42 research outputs found

    Sex-related differences in motor learning and performance

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    Gender differences have been shown across many domains, and motor skills are no exception. One of the most robust findings is a significant sex difference in throwing accuracy, which reflects the advantage of men in targeting abilities. However, little is known about the basis of this difference. To try to dissect possible mechanisms involved in this difference, here we tested for gender variations in a prism adaptation throwing task. We tested 154 subjects in a visuomotor prism adaptation task that discriminates between motor performance, visuomotor adaptation and negative aftereffects. Our results corroborate men's significant better throwing accuracy, although there were no adaptation differences between genders. In contrast, women showed significant larger negative aftereffects, which could be explained by a larger contribution of spatial alignment. These results suggest that different learning mechanisms, like strategic calibration and spatial alignment, may have different contributions in men and women


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    Sin duda las infecciones de genitales representan en todo el mundo un alto índice de consulta en lamayoría de las instituciones que prestan los servicios de salud. Estas infecciones pueden sercausadas por diversas entidades, desde bacterias aerobias y anaerobias, hongos, virus yparásitos, algunos de estos pueden o no ser transmitidos sexualmente. Se determino laprevalencia de vaginosis bacteriana en mujeres en edad fértil de 15 a 45 años en pacientes queacuden a la Clínica Universitaria. de Pueblo Nuevo (PROUNISEV) en Apodaca, Nuevo LeónMéxico. Las muestras fueron obtenidas de 118 pacientes femeninas que acudieron aldepartamento de planificación familiar de la Clínica Universitaria. Se estudiaron el promedio deedad fue de 28 años, con un rango de 16 a 44. El diagnóstico de vaginosis bacteriana seestableció en el 33.8% (40/118) de las mujeres en estudio. La candidiasis vaginal se observó en el9.3% (11/118), mientras que en el 2.5% (3/118) se descubrieron trichomonas. El 60% (24/40) delas mujeres con vaginosis bacteriana, manifestó notar un incremento del flujo vaginal o de su olordesagradable. De las 118 mujeres, 14 (11.8%) tienen mas de una pareja sexual, de estas el 78%(11/14) presentaron vaginosis bacteriana. La secreción vaginal en las mujeres con vaginosisbacteriana, el 65% (26/40) presentaron un flujo color gris, un 20% (8/40) de color blanco, en un10% (4/40) flujo verdoso y de color amarillo en el 5% (2/40).El olor desagradable de la secreción enmujeres se presentó en el 87.5% (35/40). Las células "guía" o "clave" se observaron en 31 (77.5%)de las pacientes. El pH vaginal mayor de 4.5 se detectó en 37 (92.5%) de las mujeres convaginosis.Palabras clave: Vaginosis bacteriana, prevalencia, edad fértil  Bacterial vaginosis, prevalence, fertile wome

    The four serotypes of dengue recognize the same putative receptors in Aedes aegypti midgut and Ae. albopictus cells

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue viruses (DENV) attach to the host cell surface and subsequently enter the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Several primary and low affinity co-receptors for this flavivirus have been identified. However, the presence of these binding molecules on the cell surface does not necessarily render the cell susceptible to infection. Determination of which of them serve as bona fide receptors for this virus in the vector may be relevant to treating DENV infection and in designing control strategies. RESULTS: (1) Overlay protein binding assay showed two proteins with molecular masses of 80 and 67 kDa (R80 and R67). (2) Specific antibodies against these two proteins inhibited cell binding and infection. (3) Both proteins were bound by all four serotypes of dengue virus. (4) R80 and R67 were purified by affinity chromatography from Ae. aegypti mosquito midguts and from Ae albopictus C6/36 cells. (5) In addition, a protein with molecular mass of 57 kDa was purified by affinity chromatography from the midgut extracts. (6) R80 and R67 from radiolabeled surface membrane proteins of C6/36 cells were immunoprecipitated by antibodies against Ae. aegypti midgut. CONCLUSION: Our results strongly suggest that R67 and R80 are receptors for the four serotypes of dengue virus in the midgut cells of Ae. aegypti and in C6/36 Ae. albopictus cells

    Autopercepción de una dieta correcta y realización de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios

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    This article aims to identify the self-perception of the coverage of correct diet characteristics in college students and the performance of physical activity in them. A cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical and observational study was carried out with 300 students from different semesters of the school year; A survey designed from validated instruments with items on eating habits and physical activity practice was applied, it was sent virtually to the students. It was found that 39% of the students do physical activity for 1-3 days, 36% for 3-5 days, 10% do it every day and 15% do not do physical activity outside of class; Regarding diet, 50% consider that their diet is adequate, 49% that it is complete, another 45% consider it balanced, 66% comply with the safety law, 58% of the students assume that their diet is sufficient and finally the 73% consider it varied. Concluding that the correct diet is covered by just over half of the student population and physical activity practices are part of their lifestyle, even with the many academic and extra-class activities in college life.Este artículo tiene por objetivo identificar la autopercepción del cubrimiento de características de dieta correcta en estudiantes universitarios y la realización de actividad física en los mismos. Se realizó un trabajo de tipo transversal, descriptivo, analítico y observacional con 300 alumnos y alumnas de distintos semestres del ciclo escolar; se aplicó una encuesta diseñada a partir de instrumentos validados con ítems sobre hábitos alimentarios y práctica de actividad física, se envió de forma virtual al alumnado. Se encontró que el 39% de los estudiantes realizan actividad física de 1-3 días, el 36% de 3-5 días, el 10% la realiza todos los días y un 15% no realiza actividad física fuera de clases; respecto a dieta, el 50% considera que su alimentación es adecuada, 49% que es completa, otro 45% la consideran equilibrada, el 66% cumple con ley de inocuidad, 58% de los estudiantes asumen que su alimentación es suficiente y finalmente el 73% la consideran variada. Concluyendo que la dieta correcta es cubierta por poco más de la mitad de la población estudiantil y las prácticas de actividad física son parte de su estilo de vida, aún con las múltiples actividades académicas y extra aula en la vida universitaria

    The rs12617336 and rs17574 Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Polymorphisms Are Associated With Hypoalphalipoproteinemia and Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Serum Levels: A Case-Control Study of the Genetics of Atherosclerotic Disease (GEA) Cohort

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) can influence lipid homeostasis and atherosclerosis progression. We aimed to assess the association of DPP4 gene polymorphisms with hypoalphalipoproteinemia and DPP4 serum levels, in a cohort of Mexican individuals. Five DPP4 polymorphisms (rs12617336, rs12617656, rs1558957, and rs3788979, and rs17574) were genotyped in 748 participants with and 745 without hypoalphalipoproteinemia. The associations were evaluated using logistic regression analyses. Under inheritance models adjusted for confounding variables, the rs12617336 (OR = 0.22, Pheterozygote = 0.001) and rs17574 (OR = 0.78, Padditive = 0.022; OR = 0.73, Pdominant = 0.012; OR = 0.73, Pheterozygote = 0.017; OR = 0.72, Pcodominant1 = 0.014) minor alleles were associated with a low risk of hypoalphalipoproteinemia. After the correction for multiple comparisons, the associations were marginal except the association of the rs12617336 that remaining significant. Additionally, both DPP4 minor alleles were associated with protection for the presence of insulin resistance (IR) (OR = 0.17, Pheterozygote = 0.019 for rs12617336 and OR = 0.75, Padditive = 0.049 for rs17574). The rs12617336 minor allele was also associated with a low risk of hyperinsulinemia (OR = 0.11, Pheterozygote = 0.006). Differences in DPP4 levels were observed in individuals with rs17574 genotypes, the rs17574 GG genotype individuals had the lowest levels. Our data suggest that rs12617336 and rs17574 DPP4 minor alleles could be envisaged as protective genetic markers for hypoalphalipoproteinemia, IR, and hyperinsulinemia. The rs17574 GG genotype was associated with the lowest DPP4 levels

    Motor Decline in Clinically Presymptomatic Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 Gene Carriers

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    BACKGROUND: Motor deficits are a critical component of the clinical characteristics of patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. However, there is no current information on the preclinical manifestation of those motor deficits in presymptomatic gene carriers. To further understand and characterize the onset of the clinical manifestation in this disease, we tested presymptomatic spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 gene carriers, and volunteers, in a task that evaluates their motor performance and their motor learning capabilities. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 28 presymptomatic spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 gene carriers and an equal number of control volunteers matched for age and gender participated in the study. Both groups were tested in a prism adaptation task known to be sensible to both motor performance and visuomotor learning deficits. Our results clearly show that although motor learning capabilities are intact, motor performance deficits are present even years before the clinical manifestation of the disease start. CONCLUSIONS: The results show a clear deficit in motor performance that can be detected years before the clinical onset of the disease. This motor performance deficit appears before any motor learning or clinical manifestations of the disease. These observations identify the performance coefficient as an objective and quantitative physiological biomarker that could be useful to assess the efficiency of different therapeutic agents

    Interleukin 6 (rs1800795) gene polymorphism is associated with cardiovascular diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are group of complex and multifactorial pathologies, in which interleukin-6 (IL- 6) gene polymorphisms have been associated with several components of the CVD. Thus, in this study, we thoroughly reviewed and meta-analyzed evidence on the association between the IL-6 (rs1800795) gene polymorphism and CVD. We systematically searched in the PubMed, Web of Sciences, and Scopus databases. The analyses were performed using five study groups based on (1) a combined pool of the overall populations, (2) the country of birth, (3) the continent of birth, (4) the diagnosis and (5) both location (country or continent) and diagnosis. The analysis included the allelic, homozygote, heterozygote, dominant and recessive models. The meta-analysisshowed that -174G>C (rs1800795) is a risk factor for CVD (allelic: OR=1.06, CI 95%=1.02-1.10. Z p value C (rs1800795) polymorphism have an increase in the risk of coronary artery disease under the hereditary models assessed in the study. Using robust data, we found that IL-6 (rs1800795) -174G>C gene polymorphism is associated with CVD risk

    Connections : safe spaces for women and youth in Latin America and The Caribbean

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    RESUMEN: Este libro se puede leer en muchos niveles. Uno de ellos puede no ser muy obvio para aquellos que están acostumbrados a leer sobre violencia e inseguridad en América Latina. Es el nivel que le da a este libro un estatus de originalidad y una contribución que va más allá de la región: el ser una forma de conocimiento destinada no solo a interpretar el mundo, sino a cambiarlo […], visibiliza la importancia de un proceso de investigación ajustado al tipo de conocimiento que produce. Aquí se conectan el proceso y el resultado, lo que debería propiciar un debate más amplio con respecto a cómo y qué sabemos de la naturaleza de la violencia y la agencia social para reducirla […]. Esta visión es particularmente relevante en contextos donde el Estado reproduce la violencia, con terribles impactos, en especial en periferias excluidas. […] El proceso de investigación abordado en este libro transgredió muchas fronteras. Hubo fronteras entre países, barreras lingüísticas, fronteras en torno a la educación, el conocimiento y la experiencia, y entre etnias, géneros y generaciones. […] este proceso reunió a académicos, activistas y líderes comunitarios de cinco países de América Latina y uno del Caribe, incluyendo comunidades indígenas en México y Guatemala […]. La violencia está en el tiempo y en el espacio y se reproduce entre las generaciones en diversos espacios de socialización. Este proceso de investigación que trasciende las fronteras, plantea una discusión que atraviesa los diferentes casos sobre cómo los déficits y las desigualdades materiales, las violencias estatales en nombre de la ‘seguridad’, las especificidades culturales, de género y generacionales de la experiencia y la comprensión de la violencia, así como las diversas formas de criminalidad, se cruzan y se reproducen a través del tiempo y el espacio. Jenny Pearce, investigadora y profesora en el Latin American and Caribbean Centre (LACC) de la London School of Economics and Political ScienceABSTRACT: This book can be read on many levels. One level may not be so obvious to those who are used to reading about violence and insecurity in Latin America. It is the level which gives this book a claim to true originality and a contribution beyond the region. This contribution is to form of scholarship aimed not only to interpret the world but to change it […], this text visibilizes the significance of the research process to the kind of knowledge that is produced. It connects process and outcome, and this should start a wider debate about how as well as what we know about the nature of violence and the social agency to reduce it […]. This is particularly relevant in contexts where the State reproduces violence, with terrible impacts on the margins. The research process discussed in this book transgressed many boundaries. There were intercountry borders, linguistic barriers, boundaries around education, knowledge and experience and between ethnicities, genders and generations. […] the research process brought together scholars and community activists and actors from five Latin American and one Caribbean country. And within Latin America there were indigenous communities in Mexico and Guatemala who participated […]. Violence is located in time and space. It is reproduced inter-generationally through varied socialisation spaces. The boundary crossing research process, raises cross case discussion about how material deficits and inequalities, state violences in the name of ‘security’, cultural, gender and generational specificities of experience and understanding of violence, and varied forms of criminality, intersect and reproduce through time and space. Professor Jenny Pearce. Latin American and Caribbean Centre (LACC), London School of Economics and Political Scienc

    Dislipidemias en pacientes con hipertensión arterial sistémica.

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