107 research outputs found

    Imitation Amber Beads of Phenolic Resin from the African Trade

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    Examination of contemporary beads with African provenance reveals large quantities of imitation amber beads made of phenol-formaldehyde thermosetting resins (PFs). This article delves into the early industrial history of PFs and their use in the production of imitation amber and bead materials. Attempts to discover actual sources that manufactured imitation amber beads for export to Africa and the time frame have not been very fruitful. While evidence exists that PFs were widely used as amber substitutes within Europe, only a few post-WWII references explicitly report the export of imitation amber PF beads to Africa. However they arrived in Africa, the durability of PF beads gave African beadworkers aesthetic freedom not only to rework the original beads into a variety of shapes and sizes, and impart decorative elements, but also to apply heat treatment to modify colors. Some relatively simple tests to distinguish PFs from other bead materials are presented

    Identicação de grupos de cultivares italianos de oliva com marcadores microssatélites

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    Cultivar characterization for fruit trees certification requires fast, efficient and reliable techniques. Microsatellite markers (SSR) were used in the molecular characterization of 23 genotypes of Olea europaea subsp europaea. The DNA from the olive cultivars was analyzed using nine pre-selected SSR primers (GAPU59, GAPU71A, GAPU71B, GAPU103A, UDO99-01, UDO99-12, UDO99-28 and UDO99-39) and revealed 29 alleles, which allowed each genotype to be identified. In the dendrogram, the nine primers allowed the 23 olive genotypes to be grouped into subgroups corresponding to the same cultivar denominations. SSR markers proved to be efficient and reliable for the molecular characterization of Italian olive cultivars.A caracterização de cultivares na produção de mudas certificadas exige técnicas rápidas, eficientes e confiáveis. Marcadores microssatélites (SSR) foram utilizados objetivando a caracterização molecular de 23 genótipos de Olea europaea subsp europaea. O DNA das cultivares foi analisado por meio de nove primers SSR pré-selecionados (GAPU59, GAPU71A, GAPU71B, GAPU103A, UDO99-01, UDO99-12, UDO99-28 and UDO99-39) e reveleram um total de 29 alelos que permitiram individualizar cada um dos genótipos. No dendrograma, os nove primers permitiram a separação dos 23 genótipos, em subgrupos. Os SSR foram eficientes e confiaveis para a caracterização molecular de cultivares italianeo de oliva

    Larval Frass of Hermetia illucens as Organic Fertilizer: Composition and Beneficial Effects on Different Crops

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    : Hermetia illucens has received a lot of attention as its larval stage can grow on organic substrates, even those that are decomposing. Black soldier fly breeding provides a variety of valuable products, including frass, a mixture of larval excrements, larval exuviae, and leftover feedstock, that can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Organic fertilizers, such as frass, bringing beneficial bacteria and organic materials into the soil, improves its health and fertility. This comprehensive review delves into a comparative analysis of frass derived from larvae fed on different substrates. The composition of micro- and macro-nutrients, pH levels, organic matter content, electrical conductivity, moisture levels, and the proportion of dry matter are under consideration. The effect of different feeding substrates on the presence of potentially beneficial bacteria for plant growth within the frass is also reported. A critical feature examined in this review is the post-application beneficial impacts of frass on crops, highlighting the agricultural benefits and drawbacks of introducing Hermetia illucens frass into cultivation operations. One notable feature of this review is the categorization of the crops studied into distinct groups, which is useful to simplify comparisons in future research

    Chemical Methods for Microbiological Control of Winemaking: An Overview of Current and Future Applications

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    Preservation technologies for winemaking have relied mainly on the addition of sulfur dioxide (SO2), in consequence of the large spectrum of action of this compound, linked to the control of undesirable microorganisms and the prevention of oxidative phenomena. However, its potential negative effects on consumer health have addressed the interest of the international research on alternative treatments to substitute or minimize the SO2 content in grape must and wine. This review is aimed at analyzing chemical methods, both traditional and innovative, useful for the microbiological stabilization of wine. After a preliminary description of the antimicrobial and technological properties of SO2, the additive traditionally used during wine production, the effects of the addition (in must and wine) of other compounds officially permitted in winemaking, such as sorbic acid, dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC), lysozyme and chitosan, are discussed and evaluated. Furthermore, other substances showing antimicrobial properties, for which the use for wine microbiological stabilization is not yet permitted in EU, are investigated. Even if these treatments exhibit a good efficacy, a single compound able to completely replace SO2 is not currently available, but a combination of different procedures might be useful to reduce the sulfite content in wine. Among the strategies proposed, particular interest is directed towards the use of insect-based chitosan as a reliable alternative to SO2, mainly due to its low environmental impact. The production of wines containing low sulfite levels by using pro-environmental practices can meet both the consumers’ expectations, who are even more interested in the healthy traits of foods, and wine-producers’ needs, who are interested in the use of sustainable practices to promote the profile of their brand

    Beyond Microbial Biodegradation: Plastic Degradation by Galleria mellonella

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    20 p.-4 fig.-2 tab.One of the major environmental issues that modern civilizations are currently dealing with is the growing amount of plastic waste. Because of how they affect all forms of life, this waste is seen as a severe worldwide issue. Current methods for plastic waste disposal do not offer definitive solutions and often lead to the production of microplastics or secondary pollution. In recent years there has been a growing interest by the scientific community in the degradation of plastics by biological means, in particular the possibilities of using insects as a potential solution to the accumulation of this type of waste have been investigated. Among these, one of the most promising is undoubtedly the lepidopteran Galleria mellonella, which synthesizes the first ever discovered polyethylene degrading enzymes. In this review we propose an overview of plastic polymers production and common degradation methodologies, and analyses the current state of the art about the degradation carried out by this insect.This work was supported by University of Basilicata and INPS within PhD Program Industry 4.0 and by the Roechling Foundation to F.B.Peer reviewe

    Role of Ovarian Proteins Secreted by Toxoneuron nigriceps (Viereck) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in the Early Suppression of Host Immune Response

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    Toxoneuron nigriceps (Viereck) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) is an endophagous parasitoid of the larval stages of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). During oviposition, T. nigriceps injects into the host body, along with the egg, the venom, the calyx fluid, which contains a Polydnavirus (T. nigriceps BracoVirus: TnBV), and the Ovarian Proteins (OPs). Although viral gene expression in the host reaches detectable levels after a few hours, a precocious disruption of the host metabolism and immune system is observed right after parasitization. This alteration appears to be induced by female secretions including TnBV venom and OPs. OPs, originating from the ovarian calyx cells, are involved in the induction of precocious symptoms in the host immune system alteration. It is known that OPs in braconid and ichneumonid wasps can interfere with the cellular immune response before Polydnavirus infects and expresses its genes in the host tissues. Here we show that T. nigriceps OPs induce several alterations on host haemocytes that trigger cell death. The OP injection induces an extensive oxidative stress and a disorganization of actin cytoskeleton and these alterations can explain the high-level of haemocyte mortality, the loss of haemocyte functionality, and so the reduction in encapsulation ability by the host

    Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Odorant Binding Proteins and Their Interactions with Selected Volatile Organic Compounds: An In Silico Approach

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    The black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), has considerable global interest due to its outstanding capacity in bioconverting organic waste to insect biomass, which can be used for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture feed. Mass production of this insect in colonies requires the development of methods concentrating oviposition in specific collection devices, while the mass production of larvae and disposing of waste may require substrates that are more palatable and more attractive to the insects. In insects, chemoreception plays an essential role throughout their life cycle, responding to an array of chemical, biological and environmental signals to locate and select food, mates, oviposition sites and avoid predators. To interpret these signals, insects use an arsenal of molecular components, including small proteins called odorant binding proteins (OBPs). Next generation sequencing was used to identify genes involved in chemoreception during the larval and adult stage of BSF, with particular attention to OBPs. The analysis of the de novo adult and larval transcriptome led to the identification of 27 and 31 OBPs for adults and larvae, respectively. Among these OBPs, 15 were common in larval and adult transcriptomes and the tertiary structures of 8 selected OBPs were modelled. In silico docking of ligands confirms the potential interaction with VOCs of interest. Starting from the information about the growth performance of H. illucens on different organic substrates from the agri-food sector, the present work demonstrates a possible correlation between a pool of selected VOCs, emitted by those substrates that are attractive for H. illucens females when searching for oviposition sites, as well as phagostimulants for larvae. The binding affinities between OBPs and selected ligands calculated by in silico modelling may indicate a correlation among OBPs, VOCs and behavioural preferences that will be the basis for further analysis

    Antimicrobial Peptides: A New Hope in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Fields

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    Antibiotics are essential drugs used to treat pathogenic bacteria, but their prolonged use contributes to the development and spread of drug-resistant microorganisms. Antibiotic resistance is a serious challenge and has led to the need for new alternative molecules less prone to bacterial resistance. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have aroused great interest as potential next-generation antibiotics, since they are bioactive small proteins, naturally produced by all living organisms, and representing the first line of defense against fungi, viruses and bacteria. AMPs are commonly classified according to their sources, which are represented by microorganisms, plants and animals, as well as to their secondary structure, their biosynthesis and their mechanism of action. They find application in different fields such as agriculture, food industry and medicine, on which we focused our attention in this review. Particularly, we examined AMP potential applicability in wound healing, skin infections and metabolic syndrome, considering their ability to act as potential Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme I and pancreatic lipase inhibitory peptides as well as antioxidant peptides. Moreover, we argued about the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic approaches to develop new antibiotics, the drug development strategies and the formulation approaches which need to be taken into account in developing clinically suitable AMP applications

    An integrated transcriptomic and proteomic approach to identify the main Torymus sinensis venom components

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    During oviposition, ectoparasitoid wasps not only inject their eggs but also a complex mixture of proteins and peptides (venom) in order to regulate the host physiology to benefit their progeny. Although several endoparasitoid venom proteins have been identified, little is known about the components of ectoparasitoid venom. To characterize the protein composition of Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) venom, we used an integrated transcriptomic and proteomic approach and identified 143 venom proteins. Moreover, focusing on venom gland transcriptome, we selected additional 52 transcripts encoding putative venom proteins. As in other parasitoid venoms, hydrolases, including proteases, phosphatases, esterases, and nucleases, constitute the most abundant families in T. sinensis venom, followed by protease inhibitors. These proteins are potentially involved in the complex parasitic syndrome, with different effects on the immune system, physiological processes and development of the host, and contribute to provide nutrients to the parasitoid progeny. Although additional in vivo studies are needed, initial findings offer important information about venom factors and their putative host effects, which are essential to ensure the success of parasitism
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