547 research outputs found

    Germination behaviour of four mediterranean Cistus L. species in relation to high temperature

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    Cistus is one of the most characteristic genera of the Mediterranean flora. These species, natives of lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, are present in scrubland and garigue on siliceous ground and often on acid soil; seven species in particular are founded in Sicily. The adaptation of the genus to Mediterranean environments is evident from ecological characteristics such as fire-dependent seed germination; the heat generated by fire is in fact a key germination input.In this view, two experiments were performed to study the effects of high temperature on germination of four Cistus species (C. creticus L., C. crispus L., C. monspeliensis L., C. salviifolius L.). In the first, in relation to untreated control, 7 different high temperature pre-treatments (from 70°C to 130°C) for different timings (from 1 to 10 minutes) were analysed in relation to two sowing strategies (soon after the seed collection and after a 6 month period at 5°C to simulate the winter season effects). The pre-treatment with high temperatures can improve the germination; the storage at 5°C to simulate the winter season effects did not modify the germination process. In any case the results showed a species-dependent response. High germination percentage was obtained for C. creticus, while a lower germination rate was achieved by C. crispus and C. monspeliensis.In the second experiment, seeds were treated for different periods (80°C for 10 min, 90°C for 5 min and 100°C for 1 min) with high temperature in dry and wet (immersion in distilled water) conditions. Also in this case the responses were strictly linked to the species. Especially C. crispus and C. monspeliensis showed high germination percentage in wet conditions. In all species the wet heat treatments determined an accelerating of process like demonstrated by lower T50 values

    Creando un Panorama de Ciudad Post-pandemia

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    Based on situations that have arisen in the world, such as pandemics, which are certainly not new to human history; It is a key point within all this is how the cities are after the problem situation ends, but more than treating the city as a built environment, it falls more to the civilizations that inhabit them. But now it is also present in this order of ideas how cities start to be designed, or how their adaptation process is to be more prepared in the face of such a lethal new threat.A partir de situaciones que se han presentado en el mundo, como lo son las pandemias, que por cierto no son nada nuevo para la historia de la humanidad; es un punto clave dentro de todo esto es el cómo quedan las ciudades luego de que se pone fin a la situación problema, pero más que tratarse de la ciudad como entrono construido, cae más a las civilizaciones que en ellas habitan. Pero ahora bien también está presente en este orden de ideas cómo se empiezan a diseñar las urbes, o cómo es su proceso de adaptación para estar más preparadas ante una nueva amenaza tan letal

    Disease and economic burden of hospitalizations attributable to diabetes mellitus and its complications : a nationwide study in Brazil

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    Diabetes is associated with a significant burden globally. The costs of diabetes-related hospitalizations are unknown in most developing countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the total number and economic burden of hospitalizations attributable to diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications in adults from the perspective of the Brazilian Public Health System in 2014. Data sources included the National Health Survey (NHS) and National database of Hospitalizations (SIH). We considered diabetes, its microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular complications (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease), respiratory and urinary tract infections, as well as selected cancers. Assuming that DM patients are hospitalized for these conditions more frequently that non-DM individuals, we estimated the etiological fraction of each condition related to DM, using the attributable risk methodology. We present number, average cost per case, and overall costs of hospitalizations attributable to DM in Brazil in 2014, stratified by condition, state of the country, gender and age group. In 2014, a total of 313,273 hospitalizations due to diabetes in adults were reported in Brazil (4.6% of total adult hospitalization), totaling (international dollar) Int264.9million.TheaveragecostofanadulthospitalizationduetodiabeteswasInt264.9 million. The average cost of an adult hospitalization due to diabetes was Int845, 19% higher than hospitalization without DM. Hospitalizations due to cardiovascular diseases related to diabetes accounted for the higher proportion of costs (47.9%), followed by microvascular complications (25.4%) and DM per se (18.1%). Understanding the costs of diabetes and its major complications is crucial to raise awareness and to support the decision-making process on policy implementation, also allowing the assessment of prevention and control strategies

    Economic burden of diabetes in Brazil in 2014

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    Background : Diabetes and its complications produce significant clinical, economic and social impact. The knowledge of the costs of diabetes generates subsidies to maintain the financial sustainability of public health and social security systems, guiding research and health care priorities. Aims: The aim of this study was to estimate the economic burden of diabetes in Brazilian adults in 2014, considering the perspectives of the public health care system and the society. Methods: A prevalence-based approach was used to estimate the annual health resource utilization and costs attributable to diabetes and related conditions. The healthcare system perspective considered direct medical costs related to outpatient and hospitalization costs. The societal perspective considered non-medical (transportation and dietary products) and indirect costs (productivity loss, disability, and premature retirement). Outpatient costs included medicines, health professional visits, exams, home glucose monitoring, ophthalmic procedures, and costs related to end stage renal disease. The costs of hospitalization attributed to diabetes related conditions were estimated using attributable risk methodology. Costs were estimated in Brazilian currency, and then converted to international dollars (2014). Results: Based on a national self-reported prevalence of 6.2%, the total cost of diabetes in 2014 was Int15.67billion,includingInt 15.67 billion, including Int 6.89 billion in direct medical costs (44%), Int3.69billioninnonmedicalcosts(23.6 3.69 billion in non-medical costs (23.6%) and Int 5.07 billion in indirect costs (32.4%). Outpatient costs summed Int6.62billionandthecostsof314,334hospitalizationsattributedtodiabetesandrelatedconditionswasInt 6.62 billion and the costs of 314,334 hospitalizations attributed to diabetes and related conditions was Int 264.9 million. Most hospitalizations were due to cardiovascular diseases (47.9%), followed by diabetes itself (18%), and renal diseases (13.6%). Diet and transportation costs were estimated at Int3.2billionandInt 3.2 billion and Int 462.3 million, respectively. Conclusions: Our results showed a substantial economic burden of diabetes in Brazil, and most likely are underrated as they are based on an underestimated prevalence of diabetes. Healthcare policies aiming at diabetes prevention and control are urgently sought

    To live with an implantable cardioverter defribrillator: A qualitative study on patients'experiences

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    Objetivo principal: Conocer la experiencia de los pacientes portadores de Desfibrilador Automático Implantable (DAI) de la Unidad de Electrofisiología y Arritmias del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a 11 personas con DAI implantado. Se realizó un análisis de contenido teniendo en cuenta el objetivo de la investigación, las categorías de análisis creadas y las emergentes. Resultados principales: Los temas identificados fueron: la experiencia de vivir con un DAI, las descargas, las estrategias de adaptación, los cambios físicos, emocionales y en el estilo de vida, la vida sexual y la prohibición de conducir. Conclusión principal: Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes aceptan el dispositivo identificando las variables que influyen en la adaptación, existen limitaciones derivadas de cambios físicos, emocionales y en el estilo de vida. Los profesionales sanitarios han de valorar potenciales dificultades de adaptación o alteraciones psicológicas con el fin de facilitar las intervenciones necesarias.Objective: To know the experiences of patients with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator in the Electrophysiology and Arrhytmia Unit (“Virgen del Rocio” University Hospital Seville). Methods: A qualitative study by using semi-structured interviews with 11 people with ICDs. A content analysis considering research objectives, analytical categories, and those possibly emerging was carried out. Results: The identified issues were: the experience of living with an ICD, discharges, adaptation strategies, physical and emotional changes, as well as those affecting lifestyles, sex life, and driving ban. Conclusions: Although most of patients accept the device,identifying the variables affecting their adaptation, there are still some limitations resulting from physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. Health professionals should assess potential adaptation difficulties or psychological disorders in order to provide necessary interventions

    Nuevas investigaciones sobre los yacimiento paleolíticos de la Sierra Norte de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Durante los últimos años se han retomado las investigaciones en la Sierra Norte de la Comunidad de Madrid. Dichas actuaciones partieron de una iniciativa de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Histórico de la CAM que tuvo como primer objetivo evaluar el potencial arqueológico pleistoceno de la orla caliza de la Sierra Norte a través de una campaña de prospecciones. Aquel primer trabajo dejó clara la importancia de la zona E de la orla, destacando el Cerro de la Dehesa de la Oliva (Patones) y el barranco del Arroyo del Monte (El Vellón). La línea de trabajo emprendida, con posterioridad, se ha centrado en el estudio específico de dos enclaves, dado el amplio potencial que presentaban: la Cueva del Reguerillo y el Abrigo del Monte. Por un lado, en la Cueva de El Reguerillo se ha realizado una estrategia de protección, documentación y evaluación de sus bienes a través de diversos trabajos como la prospección de arte rupestre y los sondeos arqueológicos en las diferentes entradas. Por otro, en el Abrigo del Monte se efectuó un sondeo arqueológico que ha dejado clara la importancia de este yacimiento para el Paleolítico Superior final del centro de la Península Ibérica


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    Introdução: A avaliação por eco-Doppler mostrou a grande veia safena como uma veia interfascial e não superficial. O Eco-Doppler mostrou também veias varicosas com junção safeno femoral competente, bem como veias varicosas que envolvem somente veias colaterais ou veias colaterais mais segmentos da grande veia safena. Consequentemente foram definidos dois padrões principais de refluxo venoso: o refluxo axial com envolvimento contínuo da grande veia safena, desde a junção safenofemoral ao maléolo e o refluxo segmentar com envolvimento de segmentos da grande veia safena e/ou veias colaterais, mas sem continuidade entre si. O padrão de refluxo segmentar divide-se em 3 subtipos: no subtipo 1 estão apenas envolvidos ramos superficiais, no subtipo 2 estão envolvidos ramos superficiais mais segmentos da grande veia safena e no subtipo 3 verifica-se refluxo ao nível da junção safenofemoral e de veias colaterais da coxa.Objetivo: Podemos preservar a grande veia safena tratando veias varicosas com um padrão de refluxo segmentar?Metodologia: Foram operados 54 doentes com padrão de refluxo segmentar com preservação da grande veia safena. O seguimento clínico considerou o alívio sintomático e cosmético e a não recorrência de varizes, avaliando a cirurgia como satisfatória. O seguimento por Eco-Doppler classificou o refluxo em: ausência de refluxo, persistência de refluxo ou progressão de refluxo. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 12,1 meses.Resultados. Resultados clínicos: 98.5% avaliou a cirurgia como satisfatória. Resultados do Eco-Doppler: 58% com ausência de refluxo, 42% com persistência de refluxo e 1 caso com progressão do refluxo.Conclusão: Os resultados do nosso estudo, clínicos e avaliação por Eco-Doppler, sustentam a preservação da grande veia safena.A resposta à nossa questão se podemos preservar a grande veia safena é um sim terminante.Os nossos achados sustentam também o conceito de que as veias varicosas são um processo local e multifocal com início em qualquer segmento de veia e não um processo descendente com início na junção safenofemoral. Os ramos varicosos superficiais aparentam ter um papel principal neste processo e não o tronco da veia safena, como considerado previamente


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    Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) can be defined as a unit of professional practice that can be entrusted to a trainee after they have obtained adequate competency. EPAs integrate multiple competencies from several domains and are very useful in designing competency-based curricula. Using EPAs to design medical curricula has been widely described, but their application to curriculum design of other health-related undergraduate programs is scarce. This manuscript critically assesses an educational planning experience of using EPAs to simultaneously design three healthcare undergraduate programs (nursing, biomedicine and psychology) at Faculdade Santa Casa BH, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We present the EPAs for each program, curricula frameworks, educational strategies, and assessment methods. Expert groups of professors and educational specialists defined the core professional activities that would be directly assessed and entrusted to trainees from the three different programs. The expert group then defined the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each EPA and selected the appropriate assessment tools to be used in entrustment decisions. The expected entrustment level for each training phase guided the course’s distribution of core and elective courses. The experience of designing a curriculum using EPAs was successful and helped focus on the core activities of each profession. It also provided an opportunity to reflect upon formative and summative assessments throughout the course bringing the challenge of reorienting our teaching practices and assessment approaches. Designing undergraduate curricula of health-related professions using EPAs is feasible and might help operationalize competency-based curricula.  Article visualizations

    Modelling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on Covid-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil

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    This study was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [grant number 402834/2020-8]. MEB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq [grant number 315854/2020-0]. LSF received a master's scholarship from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) [finance code 001]. SP was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [grant number 2018/24037-4]. AMB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq [grant number 402834/2020-8]. CF was supported by FAPESP [grant numbers 2019/26310-2 and 2017/26770-8]. MQMR received a postdoctoral scholarship from CAPES [grant number 305269/2020-8]. LMS received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq [grant number 315866/2020-9]. RSK has been supported by CNPq [grant number 312378/2019-0]. PIP has been supported by CNPq [grant number 313055/2020-3]. JAFD-F has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institutes for Science and Technology in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation (INCT-EEC), supported by MCTIC/CNPq [grant number 465610/2014-5] and Goiás Research Foundation (FAPEG) [grant number 201810267000023]. RAK has been supported by CNPq [grant number 311832/2017-2] and FAPESP [grant number 2016/01343-7]. CMT has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institute for Health Technology Assessment (IATS) [grant number 465518/2014-1].Peer reviewedPublisher PD