8,887 research outputs found

    State of the issue and new challenges of Social Work: reflections of recently graduated professionals from Peru and Spain

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    Currently the primacy of the market economy in most of the nations is constituted as a global phenomenon, which has direct consequences on the structure of the different states socio-political systems. In this framework, the way in which the relations between the market and each nation-state are materialized, including their intervention strategies, generate differential contexts with relevant implications in various areas, including education. These relationships deeply affect the social protection systems and especially the Public System of Social Services, traditionally associated with the most vulnerable and less economically solvent population. The discipline of Social Work is no stranger to this situation, living in recent years convulsive moments both in terms of the construction of own knowledge and in the practice of the profession. Given this situation, it is intended to obtain the discourse that social workers have on aspects as important as the relevance of the training model, the significance given to research, the social imaginary around the discipline or the adequacy of the available resources for the exercise of the profession.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ulrich bundles on ruled surfaces

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    In this short note, we study the existence problem for Ulrich bundles on ruled surfaces, focusing our attention on the smallest possible rank. We show that existence of Ulrich line bundles occurs if and only if the coefficient α\alpha of the minimal section in the numerical class of the polarization equals one. For other polarizations, we prove the existence of rank two Ulrich bundles

    Rank-two vector bundles on non-minimal ruled surfaces

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    We continue previous works by various authors and study the birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable rank-two vector bundles on surfaces with Kodaira dimension -\infty. To this end, we express vector bundles as natural extensions, by using two numerical invariants associated to vector bundles, similar to the invariants defined by Brinzanescu and Stoia in the case of minimal surfaces. We compute explicitly these natural extensions on blowups of general points on a minimal surface. In the case of rational surfaces, we prove that any irreducible component of a moduli space is either rational or stably rational.Comment: to appear in Tran. A.M.

    Cosmological constraints on the neutron lifetime

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    We derive new constraints on the neutron lifetime based on the recent Planck 2015 observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. Under the assumption of standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, we show that Planck data constrains the neutron lifetime to τn=(907±69)[s]\tau_n=(907 \pm 69) \, [\text{s}] at 68%68 \% c.l.. Moreover, by including the direct measurements of primordial Helium abundance of Aver et al. (2015) and Izotov et al. (2014), we show that cosmological data provide the stringent constraints τn=(875±19)[s]\tau_n=(875 \pm 19) \, [\text{s}] and τn=(921±11)[s]\tau_n=(921 \pm 11) \, [\text{s}] respectively. The latter appears to be in tension with neutron lifetime value quoted by the Particle Data Group (τn=(880.3±1.1)[s]\tau_n=(880.3 \pm 1.1) \, [\text{s}]). Future CMB surveys as COrE+, in combination with a weak lensing survey as EUCLID, could constrain the neutron lifetime up to a 6[s]\sim 6 \, [\text{s}] precision.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Matching JCAP accepted versio

    Penetración y permanencia de Escherichia coli y Salmonella en plantas y frutos de tomate (Licopersicum sculentum Mill).

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    Se evaluó la capacidad de E. coli y Salmonella serovar Enteritidis de penetrar, permanecer y moverse en plantas y frutos de tomate.La presencia de bacterias patógenas, como Escherichia coli y Salmonella, afecta la calidad e inocuidad de las hortalizas que se consumen en fresco y se relaciona con graves problemas de salud. El tomate procedente de México es una de las hortalizas que ha presentado alertas sanitarias por la presencia de enteropatógenos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue detectar la presencia de Escherichia coli y Salmonella en cinco localidades del Estado de México, así como evaluar la capacidad de E. coli y Salmonella serovar Enteritidis de penetrar, permanecer y moverse en plantas y frutos de tomate. El estudio comprendió dos etapas (E): EI. Para detectar la presencia de enteropatógenos se determinó la calidad microbiológica de frutos de tomate producidos bajo condiciones de invernaderos en cinco Municipios del Estado de México. Se realizó un análisis microbiológico de muestras de agua de riego, suelo y de 100 frutos de tomate de la variedad Cid para determinar Mesófilos Aerobios, Coliformes Totales y Coliformes Fecales. Se utilizo la metodología establecida por las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas y se compararon los recuentos con los límites máximos permisibles. E II. Para evaluar la capacidad de E. coli y Salmonella serovar Enteritidis de penetrar, permanecer y moverse en plantas y frutos de tomate, se siguió un diseño experimental completamente al azar, para lo cual se estableció un cultivo de tomate (variedad “Cid”) en condiciones de invernadero y se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos, T1 (E. coli O157:H7), T2 (EcT O157:H16), T3 (EcH O105ab), T4 (Salmonella Enteritidis) y el grupo testigo. Los tratamientos costaron con 100 plantas cada uno y cuatro formas de inoculación: en el sustrato, en el tallo, en el pecíolo y en el pedúnculo. Se realizaron muestreos en etapa vegetativa, floración, fructificación y madurez fisiológica para cuantificar en placa las xii UFC/g y así identificar la movilidad en los órganos de la planta separados al punto de inoculación. Los resultados de la EI en agua para Coliformes Totales y Fecales se encontraron dentro de los parámetros permitidos por la norma NOM-127-SSA1-1999. El análisis realizado en suelo demostró la ausencia de estos microorganismos. Para los frutos, el nivel de microorganismos de Mesófilos Aerobios se encontró dentro de los límites máximos permitidos por la norma NOM- 093-SSA1-1994. Para Coliformes Fecales, los municipios de Coatepec Harinas y Texcaltitlán sobrepasaron el límite permitido por la misma norma. En la EII a los 120 días, la recuperación de bacterias en la planta fue del 23 % (E. coli O157:H7), 28 % (EcT O157:H16), 55 % (EcH O105ab) y 35 % (Salmonella Enteritidis) con la inoculación al sustrato, mientras que con la inoculación por punción, la recuperación fue (en igual orden) del 5 %, 3 % , 4 % y 8 % a los 30 días; del 42 %, 39 %, 13 % y 36 % a los 65 días y del 37 %, 35 %, 30 % y 20 % a los 90 días. Las cepas utilizadas mostraron la capacidad de entrar a la planta de tomate y de permanecer en ella y transportarse hasta llegar al fruto, sin producir síntomas que indiquen su presencia, por lo que el consumo de sus frutos implica riesgos a la salud.FE057/2012 Financiado por PROME

    Electronic setup for fluorescence emission measurements and long-time constant-temperature maintenance of Single-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes in water solutions

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    In our previous research we have observed that the fluorescence emission from water solutions of Single-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes (SWCNT), excited by a laser with a wavelength of 830nm, diminishes with the time. We have already proved that such a fading is a function of the storage time and the storage temperature. In order to study the emission of the SWCNT as a function of these two parameters we have designed and realized a special measurement compartment with a cuvette holder where the SWCNT solutions can be measured and stored at a fixed constant temperature for periods of time as long as several weeks. To maintain the measurement setup under a constant temperature we have designed special experimental setup based on two Peltier cells with electronic temperature control

    Analysis of Herbicide Treatment Effectiveness on Common Reed (Phragmites australis) of Delaware Bay Salt Marshes

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    Management of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., or common reed, an invasive species within the Delaware Bay, U.S. has been ongoing since 1994 as part of the Estuary Enhancement Program (EEP) for Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG). Phragmites is known to alter the habitat by creating a monoculture, increasing sediment trapping, and decreasing water circulation resulting in decreased biodiversity. Herbicide treatment at EEP Phragmites-dominated sites began as a means to mitigate for loss of nekton species resulting from operations of the Hope Creek-Salem Generating Station once-through cooling system. Using ArcGIS, effectiveness of herbicide treatment was compared at two of EEP’s Phragmites-dominated sites in the Delaware Bay. The goal of this research was to assess effectiveness of aerial application of glyphosate-based herbicide by comparative analysis of mapped vegetation communities. Inundation frequency was incorporated into the analysis to assess if location on the marsh plain has an effect on treatment effectiveness. The results of this research demonstrated that vegetation cover changed significantly as a result of the herbicide treatment with more desirable {Spartina spp., etc.) and less undesirable (Phragmites australis) plants. Areas that did not receive any treatment, tended to produce an undesirable outcome (more Phragmites). No significant difference was observed among treatments of one, two or three applications during the study period. Unvegetated areas did not significantly differ throughout the various treatments over the study period. The results suggest that inundation did not significantly influence effectiveness of treatment. Any frequency of herbicide treatment used for restoration in a salt marsh will reduce Phragmites cover; however, depending on restoration goals and timeline the use of additional applications should be considered