7 research outputs found

    Hepatopatía crónica asociada a fibrosis quística: gasto energético en reposo, factores de riesgo y repercusión en la evolución de la enfermedad

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    Introducción y objetivos: La fibrosis quística es la enfermedad recesiva más frecuente. Existen diferentes alteraciones hepatobiliares; la más importante es el desarrollo de obstrucción biliar y fibrosis periportal. El objetivo es valorar la influencia de la hepatopatía en el estado nutricional, la evolución de la enfermedad y los factores de riesgo asociados. Ámbito: Unidad de Nutrición del Servicio de Gastroenterología del Hospital Infantil La Paz. Material y métodos: Estudio longitudinal prospectivo con 53 pacientes valorados en tres momentos durante 3 años; al inicio, al año y a los 3 años. Solo 37 se siguieron los 3 años. Se realizan 111 mediciones que incluyen:análisis de la composición corporal, del gasto energético, de la ingesta y de las pérdidas energéticas así como balance nitrogenado. Simultáneamente se realizan pruebas de función respiratoria y se valora la presencia de reagudización respiratoria. Resultados: 37 pacientes, 19 mujeres y 18 varones (edad media 13,04 años ± 3,28). Doce (32,43%) fueron diagnosticados de hepatopatía (edad media 12,16 años ±3,86 DS, 11 varones, 1 mujer) de los cuales 1 presentó íleo meconial, 5 eran homocigotos, 5 heterocigotos y los 2 restantes presentaban otras mutaciones. Los hepatopatas presentan parámetros antropométricos mejores o similares que los pacientes sin hepatopatía (p NS). Media del índice de Waterlow en hepatópatas: 93,62% ± 7,87 DS; no hepatópatas: 93,06% ± 10,97 DS (p NS). Media de FEV1 en hepatópatas: 88,81 ± 27,32 DS; no hepatópatas: 75,21 ± 27,92 DS (p < 0,05). Media de FVC en hepatópatas: 95,38 ± 22,92 DS; no hepatópatas: 83

    Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management of Hyperammonaemia in Paediatric and Adult Patients

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    Hyperammonaemia is a metabolic derangement that may cause severe neurological damage and even death due to cerebral oedema, further complicating the prognosis of its triggering disease. In small children it is a rare condition usually associated to inborn errors of the metabolism. As age rises, and especially in adults, it may be precipitated by heterogeneous causes such as liver disease, drugs, urinary infections, shock, or dehydration. In older patients, it is often overlooked, or its danger minimized. This protocol was drafted to provide an outline of the clinical measures required to normalise ammonia levels in patients of all ages, aiming to assist clinicians with no previous experience in its treatment. It is an updated protocol developed by a panel of experts after a review of recent publications. We point out the importance of frequent monitoring to assess the response to treatment, the nutritional measures that ensure not only protein restriction but adequate caloric intake and the need to avoid delays in the use of specific pharmacological therapies and, especially, extrarenal clearance measures. In this regard, we propose initiating haemodialysis when ammonia levels are >200–350 µmol/L in children up to 18 months of age and >150–200 µmol/L after that age

    Carglumic acid enhances rapid ammonia detoxification in classical organic acidurias with a favourable risk-benefit profile : a retrospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Isovaleric aciduria (IVA), propionic aciduria (PA) and methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) are inherited organic acidurias (OAs) in which impaired organic acid metabolism induces hyperammonaemia arising partly from secondary deficiency of N-acetylglutamate (NAG) synthase. Rapid reduction in plasma ammonia is required to prevent neurological complications. This retrospective, multicentre, open-label, uncontrolled, phase IIIb study evaluated the efficacy and safety of carglumic acid, a synthetic structural analogue of NAG, for treating hyperammonaemia during OA decompensation. METHODS: Eligible patients had confirmed OA and hyperammonaemia (plasma NH3 > 60 μmol/L) in ≥1 decompensation episode treated with carglumic acid (dose discretionary, mean (SD) first dose 96.3 (73.8) mg/kg). The primary outcome was change in plasma ammonia from baseline to endpoint (last available ammonia measurement at ≤18 hours after the last carglumic acid administration, or on Day 15) for each episode. Secondary outcomes included clinical response and safety. RESULTS: The efficacy population (received ≥1 dose of study drug and had post-baseline measurements) comprised 41 patients (MMA: 21, PA: 16, IVA: 4) with 48 decompensation episodes (MMA: 25, PA: 19, IVA: 4). Mean baseline plasma ammonia concentration was 468.3 (±365.3) μmol/L in neonates (29 episodes) and 171.3 (±75.7) μmol/L in non-neonates (19 episodes). At endpoint the mean plasma NH3 concentration was 60.7 (±36.5) μmol/L in neonates and 55.2 (±21.8) μmol/L in non-neonates. Median time to normalise ammonaemia was 38.4 hours in neonates vs 28.3 hours in non-neonates and was similar between OA subgroups (MMA: 37.5 hours, PA: 36.0 hours, IVA: 40.5 hours). Median time to ammonia normalisation was 1.5 and 1.6 days in patients receiving and not receiving concomitant scavenger therapy, respectively. Although patients receiving carglumic acid with scavengers had a greater reduction in plasma ammonia, the endpoint ammonia levels were similar with or without scavenger therapy. Clinical symptoms improved with therapy. Twenty-five of 57 patients in the safety population (67 episodes) experienced AEs, most of which were not drug-related. Overall, carglumic acid seems to have a good safety profile for treating hyperammonaemia during OA decompensation. CONCLUSION: Carglumic acid when used with or without ammonia scavengers, is an effective treatment for restoration of normal plasma ammonia concentrations in hyperammonaemic episodes in OA patients