147 research outputs found

    A Methodology to Assess the Capacity of Neighborhoods to Accommodate Models of Active Aging Based on Sharing Housing. Málaga (Spain) as a Study Case.

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    The aging of the world population, especially in Europe, and the increase in the longevity of the elderly pose a major challenge in the habitability of cities. Neighborhoods for active aging constitute socio-spatial and social relation units that are the basis of active aging in the place. Recent literature has analyzed the ideal conditions of neighborhoods and the criteria for selecting homes for the residence of the elderly, but there is a significant lack of studies that analyze the theoretical capacity of neighborhoods to accommodate coexistence initiatives among older people on a city scale. The research selects quantifiable variables and, through the use of GIS, determines the most appropriate areas of Malaga (Spain), as a case study, to promote models of coexistence based on sharing housing. The investigation concludes that the first peripheries in flat areas are the most propitious spaces. The paper concludes by discussing the keys to research that can influence public policies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto I+D+i (PAIDI 2020) “Cooperativas vecinales de personas mayores para el envejecimiento activo en el lugar. Implicaciones en la mejora de la soledad forzada en grandes ciudades (PY20_00411)”, financiado por la Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucí

    Towards a new model of management and self-funding to regenerate obsolete neighborhoods

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    El artículo aborda el problema de la financiación en la regeneración integral de barriadas. Tras el análisis de fórmulas ya ensayadas de gestión y financiación, se propone las directrices para un nuevo modelo basado en el cooperativismo. El potencial económico de una actuación colectiva activa y unitaria, precisa un modelo de economía social basado en la prestación de servicios como base de la habitabilidad y el mantenimiento como objetivo para reducir los ciclos de obsolescencia. Esto articula un mecanismo a largo plazo que trascienda la rehabilitación y garantice la adaptación progresiva a los nuevos estándares de habitabilidad.The article addresses the problem of financing of the integral regeneration of neighborhoods. After the analysis of already tested models of management and financing, guidelines for a new model based on cooperativism are proposed. The economic potential of an active and unitary collective action requires a social economy model based on the provision of services as a basis for habitability and maintenance as an objective to reduce cycles of obsolescence. This articulates a long-term mechanism that transcends the single action of rehabilitation and ensures a progressive adaptation to new standards of habitability

    Between historic sites and new tourist destinations: the development of the first periphery in medium-sized andalusian coastal cities (1950-1980)

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    This study aims to analyze the urbangrowth experienced in the third quarter of the 20th century in medium-sized cities (1950-1980). These cities can be considered as relevant referents in their countries, although their population is lower than in regional centres (over 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants). Furthermore, they have been recently recognized as an opportunity to promote more sustainable territorial strategies. Nevertheless, there are still gaps in many fields. The so-called first urban periphery was built in response to urging quantitative needs of the European existing housing. This was at the end of the mid-century wars, due to massive migration from the countryside to the cities in the whole continent. Sharing many of the morphological and pathological features with their equivalents, Spanish cities would have introduced certain peculiarities in their development because of the socio-political context marked by strong state control. This general framework of housing was completed with the implementation of some policies developed in the 1960s. Tourism was used as one of the growth engines of Spain’s economy. Within this context, this research takes the Andalusian coast as a geographical framework and it intends to identify two different processes that have determined the urban development of these cities. On one hand, there are urban areas that have experienced a progressive demographic growth and have remained within the population range that defines a medium-sized city during this time. On the other hand, many towns have undergone anexponential evolution, moving from the features assimilated to rural settlements, to qualities of a medium-size city. In the final analysis, the purpose of this paper is to examine how historic sites have responded to this duality, as well as to determineif their protection has been decisive in the type of development that they have experienced.Research Plan of the University of Sevill

    Mass housing neighbourhoods in medium sized andalusian cities: between historic city centres and new peripheral developments

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    This paper aims to analyse the evolution experienced by the neighbourhoods that comprise the so-called first periphery. Most of them have been thoroughly studied, has led to recognize theirs values and to be included in the catalogues of heritage protection of their respective cities. However, this research shows that is pending an in-depth analysis in cities of intermediate scale. Its significance lies not only in the fact that they are the most significant operations of architecture of the modern movement in their respective cities, but are especially noteworthy the values derived from its strategic location within the urban structure of these intermediate scale cities. Being near to city centre, they have been constituted as transition pieces between historic sites, new peripheral developments, and even, their nearest territory. As method, this research proposes a comparative analysis of traceability among different study cases, from medium-sized cities of the Andalusian Coast (Spain). In this context, it means recording the evolution that these promotions have been experienced since their first designs until their current situation. It attempts to find the characteristics that have resulted in the urban configuration of this periphery and to recognize the sum of all the cultural, economic, social and technological aspects that conditions the ways of life that today are detected in them. Definitely, the knowledge generated by this research allows extracting architectural and urban values of these examples, which justify its necessary dissemination as part of our legacy

    The impact of sport tourism in the urban development of the main Spanish cities: a review of their sport and tourism policies

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    The purpose of this research is to detect and analyze how sports tourism and strategic planning related to sport and tourism have contributed to the urban and territorial development of some Spanish cities such as Granada or Valencia, as well as to a well-known mature tourist destination such as Costa del Sol in the South of Spain. Urban and territorial implications caused by these touristic and sport developments are studied:the type of public spaces that promote the sport activities on the urban space, how sport activities influence the local and visitor population, or their impact on local economies. In order to reach this objective, the paper is divided into two sections: City and Sport vs. Tourism and Sport, and it stablishes a relationship between the three concepts: City, Tourism and Sports. In this way, the urban content of the Strategic Plans and Sports Policies in Spain is reviewed, and it focuses on the cases of Granada and Valencia as the result oftheir innovative sport planning policies. At the same time,the research focuses on the tourism policies and their territorial and urban involvement in the mature tourism destination ofCosta del Sol. The conclusions show a classification of urban spaces and natural coastal environments that promote the informal sport activities on the public outdoor space

    Relating Spatial Quality of Public Transportation and the Most Visited Museums: Revisiting Sustainable Mobility of Waterfronts and Historic Centers in International Cruise Destinations

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    Museums are main tourist resources for independent cruise passengers in cultural cruise destinations. However, their influence on cruise destinations is scarcely analyzed. The aim of this paper was to focus on two questions: What distribution of museums facilitates a sustainable mobility of cruise tourists in balance with urban needs? And which factors affect the potential use of both means of sustainable travel—soft mobility and public transport—at cruise destinations? The network topological features of main museums were analyzed to compare similar features among tourism destinations. A topological study based on the model of the three urban fabrics was related to the objective quality of PT. This allowed for a greater walkability or potential use of PT to be estimated. The results allowed for a diverse sample of cultural tourism port cities with cruise activity to be classified in three centralized levels and two decentralized ones. Results indicated that centralized networks are more prone to cruise tourists, while decentralized networks are more related to main cultural destinations. Finally, the discussion section analysed recommendations and measures to improve sustainable mobility and the planning of new museums. The results of this paper will be of interest to cultural and transport managers at these types of destinations.This article showcases the results of the “Strategies to recover the public space and residential use over gentrification and touristification in Malaga” research (UMA 20.01), financed by Andalusian Govern for Development, Infrastructures and Spatial Organization. The open access fee is funded by Universidad de Malaga/CBUA

    El patrimonio cultural inmaterial a través de inventarios digitales. Caso de estudio en Málaga, España.

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    Vinculado a proyecto de investigación: Exposición sobre Artesanía Urbana y Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en la Fontanalla. Referencia: B3-2019_15. I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia, Universidad de MálagaEsta investigación explora la forma de visibilizar el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI) en las plataformas digitales haciendo especial hincapié en los agentes implicados y los procesos participativos para su identificación y puesta en valor. Para ello, se han realizado una serie de acciones participativas junto a la comunidad local para identificar los elementos susceptibles de valor patrimonial inmaterial en el barrio Fontanalla (Málaga) como caso de estudio. Los resultados se han difundido a través de una plataforma digital sobre patrimonio basada en el sistema Arches y sistemas de información geográfica: Malaka.net. Los diferentes materiales obtenidos en el proceso participativo a través de registros de observación y trabajo de campo permiten visibilizar el PCI desde el punto de vista de la comunidad local. Por otro lado, toda la información obtenida ha sido analizada y categorizada junto a los diferentes actores sociales, elaborándose un inventario –fichas– de los elementos inmateriales e identitarios. Este catálogo vivo se entiende como un proceso abierto para su difusión como atractivo cultural. Asimismo, las metodologías base y de contexto presentadas pueden servir de referencia para su extrapolación a otros casos de estudio.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Transferencia de los ODS 2030 a través del proyecto redes: “Red de empatías sociales - plataforma digital WEBGIS para el mapeo de iniciativas ciudadanas”

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    Los ODS 2030 nos llevan a cuestionar el papel que tienen las nuevas tecnologías para favorecer la partici-pación ciudadana cuando pensamos en construir la ciudad sostenible. Son muchos los colectivos sociales que trabajan de forma colaborativa para mejorar la vida de los barrios. Estas iniciativas son emergentes y, en muchos casos, no aparecen inscritas formalmente. El proyecto Red de Empatías Sociales: Plataforma digital webGIS tiene por objeto el estudio comparado de estas iniciativas a partir del análisis y mapeo de sus redes de relación, tanto en el espacio físico como en el digital. Se caracterizan estos procesos partici-pativos locales implicados en la vida de las comunidades para poner en valor y empoderar a la ciudada-nía en la construcción de las ciudades sostenibles. Se presenta el diseño de los cuestionarios que se utili-zan como modelo para llevar a cabo entrevistas con agentes locales en tres ámbitos de estudio: Málaga capital, Benalmádena y los pueblos del Valle del Genal. Los resultados obtenidos de estas entrevistas permiten identificar y caracterizar las iniciativas locales. Éstos revelan que el uso de las TIC favorece la consolidación de su red de empatías y la creación de nuevas sinergias conforme a los ODS 2030

    Aedes aegypti mosquitoes at nonresidential sites might be related to transmission of dengue virus in Monterrey, Northeastern Mexico

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    has been assumed to be households. In Mexico, dengue outbreaks continue year after year despite intense control efforts. Nonresidential sites (public and private spaces) infested with Aedes aegypti (L.) were evaluated. In total, 141 nonresidential sites were sampled for the presence of potential and active oviposition sites and adult mosquitoes. Eighty percent of the sites were oviposition sites; Ae. aegypti adults were recovered at 94.7% of nonresidential sites. Most female Ae. aegypti, 21.6 and 10.4, were at schools and recreational sites, respectively. Chi-squared indicated no significant differences in the dengue vector to categories of sample site