2,321 research outputs found

    Oxic and Anoxic Organic Polymer Degradation Potential of Endophytic Fungi From the Marine Macroalga, Ecklonia radiata

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    Cellulose and chitin are the most abundant polymeric, organic carbon source globally. Thus, microbes degrading these polymers significantly influence global carbon cycling and greenhouse gas production. Fungi are recognized as important for cellulose decomposition in terrestrial environments, but are far less studied in marine environments, where bacterial organic matter degradation pathways tend to receive more attention. In this study, we investigated the potential of fungi to degrade kelp detritus, which is a major source of cellulose in marine systems. Given that kelp detritus can be transported considerable distances in the marine environment, we were specifically interested in the capability of endophytic fungi, which are transported with detritus, to ultimately contribute to kelp detritus degradation. We isolated 10 species and two strains of endophytic fungi from the kelp Ecklonia radiata. We then used a dye decolorization assay to assess their ability to degrade organic polymers (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose) under both oxic and anoxic conditions and compared their degradation ability with common terrestrial fungi. Under oxic conditions, there was evidence that Ascomycota isolates produced cellulose-degrading extracellular enzymes (associated with manganese peroxidase and sulfur-containing lignin peroxidase), while Mucoromycota isolates appeared to produce both lignin and cellulose-degrading extracellular enzymes, and all Basidiomycota isolates produced lignin-degrading enzymes (associated with laccase and lignin peroxidase). Under anoxic conditions, only three kelp endophytes degraded cellulose. We concluded that kelp fungal endophytes can contribute to cellulose degradation in both oxic and anoxic environments. Thus, endophytic kelp fungi may play a significant role in marine carbon cycling via polymeric organic matter degradation.German Research Foundation/[GR1540/30-1]/DFG/AlemaniaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in the Republic of Ireland

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    Abstract Background Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) remains the most common cause of visual loss among subjects over 50 years of age in the developed world. The Irish Longitudinal study on Ageing (TILDA) is a population-based study of subjects aged 50 years or older, designed to investigate factors that influence ageing, and has enabled this investigation of the prevalence of AMD in the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Methods Data collected from a nationally representative sample of community-living older adults aged 50 years and over in ROI over the period November 2009 to July 2011. 5035 participants attended the TILDA health centre for assessment. Retinal photographs were obtained in 4859 of these participants. Retinal grading was performed in a masked fashion using a modified version of the International Classification and Grading System for AMD. Results Adjusting for lower response rates among older subjects, the estimated overall prevalence of any AMD was 7.2% (95% CI 6.5% to 7.9%) in the population aged 50 years or older. The estimated prevalence of early AMD was 6.6% (95% CI 5.9% to 7.3%), and the estimated prevalence of late AMD was 0.6% (95% CI 0.4% to 0.8%). Statistically significant associations with AMD included increasing age and family history of the condition. Conclusions This is the first study to provide prevalence estimates of AMD in ROI and will inform eye care professionals and policymakers involved in the delivery and planning of care for those afflicted with this condition

    Systematic review of studies generating individual participant data on the efficacy of drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthiases and the case for data-sharing

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    Preventive chemotherapy and transmission control (PCT) by mass drug administration is the cornerstone of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s policy to control soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs) caused by Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm), Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) and hookworm species (Necator americanus and Ancylostama duodenale) which affect over 1 billion people globally. Despite consensus that drug efficacies should be monitored for signs of decline that could jeopardise the effectiveness of PCT, systematic monitoring and evaluation is seldom implemented. Drug trials mostly report aggregate efficacies in groups of participants, but heterogeneities in design complicate classical meta-analyses of these data. Individual participant data (IPD) permit more detailed analysis of drug efficacies, offering increased sensitivity to identify atypical responses potentially caused by emerging drug resistance

    Early brain morphometrics from neonatal MRI predict motor and cognitive outcomes at 2-years corrected age in very preterm infants

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    Infants born very preterm face a range of neurodevelopmental challenges in cognitive, language, behavioural and/or motor domains. Early accurate identification of those at risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, through clinical assessment and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), enables prognostication of outcomes and the initiation of targeted early interventions. This study utilises a prospective cohort of 181 infants born <31 weeks gestation, who had 3T MRIs acquired at 29-35 weeks postmenstrual age and a comprehensive neurodevelopmental evaluation at 2 years corrected age (CA). Cognitive, language and motor outcomes were assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – Third Edition and functional motor outcomes using the Neuro-sensory Motor Developmental Assessment. By leveraging advanced structural MRI pre-processing steps to standardise the data, and the state-of-the-art developing Human Connectome Pipeline, early MRI biomarkers of neurodevelopmental outcomes were identified. Using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression, significant associations between brain structure on early MRIs with 2-year outcomes were obtained (r = 0.51 and 0.48 for motor and cognitive outcomes respectively) on an independent 25% of the data. Additionally, important brain biomarkers from early MRIs were identified, including cortical grey matter volumes, as well as cortical thickness and sulcal depth across the entire cortex. Adverse outcome on the Bayley-III motor and cognitive composite scores were accurately predicted, with an Area Under the Curve of 0.86 for both scores. These associations between 2-year outcomes and patient prognosis and early neonatal MRI measures demonstrate the utility of imaging prior to term equivalent age for providing earlier commencement of targeted interventions for infants born preterm

    Hydrogen-Based Metabolism as an Ancestral Trait in Lineages Sibling to the Cyanobacteria

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    © 2019, The Author(s). The evolution of aerobic respiration was likely linked to the origins of oxygenic Cyanobacteria. Close phylogenetic neighbors to Cyanobacteria, such as Margulisbacteria (RBX-1 and ZB3), Saganbacteria (WOR-1), Melainabacteria and Sericytochromatia, may constrain the metabolic platform in which aerobic respiration arose. Here, we analyze genomic sequences and predict that sediment-associated Margulisbacteria have a fermentation-based metabolism featuring a variety of hydrogenases, a streamlined nitrogenase, and electron bifurcating complexes involved in cycling of reducing equivalents. The genomes of ocean-associated Margulisbacteria encode an electron transport chain that may support aerobic growth. Some Saganbacteria genomes encode various hydrogenases, and others may be able to use O2 under certain conditions via a putative novel type of heme copper O2 reductase. Similarly, Melainabacteria have diverse energy metabolisms and are capable of fermentation and aerobic or anaerobic respiration. The ancestor of all these groups may have been an anaerobe in which fermentation and H2 metabolism were central metabolic features. The ability to use O2 as a terminal electron acceptor must have been subsequently acquired by these lineages

    SCARF-1 promotes adhesion of CD4+ T cells to human hepatic sinusoidal endothelium under conditions of shear stress

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    Abstract Liver-resident cells are constantly exposed to gut-derived antigens via portal blood and, as a consequence, they express a unique repertoire of scavenger receptors. Whilst there is increasing evidence that the gut contributes to chronic inflammatory liver disease, the role of scavenger receptors in regulating liver inflammation remains limited. Here, we describe for the first time the expression of scavenger receptor class F, member 1 (SCARF-1) on hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells (HSEC). We report that SCARF-1 shows a highly localised expression pattern and co-localised with endothelial markers on sinusoidal endothelium. Analysis of chronically inflamed liver tissue demonstrated accumulation of SCARF-1 at sites of CD4+ T cell aggregation. We then studied the regulation and functional role of SCARF-1 in HSEC and showed that SCARF-1 expression by HSEC is regulated by proinflammatory cytokines and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Furthermore, SCARF-1 expression by HSEC, induced by proinflammatory and gut-derived factors acts as a novel adhesion molecule, present in adhesive cup structures, that specifically supports CD4+ T cells under conditions of physiological shear stress. In conclusion, we show that SCARF-1 contributes to lymphocyte subset adhesion to primary human HSEC and could play an important role in regulating the inflammatory response during chronic liver disease

    Satisfaction with cognitive remediation therapy: its effects on implementation and outcomes using the cognitive remediation satisfaction scale

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    Cognitive Remediation (CR) improves cognition and functioning but is implemented in a variety of ways (independent, group and one-to-one). There is no information on whether service users find these implementation methods acceptable or if their satisfaction influences CR outcomes. We used mixed participatory methods, including focus groups, to co-develop a CR satisfaction scale. This was refined using three psychometric criteria (Cronbach's alpha, item discrimination, test-retest agreement) to select items. Factor analysis explored potential substructures. The refined measure was used in structural equation joint modelling to evaluate whether satisfaction with CR is affected by implementation method and treatment engagement or influences recovery outcome, using data from a randomised controlled trial. Four themes (therapy hours, therapist, treatment effects, computer use) generated a 31-item Cognitive Remediation Satisfaction scale (CRS) that reduced to 18 Likert items, 2 binary and 2 open-ended questions following psychometric assessment. CRS had good internal consistency (Alpha = 0.814), test-retest reliability (r= 0.763), and concurrent validity using the Working Alliance Inventory (r = 0.56). A 2-factor solution divided items into therapy engagement and therapy effects. Satisfaction was not related to implementation method but was significantly associated with CR engagement. Therapy hours were significantly associated with recovery, but there was no direct effect of satisfaction on outcome. Although satisfaction is important to therapy engagement, it has no direct effect on outcome. CR therapy hours directly affect outcome irrespective of which implementation model is used, so measuring satisfaction early might help to identify those who are likely to disengage. The study has mixed methods design
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