    A compact scheme is applied to three-dimensional elasticity problems for composite materials, involving simple geometries. The mathematical aspects of this approach are discussed, in particular the iteration method. A vector processor code implementing the compact scheme is presented, and several numerical experiments are summarized

    One hundred angstrom niobium wire

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    Composite of fine niobium wires in copper is used to study the size and proximity effects of a superconductor in a normal matrix. The niobium rod was drawn to a 100 angstrom diameter wire on a copper tubing

    Ground survey of active Central American volcanoes in November - December 1973

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Thermal anomalies at two volcanoes, Santiaguito and Izalco, have grown in size in the past six months, based on repeated ground survey. Thermal anomalies at Pacaya volcano have became less intense in the same period. Large (500 m diameter) thermal anomalies exist at 3 volcanoes presently, and smaller scale anomalies are found at nine other volcanoes

    Volcanic activity and satellite-detected thermal anomalies at Central American volcanoes

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A large nuee ardente eruption occurred at Santiaguito volcano, within the test area on 16 September 1973. Through a system of local observers, the eruption has been described, reported to the international scientific community, extent of affected area mapped, and the new ash sampled. A more extensive report on this event will be prepared. The eruption is an excellent example of the kind of volcanic situation in which satellite thermal imagery might be useful. The Santiaguito dome is a complex mass with a whole series of historically active vents. It's location makes access difficult, yet its activity is of great concern to large agricultural populations who live downslope. Santiaguito has produced a number of large eruptions with little apparent warning. In the earlier ground survey large thermal anomalies were identified at Santiaguito. There is no way of knowing whether satellite monitoring could have detected changes in thermal anomaly patterns related to this recent event, but the position of thermal anomalies on Santiaguito and any changes in their character would be relevant information

    An investigation of thermal anomalies in the Central American volcanic chain and evaluation of the utility of thermal anomaly monitoring in the prediction of volcanic eruptions

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Ground truth data collection proves that significant anomalies exist at 13 volcanoes within the test site of Central America. The dimensions and temperature contrast of these ten anomalies are large enough to be detected by the Skylab 192 instrument. The dimensions and intensity of thermal anomalies have changed at most of these volcanoes during the Skylab mission

    Three-Nucleon Bound State in a Spin-Isospin Dependent Three Dimensional Approach

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    A spin-isospin dependent Three-Dimensional approach based on momentum vectors for formulation of the three-nucleon bound state is presented in this paper. The three-nucleon Faddeev equations with two-nucleon interactions are formulated as a function of vector Jacobi momenta, specifically the magnitudes of the momenta and the angle between them with the inclusion of the spin-isospin quantum numbers, without employing a partial wave decomposition. As an application the spin-isospin dependent Faddeev integral equations are solved with Bonn-B potential. Our result for the Triton binding energy with the value of -8.152 MeV is in good agreement with the achievements of the other partial wave based methods.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, 7 tables. Major changes; version to appear in Physical Review

    Interpretation of x-ray-absorption dichroism experiments

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    A rule is derived to use x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra to extract the magnetic moment of the conduction-band states with j= l -1/2 separately from those with j= l + 1/2 as a function of energy. This quantity is straightforward to determine from the electronic band structure. The rule is illustrated with an application to pure iron and to the random substitutional alloy Fe_{80}CO_{20}

    Giant electrocaloric effect around Tc_c

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    We use molecular dynamics with a first-principles-based shell model potential to study the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in lithium niobate, LiNbO3_3, and find a giant electrocaloric effect along a line passing through the ferroelectric transition. With applied electric field, a line of maximum ECE passes through the zero field ferroelectric transition, continuing along a Widom line at high temperatures with increasing field, and along the instability that leads to homogeneous ferroelectric switching below TcT_c with an applied field antiparallel to the spontaneous polarization. This line is defined as the minimum in the inverse capacitance under applied electric field. We investigate the effects of pressure, temperature and applied electric field on the ECE. The behavior we observe in LiNbO3_3 should generally apply to ferroelectrics; we therefore suggest that the operating temperature for refrigeration and energy scavenging applications should be above the ferroelectric transition region to obtain large electrocaloric response. We find a relationship among TcT_c, the Widom line and homogeneous switching that should be universal among ferroelectrics, relaxors, multiferroics, and the same behavior should be found under applied magnetic fields in ferromagnets.Comment: 5 page