46 research outputs found

    Configurações de história e memória em "Was bleibt" e "Leibhaftig"

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the configurations of history and memory in some works of Christa Wolf, relating these with the historical period that culminated with the downfall of the Berliner Wall in 1989 and with the end of the socialist regime in the former German Democratic Republic. Taking into account Aleida Assmanns studies on culture of memories, we intend to verify aspects related to the limits and functions of memory in some works of Christa Wolf, among them "Was bleibt" and "Leibhaftig".O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as configurações de história e memória em obras de Christa Wolf, relacionando-as com o período histórico que culminou com a queda do Muro de Berlim em 1989 e consequentemente com o fim do regime socialista na República Democrática Alemã (RDA). Levando em consideração os estudos sobre cultura da memória realizados por Aleida Assmann, pretende-se verificar aspectos concernentes aos limites e funções da memória em algumas obras de Christa Wolf, entre as quais "Was bleibt" e "Leibhaftig"

    History and Memory Configurations in Was bleibt and Leibhaftig

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the configurations of history and memory in some works of Christa Wolf, relating these with the historical period that culminated with the downfall of the Berliner Wall in 1989 and with the end of the socialist regime in the former German Democratic Republic. Taking into account Aleida Assmanns studies on culture of memories, we intend to verify aspects related to the limits and functions of memory in some works of Christa Wolf, among them Was bleibt and Leibhaftig.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as configurações de história e memória em obras de Christa Wolf, relacionando-as com o período histórico que culminou com a queda do Muro de Berlim em 1989 e consequentemente com o fim do regime socialista na República Democrática Alemã (RDA). Levando em consideração os estudos sobre cultura da memória realizados por Aleida Assmann, pretende-se verificar aspectos concernentes aos limites e funções da memória em algumas obras de Christa Wolf, entre as quais Was bleibt e Leibhaftig

    Da perseguição nazista ao exílio brasileiro: o ideal humanista de Stefan Zweig

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    The persecution imposed on him by the Nazi dictatorship led Stefan Zweig into exile, initially in other countries, then in Brazil. With his eyes focused on events in Europe, the author publishes Brasilien – Ein Land der Zukunft, in which he points to Brazil as a model opposed to the national-socialist ideology existing in Germany, which led to self-destruction.A perseguição que lhe foi imposta pela ditadura nazista levou Stefan Zweig ao exílio, inicialmente em outros países, depois no Brasil. Com os olhos voltados aos acontecimentos na Europa, o autor publica Brasilien – Ein Land der Zukunft em que aponta o Brasil como um modelo oposto à ideologia nacional-socialista existente na Alemanha, que a levava à autodestruição

    Identification of five picorna-like viruses associated with the endangered cave-dwelling bivalve Congeria kusceri (Bole, 1962)

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    Congeria kusceri is a bivalve mollusk species endemic to the Dinaric Karst, which displays unique adaptations that have allowed its survival in the subterranean environment with small morphological changes compared with its fossil relatives. Anthropic activities have recently impacted the surface flow of the Neretva river, impairing the seasonal water cycle that has characterized the habitat of this species for hundreds of thousands of years. The lack of an adequate water supply, together with pollution from agricultural and farm water runoff, are posing a serious threat to C. kusceri, as evidenced by the sharp population decline observed in several locations during the past few decades. Due to the limited knowledge available about the basic biology of this filter-feeding species, the precise factors that may affect its health status and reproduction and therefore represent a hazard for its conservation are still unclear. Here, through a transcriptomic approach, we describe the nearly-complete genomes of five C. kusceri-associated RNA viruses belonging to the Picornaviridae family and phylogenetically related with picorna-like viruses previously described in other Mollusca. Although it is presently unknown whether these viruses may have a detrimental effect on bivalve health, we observed a significant increase of viral load during the summer seaso

    Dual analysis of host and pathogen transcriptomes in ostreid herpesvirus 1-positive Crassostrea gigas

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    Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1) has become a problematic infective agent for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. In particular, the OsHV-1 \u3bcVar subtype has been associated with severe mortality episodes in oyster spat and juvenile oysters in France and other regions of the world. Factors enhancing the infectivity of the virus and its interactions with susceptible and resistant bivalve hosts are still to be understood, and only few studies have explored the expression of oyster or viral genes during productive infections. In this work, we have performed a dual RNA sequencing analysis on an oyster sample with a high viral load. High sequence coverage allowed us to thoroughly explore the OsHV-1 transcriptome and identify the activated molecular pathways in C.gigas. The identification of several highly induced and defence-related oyster transcripts supports the crucial role played by the innate immune system against the virus and opportunistic microbes possibly contributing to subsequent spat mortality

    O olhar da enfermagem sobre as práticas de cuidado de famílias rurais à pessoa com câncer

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as práticas de cuidados das famílias rurais que vivenciam o cuidar da pessoa com câncer. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, que utilizou como referencial teórico-metodológico o Modelo Bioecológico de Urie Bronfenbrenner e o método da inserção ecológica. Participaram três famílias da área rural, que tinham um de seus membros em tratamento quimioterápico no Serviço de Oncologia de um Hospital Escola da região Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre fevereiro e julho de 2009. Constatou-se que a família rural cuida a partir das práticas de cuidado que foram construídas com base nas interações entre as pessoas da família ao longo das gerações e em outras práticas da comunidade. O carinho, o amor, a proteção, a união familiar, a fé, o estar junto, a preocupação com a alimentação descrevem o cuidar e constituem-se como práticas de cuidado das famílias rurais à pessoa com câncer

    Alternative splicing: the pledge, the turn, and the prestige

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    Comparative analysis of Presence-Absence gene Variations in five hard tick species: impact and functional considerations

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    Additional datasets supporting the "Comparative analysis of Presence-Absence gene Variations in five hard tick species: impact and functional considerations" paper. ABSTRACTTick species are vectors of harmful human and animal diseases and their expansion is raising concerns under the global environmental changes scenario. Ticks host and transmit bacteria and viruses making the understanding of host-pathogen molecular pathways critical to develop effective disease control strategies. Despite the considerable sizes and repeat contents of tick genomes, individual tick genomics is perhaps the most effective approach to reveal genotypic traits of interest. Presence-Absence gene Variations (PAVs) can contribute to individual differences within species, defining dispensable genes carried by subset of individuals only, possibly underpinning functional significance at individual or population-levels. We exploited 348 350 resequencing datasets of individual Dermacentor silvarum, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Ixodes persulcatus, Rhipicephalus microplus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus hard-tick specimens to reveal the extension of PAV and patterns of dispensable genes among individuals and, comparatively, between species. As resultCompared to the reference genomes, we traced 550-3,346 dispensable genes per species. We complemented the analysis by reconstructing the de-novo pangenome for these five tick species, resulting in 5.3-7 Mb of genomic regions not included in the respective reference genomes. Both the dispensable genes and the de-novo predicted genes mostly referred to transposable elements, indicating that PAV preferentially impacted mobile genetic elements in all these tick species.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV