24 research outputs found

    Redox-active metal-organic frameworks for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern

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    The pollution due to the presence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) is a major cause for concern because of the serious threat it supposes to human health and ecosystem functions. Many efforts have been geared toward their removal to guarantee safer freshwater. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline hybrid materials with high surface area and flexible rational design, which allows the incorporation of different active sites into a particular framework, thereby emerging as a potentially excellent candidate for water and wastewater treatment. Benefiting from the unique redox-active properties of MOFs, this review surveys literature update on their application for the removal of CECs. The underlaying electron transfer mechanism and strategies for incorporating redox-active sites into MOFs are comprehensively discussed. Different components of MOFs that are redox-active are further highlighted. This study elaborates the application of MOFs for Fenton-type and other advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for removing emerging contaminants. AOPs generate highly reactive strong oxidants like hydroxyl and sulfate radicals that are efficient for degrading emerging pollutants with high mineralization rates. MOFs display semiconductor-like properties. Their photocatalytic use for the removal of dissolved emerging pollutants is detailed in the discussion. This review also provides an overview of the most promising directions for future research

    Membranas electrohiladas de doble acción para tratamiento de agua

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    Número de publicación: 2 663 129 Número de solicitud: 201600852 51 Int. CI.: B01D 61/00 (2006.01) C02F 1/44 (2006.01)Membranas electrohiladas de doble acción para tratamiento de agua. La presente invención consiste en un procedimiento para la fabricación de membranas activas basadas en fibras submicrométricas que combinan una acción antimicrobiana con la capacidad de retención de contaminantes apolares en solución acuosa. Las membranas se producen mediante un procedimiento de electrohilado en disolución acuosa a partir de mezclas de un poliácido y un polialcohol solubles en agua que se estabilizan mediante un procedimiento de curado y se post-funcionalizan mediante la incorporación de dendrímeros con terminación amino mediante un procedimiento de injertado can ayuda de un agente de acoplamiento. La aplicación del material es la producción de membranas o componentes de membranas multicapa para tratamiento de agua con acción antimicrobiana y con capacidad para retener contaminantes apolares.Universidad de Almerí

    The potential use of birds as bioindicators of suspended atmospheric microplastics and artificial fibers

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    Microplastics (MPs) and artificial fibers (AFs) have been detected suspended tens of meters above ground level in the atmosphere, yet empirical data on them remain scarce. This study aimed to investigate the presence of MPs and AFs in the digestive and respiratory systems of two abundant bird species, the Common House Martin (Delichon urbicum) and the Common Swift (Apus apus), within the Community of Madrid, Spain. Given that these birds spend the majority of their lives airborne, engaging in activities such as mating and sleeping during flight, the research sought to assess the potential of using these bird species as bioindicators for suspended atmospheric MPs and AFs. Samples were obtained from necropsies of birds (N = 24) collected primarily between spring and summer from 2021 to 2023. Only individuals that died within the initial 24-hour period and had not been fed were selected for examination to avoid contamination. MPs and AFS were identified by micro-FTIR, characterized and quantified. Results revealed that 75 % of the sampled birds exhibited at least one MPs in their respiratory and/or digestive system. All identified MPs were fibers, with polyester (PES) being the most predominant (48 %), followed by acrylic fibers (ACR; 28 %), and polyethylene (PE; 18 %). The average concentrations in the respiratory system were 1.12 ± 0.45 MPs/specimen and 2.78 ± 1.04 AFs/specimen for Common Swift and 0.75 ± 0.30 MPs/specimen and 0.75 ± 0.36 AFs/specimen for House Martin. In the digestive system, these were 1.92 ± 0.72 MPs/specimen and 3.42 ± 0.69 AFs/specimen for Common Swift, and 1.34 ± 0.50 MPs/specimen and 1.39 ± 0.47 AFs/specimen for House Martin. Birds collected areas with high population density located in the direction of the prevailing winds showed a concentration of MPs significantly higher in the digestive system. Taken together, these findings confirmed the potential use of these birds as bioindicators for monitoring of suspended atmospheric MPs and AFsPID2020–113769RB-C21/C22, TED2021–131609B-C3

    Microplastics in sediments of artificially recharged lagoons: Case study in a Biosphere Reserve

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    We studied the occurrence of microplastics in sediments of artificially and non-artificially recharged lagoons from the network of endorheic wetlands called ?La Mancha Húmeda?, declared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. The particles sampled in this study covered the 25 ?m?5 mm range. Films were the dominant microplastic typol-ogy in non-artificially recharged lagoons, while fibres and fragments were more abundant in those receiving wastewater. The concentration of microplastics in sediments reached up to 24.4 ± 5.2 microplastics/g, while plastic litter counts yielded b1 particle/g in non-wastewater receiving lagoons. Eleven types of plastic were iden- tified using Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (micro-FTIR), the most abundant being the polyole-fins polyethylene and polypropylene, and polyester and acrylic fibres. The statistical analysis of FTIR spectra confirmed the similarity between samples taken from recharged lagoons and wastewater treatment plant effluents. Overall, our results showed that endorheic lagoons are very sensitive to the accumulation of persistent pol- lutants, which include microplastics. The recharge of lagoons with wastewater effluents to maintain water levels, even if correctly treated according to current standards, is not a sustainable practice. Due to the closed character of endorheic basins, the continuous input of wastewater led to the accumulation of microplastics in sediments of wastewater receiving lagoons up to 40 times over non-recharged lagoons

    Antibacterial Activity of Two Zn-MOFs Containing a Tricarboxylate Linker

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) can be used as reservoirs of metal ions with relevant antibacterial effects. Here, two novel Zn-based MOFs with the formulas [Zn(μ-O)(μ-FA)L] (GR-MOF-8) and [Zn(μ-O)L(HO)] (GR-MOF-9) (HL: 5-((4-carboxyphenyl)ethynyl) in isophthalic acid and FA (formate anion) were solvothermally synthetized and fully characterized. The antibacterial activity of GR-MOF-8 and 9 was investigated against Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and Escherichia Coli (EC) by the agar diffusion method. Both bacteria are among the most relevant human and animal pathogens, causing a wide variety of infections, and are often related with the development of antimicrobial resistances. While both Zn-based materials exhibited antibacterial activity against both strains, GR-MOF-8 showed the highest inhibitory action, likely due to a more progressive Zn release under the tested experimental conditions. This is particularly evidenced in the inhibition of SA, with an increasing effect of GR-MOF-8 with time, which is of great significance to ensure the disappearance of the microorganism.GR-MOF preparation was co-funded by the M-ERA-NET C-MOF.cell project (PCI2020-111998 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR); MOFSEIDON project (PID2019-104228RB-100, MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE); MagChirop project PGC2018-102052-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; B-FQM-734-UGR20, B-FQM-478-UGR20 and FQM-394 funded from Junta de Andalucía; the Multifunctional Metallodrugs in Diagnosis and Therapy Network (MICIU, RED2018-102471-T); VIRMOF-CM project associated with R&D projects in response to COVID-19 from “Comunidad de Madrid” and European Regional Development Fund-FEDER 2014-2020-OE REACT-UE 1; and Margarita Salas contract 401 funded by Ministerio de Universidades and Next Generation. TH and PH acknowledge the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement and the Talento Mod. 2 fellowship from Madrid Community (2018-T2/IND-11407). SR and PH thank the Regional Madrid fellowship funding Talento 2017 Modality 2, 2017-T2/IND-5149. SR and ARD acknowledge the Juan de la Cierva Incorporation grant JC2019-038894-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Occurrence and identification of microplastics along a beach in the Biosphere Reserve of Lanzarote

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    This work studied the accumulation of plastic debris in a remote beach located in La Graciosa island (Chinijo archipelago, Canary Islands). Microplastics were sampled in the 1&#-5&;8239#mm mesh opening range. An average plastic density of 36.3 g/m2 was obtained with a large variability along the 90 m of the beach (from 8.5 g/m2 to 103.4 g/m2). Microplastic particles preferentially accumulated in the part of the beach protected by rocks. A total number of 9149 plastic particles were collected, recorded and measured, 87% of which corresponded to fragments. Clear colours and microscopic evidence of weathering corresponded to aged plastics wind-driven by the surface Canary Current. The chemical composition of plastics particles corresponded to PE (63%), PP (32%) and PS (3%). Higher PE/PP ratios were recorded in the more protected parts of the beach, suggesting preferential accumulation of more aged fragments

    Occurrence and identification of microplastics along a beach in the Biosphere Reserve of Lanzarote

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    This work studied the accumulation of plastic debris in a remote beach located in La Graciosa island (Chinijo archipelago, Canary Islands). Microplastics were sampled in the 1–5 mm mesh opening range. An average plastic density of 36.3 g/m2 was obtained with a large variability along the 90 m of the beach (from 8.5 g/m2 to 103.4 g/m2). Microplastic particles preferentially accumulated in the part of the beach protected by rocks. A total number of 9149 plastic particles were collected, recorded and measured, 87% of which corresponded to fragments. Clear colours and microscopic evidence of weathering corresponded to aged plastics wind-driven by the surface Canary Current. The chemical composition of plastics particles corresponded to PE (63%), PP (32%) and PS (3%). Higher PE/PP ratios were recorded in the more protected parts of the beach, suggesting preferential accumulation of more aged fragment

    EnviroPlaNet Project: A systematic monitoring of atmospheric deposition of microplastics in Spain

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    SETAC EUROPE 33RD ANNUAL MEETING 30 APRIL-4 MAY 2023 | DUBLIN, IRELANDPlastic pollution is a global concern. The world's production continues to increase yearly, reaching more than 367 million tons in 2020 [1]. Part of these plastics are directly manufactured as microplastics (MPs) while another fraction becomes MPs as a result of the degradation processes of larger plastics into microsized particles. In this context, MPs have already been found in the hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and, recently, atmosphere. However, the presence of MPs in the atmosphere has been poorly studied. The objective of this work was the systematic monitoring of the deposition of MPs in areas of Spain with different characteristics (population, economic activities, and climate) using a common method for sampling, quantification, and identification during the four seasons of a one-year sampling campaign with the purpose of clarifying the role of the atmosphere in the fate and dispersion of MPs. This was possible thanks to the collaboration of several Spanish research groups in the project Thematic Network of Micro- and Nanoplastics in the EnvironmentPeer reviewe

    A nationwide monitoring of atmospheric microplastic deposition

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    8 Pág.Plastic production continues to increase every year, yet it is widely acknowledged that a significant portion of this material ends up in ecosystems as microplastics (MPs). Among all the environmental compartments affected by MPs, the atmosphere remains the least well-known. Here, we conducted a one-year simultaneous monitoring of atmospheric MPs deposition in ten urban areas, each with different population sizes, economic activities, and climates. The objective was to assess the role of the atmosphere in the fate of MPs by conducting a nationwide quantification of atmospheric MP deposition. To achieve this, we deployed collectors in ten different urban areas across continental Spain and the Canary Islands. We implemented a systematic sampling methodology with rigorous quality control/quality assurance, along with particle-oriented identification and quantification of anthropogenic particle deposition, which included MPs and industrially processed natural fibres. Among the sampled MPs, polyester fibres were the most abundant, followed by acrylic polymers, polypropylene, and alkyd resins. Their equivalent sizes ranged from 22 μm to 398 μm, with a median value of 71 μm. The particle size distribution of MPs showed fewer large particles than expected from a three-dimensional fractal fragmentation pattern, which was attributed to the higher mobility of small particles, especially fibres. The atmospheric deposition rate of MPs ranged from 5.6 to 78.6 MPs m-2 day-1, with the higher values observed in densely populated areas such as Barcelona and Madrid. Additionally, we detected natural polymers, mostly cellulosic fibres with evidence of industrial processing, with a deposition rate ranging from 6.4 to 58.6 particles m-2 day-1. There was a positive correlation was found between the population of the study area and the median of atmospheric MP deposition, supporting the hypothesis that urban areas act as sources of atmospheric MPs. Our study presents a systematic methodology for monitoring atmospheric MP deposition.The authors acknowledge the support provided by Spanish Network of Plastics in the Environment, EnviroPlaNet (www.enviroplanet.net) and the financial support provided by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, grants PID2020-113769RB-C21/C22. The authors would like to thank the Interdepartmental Investigation Research Service of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SIDI-UAM and Segainvex) for the use of their infrastructures and their technical support. J.G.S. thanks ACIISI for the contract from the Viera y Clavijo program at the University of La Laguna (85 % co-financed by the European Social Fund).Peer reviewe