23 research outputs found

    Calidad fisicoquímica de la miel de abeja Apis mellifera producida en el estado de Yucatán durante diferentes etapas del proceso de producción y tipos de floración

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    An evaluation was done of the physicochemical quality characteristics of Apis mellifera honeys produced in the State of Yucatan, Mexico. Honey samples were collected during three handling stages (comb honey, delivered honey, export-ready honey) and from three main flowering periods (tajonal, tzitzilche and trees-vines). Evaluated physicochemical characteristics were: moisture, reduced sugars, sucrose, free acidity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), diastase activity, invertase activity, and water insoluble solids (IS). All were analyzed following the techniques proposed by the European Honey Commission (EHC). A statistical analysis (ANOVA) was done to determine differences in quality between honeys from the three flowering periods and in the three handling stages. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in moisture or reduced sugars between honeys in the different handling stages, though significant differences (PEl objetivo fue evaluar la calidad fisicoquímica de las mieles de las abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera) producidas en el estado de Yucatán. Se colectaron muestras provenientes de tres etapas de producción (panal, acopio y exportación) y tres periodos de floración (tajonal, tzitzilché y árboles-enredaderas). Los parámetros evaluados fueron humedad, azúcares reductores totales, sacarosa, acidez libre, hidroximetilfurfural (HMF), actividad de la diastasa, actividad de la invertasa y sólidos insolubles en agua (SI), de acuerdo a las técnicas propuestas por la Comisión Europea de la Miel (CEM). Se realizó un análisis de varianza para evaluar diferencias en la calidad de la miel entre las etapas de manejo y periodo de floración. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en humedad y azúcares reductores, sin embargo, hubo variaciones (

    Peptides and Microorganisms Isolated from Soybean Sources with Antimicrobial Activity

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    Soybean has a high biological value because it is a potential nutraceutical that benefits human health. Isolated peptides of soybean have been associated with activities such as anticancer, antioxidants, antiobesity, antithrombotics, hypocholesterolemic, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial, and this last activity is also obtained from microorganisms isolated from soybean subjected to processes such as fermentation, which can act directly against pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics or participate in the synthesis of new peptides with antimicrobial activity, so they could be used as preservatives in food as an alternative in the prevention of diseases. Strains of Bacillus subtilis isolated from soybean are mainly those that have the ability to inhibit the growth and proliferation of pathogens; some fungi such as Rhizopus microspores and Aspergillus oryzae have also had an inhibitory effect. This chapter describes the potential of microorganisms and peptides obtained from different sources of soybean against pathogenic microorganisms responsible for foodborne diseases

    Calidad fisicoquímica de la miel de abeja Apis mellifera producida en el estado de Yucatán durante diferentes etapas del proceso de producción y tipos de floración

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    El objetivo fue evaluar la calidad fisicoquímica de las mieles de las abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera) producidas en el estado de Yucatán. Se colectaron muestras provenientes de tres etapas de producción (panal, acopio y exportación) y tres periodos de floración (tajonal, tzitzilché y árboles-enredaderas). Los parámetros evaluados fueron humedad, azúcares reductores totales, sacarosa, acidez libre, hidroximetilfurfural (HMF), actividad de la diastasa, actividad de la invertasa y sólidos insolubles en agua (SI), de acuerdo a las técnicas propuestas por la Comisión Europea de la Miel (CEM). Se realizó un análisis de varianza para evaluar diferencias en la calidad de la miel entre las etapas de manejo y periodo de floración. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en humedad y azúcares reductores; sin embargo, hubo variaciones (P<0.05) en el contenido de sacarosa, acidez libre, actividad de la diastasa, actividad de la invertasa, HMF y SI. La miel de tajonal presentó el mayor contenido de azúcares reductores (78.5 %), la de tzitzilché de HMF (17.9 mg/kg) y la de árboles-enredaderas en los parámetros de humedad (19.2 %), sacarosa (1.5 %), acidez libre (31.3 meq/kg), actividad de la diastasa (18.7 unidades Schade) y actividad de la invertasa (13.4) (P<0.05). Las mieles obtenidas en las diferentes etapas de producción y tipos de floración colectadas en Yucatán, cumplieron con los requisitos de calidad fisicoquímica establecidos por la CEM; sin embargo, se produjo una disminución de la calidad, debido a la exposición de la miel al calor durante y después de la extracción

    Bioactive peptides from germinated soybean with anti-diabetic potential by inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV, α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes

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    Functional foods containing peptides offer the possibility to modulate the absorption of sugars and insulin levels to prevent diabetes. This study investigates the potential of germinated soybean peptides to modulate postprandial glycaemic response through inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV), salivary α-amylase, and intestinal α-glucosidases. A protein isolate from soybean sprouts was digested by pepsin and pancreatin. Protein digest and peptide fractions obtained by ultrafiltration (10 kDa) and subsequent semipreparative reverse phase liquid chromatography (F1, F2, F3, and F4) were screened for in vitro inhibition of DPP-IV, α-amylase, maltase, and sucrase activities. Protein digest inhibited DPP-IV (IC50 = 1.49 mg/mL), α-amylase (IC50 = 1.70 mg/mL), maltase, and sucrase activities of α-glucosidases (IC50 = 3.73 and 2.90 mg/mL, respectively). Peptides of 5–10 and >10 kDa were more effective at inhibiting DPP-IV (IC50 = 0.91 and 1.18 mg/mL, respectively), while peptides of 5–10 and <5 kDa showed a higher potency to inhibit α-amylase and α-glucosidases. Peptides in F1, F2, and F3 were mainly fragments from β-conglycinin, glycinin, and P34 thiol protease. The analysis of structural features of peptides in F1–F3 allowed the tentative identification of potential antidiabetic peptides. Germinated soybean protein showed a promising potential to be used as a nutraceutical or functional ingredient for diabetes prevention.This work was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain) (grant numbers AGL2017-83718-R and AGL2015-66886-R). M.G.M. and R.M.E. acknowledge the financial support of SEP-CONACyT project No. 242860 and the Instituto Politecnico Nacional. M.G.M. for the scholarship (CONACyT No. 291062 and postdoctoral training).Peer Reviewe

    Bioactive peptides from germinated soybean with antidiabetic potential by inhibition of DPP-IV, α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes

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    Póster presentado al 3er Congreso Internacional de Alimentos Funcionales y Nutracéuticos: "Diseño y desarrollo de alimentos funcionales y nutracéuticos para la nutrición humana", celebrado en Mazatlán, Sinaloa (México) del 20 al 22 de junio de 2018.[Introduction]: Functional foods offer the possibility to modulate the absorption of sugars and insulin levels to prevent diabetes. Herein, we investigated the potential of germinated soybean peptides to modulate postprandial glycaemic response through inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), α-amylase (AMI) and α-glucosidase (GLU). [Methods]: A protein isolate from 6 day-old soybean sprouts was sequentially digested by pepsin-pancreatin. Protein hydrolysate and peptide fractions obtained by ultrafiltration (10 kDa) and subsequent semipreparative reverse phase liquid chromatography (F1, F2, F3 and F4) were screened for in vitro inhibition of DPPIV, AMI, GLU. [Results]: Protein hydrolysate inhibited DPPIV (IC50=1.4 mg/mL), AMI (40% inhibition at 3.3 mg/mL) and GLU (60% at 3.3 mg/mL). Peptides of 5-10 and >10 kDa were more effective to inhibit DPPIV (IC50=0.914 and 1.18 mg/mL, respectively), while peptides of 5-10 and <5 kDa showed a higher potency to inhibit AMI and GLU The 5-10 kDa subfraction F1 was characterized by the presence ß-conglycinin and glycinin peptides with poli-glutamine residues and the highest AMI inhibition. F2 and F3 showed the highest DPPIV inhibitory activity while F4 showed higher potency to inhibit both sucrase and maltase inhibitory activities of GLU. [Conclusion]: Germinated soybean protein showed a promising potential to be used as nutraceutic or functional ingredient for diabetes prevention.The research leading to these results received funding from Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain) [grant numbers AGL2017-83718-R and AGL2015-66886-R].Peer Reviewe

    Chemical characterisation of the industrial residues of the pineapple (ananas comosus)

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    "In Mexico pineapple processing produces industrial residues with a high concentration of dietary fibre. The aim of this study was to quantify the constituents of the fibrous residues from the industrial processing of pineapples which exhibited low concentrations of lignin"

    Peptides derived from in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of germinated soybean proteins inhibit human colon cancer cells proliferation and inflammation

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    The aim was to investigate the potential of germinated soybean proteins as a source of peptides with anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities produced after simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Protein concentrate from germinated soybean was hydrolysed with pepsin/pancreatin and fractionated by ultrafiltration. Whole digest and fractions >10, 5-10 and <5 kDa caused cytotoxicity to Caco-2, HT-29, HCT-116 human colon cancer cells, and reduced inflammatory response caused by lipopolysaccharide in macrophages RAW267.4. Antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects were generally higher in 5-10 kDa fractions. This fraction was further purified by semi-preparative chromatography and characterised by HPLC-MS/MS. The most potent fraction was mainly composed of ß-conglycinin and glycinin fragments rich in glutamine. This is the first report on the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects of newly isolated and identified peptides from germinated soybean released during gastrointestinal digestion. These findings highlight the potential of germination as a process to obtain functional foods or nutraceuticals for colon cancer prevention.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain) (grant numbers AGL2013-43247-R and AGL2015-66886-R) and EU (FEDER program). M. G. M. and R. M. E. acknowledge the financial support of SEP-CONACyT project No. 242860 and the Instituto Politecnico Nacional. M. G. M. for the scholarship (CONACyT No. 291062).Peer Reviewe