67 research outputs found

    Subverting Blackface and the Epistemology of American Identity in John Berryman\u27s 77 Dream Songs

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    John Berryman has been criticized for his employment of white performance of blackface minstrelsy\u27s conventions and dialect in 77 Dream Songs because of the complex history of this tradition of blackface\u27s problematic performance of racial fantasy and because of Berryman\u27s designation as a white, confessional poet. However, when one observes the history of this tradition of minstrelsy, its initial reception, its transcodification into the white American racial ideology, and subsequent scholarly analyses of its implications, it is evident that Berryman creates an anti-model of minstrelsy which consequently becomes a minstrelsy of whiteness. Through this anti-model, which shifts the public gaze from blackness to whiteness, Berryman deconstructs each, eliminating the justification for unequal political power based on the faulty ideology of differenc

    Subverting Blackface and the Epistemology of American Identity in John Berryman\u27s 77 Dream Songs

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    John Berryman has been criticized for his employment of white performance of blackface minstrelsy\u27s conventions and dialect in 77 Dream Songs because of the complex history of this tradition of blackface\u27s problematic performance of racial fantasy and because of Berryman\u27s designation as a white, confessional poet. However, when one observes the history of this tradition of minstrelsy, its initial reception, its transcodification into the white American racial ideology, and subsequent scholarly analyses of its implications, it is evident that Berryman creates an anti-model of minstrelsy which consequently becomes a minstrelsy of whiteness. Through this anti-model, which shifts the public gaze from blackness to whiteness, Berryman deconstructs each, eliminating the justification for unequal political power based on the faulty ideology of differenc

    Genetic and cytological investigation of Nucleostemin-1 in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Mammalian nucleostemin (NS) is a nucleolar GTP-binding protein implicated in cell cycle progression, stem cell proliferation, and ribosome assembly. Drosophila melanogaster contains a four-member nucleostemin family (NS1-4). Nucleostemin 1 (NS1) is the closest orthologue to human NS; it shares 33% identity and 67% similarity with human NS. We show that NS1 has intrinsic GTPase and ATPase activity, and that it is present within nucleoli of most larval and adult cells. Endogenous NS1 and lightly expressed GFP-NS1 enrich within the nucleolar granular regions as expected, while over-expressed GFP-NS1 localizes throughout the nucleolus and nucleoplasm, and to several transcriptionally active inter-bands of polytene chromosomes. Over-expression caused melanotic tumors and larval and pupal lethality. RNAi depletion of NS1 caused a loss of imaginal (precursor) cells in the larval midgut, and an apparent block in the nucleolar release of large ribosomal subunits in the terminally differentiated larval midgut polyploid cells. Depletion of 60% of NS1 transcripts lead to larval and pupal lethality. Ultra-structural examination of highly differentiated larval Malpighian tubule cells depleted for NS1 showed a loss of cytoplasmic ribosomes with a concomitant appearance of cytoplasmic pre-autophagosomes. We interpret the appearance of these structures as indicators of cell stress response

    Liens entre les différents styles parentaux et les troubles de comportement extériorisés agressifs chez les jeunes de 13-16 ans

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    Le but de cette étude est de déterminer lequel des deux styles parentaux suivants, soit l'autoritaire ou le permissif influence le plus l'apparition de troubles de comportement extériorisés des jeunes âgés entre 13 et 16 ans. Notre hypothèse: le style autoritaire contribue le plus aux troubles de comportement extériorisés du jeune et ceci davantage chez les garçons. 140 élèves âgés entre 13 et 16 ans et leurs mères. Les jeunes ont évalué le style parental de leur mère à l'aide du" Questionnaire Parental Authority" de Buri (1991), et la sensibilité parentale de cette dernière à l'aide du" Questionnaire Parental Acceptance-Rejections Self-Report" de Rohner, (1991). Les troubles de comportement extériorisés du jeune ont été évalués par les mères et les jeunes. Les résultats principaux : le style parental démocratique contribue le moins aux troubles de comportement externalisés des jeunes. Le style parental négligent engendre le plus de troubles de comportement externalisés suivi de près par le style permissif. De plus, les garçons des parents permissifs sont ressortis comme démontrant plus de troubles de comportement extériorisés que les filles

    The relevance of neuroscientific research for understanding clinical reasoning

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    DeapSECURE Computational Training for Cybersecurity: Third-Year Improvements and Impacts

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    The Data-Enabled Advanced Training Program for Cybersecurity Research and Education (DeapSECURE) was introduced in 2018 as a non-degree training consisting of six modules covering a broad range of cyberinfrastructure techniques, including high performance computing, big data, machine learning and advanced cryptography, aimed at reducing the gap between current cybersecurity curricula and requirements needed for advanced research and industrial projects. By its third year, DeapSECURE, like many other educational endeavors, experienced abrupt changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The training had to be retooled to adapt to fully online delivery. Hands-on activities were reformatted to accommodate self-paced learning. In this paper, we describe and assess the third and fourth years of the project and compare them with the first half of the project, which implemented in-person instruction. We also indicate major improvements and present future opportunities for this training program to advance the cybersecurity field

    Niveles de desarrollo de la comprensión lectora que presentan los estudiantes del tercer grado “A” y su efecto en el rendimiento académico de Lengua y Literatura en la Escuela Primaria, Félix Pedro García Vallecillo, Comunidad El Salto, San Rafael del Sur, Managua durante el II semestre del año 2016

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    Este estudio de investigación titulado Niveles de desarrollo de la comprensión lectora que presentan los estudiantes del tercer grado “A” y su efecto en el rendimiento académico de Lengua y Literatura en la Escuela Primaria, Félix Pedro García Vallecillo, Comunidad El Salto, San Rafael del Sur, Managua durante el II semestre del año 2016. Tiene como propósito general: Determinar los niveles de comprensión lectora que presentan los estudiantes. Las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección de la nformación fueron la entrevista al docente, estudiantes y padres de familia, guía de observación a clase y prueba diagnóstica a los estudiantes. Mediante la prueba diagnóstica aplicada a los estudiantes y las observaciones a clase se pudo constatar que presentan dificultades en la comprensión lectora. Como una de las principales conclusiones de este estudio se encontró que el docente carece de estrategias de comprensión lectora para desarrollar la clase, por lo cual los estudiantes presentan dificultades para comprender lo que leen. Se recomienda que el docente aplique otras estrategias metodológicas que le permitan el desarrollo de habilidades para la comprensión lectora y que sea más creativo para impartir la clas

    Student assistantship programme: an evaluation of impact on readiness to transit from medical student to junior doctor.

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    BACKGROUND: Studies report that medical graduates are not prepared for practice as expected, and interventions have been developed to prepare them for practice. One such intervention is the assistantship, which provides hands-on opportunities to hone clinical skills and undertake responsibilities under supervision. The Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMed) is Singapore's newest medical school, and students undergo a Student Assistantship Programme (SAP) to prepare for practice as junior doctors (PGY1). This study evaluated the SAP from the students' and clinical supervisors' perspectives. METHODS: Students completed online questionnaires to assess readiness for practice before and after SAP, and a subsample were interviewed about their experiences of SAP and its impact on their preparedness for PGY1. In addition, after our graduates had begun work as PGY1 doctors, their clinical supervisors completed an online questionnaire and were interviewed about the perceived benefits of SAP and the attributes of our graduates as junior doctors. RESULTS: Fifty (96%) students completed the pre-SAP questionnaire and 46 (92%) completed the post-SAP questionnaire. Levels of preparedness increased post-SAP (mean scores range pre-SAP: 2.38 to 4.32 vs post-SAP: 3.08 to 4.48); so did opportunities to undertake PGY1 duties (pre-SAP: 56% vs post-SAP: 96%), and hands-on experience in medical emergencies (pre-SAP: 76% vs post-SAP: 89%).Experience of acute care situations increased except "paracetamol overdose". Readiness to be first respondents in ten acute situations improved (statistically significant for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, gastrointestinal bleed, sepsis, and adverse drug reactions). Three themes emerged from twenty-five student interviews: learning about the work environment, opportunities to learn in a safe environment, and enhancing SAP for future students. Thirty-three supervisors completed the questionnaire, and 70% rated SAP positively in preparing students for PGY1. Eight supervisors interviewed shared positively about the content, timing, and duration of SAP; and suggested future SAPs help students to develop coping and reflective skills. CONCLUSIONS: The SAP improved students' preparedness and experience across clinical areas, and students felt the SAP helped bridge undergraduate curriculum and work, provided opportunities to hone their skills and learn from junior doctors. Most clinical supervisors rated the SAP effective in preparing students for PGY1. This is the first formal evaluation of an assistantship in Singapore, and the findings are encouraging from the perspective of students and PGY1 supervisors