19,097 research outputs found

    Telomere protein complexes and their role in lymphoid malignancies

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    Telomeres are highly regulated and dynamic complexes that protect the genomic DNA and prevent the end of linear chromosomes from being misrecognized as a broken DNA. Due to the end replication problem, telomeres of somatic cells shorten with each cell division, inducing cell senescence. Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase capable of compensating telomere attrition by adding telomere repeats to the ends of chromosomes. Human telomeres are associated with the shelterin complex which consists of six telomere-associated proteins that specifically bind to telomeric DNA. Alterations or removal of individual shelterin components would lead to telomere uncapping and telomere dysfunction, resulting in cellular senescence and transformation to a malignant state. Another complex of multifunctional proteins, named non-shelterin complex, is thought to prevent telomere degradation and facilitate telomerase-based telomere elongation. As telomerase is highly expressed in most human tumor cells, it is considered an attractive target for new therapeutic strategies. In this review, we will summarize the characteristics of telomeres and telomerase in lymphoid malignancies and discuss the role of telomere-associated proteins in these entities.Fil: Panero, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Dos Santos, Patricia Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; Argentina. Laboratorio de Genética de Neoplasias Linfoides; ArgentinaFil: Slavutsky, Irma Rosa. Laboratorio de Genética de Neoplasias Linfoides; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; Argentin

    Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America's Children

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    Examines the immediate and long-term impact of worksite immigration raids on children with undocumented parents at three sites, including on their care, housing, economic hardship, and mental health, as well as community response. Makes recommendations

    Cultural accessible pedestrian ways. The case of Faro historic centre

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    In a historic city the existence of accessible pedestrian routes constitutes an essential feature to a true access to culture heritage, contributing for processes of social inclusion. It is necessary to create accessible pedestrian infrastructures network to hold a set of attributes that guarantee usability for all citizens. The creation and design of an accessible physical environment should be considered as a criterion of urban quality, which will make walking more pleasant not only for the elderly and people with disabilities but, also, for the entire resident population and tourists. In this case study it is ascertainable whether the physical characteristics of pedestrian infrastructures of cultural interest, located in the Historical Centre of Faro (Portugal), comply with the requirements of the National Law of Accessibility. There has, therefore, been created a methodology for evaluating the accessibility of pedestrian infrastructure through the construction of performance indicators. The analysis is achieved through a model of evaluation of the degree of conformity of the spaces, and presented, spatially, with appeal to a Geographical Information System, which is a tool to support the decision taking in the processes of urban rehabilitation, thus contributing to the choice of priority areas of intervention in the field of accessibility. The diagnosis confirms the existence of inaccessible pedestrian infrastructure and concludes the need to trigger processes of urban renovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Las monedas de la ceca compostelana, ¿una clave para la reconstrucción de los ciclos pictóricos medievales de la catedral de Santiago?

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    El estudio, desde una perspectiva artística e iconográfica, de las tres monedas de la ceca compostelana conservadas en el Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago aporta claves imprescindibles para poder reconstruir ciclos iconográficos de la catedral de Santiago en el siglo XII. Las monedas de la ceca de Compostela se postulan como fuente principal para conocer la iconografía más oficial y ligada al cabildo, tal vez como única fuente que todavía podrá ayudarnos a reconstruir los programas decorativos de la basílica compostelana. Dos de las monedas, un dinero y un óbolo o medio dinero, presentan en su anverso un busto del Apóstol que nos permite establecer conexiones con la célebre miniatura presente en el Códice Calixtino, así como con la desaparecida pintura de Santiago del ciborio donado por Diego Gelmírez, efigie que se dibuja como imagen oficial para la iconografía apostólica anterior al Pórtico de la Gloria. Por otro lado, una tercera moneda con la escena de la translatio constituye un elemento central para la comprensión del culto a los santos Teodoro y Atanasio, así como la pista esencial a la hora de desarrollar discursos o hipótesis sobre la posible presencia de ciclos pictóricos relativos a las tradiciones y a las leyendas jacobeas.The artistic and iconographic study of three coins from the Compostela mint preserved in the Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago provides essential clues to reconstruct the 12th-century iconographic cycles of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. The coins of the mint of Compostela are postulated as the primary source to understand the more official iconography connected with the chapter, and perhaps the only source that can still help us to reconstruct the decorative programs of the Basilica of Santiago. Two of the coins, one dinero and a half dinero or óbolo, display a bust of the Apostle Saint James on the obverse that allows us to establish connections with the famous miniature of the apostle in the Codex Calixtinus as well as with the missing paintings of the ciborium donated by Diego Gelmírez, whose portrait of the Saint seems to have been the official apostolic iconography before the construction of the Pórtico da la Gloria. Moreover, a third coin depicting the scene of the translatio is central to understanding the cult of saints Theodore and Athanasius, as well as an essential clue to writings and hypotheses about the possible presence of pictorial cycles relating to the Jacobean traditions and legends

    El paisaje en la pintura flamenca primitiva

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    Estudio de la representación del paisaje en la pintura flamenca, que todavía no utilizaba la observación del natural sino un proceso mas meditativo y simbólico usando la tabla como soporte. Todos estos condicionantes son aplicados en mi propia obra artística.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Bellas Arte

    Coins from the compostela mint : a key to the reconstruction of medieval pictorial cycles of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral?

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    El estudio, desde una perspectiva artística e iconográfica, de las tres monedas de la ceca compostelana conservadas en el Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago aporta claves imprescindibles para poder reconstruir ciclos iconográficos de la catedral de Santiago en el siglo XII. Las monedas de la ceca de Compostela se postulan como fuente principal para conocer la iconografía más oficial y ligada al cabildo, tal vez como única fuente que todavía podrá ayudarnos a reconstruir los programas decorativos de la basílica compostelana. Dos de las monedas, un dinero y un óbolo o medio dinero, presentan en su anverso un busto del Apóstol que nos permite establecer conexiones con la célebre miniatura presente en el Códice Calixtino, así como con la desaparecida pintura de Santiago del ciborio donado por Diego Gelmírez, efigie que se dibuja como imagen oficial para la iconografía apostólica anterior al Pórtico de la Gloria. Por otro lado, una tercera moneda con la escena de la translatio constituye un elemento central para la comprensión del culto a los santos Teodoro y Atanasio, así como la pista esencial a la hora de desarrollar discursos o hipótesis sobre la posible presencia de ciclos pictóricos relativos a las tradiciones y a las leyendas jacobeas.The artistic and iconographic study of three coins from the Compostela mint preserved in the Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago provides essential clues to reconstruct the 12th-century iconographic cycles of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. The coins of the mint of Compostela are postulated as the primary source to understand the more official iconography connected with the chapter, and perhaps the only source that can still help us to reconstruct the decorative programs of the Basilica of Santiago. Two of the coins, one dinero and a half dinero or óbolo, display a bust of the Apostle Saint James on the obverse that allows us to establish connections with the famous miniature of the apostle in the Codex Calixtinus as well as with the missing paintings of the ciborium donated by Diego Gelmírez, whose portrait of the Saint seems to have been the official apostolic iconography before the construction of the Pórtico da la Gloria. Moreover, a third coin depicting the scene of the translatio is central to understanding the cult of saints Theodore and Athanasius, as well as an essential clue to writings and hypotheses about the possible presence of pictorial cycles relating to the Jacobean traditions and legends

    Some numerical verification examples for plane stress elasto-viscoplasticity

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    This paper presents analytical, semi-analytical and numerical reference examples which can be employed for code verification of elasto-viscoplastic models under plane stress conditions. Mainly because of the overstress function the algorithms traditionally employed in elasto-plastic implementations must be rewritten to correctly impose the plane stress state along with the viscoplastic flow. The viscoplastic formulation presented here considers the strain-rate hardening effects by means of a hardening law that are assumed to have terms depending on the strain rate, which removed can represent a Voce type hardening. The proposed verification tests were employed for the numerical verification of an in-house implementation of the so-called stress-projected procedure inside the finite element method context. Although the focus of this paper is on the stressprojected algorithms the examples presented here can be employed for the verification of other algorithms intended to impose the plane stress state in viscoplasticit